550 Squadron and RAF North Killingholme Association
Latest Site Updates: Archived List
Below is the archived list of "Latest Site Updates".
It is possible that some links may be broken in the move to this archived list. Pages may display with poor formatting. If there is a link that is broken, and you do wish to see what it referred to, do email the web-site and it may be possible to retrieve the information.
October 2024 Newsletter: now in distribution (with Remembrance weekend details).
See Issue 89 (October 2024) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
If you are attending Remembrance Sunday this year in North Killingholme and are planning to lunch in the Ashbourne then please let Honor Redshaw know by Friday 1st November (contact details in the newsletter). Thank you.
W/Cmdr (retd.) Jack Harris OBE DFC, veteran pilot of 37 operations with 550 Squadron and founder member of the 550 Squadron and RAF North Killingholme Association, has just celebrated his 104th birthday!
Follow the link for some photos.
Newly received photograph of F/Sgt A H Jefferies CGM pilot of the F/Sgt Jefferies crew added to the web-site.
29/08/2024 & 31/08/2024
Some recently received information about F/Sgt J A Cromie RAAF (W/Op) of the W/O ATS Collier crew has been added to the web-site. The crew was sadly lost on ops to Berlin, LM301, 2/3 December 1943 with F/Sgt Cromie being the only survivor.
Added to the web-site some recently received information about Sgt AJP Panther (F/Eng) of the F/Sgt CG Draper crew. The crew moved on from 550 Sqdn and sadly was lost on ops with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44 (details from Sgt Panther's service record).
15/08/2024 & 22/08/2024
New photos related to F/Lt J Cassidy RAAF DFC and Bar are now available online. This includes a photo from training in Canada plus a copy of the 50th Anniversary Certificate awarded by the Australian Government to veterans in 1995.
The Association was saddened to learn that John 'Jock' Elliott (wireless operator with the F/Lt Jim Lord crew) passed away in May 2024 just 5 days after his 101st birthday. See link for more information.
15/07/2024, 17/07/2024, 14/08/2024 & 18/09/2024
The 2024 reunion weekend page is updated with photos, documents and information from the weekend events: see Reunion 2024.
05/07/2024 Not Long Now
The Association Reunion 2024 in North Killingholme is just one week away.
Families from Canada and England visit the memorial to F/O D F Neilson and crew of LM134 in Rhenen, The Netherlands. See photos from the event, in June this year, at Rhenen Memorial (June 2024). Or go to the main Rhenen Memorial page.
Recently received photographs from the 2004 Westerlo/Schobroek commemoration for the P/O G W Hinde crew of DV309.
New information concerning Sgt C A De Laveleye (MU/AG) of the P/O S W Nielson crew added to the crew web-page.
17/06/2024 Final Reminder
If you are attending the Association Reunion 2024 in North Killingholme please return your completed booking form by
Friday 21st June. Thank you.
Added photographs and the log book of P/O J S Percival pilot of the P/O Percival crew to the web-site.
If you have received an email with the Subject line "Secure Content by 550squadronassociation" requesting you to "Confirm receipt of the the Secure Mail" (note the incorrect English) DO NOT click the link or the button provided in the email to open the "secure message". This email is a scam and it has not originated from this site. You are best advised to delete the email immediately.
14/06/2024 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Reunion 2024 in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings by completing the form in the June newsletter and returning by
Friday 21st June. Thank you.
Meta (Facebook) have announced changes in its privacy policy for users in Europe; Facebook and Instagram will use your posts (inc. personal data) to train AI models.
Emails were sent out by Meta at the end of May (for example, I received the policy change email on 31/05/24).
Should you not wish Meta to use your personal data in this manner you have to explicitly opt out, and you have until
26th June to do this. See the attached Which magazine item for details: Facebook and Instagram will use your posts to train AI models: how to opt out.
The following handy crib-sheet may prove useful:
The 80th Anniversary of D-Day commemorated at North Killingholme. The crew of 550 aircraft BQ-J, Bad Penny II, F/O K Bowen-Bravery CdG DFC and crew, was recognised as opening the procedings on the 6th June, but of course many 550 aircraft and crews were involved in the days leading up to the 5/6th June attacking targets in support of the operations planned for the 6th June. See "The Crew who Started D-Day" below.
June 2024 Newsletter: now in distribution (with Reunion weekend details).
See Issue 88 (June 2024) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
If you are planning on attending the Association Reunion 2024 in North Killingholme please return your completed booking form to the address in the newsletter by
Friday 21st June. Thank you.
The commemorative event planned to be held in Rebecq, Belgium on 22nd May has been CANCELLED. See below.
A flypast by the BBMF Lancaster flypast was requested for Saturday 13th July. We learned in late April that, unfortunately, our request for a flypast could not be accommodated in the BBMF schedule. A little disappointing but it cannot be helped.
For more information about the reunion weekend see below. Full details about the weekend will appear in the June newsletter.
Details of the BBMF Display Season for 2024 are available at the following link: Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight Displays in 2024.
And as summarised in the image below.
The Association has a request lodged for a flypast over St Denys' Church on Saturday 13th July.
05/04/2024, 07/04/2024 & 09/04/2024
The Association was greatly saddened to learn today (05/04) of the death of Wilfred Burie of Rebecq, Belgium. Wilfred was instrumental in raising the memorial commemorating the P/O Purney crew lost over Belgium on 27/28 May 1944 on the operation to Aachen, and the local civilians who suffered as a result of coming to the aid of the crew. See the Rebecq Memorial Project.
Representatives of the 550 Squadron Association have visited Rebecq many times over the years: see Rebecq Commemorations.
See link for more information.
Commemoration for the F/O DF Neilson crew of 550 Lancaster LM134. Information has been received that on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June, two commemorations will be held to remember the fallen aircrew of Lancaster LM134.
For more information see below.
Association member Paul Freemont will be running the RAFA London Landmarks half marathon on the 7th April 2024 as part of his fundraising efforts for the RAF Association. Paul is running in memory of his father, 550 Squadron flight engineer Sgt I S Freeman a member of the F/Lt Jack Harris crew. If you are interested in supporting Paul then the link to his JustGiving page is:
Recently received, several new photos and supporting information about the North Killingholme Station Motor Transport Section (MTS). A pair of photos of LACW Evelyn Marlow and a photo of the Motor Transport Section (February 1945) of which she was a member.
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Recently received, two new photos. Another photo of the F/Lt Stone crew on a Lancaster (LL811/BQ-J "Bad Penny II"), and one of a ground crew with the bomb-load (view from inside the bomb bay).
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March 2024 Newsletter: now in distribution (with Reunion weekend details).
See Issue 87 (March 2024) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Recently received, two more photos: one of a mystery (at the moment) crew on a Lancaster and one of ground crew loading/unloading the bomb load.
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05/02/2024 & 08/02/2024
Recently received: mystery motorcyclist with side-car and ground-crew group photos.
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02/02/2024 & 05/02/2024
Recently received: new F/Lt Stone crew and ground crew photo (beneath LL811/BQ-J "Bad Penny II") with identifications, and F/Lt Shaw crew photo (with the crew atop ED905/BQ-F "Press On Regardless").
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S/Ldr R S Alexander and Sgt W Bradley crew pages added. S/Ldr Alexander was for a brief period Flight Commander "A" Flight before being transferred out to 101 Sqdn as Commanding Officer. The Sgt Bradley crew was only with the squadron for a short time; before the crew was able to undertake an operation at 550 Squadron both air-gunners had been lost while flying with other crews; the two gunners are commemorated at the Fulstow Bridge Canal memorial described below (see 31/12/2023).
The Rev. Trevor Riess, who has officiated at reunion and remembrance services over the last couple of years, has asked that his New Year greetings be passed on to the members of the Association.
The latest information about events planned to take place in 2024 is available here.
A Happy New Year to all Association members.
Photos from the ceremony on Christmas Eve 2023 at 12 noon (see 24/11/2023 and 19/12/2023 below) for the crews of 550 Squadron Lancasters ED730 and ND327 are now online.
This new memorial is added to the list of known memorials to 550 air-crews. See Fulstow Bridge Memorial.
Photo of the memorial that is to be formally unveiled on Christmas Eve 2023 at 12 noon (see 24/11/2023 below).
See the Sgt H F J Woods and F/Sgt W R Cooper crew pages for the information and photos.
The Association was greatly saddened to learn of the death of William Albertyn of Sint Niklaas, Belgium. William was instrumental in commemorating the P/O Dukelow crew lost over Belgium on 21/21 May 1944 on the operation to Duisburg.
Representatives of the 550 Squadron Association have visited Sint Niklaas many times over the years: see Sint Niklaas Commemorations.
The funeral service will take place on Saturday 23rd December 2023 at the church in Sint Niklaas. See link for more information.
"From Reported Missing to Final Resting Place". The search for Sgt A H Brown (R/AG) of the P/O D McCrae crew after Lancaster LL810 was lost on 27/28th May 1944 on operations to Aachen. A copy of this document is in the 550 Squadron museum in North Killingholme, or it can be read on the P/O D McCrae crew web-page.
Information has been received about a new memorial at Fulstow Bridge on the Louth Canal, Lincolnshire for the Sgt H F J Woods and F/Sgt W R Cooper crews (of ED730 and ND327 respectively) both lost on operations to Berlin 23/24 December 1943.
There will be an unveiling ceremony followed by a short service on Christmas Eve at 12 noon.
See link for location details and more information about the unveiling. Anyone wishing to attend will be most welcome.
Photos from the 2023 Remembrance in North Killingholme are online at: Remembrance 2023.
07/11/2023 & 14/11/2023
The F/Lt E H Luder crew page has been updated with a number of new photos of the crew, and the log book of Sgt E G Bowman (F/Eng).
The P/O J E H Davies crew page has been updated with a recently received photo of Sgt Alfred Douglas Baker (F/Eng) and the communal grave of the crew in Vignory Communal Cemetery, France.
Item in The Express on 25 October 1998 about a return visit made by the crew survivors to the site of the crash of RA502. See F/O Lohrey crew page.
01/11/2023 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings for meals by Friday 3rd November.
Likewise, if you are planning to attend Remembrance events please confirm interest by 3rd November.
Thank you.
The F/O H Dodds crew page has been updated with a recently received photo of Sgt Harold Lewis (R/AG).
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme (as detailed in the October newsletter), please remember to confirm bookings for meals by Friday 3rd November.
Likewise, if you are planning to attend Remembrance events please confirm interest by 3rd November.
Thank you.
October 2023 Newsletter: now in distribution (with Remembrance weekend details).
See Issue 86 (October 2023) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
W/Cmdr (retd.) Jack Harris OBE DFC, veteran pilot of 37 operations with 550 Squadron and founder member of the 550 Squadron and RAF North Killingholme Association, has just celebrated his 103rd birthday!
Follow the link for some photos.
A recently received photo confirms the identification of individuals in the S/Ldr Sarll crew (because all are identified in an annotation on the rear of the photo).
See the S/Ldr Sarll crew page for the information and photos.
21/08/2023 & 30/10/2023
The website has recently received now photos and information about F/Sgt D S Gould (W/Op), F/Sgt J McVey (Nav) and W/O A Selman (Nav). The information and photos are spread across the various crews with whom the individuals flew ops while with 550 Sqdn. See the updates on the web-pages for the following crews:
- S/Ldr B Bell crew
- F/Lt G A Davison crew
- F/O W E Town crew
- F/O A W L Lohrey crew
Recently received pages from the log book of Sgt C P Blackham, Flight Engineer with the F/Sgt D P Lambert crew, have been added to the web-site.
09/07/2023 & 12/07/2023
Sadly, in the event the BBMF Lancaster flypast did not take place at the Association Reunion 2023 because of a combination of bad weather (localised thunderstorms) and engine tests.
The 2023 reunion weekend page is updated with photos, documents and information: see Reunion 2023.
08/07/2023 Timing Update
Association Reunion 2023
BBMF Lancaster flypast time alteration.
The BBMF have informed that for weather reasons the flypast is now scheduled for
15:20 hours over St. Denys' Church.
02/07/2023 Not long now
The Reunion 2023 in North Killingholme, takes place in just a few days time:
Friday 7th - Sunday 9th July.
22/06/2023 Final Reminder
If you are attending the Association Reunion 2023 in North Killingholme please return your completed booking form by
Friday 23rd June. Thank you.
20/06/2023 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Reunion 2023 in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings by completing the form in the last newsletter and returning by
Friday 23rd June. Thank you.
Added to the web-site recently received photographs of, and information about, Sgt A E "Ernie" Lukeman rear-gunner with the F/Lt A W Thomas crew.
Photos from commemorative event in Sint Niklass in Belgium on 21st May are now available.
See Sint-Niklaas Commemoration 2023 for the full set of available photos.
June 2023 Newsletter: now in distribution (with Reunion Weekend details and booking form).
See Issue 85 (June 2023) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters). The newsletter contains the booking form (and including menu selections for the Friday and Saturday evening dinners).
The booking form, including menu selections are also available online:
Reunion 2023 Booking Form (MS Word Format)
Reunion 2023 Booking Form (PDF Format)
It is important that booking forms are returned as soon as possible but no later than Friday 23rd June (to help with the arrangements).
See the updated information on the Lancaster flypast and other details in Events in 2023 below.
Photos of the churchyard in Co. Cork, Ireland where Sgt D Lucey of the F/O A C Lockyer crew is buried. This crew was shot down while on a training flight on 17th March 1945 in NG132. Their loss is recorded as the last aircraft to have been shot down by an intruder over the British Isles in WWII. Six of the crew were killed and one, Sgt Drawbridge, survived the crash.
Earlier this year (see updates on 04/02/2023, 06/02/2023 and 13/02/2023 below) a new memorial for the crew was unveiled in Rimswell, East Riding of Yorkshire.
Plans for the 2024 ceremony in Rebecq to remember the six 550 Squadron crews who crashed in Belgium are already underway. See link for details.
Photos from commemorative event in Rebecq in Belgium on 17th May are now available.
See Rebecq Commemoration 2023 for the full set of available photos.
Operation Chastise fly-past of the BBMF Lancaster over St Denys' Church, North Killingholme on 16th May at 19:32.
Many thanks to Matty Cruddas for permission to use the above photos on the web-site.
Click here to see the map and detailed fly-past timings.
05/05/2023, 06/05/2023, 10/05/2023 & 13/05/2023
Photos from the fly-past of the BBMF Lancaster over Rebecq in Belgium on 4th May, as noted on 26/02/2023 below, are now available.
See Rebecq Lancaster Flypast for the full set of available photos.
A map of the Operation Chastise fly-past points being flown on 16th May is shown in the image below. The latest information is that the Lancaster will fly over St Denys' Church, North Killingholme at 19:32.
Click here to see the map and detailed fly-past timings.
Recent updates about events planned to take place in Belgium 2023 are available here. This includes the latest information about a fly-past by the BBMF Lancaster on 4th May as noted on 26/02/2023 below.
March 2023 Newsletter: now in distribution (with reunion weekend details).
See Issue 84 (March 2023) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Added to the web-site (16/02/2023 below) was a photograph about a 550 crew. Initially listed as an "unknown crew" the crew in the photo has now been identified as the F/Lt E S Allen crew.
11/03/2023 & 12/03/2023
BBMF are currently arranging a special flypast by the Lancaster Bomber to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of Operation Chastise the Dambuster Raid which took place on the 16th May 1943. On the 16th May 2023 the Lancaster will fly over St Denys Church, North Killingholme some time between 7pm and 8.30pm.
As with all BBMF flypasts, this is subject to aircraft serviceability and weather conditions.
Watch this space for further updates as soon as they are known.
The latest information about events planned to take place in Belgium 2023 is available here. This now includes a fly-past by the BBMF Lancaster on 4th May.
Added to the web-site a recently received photograph about a 550 crew that is currently unknown/unidentified.
Photos from the unveiling ceremony on Sunday 12th February 2023 at 1050 (see 04/02/2023 & 06/02/2023 below) now available online.
See the Lockyer crew page for the information and photos.
04/02/2023 & 06/02/2023
Information has been received about a new memorial in Rimswell, East Riding of Yorkshire for the F/O A C Lockyer crew of NG132.
There will be an unveiling ceremony on Sunday 12th February 2023 at 1050.
See link for location details and more information about the unveiling. Anyone able to attend on behalf of the Association will be most welcome.
The latest information about events planned to take place in 2023 is available here.
An update to F/O Roy Kay (who evaded capture after being shot down with the S/Ldr G S Smith DFC crew in ME840, Sterkrade, 16 Jun 1944) with the receipt of a new document. The crew page also contains an additional document relating to the loss of the aircraft and crew.
The Association was sad to learn of the death of Jean-Claude Pauly of Jalhay. Jean-Claude, along with André Deroanne, was instrumental in rising the memorial to the F/Sgt A H Jefferies crew. The memorial was inaugurated by Alison Rose, Ambassador of the United Kingdom, on 9th April 2016 in the presence of a crowd of over 100 visiters many representing air-services and various military and civilian authorities.
Despite the location of the memorial being deep in the forest (the bulk of the aircraft lies in the nearby lake) it has been visited numerous times over the years by representatives of the 550 Squadron Association.
See link for details.
Added to the web-site some recently received photographs and information about F/O S W Collins (A/B) of the F/O A C Bothe crew who ops with 550 Sqdn from March 1945 onwards.
The facility to list a single country (by using the recognised international country code) from the list of all the cemeteries where 550 aircrew are buried is now available. Examples are shown of lists for: Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK.
It is simply necessary to insert the appropriate country code in the URI (web-link), i.e. 'country=XYZ' (where 'XYZ' can be BE,DE,DK,FR,IRL,NL or UK , as all are locations of 550 aircrew graves) to generate a shortened list with the required details.
Additionally tables of summary numbers are shown at the end of the report (bottom of the web-page).
Photos from the 2022 Remembrance in North Killingholme are online at: Remembrance 2022.
The Association was sad to learn that Len Doward (pilot of the F/O L A Doward crew) passed away 7 November 2022. See link for more details.
Please note that the web-site will be off-line from ca. noon Monday 14th to ca. noon Wednesday 16th due to internet connection disruption (unavoidable engineering works).
A short time after Squadron formation the P/O Dripps crew was lost on operations to Berlin when DV343/BQ-X2 failed to return 23/24 Dec 1943. Until recently not much information was recorded in the archive about the loss of the crew and aircraft. That has now changed significantly; see the crew page link for details.
Many 550 Sqdn veterans were in the RAAF. Recently available a number of photos from the RAAF Memorial at the Australian National Memorial, Canberra.
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings for meals by Friday 4th November.
Likewise, if you are planning to attend Remembrance events please confirm interest by 4th November.
Thank you.
Preliminary notice of 2023 Events.
This includes commemoration ceremonies in Belgium (in May), plus the Annual Reunion and Armistice Sunday.
The Association was sad to learn that Vic Farmer (navigator with the F/Lt R Thomas crew) passed away in September. See link for more details.
The facility to list, by country, all the cemeteries where 550 aircrew are buried is now available. List generated here.
October 2022 Newsletter: now in distribution (Rememberance Sunday details).
See Issue 83 (October 2022) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
W/Cmdr (retd.) Jack Harris OBE DFC, veteran pilot of 37 operations with 550 Squadron and founder member of the 550 Squadron and RAF North Killingholme Association, has just celebrated his 102nd birthday!
Happy Birthday Jack!
Photos of the Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park taken on the weekend leading up to the State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II on Monday 19th September. This wonderful memorial was adorned in flowers and tributes to Queen Elizabeth.
A selection of photos are available here.
Per ardua ad astra
HM Queen Elizabeth II unveiling the Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park, London, 28th June 2012.
The Association would like to express our deepest sorrow at the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A life of grace, service and compassion. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this sad time.
Rest in peace ma'am.
God Save the King.
Added to the web-site some recently received photographs and the log book of log book of W/O G Aylmore of the W/O J Groves crew who flew a number of ops over a brief period with 550 Sqdn before transferring on, with many other crews, to 150 Sqdn.
Update to the museum web-page to include a document pin-pointing the location of the watch tower (PDF format document).
Recently received, a letter from Stan Keirle (of the F/Sgt A J H Jefferies crew), to the parents of James Whitley, both involved with the loss of LM425 on ops to Nuremberg 20th March 1944. In the letter Keirle provides details about that final flight as well as his forced march, as a PoW, in the face of the advancing Russians.
Added to the web-site a clickable map of 550 Squadron crash sites in Belgium, Denmark, France and The Netherlands, for which there is a memorial on or near the crash site.
Added to the web-site some recently received ground-crew information. The service record of fitter T/Sgt D S Price. In addition a photo of the Radar section with LAC(W) Helen Lambie (later Mrs. Price) identified, see Radar section, May 1944.
The addition of T/Sgt Price and LAC(W) Lambie brings the total number of service personnel record in the site database to 1884.
Added to the web-site are a couple of recently received photos of F/Sgt Mozley (W/Op with the F/O Blackler crew). Also now available F/Sgt Mozley's log book.
Today there was a full-page item in The Daily Mail about a number of letters discovered describing the details surrounding the loss of 550 Lancaster
RA502 and in particular Sgt. Norman Tinsley of F/O Lohrey crew.
See also the Fleville Memorial dedicated to the two Lancaster crews involved in this crash.
The 2022 reunion weekend page is updated with video footage of the flypast by a BBMF Spitfire (click image above).
For the full set of photos and information about the weekend events see Reunion 2022.
A recent addition to the web-site is a link to an interview given, from 2004, of Frank Petch RAAF (W/Op with the F/O G H Markes crew) on the "Australians at War Film Archive". A full transcript of the interview is also available from the link, or can be read in a local copy (PDF format) on the F./O Markes crew web-page.
The 2022 reunion weekend page is updated with the welcome speech in the church, the reunion dinner toasts, the slide-set displayed at the dinner (showing past reunions and 2022 commenorative events) and some photos from the Sunday morning airfield tour: see Reunion 2022.
The flypast by one of the BBMF Spitfires at 14:16 hours over St Denys' Church. Photos of this and the weekend events available at: Reunion 2022.
The flypast by one of the BBMF Spitfires is confirmed for (the slightly adjusted time of) 14:20 hours over St Denys' Church. The schedule is for 3 passes over the church. The weather is looking good so it should be a wonderful show.
NB: the usual caveats of weather, serviceability and BBMF operational requirements permitting
24/06/2022 Final Reminder
Please, if you are planning to attend the Reunion 2022 in North Killingholme, confirm bookings by completing the form in the last newsletter and returning by today, Friday 24th June at the latest. Thank you.
23/06/2022 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Reunion 2022 in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings by completing the form in the last newsletter and returning
by Friday 24th June. Thank you.
The Association was sad to learn that Brian Sibree (navigator with the F/O L Wareham crew) passed away in May. See link for more details.
June 2022 Newsletter: now in distribution (full Reunion Weekend details).
See Issue 82 (June 2022) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
See below the latest information about events planned to take place in North Killingholme over the reunion weekend, including a flypast by one of the BBMF Spitfires.
Information and photos from the commemorations on 22nd May in Westerlo, Belgium are available here.
Information and photos from the commemorations on 6th May in Gendringen, The Netherlands are available here.
Information and photos from the commemorations on 18th May in Rebecq, Belgium are available here.
Added a link the IBCC Digital Archive (of 550 veterans interviews) page to this main page. See here.
The latest information about events planned to take place in Belgium in 2022 is available here.
March 2022 Newsletter: now in distribution (Reunion Weekend details).
See Issue 81 (March 2022) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Special Edition of FlyPast Magazine marking the Lancaster at 80
Feature item: "Five Fifty"
Patrick Otter describes 550 Squadron's trio of "Centenarian" Lancasters and how their unit nearly had a quartet of them.
See FlyPast Lancaster 80 Souvenir edition
It was with great sadness that the Association learned of the death of Mary Bowen-Bravery, wife of 550 Squadron pilot Kenyon Bowen-Bravery DFC CdG. Mary attended reunions in North Killingholme in recent years accompanied by her daughters. Mary's funeral will take place at 11am on March 23rd, at St Mary the Blessed Virgin Church, The Street, Brabourne, TN25 5LR. Anyone who knew her is invited to attend. Please follow the link for more details.
The latest information about events planned to take place in 2022 is available here.
New photo of Sgt W A J Young (R/AG) added to the P/O G W Hinde crew page.
This new photo is of the only member of this crew, lost in DV309 over at Westerlo, Belgium, for whom there was previously no known photo. We are indebted to the family for making this photo available.
The funeral service for Peter Spindler, was held on Wednesday 19th January 2022 at St Nicholas Church, Church Hill, Pyrford, Surrey. See link for more details.
Happy New Year to all our veterans and association members.
The Association was sad to learn that Peter Spindler (F/O Spindler DFC And Bar, navigator with the S/Ldr E Pickles crew) passed away in early December after a short illness. Peter served his second tour with 550 Squadron and provided many photos and much information about ops on the squadron over the past years.
Further 550 Sqdn log books added, specifically that of Sgt R O Smith wireless operator with the F/Sgt DT Williams crew.
The Association was sad to learn the news that Edward Lloyd Fleming (pilot of the P/O E L Fleming crew) passed away on 27th November. Edward's funeral service, on Monday 13 December 2021 at St. John the Baptist Church, ACT will be live-streamed; follow this link for more details.
Updates with further 550 Sqdn log books added, specifically that of Sgt E W Parker mid-upper air-gunner with the W/O W H S Ansell crew.
Photos from the 2021 Remembrance in North Killingholme are online at: Remembrance 2021.
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings for the meals by
Sunday 31st October. If you are planning to attend Remembrance events please confirm interest by
5th November.
Thank you.
At Midday on Sunday 31 October, tribute will be paid to all the brave young men who courageously served in Bomber Command through a special, virtual, Bomber Command Memorial service conducted by Reverend (Squadron Leader) Chrissie Lacey, Station Chaplain, RAF High Wycombe. See: Bomber Command Memorial Virtual Service.
Visit rafbf.org/bcmvs for more information and to register.
Updates with further 550 Sqdn log books added and amended.
See: Back For Breakfast for more information about how a copy of the book can be ordered.
October 2021 Newsletter: now in distribution (Remembrance Weekend details).
See Issue 80 (October 2021) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
30/09/2021 & 03/10/2021
Photos, and indeed some video footage, from the commemorations on 29th September in Rebecq, Belgium are now online here.
The October 2021 newsletter is due to be distributed shortly. Key in that are the arrangements for Remembrance Sunday in North Killingholme. The details that will be included, along with other items, in the newsletter are available here (PDF format document).
The life and times of S/Ldr Edgar Pickles DFC and Bar veteran of 550 Squadron. See: Back For Breakfast for more information.
The year 2021 coincides with the tenth anniversary of the Rebecq Association. Originally, the tribute was being paid to the crew of the 550 Squadron Lancaster Lancaster JA712/BQ-H, lost over Rebecq on 28th May 1944. The memorial event was extended to all crews of 550 Squadron who fell over Belgium. Since that time the tribute has been extended to all those who fell, while under the command of the Royal Air Force, in Belgium during WWII. This tenth anniversary event is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 10:00 AM. For details see: Events 2021 Belgium.
W/Cmdr (retd.) Jack Harris OBE DFC, veteran pilot of 37 operations with 550 Squadron and founder member of the 550 Squadron and RAF North Killingholme Association, recently celebrated his 101st birthday. See some photos of the celebrations.
YouTube video on F/O Roy Kay (who evaded capture after being shot down with the S/Ldr G S Smith DFC crew in ME840, Sterkrade, 16 Jun 1944). See: video here; in Dutch but with English subtitles.
Update about the bracelet belonging to Sgt Habgood (of the F/O H Jones crew of NE164) discovered in 2018.
The following item has appeared in The Daily Mail Online: Murdered RAF bombardier's family are reunited with his bracelet
Also available in The Telegraph online (you will need a subscription to read it): Murdered airman's family reunited with bracelet that survived concentration camp fire pit.
Pages from the log book of Sgt J F Chapman wireless operator with the F/O K F Sidwell crew now available here.
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme this November, please note that it is hoped that this can still take place as planned (details in the link). Changes to plans will be notified here as soon as they are known.
This item "Sir Arthus Harris and some Myths and Controversies of the Bomber Offensive" from the RAF Historical Society (2009) archive may be of interest. See https://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/documents/Research/RAF-Historical-Society-Journals/Bomber_harris.pdf.
Information update on dates for future reunions 2022 and beyond: see details in Advance Notice below.
10/07/2021 & 13/07/2021
Yet again, our reunion was cancelled due to the pandemic, but a small group of committee members paid their respects at 2.00pm on behalf of all the Association members. As you can see, the scene was set for this very short service, a musician from 866 Squadron cadets played the Last Post, wreaths were laid, and Poppy crosses planted on behalf of some members. See: 2021 Reunion for photos.
Let us hope that we can all get together again next year.
Photos of a memorial to Sgt F Turner of the W/O Collier crew lost on the 2nd/3rd December 1943 on an operation to Berlin when LM301 was shot down in the Hannover-Braunschweig area by a nightfighter. Six of the crew were killed and one became a PoW.
Following the changes announced by the government recently (Monday 14th June) in respect of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions being extended the Reunion Weekend in North Killingholme (9th-11th July) has been cancelled. See the Reunion Cancellation note (above) for details.
See also the updated information on the flypast and other details in Events in 2021 below.
Following the changes announced by the government yesterday (Monday 14th June) in respect of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions being extended for one month the plans for the Reunion Weekend in North Killingholme (9th-11th July) need to be revised. As soon as the approach is agreed and finalised the details will be posted here (and on the Association Facebook page).
June 2021 Newsletter: now in distribution (Reunion Weekend details).
See Issue 79 (June 2021) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
The newsletter contains the booking form (and including menu selections for the Friday and Saturday evening dinners).
The booking form, including menu selections are already available online:
Reunion 2021 Booking Form (MS Word Format)
Reunion 2021 Booking Form (PDF Format)
It is important that booking forms are returned as soon as possible but no later than Friday 25th June (to help with the arrangements).
See the updated information on the flypast and other details in Events in 2021 below.
Publication of the June newsletter is imminent. The newsletter contains the details of the Annual Reunion weekend events, which will include a flypast by one of the BBMF Spitfires. The newsletter will also contain the booking form (and including menu selections for the Friday and Saturday evening dinners).
The booking form, including menu selections are already available online:
Reunion 2021 Booking Form (MS Word Format)
Reunion 2021 Booking Form (PDF Format)
It is important that booking forms are returned as soon as possible but no later than Friday 25th June (to help with the arrangements).
See the updated information on the flypast and other details in Events in 2021 below.
New photos related to the P/O N D Holdsworth crew are now available and online. These are photos taken on operations on the bomb runs (ca. 18 such photos now available).
The June newsletter will be published shortly with the details of the Annual Reunion weekend events, which will include a flypast by one of the BBMF Spitfires. The newsletter will contain the booking form (and including menu selections for the Friday and Saturday evening dinners). It is important that booking forms are returned as soon as possible but no later than Friday 25th June (to help with the arrangements). See the updated information on the requested flypast and other details in Events in 2021 below.
The Government is planning to end all COVID-19 restrictions by 21st June. Thus it is planned to go ahead with the reunion for the weekend of the 9th-11th July. See the updated information on the requested flypast on Events in 2021 below. Of course, this is subject to the COVID-19 situation prevaling at the time. Changes in plans will be notified here as soon as they become known.
The digital archive at the IBCC has updated the number of recordings from 550 Squadron aircrew. See the IBCC Digital Archive List for links to individual recordings and documents.
March 2021 Newsletter: now in distribution (Reunion Weekend details).
See Issue 78 (March 2021) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Paul Batenburg has adopted the grave of Leslie Wallace Harvey RCAF in Nederweert, Netherlands as part of a project to help the younger generation know and understand the history of World War II and indeed more recent conflicts in the world. To this end he has researched the loss of 550 Squadron Lancaster PA995 and the F/O C J Jones crew. His very detailed document about Leslie Harvey is available on the Jones crew web page.
In view of the fact that the Government is planning to end all restrictions by 21st June, it is proposed to go ahead with the reunion for the weekend of the 9th-11th July. See the updated information on Events in 2021 below. Of course, this is subject to the COVID-19 situation prevaling at the time. Changes in plans will be notified here as soon as they become known.
Updated photo of the W/O Lloyd crew now available online.
Updated details on 2021 Events in Rebecq, Belgium.
New photo of F/Sgt W G Rate (W/Op) added to the F/O J O Richard crew page.
The request is that if anyone can identify other faces in the picture then please email the web-site (contact details at the foot of the page).
Initial information on Events in 2021 in North Killingholme. Subject to the COVID-19 situation prevaling at the time. Changes in plans will be notified here as soon as they are known.
News of another memorial stone to a 550 serviceman at the International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln. Sgt M H Levy (Nav) of the F/Lt F J Mitchell crew.
See IBCC photos.
New (in fact the first) photos of the P/O N D Holdsworth crew are now available and online.
Photos from the 2020 Remembrance in North Killingholme are online at: Remembrance 2020 (keeping in mind that public activities are currently much curtailed).
As noted below (02/11/20) the North Killingholme team are planning to put an Association wreath on the Squadron Memorial Stone next Wednesday at 11.00am.
A number of poppy crosses are available: if a member would like a name to be put on a poppy cross and make it part of the proceedings all they have to do is let Mike Leeman (email: mike.leeman@btinternet.com) know before next Wednesday.
NB: This is not an invitation to attend, as to do so would be in non-compliance with the current lockdown restrictions.
Updates regarding Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme. See: Remembrance Weekend details.
October 2020 Newsletter: now in distribution (Remembrance Weekend details).
See Issue 77 (October 2020) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
W/Cmdr (retd.) Jack Harris OBE DFC veteran pilot of 37 operations with 550 Squadron and founder member of the 550 Squadron and RAF North Killingholme Association.
The Responsibilties of a Prisoner of War. Instructions and guidance for all ranks in the event of capture by the Enemy.
23/08/2020 & 01/09/2020
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme this November, please note that it is hoped that this can still take place as planned. That is subject to the COVID-19 situation prevaling at the time. Changes in plans will be notified here as soon as they are known.
The Roll of Honour (extended) has been updated to contain revised links to the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC) record for each (all) 550 Sqdn service-men lost on operations. The IBCC records are very detailed (including crash details, grave/memorial details even, were available, epitaphs).
Pages from the log book of F/O L S Johnston RCAF now online here.
The International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC), Lincoln has been closed since mid-March due to the COVID-19 situation. But it is now scheduled to re-open on Tuesday 21st July. Visiting will be by pre-arranged (online) timed entry booking only.
Now available, a number of new photos taken from 550 aircraft on operations.
This weeks service from St. Denys' Church North Killingholme, when the 550 Squadron Reunion weekend was mentioned and the men lost on operations from North Killingholme remembered. See link to YouTube video (at ca. 18mins 30secs in):
This was the planned Association Annual Reunion weekend. Sadly that had to be cancelled back in March due to the COVID-19 situation, and we miss the opportunity to meet old friends and remember the veterans of 550 Squadron.
We look forward to better times next year when we can all come together once more in the home of 550 Squadron.
Many 550 Sqdn veterans were RAAF. In March 2020 a plaque was unveiled at the Australian War Memorial to the "Odd Bods Association, RAAF".
Thanks to Edward Fleming for sending in this information.
New information on the P/O R R Matthews crew, and specifically concerning the loss of PD343 on an Operation Dodge flight on 29th September 1945 (crew of 6 plus 20 passengers killed).
New photos on the F/O D F Neilson crew page, and specifically of F/O J M McKay. One of the photos may feature EE193.
New photos on the F/O E S Allen crew and F/O K F Sidwell crew pages, including a photo of the crews outside their billet and a photo of BQ-M2 (Mike-Squared)/NG243.
May 2020 Newsletter: distribution.
See Issue 76 (May 2020) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are details Remembrance Sunday in North Killingholme in November (circumstances permitting), and write-ups on events last year (2019).
New photo on the S/Ldr Redmond crew page (crew on "Jolly Roger") and updated informaton on the F/O Beale crew page.
Pages from the log book of S/Ldr A P Gainsford, Flight Commander "C" Flight, now online here.
New book published: The Harris Crew
"On January 8, 1945, the Harris Crew was assigned to 550 Squadron at North Killingholme, England [...] the author has created a riveting snapshot of the remarkable Harris Crew and their short but harrowing time with 550 Squadron."
March 2020 Newsletter: distribution.
See Issue 75 (March 2020) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are details about the (cancelled) Reunion in July (due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)), Remembrance Sunday in North Killingholme in November (circumstances permitting), and write-ups on events last year (2019).
The Association is very sad to report that Maurice Snowball (Flight Engineer in the F/O K W Jeans crew) passed away on 12th March 2020. Maurice was a regular attender at the annual reunions in North Killingholme and a source of many stories and much information about squadron operations. A gentleman and a hero. He will be greatly missed.
Some new/updated photos/information added for the F/O W E Town crew.
Updates to the Association contacts details are available here.
There was an interview with Jack Harris in The Sunday Times magazine of 9th February.
[NB: some of the details about the Association in the last few paragraphs give the impression that the Association is no longer active which is incorrect.]
The latest information about events planned in Belgium this May is available here.
Pages from the log books of several crew-members of the F/O R D Harris crew now available here.
Updated: photos of commemorative stone tablets for 550 air-crew at the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC), Lincoln.
The digital archive at the IBCC has updated the number of recordings from 550 Squadron aircrew. See the IBCC Digital Archive List for links to individual recordings.
Photos from the 2019 Remembrance Sunday in North Killingholme are online at: Remembrance Weekend.
The Association is sad to report that Marjorie Grey (ex 550-Squadron WAAF and member of the Squadron Association) died on Monday 25th November.
The following information was posted on the 550 Facebook page:
"You might like to know that the grandad in the Asda Christmas advert is former 550 Squadron rear gunner James Craine. And the little boy with the blond curly hair is his Grandson. [...] made me think of the bomber crews getting a great view of the Aurora."
The ad is on YouTube (at 15secs in there is a picture of grandad). Also showing on UK TV.
27/10/2019 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings for the meals by
Friday 1st November. Thank you.
21/10/2019 & 26/10/2019
The Association is very sad to report that Edgar Pickles DFC and Bar (S/Ldr Pickles crew) has died. Edgar attended a number of reunions in North Killingholme and most recently was over in the UK again in April 2018 for the official opening of the IBCC in Lincoln.
The following eulogy was written and spoken by Annie Barr on 25/10/2019 and published on her blog: Eulogy for Edgar Pickles.
For details about Armistice in North Killingholme see: Remembrance 2019.
NB: If you intend booking for the meals (either on the Saturday evening or Sunday lunch) it is important that you contact Honor Redshaw by Friday 1st November (contact details as per the link).
October 2019 Newsletter: distribution.
See Issue 74 (October 2019) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are the details about the Remembrance Sunday in North Killingholme in November, and the Association Reunion in 2020.
On Saturday 21st September at Penistone Grammar School there was a Dedication Service to Commemorate RAF 100, and the 75 Anniversary of loss of the crew of ME840/BQ-V over The Netherlands (as noted earlier). See RAF Centenary Bench for details.
There are plans to commisssion a stained glass window at Scampton Church to mark the 100 years relationship between RAF Scampton and Scampton Church (1918–2018) and thereby also create a lasting memory to all who served in squadrons at the base, both in peacetime, during the two world wars and the cold war. It is likely that some 550 personnel served at Scampton either before or after their time at 550 Squadron.
See http://scamptonchurch.org/raf-stained-glass-window/ for details. There is an associated crowd-funding campaign.
October 2019 Newsletter: pre-distribution (Remembrance Weekend details).
See Issue 74 (October 2019) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
A recent upgrade to the web-site internet connection should make page load/refresh quicker and picture load considerably faster. See the web-site technical page.
For details about Armistice Day in North Killingholme see: Remembrance 2019.
NB: If you intend booking for the meals (either on the Saturday evening or Sunday lunch) it is important that you contact Honor Redshaw by Friday 1st November (contact details as per the link).
04/08/2019 & 27/08/2019
On the 4th August The Brookwood Last Post took place in Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking (takes place 1st Sunday of every month).
The opportunity was taken to visit the graves of the two 550 aircrew who are buried in the Canadian plot in the cemetery.
On Saturday 21st September at Penistone Grammar School there is a Dedication Service to Commemorate RAF100, and the 75 Anniversary of loss of the crew of ME840/BQ-V over The Netherlands. Members of the Association would be most welcome to attend.
See RAF Centenary Bench for details.
Photos from commemorative events in France in 2019:
15/07/2019 & 20/07/2019
Photos from the super 2019 Reunion weekend are now online at: Reunions. See also videos on the Grimsby Telegraph web-site: Watch Lancaster roar over North Killingholme in tribute to veterans marking anniversary of 550 Squadron.
07/07/2019 Not long now
The Reunion 2019 in North Killingholme, takes place in just a few days time -
Fri. 12th - Sun. 14th July.
The F/O Grundy crew went down in LM273 on the raid to Pforzheim, 23/24 Feb 1945. The son of a 550 pilot is going to the area in July to try to locate the crash-site. He will visit Durnbach War Cemetery. If there are any requests to remember a specific crew man or crew please email so that the information can be passed on. See here for details.
New photo: Sgt Cecil Watson of the S/Ldr Redmond crew killed on operations with W/Cmdr Connolly and commemorated in Bussy La Cote, France. (See item below.)
Notice of a memorial service in Bussy La Cote, France for the W/Cmdr Connolly crew of LL837 lost 75 years ago, on the raid toRevigny, 14 Jul 1944.
26/06/2019 Last Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Reunion 2019 in North Killingholme, please confirm bookings by completing the form in the last newsletter and returning by
Friday 28th June at the latest. Thank you.
Flypast Time Change
Please note that the time of the Lancaster flypast at the Reunion 2019 in North Killingholme, has been moved from 12 noon to
13:40 hours. The flypast will be over St Denys' Church.
550 Squadron veterans featured in the IBCC Digital Archive.
13/06/2019 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Reunion 2019 in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings by completing the form in the last newsletter and returning
by Friday 28th June. Thank you.
June 2019 Newsletter: now distributed (via email and post).
See Issue 73 (June 2019).
Booking forms and the menu selections accompany the newsletter. Please return completed booking forms by Friday 28th June at the latest.
See Reunion 2019 for details of events in July in North Killingholme.
June 2019 Newsletter: distribution (due).
See Issue 73 (June 2019) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the newsletter are the details about the Reunion Weekend in North Killingholme in July, updates about a number of Memorials to 550 aircrew, and some crew recollections.
See Reunion 2019 for details of events in July in North Killingholme.
The railway bridge to North Killingholme is no more. This impacts travel into the village in July for the 2019 Reunion . See the reunion link for details and photos.
22/05/2019, 26/05/2019 & 24/06/2019
Photos from the commemorations in Belgium in May are now online:
The digital archive at the IBCC has a number of recordings from 550 Squadron aircrew. If you know anyone who is willing to be interviewed please see the IBCC Digital Archive Request for details on how to contact the IBCC.
Updated information about the Reunion 2019 in July in North Killingholme, including an important note about car travel in and around North Killingholme (May-Sept).
We are sad to report that Roy "Ginger" Harris (Nav in the F/Lt DA "Jock" Shaw crew) died in March 2019.
Photos at International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC) of commemorative stone tablets to 550 air-crew.
March 2019 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 72 (March 2019) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are the details about the Reunion Weekend in North Killingholme in July, and reports on the events that took place in 2018. See Reunion 2019 for details of events in July in North Killingholme.
Pages from the log book of F/Sgt E Ashley a wireless operator who flew with several crews now available here.
Updated details about the commemorative events in Belgium this year are available, in particular Rebecq and Sint-Niklaas (new memorial unveiling).
We are sad to report that Alan Carter (W/Op in the F/Lt Scholfield crew) passed away in March 2019.
Information (contact details) sought on relatives of the crew of LL837 lost on the raid on Revigny, 14 Jul 1944 with the Squadron Commanding Officer W/Cmdr P E C C Connolly piloting. Plans are being made for a memorial in France.
See: LL837, Roll of Honour details.
The latest information about events planned in Belgium this May is available here.
We are sad to report that Ward Thomas (Nav in the F/O Bowen-Bravery crew) passed away on 4th February 2019. This crew were acknowledged as having opened the D-Day assault and were collectively awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French government. See obituary in The Times (7th February 2019).
We are sad to report that James Craine (Sgt Craine R/AG in the F/O Lukies crew) passed away on 1st February 2019.
Some new photos added for the F/O A Abrams crew.
29/01/2019 & 01/02/2019
Some new photos added for the W/O T A Lloyd crew (specifically information about Sgt Pearce who evaded capture after baling out).
Update to the page for the
F/O L Wareham crew (now including the memoir of the navigator F/O Sibtree detailing his training and all 30 operations).
Some new photos added on pages for the following crews:
F/O E V Sage, F/O Marker and F/Lt H G Johnston.
10/01/2019 & 14/01/2019
We are sad to report that Charles Philip Blackham (F/Eng in the F/Sgt Lambert crew) passed away passed away on 7th January. Philip was a regular attender at the annual reunions in North Killingholme and a source of many stories and much information about the squadron. He will be greatly missed.
Details of the funeral arrangements are available here should any friend or member of the 550 Association wish to attend.
We are sad to report that John Eppel (Nav in the F/O J Harris crew) passed away on 15th December 2018. John provided much useful information about squadron operations that has been used to bolster the details available on the web-site.
New photo of Wireless Operators training group (all RAAF), some of whom ended up in 550 Sqdn.
New photos of Sgt Sykes (F/Eng) (and PoW) of the W/O Peasgood crew.
Update to Association Merchandise, to include new Poppy Badge with 550 Squadron crest.
Photos from the 2018 Remembrance Sunday in North Killingholme are online at: Remembrance Weekend.
Photos from the November commemorations in Sint Niklaas.
Photos from the November commemorations in Rebecq.
30/10/2018 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings for the meals by
Friday 2nd November. Thank you.
Update about the Sgt Habgood (F/O H Jones crew of NE164) bracelet discovered earlier this year.
"Do you remember the fortuitous discovery of Sergeant Habgood's bracelet this summer in the [Struthof] camp ash-pit?
We had the pleasure of welcoming the niece and nephew of the English aviator executed at Struthof following the crash of his plane ...
For the full report see DNA [in French]: https://www.dna.fr/edition-de-molsheim-schirmeck/2018/10/23/dernier-temoignage-terrestre".
A couple of additional photos from the 2018 Reunion online at: Reunion 2018 (Belgian sapling, St Denys' Church).
For details about Armistice in North Killingholme see: Remembrance 2018.
NB: If you intend booking for the meals (either on the Saturday evening or Sunday lunch) it is important that you contact Don and Val Kentish by Friday 2nd November (contact details as per the link).
In early 2018 a memorial plaque was unveiled for the F/Lt R W Picton crew in Achiet Le Petit (France). Some photos of the event are available.
October 2018 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 71 (October 2018) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are the details about the Remembrance Sunday in North Killingholme in November, and the Association Reunion in 2019.
Photos of the BBMF Lancaster (1995).
Photos from the 2018 Reunion are online at: Reunions.
New photos of the F/O A D Young crew.
Initial photos (more to follow) from the 2018 Reunion are online at: Reunions.
Super reunion weekend. A comprehensive set of photos and information will follow. In the meantime see video of the Remembrance Service at the Memorial Stone on the Grimsby Telegraph web-site: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/news/local-news/second-world-war-veterans-return-1984992.
BBMF Lancaster flypast (Saturday 8th September): time revised to 13:45.
For full details about the reunion weekend see 2018 Reunion.
09/08/2018 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the 550 Association Reunion in September in North Killingholme this year, please remember to return your booking form (below, under 20/07/2018) by:
Details of where to return the form, etc are included on the form. Thank you.
For information about the reunion weekend see 2018 Reunion.
Photos from an Association visit to Ottrott (in Alsace) in April, where F/O H Jones and crew of NE164 crashed. See: Ottrott 4th April 2018.
July 2018 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 70 (July 2018) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are the details about the Association Reunion in September. There is a Booking Form (PDF format) (also Word format) that is requested is returned by 24th August.
For latest information see 2018 Reunion.
Operation MANNA
Picture from the IBCC July 2018 Newsletter.
Maurice Snowball, 550 Sqdn (seated front left).
The web-page for the F/O H J Handley crew is updated with additional information on F/Sgt L J Tough the Flight Engineer with the crew.
18/07/2018 & 12/08/2018
Pages from the log book of Sgt M H A Campbell rear-gunner with the F/Sgt H C White crew now available here.
Later update: photos of the crew added.
Now available the wartime experiences of F/Lt Rhys Thomas. See the F/Lt R Thomas crew web-page.
RAF100 flypast, 10 July
RAF100 parade and flypast, 10 JULY CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS
Watch live coverage on BBC One from 9:30am to 1:20pm or stream on BBC iPlayer to watch the events as they unfold live. Alternatively listen to BBC Radio 2 for further coverage.
See BBC link The Centenary of the Royal Air Force
Photos from the 2005 inauguration of the Memorial to the F/O Nye crew in Westerbeek, The Netherlands, available online now. See Westerbeek Memorial.
10/06/2018, 26/06/2018
Photos from the recent memorial unveiling in The Netherlands to S/Ldr G S Smith crew, the crew of ME840. Six of the crew were killed, one evaded capture and was able to get back to the UK with the help of the Dutch Resistance. See: Memorial Plaque, June 2018.
Queens Birthday flypast
Photo taken near Harrow (under flight path after leaving Buckingham Palace).
03/06/2018, 10/06/2018, 24/06/2018
Photos from the recent commemorations in Belgium available online now.
Sint Niklaas,
Pages from the log book of F/O Caswell air-bomber with the F/Lt N L Rose DFC crew now available here.
On Sunday 22nd April Edgar Pickles and Peter Spindler met up again for the first time in 72 years after they completed their tour with 55 Sqdn.
See also the crew page.
The IBCC, Lincoln was officially opened on 12th April 2018. 550 Veterans Edgar Pickles and Philip Blackham were in attendance.
April 2018 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 69 (April 2018) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are the details about the events planned for 2018 in the UK and Belgium.
550 Squadron veterans Jack Harris and Edgar Pickles met up again yesterday in the RAF Club, Piccadilly. Thirteen pages of photos are available, see: RAF Club, 4th April (PDF Format).
Latest detailed information on the 2018 Events in Belgium.
550 Squadron veteran Edgar Pickles featured in an item on Channel 7 News (Australia): https://www.facebook.com/7NewsMelbourne/videos/10156387548329301/?sk=group_161681870533907. Edgar and a group of 15 Australian Bomber Command veterans plan to attend the official opening of the IBCC in Lincoln in April.
Updated details 2018 Events in Belgium.
We learned recently about the death of long-standing 550 member and Annual Reunion attendee Frank Bastin. Details of the funeral arrangements are available here should any friend or member of the 550 Association wish to attend.
08/02/2018 & 13/02/2018
We are sad to report that George Bulman (Nav in the F/O K W Jeans crew) passed away in the last week of January. Details of the funeral arrangements are available here should any friend or member of the 550 Association wish to attend.
Although the official opening is planned for April 2018, the IBCC, Canwick Hill, Lincoln will be open to the public from the 30th January.
We are sad to report that Stephen Percy George DFM DFC (F/Eng in the S/Ldr Caldow crew) passed away in Ware, Herts on 3rd January aged 96.
Notice of 2018 Events.
Two sites in the process of trying to record all Allied aircraft lost (in the identified country) in a single place:
WWII Allied Aircraft Crashes in Belgium
WWII Allied Aircraft Crashes in The Netherlands
The first photos from the 2017 Remembrance Sunday are online at: Remembrance Weekend.
Remembrance Weekend Update: 100 Squadron has contacted us to say that with deep regret it is unable to carry out any of its planned flypasts on Remembrance Sunday. It is very supportive of veterans and their families and will do their utmost to help in 2018.
For the full weekend details please see: Remembrance Weekend 2017 (below).
Rebecq 3rd November: Remembrance for the P/O Purney crew.
Sint Niklass All Soul's Day: Remembrance for the P/O Dukelow crew.
01/11/2017 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme, please remember to confirm bookings for the meals by
Friday this week (3rd November). Thank you.
A flypast by an aircraft from 100 Squadron is confirmed as part of the programme for Remembrance Sunday. The time for the flypast is just after midday on Sunday 12/11/17 over St. Denys' Church. However, the usual caveat applies: any flypast is subject to flying regulations and operational requirements so may be cancelled without notice on the day.
For other weekend details please see: Remembrance Weekend 2017 (below).
October 2017 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 68 (October 2017) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items included in the Newsletter are the details about the Remembrance weekend, reports on events in 2017 and dates for 2018.
The October newsletter will be circulated shortly. In this edition is a personal perspective on the meaning of Remembrance Day, an article about Lancaster Operations by 1 Group squadrons between 1942-45 and a heart-warming story about former 550 Wireless Operator Bill Rate, plus several other items.
Most importantly it will detail the Remembrance Sunday activities in North Killingholme next month. The latest date for booking meals on Saturday evening at the Ashbourne (11/11/17), and on Sunday lunchtime at the Amethyst (12/11/17) is Friday 3rd November 2017.
New crew page added: P/O W J Shaw crew; this features information from the log book of air-gunner Sgt Normal Costigan who transferred in from 576 Squadron and flew some ops with the Shaw crew.
New photos of the F/Lt J S G Crawford crew (killed on operations and commemorated in Artolsheim, France).
11/09/2017 & 13/09/2017
The first photos from the 2017 Reunion are now online at: Reunions.
Super reunion weekend. A comprehensive set of photos and information will follow shortly. In the meantime see video of the Remembrance Service at the Memorial Stone, inc. the Lancaster flypast (which turned out to be possible after all), on the Grimsby Telegraph web-site: http://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/news/local-news/watch-world-famous-lancaster-bomber-451013#ICID=sharebar_whatsapp.
It is looking very much like the Lancaster flypast will not happen. The latest information is that the BBMF Lancaster is grounded for the weekend (due to the ongoing issue with the Merlin engines) and will not be available for the Scampton airshow: see http://scamptonairshow.com/airshow/visiting/latest-news/n/2017/sep/04/the-bbmf-at-scampton-airshow and https://www.raf.mod.uk/bbmf/news/index.cfm?storyid=D278B6CC-A724-6BE8-7A12C1F5FFC2F90A. Consequently a Lancaster flypast over North Killingholme is looking unlikely. If there are any changes in the situation these will be posted here.
Lancaster Flypast Confirmed
See 2017 Reunion for details.
"Five Fifty" in the Grimsby Telegraph
We are sad to report that Harry Bontoft (W/Op in the F/Lt Irving crew) passed away on Saturday 12th August aged 92. The family have asked that we pass on details of Harry's funeral: this will take place on Wednesday 30th August at 1.50PM at Lincoln crematorium.
£15 (inc P&P) within the UK
£10 if collected from North Killingholme
550 Sqdn History Form (MS Word Format)
550 Sqdn History Form (PDF Format)
06/08/2017 Reminder
If you are planning to attend the 550 Association reunion in September North Killingholme this year, please remember to return your booking form (below, under 17/07/2017) by
25th August. Thank you.
July 2017 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 67 (July 2017) (or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters).
Key items accompanying the Newsletter include the booking forms for the Reunion weekend, and an order form for the forthcoming book "Five Fifty". See immediately below.
Wreaths were laid at the Cenotaph on Saturday 15th July 2017 as tribute to Belgians lost in two World Wars. Representatives of the Association from Belgium laid a wreath in remembrance of 550 aircrew lost over Belgium, and the civilians who lost their lives helping them. See http://www.rebecq-memorial.eu/cenotaph.php.
We learned recently of the death of 550 Squadron navigator Bill Bennett (navigator in the F/O Morrison crew). Bill's funeral will take place at Thursday 20th July at 2.0 PM at St. Mary's Church in Stoke D'Abernon (near Cobham, KT11 3PX). The family would be pleased to see any Association members who are able to attend.
09/07/2017 & 11/07/2017
£15 (inc P&P) within the UK
£10 if collected from North Killingholme
On the 24th June a memorial plaque was unveiled at the site on the Yorkshire Moors where 550 Lancaster NF963 crashed during a training flight. All of the crew, with the excepion of the pilot F/O Hayter, were killed.
We will remember them.
Some photos from the commemorations in Belgium in the last week of May 2017 are now online:
F/O Kenneth H Vaughan (A/B), of the F/Lt Blakeway crew, passed away on Monday 15th May 2017. His funeral will be held Friday 2nd June 1145hrs at Darlington Crematorium.
Free exhibition, telling the story of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, at the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Surrey. Two 550 air-crew are buried at Brookwood.
Update from the note on 23/02/2017 (below) about the three air raid shelters on the old Airfield site. Good news: the pipeline is to be to diverted away from the shelters on Eastfield Road, and the site will remain intact and untouched. See the Air-raid Shelters link for details.
New photos added of the F/O Buchanan crew in front of LL831/BQ-U and G W Beney, R/AG with the crew.
We learned recently about the death of long-standing 550 member and regular Annual Reunion attendee Gerry Taylor. Gerry's funeral will take place at Friday 19th May 2017. Members are warmly invited to attend. Details of the arrangements are available here.
Unveiling of a plaque for the crew of NF963 at Ellingstring, Yorkshire on Saturday 24th June. See the 2017 Advance Notice details below.
Addition to events on Reunion Weekend, 8-10th September 2017. Chance to visit the International Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln on Sunday 10th Sept. See the 2017 Advance Notice details below.
New photos added: Sgt AG Hall of the P/O D McCrae crew (lost over Lichtervelde, Belgium).
April 2017 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 66 (April 2017) or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters.
Much of the information in the newsletter is now online including the usual "housekeeping" and arrangements for the Reunion Weekend in North Killingholme (September 2017) and commemorate events in Belgium.
One of the key items in the Newsletter is information about the forthcoming Squadron History! A form that can be sent in to pre-order copies, and assist in gauging the number of copies anticipated, is included with the Newsletter. See immediately below.
Three air raid shelters on the old Airfield site, and which form part of the airfield tour at Reunion time, are in danger of demolition to make way for energy cabling. If you feel that you would like to add your voice to the protest against this (in favour of having the shelters carefully moved and preserved), then see the see: Air-raid Shelters link for details.
New photos added: F/Sgt Rate of the F/O Richard crew (one of the crews that transferred in from 100 Sqdn when 550 Sqdn was formed).
Lancaster on North Killigholme airfied, January 2017
New Hedge at Memorial Stone
At the end of December 2016 a new hedge was put in at the Memorial Stone. The old hedge was almost entirely overgrown with ivy and in November it had been agreed to rip out the old hedge completely and replace with a new, easier to maintain, purple beech hedge. So in December the old hedge was dug up and replaced.
By the time of the next Reunion in September this should be well grown and looking better than the hedge it replaces.
Newly received photos relating to the F/O Milburn crew in particular of the crash site in August 1945.
04/01/2017 Reminder
It's the time of the year when folks plan their holidays. If you are planning your hols, and are also planning to attend the 550 Association reunion in North Killingholme this year - remember it is almost two months later than in recent years. This year it is the weekend of Friday 8th - Sunday 10th September 2017 in order to coincide with the Scampton Air Show. See the 2017 Advance Notice details below.
Several new additions (e.g. Raid Preparation (Map Room), Officer's mess, Unknown crew) to the photo collection at: North Killingholme Station and Ground Staff.
Photos from Remembrance Sunday 2016 in North Killingholme.
Photos from Remembrance 11th November 2016 in Westerlo.
Several new additions (e.g. WAAFs, Intelligence Library, Senior NCO's mess) to the photo collection at: ground staff and miscellaneous.
"They delivered 16,165 tons of bombs - Personally"
Grimsby newspaper clipping, February 1946
550 Squadron Disbandment Parade, October 1945
Commemorative visit in September 2016 to Achiet Le Petit for the F/Lt R W Picton crew.
Memoirs of a 550 Flight Engineer: "From A New Angle" Steve George DFM DFC flew his second tour with the S/Ldr Caldow crew in 550 Squadron (published December 2015).
New photos of the F/O Morrison crew.
New photo of a group of air-bombers: see the Peter Noble (group) photo on the F/O Devereau crew page.
A flypast by an aircraft from 100 Squadron is still part of the programme for Remembrance Sunday. The confirmed time for the flypast is 12.02hrs over St. Denys' Church. However, The usual caveat applies: any flypast is subject to flying regulations and operational requirements so may be cancelled without notice on the day.
For other weekend details please see: Remembrance Weekend 2016 (below).
Sint Niklass All Saint's Day commemoriations for the P/O Dukelow crew.
31/10/2016 Reminder
Remembrance Weekend 2016
Details about the arrangements for Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme were published in the October newsletter (see: Remembrance Weekend 2016 (below).
If you are attending the evening meal at the Ashbourne on Saturday (12/11/16), and/or the lunch at the Amethyst on Sunday (13/11/16), please confirm numbers by no later than this Friday, 4th November (by contacting Don Kentish directly (contact details in the Newsletter)).
Any members who plan to attend on Sunday and wish to receive news about the flypast should also contact Don who will keep them keep them informed about developments.
Added new photos of bomb aimers, recently received for the archive.
Advance notice of events in 2017, including dates for two commemorative events in Belgium.
Remembrance Weekend 2016
Details about the arrangements for Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme were published in the October newsletter (see 12/10/16 below). Now a full schedule for Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th November is available. See: Remembrance Weekend 2016 (below).
October 2016 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 65 (October 2016) or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters.
Much of the information in the newsletter is now online, including, in addition to the usual "housekeeping" and arrangements for the Remembrance Weekend in North Killingholme (12th/13th November 2016).
International Bomber Command Centre:
"IBCC needs your help! On the 11 November we are holding a remembrance service with 120 8-11 year olds who will mark names on the walls at the site. We want to be able to give the kids info on who they are marking and so need your help to nominate names from the walls with short biographies and a photo. The walls currently only hold names from 1 and 5 Groups.
Please send nominations to events@internationalbcc.co.uk. Thanks in advance."
Request for information: on Sgts Sheridan and McVey killed 4th October 1944 in NF863 on a training flight with the F/O S H Hayter crew. Both men were gunners and were actually members of the F/O R A Tapsell crew. Both were from Scotland and are buried in Glasgow and Lanarkshire repectively.
For details see here.
Now online: the log-book of mid-upper gunner Sgt W W Hopper of the F/O E V Sage crew.
It looks like the BBMF Lanc is confirmed flying at the following airshows over the coming weekends.
See the BBMF Flying programme for full details (inc. approx. times).
- Eastbourne International Airshow 11th-14th Aug (display)
- Bournemouth Air Festival 2016 18th-21st Aug (display)
- Little Gransden Air & Car Show 28th Aug (flypast over Elsham Wolds, Grimsby and Sleaford).
14/08/2016 & 16/08/2016 Updated (NL media links)
Aalten Museum, The Netherlands
13th August: at an exhbition that features F/O Roy Kay (who evaded capture after being shot down with the S/Ldr G S Smith DFC crew in ME840, Sterkrade, 16 Jun 1944) members of the F/O Kay and F/O Berg families will be present for the commemoration.
Peter Nobel diary: see F/O Devereau web-page.
Ottrott Memorial (France) to F/O H Jones crew.
550 Sqdn crew photos: F/O P M Roche.
Advance Notice: 2017 Reunion weekend. The date of the 2017 reunion has been moved from usual July weekend to the second weekend in September in order to maximise the chance for a flypast by the BBMF Lancaster.
The September weekend co-incides with the Scampton Airshow 2017.
For details see: 2017 Reunion weekend.
The first photos from the Annual Reunion weekend are now online here. More will follow over the coming days.
29/06/2016 Reunion Weekend
As noted in the Travel Information pack, there might be delays/detours caused by the on-going development of the A160 and A180 junction and approaches. There will also be a couple of closures of railway crossings in the area over the weekend. Diversions are likely to be signposted but do please allow extra travel time.
See 2016 Reunion for full weekend details.
Inauguration of a memorial to F/O D F Neilson and crew of LM134 in Rhenen, The Netherlands. See Rhenen Memorial.
10/06/2016 Update
Dakota flypast replaced by a Spitfire flypast.
See 2016 Reunion for details.
08/06/2016 Reminder
2016 Reunion The closing date for the booking forms is
Only a few days thereafter the menu selections need to be returned to the Ashbourne Hotel. So if you are intending to attend but have not yet returned the booking form then please do so. Many thanks.
For those planning to include a visit to see the "Poppies" at Lincoln Castle over the reunion weekend see the note provided with the Annual Reunion information below.
Some initial photos from the commemorations in Belgium in the last week of May 2016 are now online (more will follow later).
See also:
Revision (minor) to time of Dakota flypast. For details see the Annual Reunion information below.
Commemoration to the P/O Purney crew in Rebecq, 25th May 2016. See the http://www.rebecq-memorial.eu/c2016a.php.
May 2016 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 64 (May 2016) or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters.
Much of the information in the newsletter is now online, including, in addition to the usual "housekeeping" and event arrangements:
- booking forms, including menu selections, for the reunion; these are also available as links in the electronic copies of the newsletter, and in the Annual Reunion information below.
- Operation Dodge Part 2
- "THE ARMOURER", by LAC Laurence Gurr, Armourer, 550 Squadron
- advance information about Remembrance Weekend
The full navigation charts for the last operation of The Phantom of the Ruhr are now available online: see Aschaffenburg, 21/11/1944 (below).
The booking forms, including menu selections, are now available. For details see the Annual Reunion information below.
Inauguration of Memorial at Rhenen, The Netherlands to the F/O D F Neilson crew of LM134 lost on 16/17 June 19 to Sterkrade.
New information: F/O G Pickavance RCAF Navigator with the Sgt G Hunter crew was in fact a US airman who joined up with the RCAF before the US entered WWII.
Roy Kay (F/Eng) evaded capture when the S/Ldr Smith crew flying in ME840 failed to return on 16/17 June 1944 from a raid to Sterkrade, Germany. The conclusion of a long search by the Dutch family for Roy Kay is recorded here.
Pages from the log book of F/O Fletcher air-bomber with the F/O F J Cox crew now available here.
Pages from the log book of F/Lt Cassidy RAAF DFC* navigator with the S/Ldr Caldow crew now available here.
In addition F/Lt Cassidy's navigation charts are also in the process of being scanned in for display on the web-site. Some are already available here.
Photos from the Inauguration of the Memorial at Jalhay, to the F/Sgt Jefferies crew of LM425, which took place yesterday are now online.
Available here.
April 2016 Newsletter: in distribution.
See Issue 63 (April 2016) or Association Newsletters for the full archive of newsletters.
Much of the information in the newsletter is now online, including, in addition to the usual "housekeeping" and event arrangements:
- Operation Manna
- Operation Dodge Part 1 (Part 2 to follow in the next newsletter)
- important information about future BBMF flypasts
- and a possible Air Show at RAF Scampton from 2017.
Annual Reunion information update.
In particular the latest timetable and accommodation information for the Annual Reunion in North Killingholme in July is now online. Also, the April newletter is now in distribution; both the electronic and surface mail copies will start to be sent out this morning.
Updated Decorations report (added photos and information on decorations, awards and campaign stars and medals).
Request for information Phantom of The Ruhr print (Wareham crew).
New photos and information about the crew received for the Prangley crew lost on 26/27 November 1943 on the raid to Berlin in LM379. They were the first crew to be lost on operations by 550 Squadron.
The men and women of our Armed Forces, past and present, deserve our remembrance and appreciation.
The 2016 Armed Forces Day National Event will be held in Cleethorpes in North East Lincolnshire on Saturday 25 June.
Tunbridge Wells wing commander's 37 raids dodging the flak: item in the Kent and Sussex Courier (posted December 27, 2015) on the Christmas Eve 1944 raid on Cologne with Jack Harris.
13/12/2015 & 07/02/2016
You'll have heard of Operations MANNA, Exodus and Dodge, but did you know that 550 Squadron also took part in several of the so-called "Cooks Tours", including:
- Operation Post Mortem (June 1945): low flying exercise to test the effectiveness of German short and long-range radars (550 flew 68 sorties to contribute to this evaluation)
- Operation Spasm (October 1945): a kind of sightseeing tour over Berlin
Document | Description |
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Christmas Dinner Menu North Killingholme, 1944 Signed by the Sidwell crew. From paper original 550 Sqdn Museum |
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Christmas Dinner Menu "Combat Officers" Mess, 1944 USAAF Base, Wendling where 21 crews from 550 were diverted (due to fog) on return from a raid on Cologne, 24 Dec 1994, and where they were snowed in until 27/28 December. The unlucky 22nd crew were diverted to Ludford Magna and it is not recorded what they had for Christmas Dinner! From paper original 550 Sqdn Museum |
Historical documents and photos concerning the planning, installation and unveiling, in 1947, of the monument to F/O P G Milburn and crewin Berinzenne (Belgium) are now available.
Preliminary notice of 2016 Events.
This includes three commemoration ceremonies in Belgium (in April and May), plus the Annual Reunion and Armistice Sunday.
Rebecq, Belgium.
Saturday 7th November 2015.
Purney crew remembered.
Remembrance Sunday, North Killingholme.
100 Squadron to provide a flypast by two aircraft over St. Denys' Church at 12.02 hrs on Sunday 8th November 2015.
For details see: Remembrance Weekend.
The usual caveat applies: "weather permitting"; in the event of adverse weather or operational circumstances the fly-past may be subject to last minute cancellation.
Sint Niklaas, Belgium.
All Saint's Day, 1st November 2015.
Dukelow crew remembered.
If you pay the association membership subscription, or indeed are sending any other payment, e.g. for merchandise, by cheque then please see the note at Association Subscriptions.
The Killingholme Full Bore Club will hold a small Armistice Ceremony on Saturday November 7th at approx. 11:30 a.m (so as to not clash with the 550 Squadron Association service at the Memorial Stone on the Sunday). This will include laying of a wreath by the club, new signage and a celebration of the completion of the refurbishment of the large back wall (target wall) built by the RAF in the 1940's.
A short service with words of remembrance will be held. Members of the 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association are most welcome to attend. Warm sausage rolls, tea and coffee will be provided.
If the club receives names, addresses and date of birth of anyone that would like to shoot vintage and more recent rifles on the day then the opportunity will be available. They must have their details by email before Tuesday 27th October in order to meet Home Office regulations.
09/10/2015 & 12/10/2015
October Newsletter: in distribution - see Association Newsletters.
The newsletter contains details about the Remembrance Weekend (inc. one page summary timetable of weekend events) plus details of events in North Killingholme and Belgium 2016.
Pre-selection from the menu for the Saturday evening is necessary for groups of more than 10 people so please call Don and Val Kentish by Saturday 31st October if you plan to attend so that arrangements can be finalised.
Disappointing news in the Grimsby Telegraph:
Disappointment as Waddington Air Show scrapped for good due to 'increased security concerns'
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos online
Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
Tuesday 15 September 2015 at St Paul's Cathedral
To help the RAFA with their engagement and fundraising activities around London on that day please see the following
BBC Lincolnshire: Bomber Command veterans sought for memorial unveiling
International Bomber Command Centre: The Spire Memorial Unveiling Ceremony: 2nd October 2015
07/07/2015 & 08/07/2015
2015 Reunion Weekend: photos now online
Grimsby Telegraph: Former 550 Squadron members, families and villagers attend reunion
03/07/2015 Final Update
Document | Description |
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Timetable of Events (final)
Detailed timetable of the Saturday events |
May 1945 the last page of the log book of F/O Levene (W/Op) in S/Ldr Newitt crew says it all.
29/06/2015 Late Update
BBMF Dakota not able to carry out a fly-past on Saturday
It is really disappointing to have to report that the Dakota will not be available for a flypast over NK on Saturday either now.
"... just had a call from the BBMF. The Dakota is to undergo an engine change and will NOT be coming to NK on Saturday. Such changes take at least a week. Unfortunately the BBMF cannot send a replacement."
Grimsby Telegraph: Propeller found in sea could have come from Killingholme Lancaster. May be from a Lancaster which crashed off the coast of Donna Nook in 1944.
15/06/2015 Reminder
2015 Reunion The closing date for the booking forms is
Only a few days thereafter the menu selections need to be returned to the Ashbourne Hotel. So if you are intending to attend but have not yet returned the booking form then please do so. Many thanks.
After the recent publicity surrounding the Lancaster engine fire the aircraft remains grounded. Thus you will be unsurprised to learn that the BBMF have informed the Association that it will be a Dakota flypast on Saturday 4th July 2015. Although disappointed, we are pleased it will be at our preferred time of 2.00pm and therefore involve no alterations to our published timetable. A final programme, incorporating the change of aircraft, is available from the link below, but as usual we must still be prepared for late amendments.
Achiet-Le-Petit, Sunday 6th June: Photos from the commemoration that took place for F/Lt Picton DFC and crew of LL836.
See: Achiet-Le-Petit.
03/06/2015 Reminder
2015 Reunion
The reunion weekend is now just a few weeks away. If you have not already done so you REALLY should finalise your accommodation arrangements soon!
Also the closing date for the booking forms is 16th June 2015. Only a few days thereafter the menu selections need to be returned to the Ashbourne Hotel. So if you are intending to attend but have not yet booked accommodation or returned the booking form then please do so. Many thanks.
June Newsletter: in distribution - see Association Newsletters. The newsletter contains details about the Reunion Weekend arrangements including the booking forms and menus. Booking forms can be returned electronically (email) or in the traditional manner (post); address details are as given on the forms.
As mentioned in the June Newsletter: "Bombing Germany: The Final Phase" A new book about the final few months of Bomber Command's war, concentrating on the Pforzheim raid of 23/24 February 1945. The book includes contributions from 12 aircrew of 550 Sqdn who either flew on the raid or could provide useful contributions.
There is an excellent interview with the author at: http://www.sirenonline.co.uk/archives/12224 which features a couple of mentions of 550 Squadron and North Killingholme.
Photographs from the Commemoration in Rebecq (27th/28th May) are now available.
On the BBC web-site: Bomber Command memorial spire installed in Lincoln. A 98ft (30m) high metal spire has been erected at the site of a memorial for World War Two aircrews.
May Newsletter: in distribution - see Association Newsletters. The newsletter contains details about the Reunion Weekend arrangements.
On the BBC web-site: Dutch bulb mosaic marks Operation Manna campaign. A floral mosaic showing a Lancaster bomber dropping food supplies in Nazi-occupied Holland has been unveiled at Lincoln Cathedral.
Reunion weekend: summary
Saturday events: summary
For all details and including accommdation information see : below
2015 Reunion Weekend
Detailed Timetable of Events (provisional)
550 Sqdn Aircraft: Jenny's Pent House
24/03/2015, 25/03/2015 & 29/03/2015
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos online
03/03/2015, updated 23/03/2015, & 27/03/2015
"A terrible accident down on the beach"
The Cleethorpes Chronicle, 19 February 2015
F/Lt Fleming crew, while on a visit to Cleethorpes, went to the assistance of a young boy who was badly injured by a cordite cartridge he had found.
Would you believe that the "boy" in the diary has read the article and been in touch with [Tony Fleming the son of the 550 pilot in the story]? He is alive and well at 82.
Finally: "70-year puzzle finally solved" (pg 1, pg2).
The Cleethorpes Chronicle, 26 March 2015
With thanks to The Cleethorpes Chronicle for permission to display the articles.
Annual Reunion Flypast
After the uncertainty last autumn about the availability of the Lancaster in 2015 due to the cancellation of the Waddington Airshow, it is wonderful to be able to report that the RAF Air Events Team have informed the Association that the application for a Lancaster flypast on Saturday 4th July 2015 has been successful.
A 2.00pm flypast has been asked for, but notification of the actual time will not be confirmed until a few weeks before the event when the BBMF finalises the flying programme for the day. As ever, the time may be subject to change up to and including the day itself.
Appeal for Veterans to Contact the International Bomber Command Centre
Correspondence Address: International Bomber Command Centre, 13 Cherry Holt Road, Bourne, Lincs. PE10 9LA
web-site: http://internationalbombercommandcentre.com/
See the full details about the request at: Requests For Information (below)
Daily Express (16th Feb): Hero who flew in plane named after the Daily Express recalls his memories of war
Appeal for Information
A commemoration is planned on 6th June 2015 in Achiet le Petit, France, for the crew of 550 Squadron Lancaster LL836 (pilot F/LtR W Picton)
Does anyone know contact details for Ray Readon (follow the link for more details).
Updated photographs: F/Lt Steele (RCAF) and crew
Jack Harris has given a talk at the Hospice in the Weald, Pembury on three occasions. These talks were so over-subscribed that a fourth talk is now scheduled. This is scheduled for Wednesday 4 March 2015, 12:00 - 14:30. See Flying with Bomber Command in World War II. Contact the Hospice in the Weald to book your place (lunch included).
Trenchard Lectures, Royal Aeronautical Society, 19th February: Bomber Command and Political Warfare 1939-1945: The Missing Dimension. Among the many things Bomber Command was asked to do, its role in assisting British political warfare has been largely neglected by historians. Yet the 1.5 billion leaflets and newspapers dropped over Europe during the war was only possible because of the co-operation of Bomber Command.
Grimsby Telegraph: Killingholme marking Operation Manna's 70th anniversary
Grimsby Telegraph: Tribute to WW2 RAF Grimsby Lancaster crewman who flew missions over Germany
Does anyone from the squadron still remember Archibald Menzies Gardner? See Requests For Information below.
Happy New Year
Database reports updates so that two (extended Roll of Honour and Service personnel) now return some summation statistics
Further Reunion 2014 weekend photos added
2014 Remembrance Weekend: photos now online
The talk scheduled to have been given by Jack Harris in North Killingholme on 7 November has had to be cancelled. Due to illness Jack feels unable to undertake the long journey to North Killingholme at this time.
Apologies for any disappointment caused.
We wish Jack a speedy recovery.
October Newsletter: in distribution - see Association Newsletters. The newsletter contains a reminder about the talk to be given by Jack Harris in North Killingholme on 7 November, plus all the other Remembrance Weekend arrangements.
The Vulture Strikes PA995, 100th Op, 05 March 1945. Blackler crew boarding: new photo available
06/10/2014 & 03/10/2014
Jack Harris gave a talk Flying with Bomber Command in World War II at the end of September 2014 at the Hospice in the Weald, Pembury. This was the third time he has been pleased to give the talk and it was, on this occasion, attended by 65 people.
There will be an opportunity to hear Jack again in North Killinghome when he speaks in St Denys' Church on the Friday evening of Remembrance Weekend. See: Flying with 550 Squadron from North Killingholme: A talk by Jack Harris (poster in PDF format). Tickets can be reserved to be collected on the night.
Other weekend details summarised here.
Canadian Lancaster returns safely home following historical tour of Lincolnshire and the UK
Do you have any informaton on crew members of LM134 F/O D F Neilson crew?
See Requests For Information below.
- Maps of German City Defences (as provided to navigators) and
- Propaganda Leaflets dropped by Bomber Command crews
Do you have any informaton on Sgt Anthony (Tony) Finnigan, Flight Engineer or Sgt Reg Stevens of the P/O S W Nielson crew?
See Requests For Information below.
14/09/2014 & 22/09/2014
Remembrance Weekend 2014
The closing date for notifying us about attendance at the two meals is Saturday 1st November 2014. This enables us to give sufficient notice about numbers and to send out menus should pre-selection be necessary (for a group of 12 or more people).
Jack Harris will give a talk in St Denys' Church on the Friday evening, 8.0pm.
Full details here
550 Sqdn crest stolen from Berinzenne monument. For details see: here
PM honours local hero
Letter from David Cameron about Sam Lipfriend, F/Eng with 550 Sqdn
Politz 08/02/45 navigation log
Pforzheim 23/02/45 navigation log
Special Order Of The Day V E Day by Air Chief Marshal Sir A T Harris
BBC News: Historic Lancasters' tandem flight takes place in Lincolnshire
12/08/2014 & 30/11/2014
"Never Forget" An Exhibition (April 14th to August 31st 2014) in memory of F/O Milburn and the crew of ME581 / BQ-D who lost their lives during the night of 22/23 April 1944, crashing at Berinzenne in Belgium
The Lancaster: Britain's Flying Past
Passionate flying enthusiast and broadcaster John Sergeant celebrates the plane that some believe won the war - the Lancaster.
BBC2: Sun 20 Jul 2014 21:30
BBC2: Wed 30 Jul 2014 19:00
Colour pictures Sunrise Return J-Jig returning to North Killingholme and CdG Citation for the Bowen-Bravery crew.
Reunion 2014 photos and information
(more still to follow)
07/07/2014 & 08/07/2014
Coverage of the weekend events in the local press:
- Lancaster Bomber flypast is star attraction at Killingholme memorial Gathering. A SPECIAL memorial plaque has been unveiled to mark the 70th anniversary of 550 Squadron starting its operations from North Killingholme - and the bravery of its pilots.
- Pilgrimage to honour father John Arnold
- At least 200 people turned up Don Kentish
- Became a prisoner-of-war in 1945 Gordon Bell
- Bravery of squadron honoured 70 years on Killingholme Full Bore Club (Plaque unveiling)
- Impressed people are so attached Ole Seberg
- It's fantastic – I feel very proud Vivien Borrill-Townsend
- It shows respect for those who flew OFFICIALS of Killingholme Full Bore Club
BBMF display dates for first weekend July 2014 specifically Saturday, NORTH KILLINGHOLME, 14:40 and Sunday NORTH KILLINGHOLME, 11:30
Further 550 Sqdn group photo online
21/06/2014 Stop Press
2014 Reunion Additional Fly-past opportunity!
06/06/2014, 17/06/2014, 18/06/2014 & 13/07/2014
The Royal Dutch Air Force fly four F-16 aircraft in "missing man" formation at 16.00 hours local time on 17 June as a mark of respect for the crew of Lancaster ME840 that crashed on 17 June 1944 while on a raid to Sterkrade.
See also:
- Flyby to fallen RAF crew (report in NL press, 10th June)
- F16 missing man manoeuvre (YouTube Video)
- Much interest Flyby F 16s (report in NL press 17th June)
- Great interest for F16s over Barlo (report in NL press plus video of flyby)
- Impressive commemoration Leslie Pulfrey, gunner and bombardier. (report and photos)
- Jets at memorial to crashed bomber. (report and video)
See also: Sheffield Star: 16/06/2014
11/06/2014 Reminder
2014 Reunion The reunion weekend is now just a few weeks away. If you have not already done so you REALLY should finalise your accommodation arrangements soon!
Also the closing date for the booking forms is 19th June 2014. Only a few days thereafter the menu selections need to be returned to the Ashbourne Hotel and at the same time the hotel will release any unbooked rooms. So if you are intending to attend but have not yet booked accommodation or returned the booking form then please do so. Many thanks.
July Reunion: confirmation of Lancaster flypast time. See: July 2014 Reunion for details.
D-Day 70th anniversary: in the air - a Lancaster Bomber navigator's tale. The story of the Bowen-Bravery crew in BQ-J from the Navigator's perspective
May Newsletter: in distribution (since last week of May) - see Association Newsletters.
04/06/2014 & 15/06/2014
Photos from commemorations in Belgium in May/June on the 70th anniversary of 550 Squadron losses there, including:
- P/O McCrae crew: LL810 (visit to) Wevelgem Communal Cemetery Tues 27 May
(Rebecq memorial web-page) - P/O Purney crew: JA712 Rebecq Wed 28 May
Rebecq Commemorations 2014
Rebecq (Rebecq memorial web-page) - P/O Dukelow crew: LL851 Sint Niklaas Sat 31 May
Sint Niklaas (Rebecq memorial web-page) - F/Sgt Hinde crew: DV309 Westerlo Sun 1 June
Westerlo Commemorations 2014
Westerlo (Rebecq memorial web-page) - F/Sgt Jefferies crew: LM425 Jalhay Memorial Mon 2 June
Jalhay (Rebecq memorial web-page) - F/O Milburn crew: ME581 Berinzenne Memorial Mon 2 June (also exhibition in Domaine de Berinzenne - Musee)
Berinzenne (Rebecq memorial web-page) - Jefferies and Milburn crews: (visit to) Heverlee War Cemetery Mon 2 June
"No 1 Group Bomber Command: An Operational Record" The operational record of all the No. 1 Group Bomber Command Squadrons
Grimsby Telegraph 4 June 2014: D-Day 70th anniversary: How North East Lincolnshire played a key role in Operation Overlord. The story of the Bowen-Bravery crew in BQ-J from 550 Sqdn
July Reunion Booking Forms (including menu selections) now available in electronic format.
Those planning on attending the reunion in North Killingholme, and staying over, are strongly encouraged to finalise accommodation bookings as the hotel is filling up! Again see: July 2014 Reunion for details.
Jack Harris gave a talk ("Flying with Bomber Command in World War II") on 28 November 2013 and 9 April 2014 at the Hospice in the Weald, Pembury. These talks were such a resounding success that the waiting list for a third talk, planned for September, is already in excess of 60 persons.
In the meantime you can see some photos and video footage from the earlier talks here.
Photos from commemorations in April:
Special Edition of Fly-Past Magazine marking the 70th Anniversary of D-Day
Feature item: "Opening Salvo"
Patrick Otter describes a raid made by 550 Squadron Avro Lancaster ‘J-Jig’ just before midnight on June 5, 1944.
See Flypast June edition
Lancaster Bomber flypast help celebrate 70th anniversary of 550 Squadron (ignoring the minor inaccuracy about being the 70th anniversary of the squadron formation).
April Newsletter: now in distribution - see Association Newsletters.
The newsletter includes the latest information on the events planned in Belgium in 2014 (Rebecq and Westerlo) and North Killingholme in July (Reunion) and November (Remembrance).
Those planning on attending the July 2014 Reunion in North Killingholme are encouraged to make accommodation bookings as the hotel is starting to fill up!
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos online
30/03/2014, 04/02/2014
13/01/2014, 21/12/2013
Update: The latest information is that because there were so many expressions of interest for the 2nd talk (9 April) the Hospice would very much like a 3rd talk/presentation! Indeed because of the size of the waiting list a bigger venue is envisaged (current aim is probably September).
Back due to popular demand: The talk by Jack Harris on 28 November 2013 at the Hospice in the Weald, Pembury was a resounding success. To the extent that an "encore" is now scheduled for Wednesday 9 April 2014. See Flying with Bomber Command in World War II. Contact the Hospice in the Weald (details on their web-site).
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos online
"Never Forget" An Exhibition (April 14th to August 31st 2014) in memory of F/O Milburn and the crew of ME581 / BQ-D who lost their lives during the night of 22/23 April 1944, crashing at Berinzenne in Belgium
See: http://www.berinzenne.be/FR/musee.htm
Exposition « Ne les oublions jamais » - 70 ans après le crash en fagne de Malchamps.
BBMF Lancaster flypast confirmed for July 2014 Reunion
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos online
Mailly-le-Camp Memorial Commemoration 2014
70th Anniversary Commemoration Parade is scheduled to take place on Friday 2nd May 2014
RAF BBMF To Host Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Lancaster During Visit To England
The last two Lancaster bombers still flying in the world will come together in a series of events this summer, in a meeting unlikely to happen ever again.
For more information see: http://www.warplane.com/lancaster-2014-uk-tour.aspx
Latest information on commemorations in April, May and June:
- Artolsheim Saturday 12th April
- Sondernach Sunday 13th April
- Rebecq Wednesday 28th May
- Westerlo Sunday 1 June
Further 550 Sqdn log books and crew photos online
A new short film telling the story of a Lancaster crew on their final mission across occupied Europe. East Lindsey District Council commissioned local Director Philip Stevens to make a period drama set in Lincolnshire during World War II.
Filming took place on 'Just Jane' at East Kirby: Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre.
The P/O Bouchard crew, which transferred in from 100 Sqdn on 550 Sqdn formation, was the first to complete a full tour with 550 Sqdn. P/O Vernon John Bouchard died in a training accident in Dec 1944 (some months after he had left 550 Sqdn). The government of Saskatchewan began naming lakes after their WWII fallen in the 1950's.
You can find Bouchard Lake (Division No. 18, Unorganized, SK S0J Canada) on Google maps here.
Lincolnshire Echo 16 January 2014: The boys from Belgium. Brave Belgian aircrew flying from Lincolnshire and courageous Belgian villagers offering protection and succour to downed (550 Sqdn) aircrew.
July 2014 Reunion weekend: Planning on attending the Reunion weekend in July in North Killingholme? The Ashbourne Hotel is already taking room bookings. See latest information.
Grimsby Telegraph 10 January 2014: Plans revealed for £3m Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial Park
Bomber County aircraft accidents and crashes to be collated
April 2014
In Artolsheim: the inauguration of a memorial to F/Lt J S G Crawford and crew of LM392
In Sondernach (not far from Artolsheim): the inauguration of a panel in memory of F/Lt J F Craig DFC and crew of LL852
Follow the April 2014 link above for more information
Online: Photos from Remembrance Weekend 2013 in North Killingholme
You may well have already seen this video, but if not then rare colour footage of Lancaster on Bombing Raid in 1944 (not 550 Sqdn). Shows a crew from pre-raid briefing to de-briefing after raid (ca. 20 mins)
Also Night Bombers (ca. 59 mins)
Remembrance Weekend 2013 in North Killingholme: Arrangements with the two hotels will be finalised this weekend. If you are intending to be there and have not confirmed your details yet, then please do so as soon as possible.
Please contact Don Kentish at latest by Saturday 2nd November if you are attending the Saturday evening meal or the Sunday lunch as the hotel needs to have accurate numbers.
Any unbooked rooms at the Ashbourne Hotel for the night of Saturday 9th Nov 2013 will be released this weekend (2nd Nov).
On 28 Nov 2013 12:00 - 13:30, Hospice in the Weald, Maidstone Road, Pembury, TN2 4TA: Flying with Bomber Command in World War II. Wing Commander Jack Harris' account of his experiences as a pilot in 550 Squadron.
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
October Newsletter: now in distribution - see Association Newsletters. The newsletter includes a request for the payment of overdue association membership subscriptions for this year. Plus a big thank-you to these members who generously pay "over the odds" - these donations are very much appreciated.
The October Newsletter includes information about Remembrance Weekend in November and preliminary information about events in 2014. Especially the detailed arrangements for Remembrance Weekend 2013 in North Killingholme
Please contact Don Kentish at latest by Saturday 2nd November if you are attending the Saturday evening meal or the Sunday lunch as the hotel needs to have accurate numbers.
550 Sqdn Lancasters Taxiing, Aug/Sept 1945
On 28 Sept 2013 members of the Rebecq Memorial Association attended the RAFA Anglo-Belgian Remembrance Service in Brussels and laid a wreath on behalf of 550 Association.
Daily Telegraph: 2 Oct 2013: Air Force Obituaries: S/Ldr Kenyon Bowen-Bravery
Station Narratives - a collection (ca. 20) of reports, de-briefs and interrogation reports (e.g. of returning PoWs).
Advance notice of events in 2014.
Archive on 4:
"Stephen Evans on Wynford Vaughan-Thomas's 1943 dispatch during a bombing raid on Berlin" http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/b039lmkg.
Updates to F/O Adams and F/O Kenyon Bowen-Bravery (pilot of Bad Penny II on Operation Overlord) pages.
Updated information about the Application for the Issue of the Bomber Command Clasps (for Australian/RAAF servicemen) is available here here with the form also shown below:
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Application Form for the Issue of Medals and/or Clasps (Australia), Form AD807 |
RAFA Anglo-Belgian Remembrance Service Brussels 28 Sept 2013
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RAFA Commemoration in the National Basilica, Brussels: Information sheet |
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Form to be returned by 9 Sept (should you wish to attend) |
New report listing cemeteries, in alphabetic order, where 550 Squadron Servicemen are buried or commemorated (plus links to details of each serviceman remembered at each site)
Additional Reunion 2013 photos online and postscript
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Initial Reunion 2013 online
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Initial Reunion 2013 online
The Belgian Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association is pleased to announce that a commemorative event will be held in the National Basilica of the Sacred Heart Koekelberg in Brussels on Saturday 28th September 2013. See:
RAFA, Belgium Branch - Commemoration in the National Basilica, Brussels (PDF format)
Please email in your interest if you wish to attend.
Check for updates on the Belgian Branch website:
http://rafabelgianbranch.yolasite.com (Future Event - Air Force Chapel Commemoration).
Grimsby Telegraph, 9 July 2013:
Crowds gather to mark 70th year since 550 Squadron formed
Operation Dodge aircrash 6th Oct 1945: Pomigliano
"This ops racket isn't so hot; I rather think there's no future in it personally." Jimmy Trayhorn (A/G) (KIA)
Grimsby Telegraph: 18/06/2013
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
July 2013 Reunion weekend: latest information
May Newsletter: now in distribution - see Association Newsletters.
Includes information about all the things going on in July. Also the menu selections for the formal dinner on the Saturday evening. Please complete and post/email in preferably before 20th June.
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Rebecq - In advance of the Memorial on 29th May: Rebecq Memorial item on Belgium TV
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
550 Squadron Air-crew Log Books update.
19/05/2013 11/05/2013 & 17/02/2013
New Book: Press Release
Official launch Spring Duxford Airshow
Sunday 26th May
There will be a number of veterans, together with the author, signing copies of the book.
550 Sqdn lost the F/O Abrams (NG133) and F/O Dodds (PD319) crews on Bomber Command Operation Hurricane to Duisburg, 14/15 Oct 1944.

See: http://www.fightinghigh.com/events.htm
Are you a Bomber Command Veteran and would like too attend the book signing? Click on the picture above for more information.
The names and summary details of more than 1710 air-crew who flew with 550 Squadron are now online.
July 2013 Reunion weekend: travel information update
Why not reserve a copy of "1 Group: Swift to Attack for the author to sign at the reunion? Contact Don Kentish, or email the web-site (see Contact link in page footer), for details.
July 2013 Reunion weekend: latest information
April Newsletter: now in distribution - see Association Newsletter.
Includes information about all the things going on for this special year, and an order form (see also above) for a 70th Anniversary ceramic tankard; complete and post/email in).
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Flypast Magazine (May 2013): marking the 70th Anniversary of the Dambusters raid, features a poster of EE139 - the "Phantom of the Ruhr" at Derwent Reservoir
The rescuer and the parachute
This lady helped Roy Kay (F/Eng) evade capture and return to England ... 69 years later her great-grandchild finds a re-use for his parachute
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
BBMF Lanc Flypast confirmed for July 2013 Reunion
New Book Release

Available the publishers Pen & Sword Books
Patrick Otter will be signing copies of "Swift to Attack" at the 550 Association Reunion in North Killingholme in July
New Book Release
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Further 550 Sqdn group (band and football team) and crew photos
When 'Get Out of Jail Free' really was 'Get Out of Jail Free'!
Updates on 550 Squadron: FTR crews
Further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Updates on two 550 Squadron: FTR crews
Flypast Magazine (January 2013): features an item: "Brothers in Arms": Avro Lancaster W/Op Jock Elliott shares dramatic memories - Jock was the W/Op in the Jim Lord crew
Can you help identify Ground Staff plus further 550 Sqdn crew photos
Updated: updated 550 Sqdn aircraft photos with "Queenie" bogged down (and annotation)
Updated: further 550 Sqdn crew photos
BBC: Bomber Boys Time Capsule: see second photo - ignore the typo in the caption, that is a 550 Squadron photo (already on this web-site)
Remembrance weekend: Added: a summary of the weekend events and a Dundee Courier article about the PD319 presentation.
The Telegraph: Every RAF Bomber Command base in England mapped
Remembrance weekend: first 2012 photo online
Sam Lipfriend receives a fragment of PD319 from Norval Black, son of F/O Henry Black (B/A).
Updated: further 550 Sqdn crew photos
550 Sqdn lost the F/O Abrams (NG133) and F/O Dodds (PD319) (see also wreckage at Remembrance weekend, above) crews on Bomber Command Operation Hurricane to Duisburg, 14/15 Oct 1944. Look out for the story of FTR crews on this raid in the soon to be published:
Updated: added more 550 Sqdn group and crew photos
Updated: Remembrance weekend 2012
Thank you to those who have already made their bookings for the Remembrance weekend events.
If you are planning on attending but have not yet booked accommodation or given notice of attendance at the evening meal
then please make any necessary bookings by Saturday 3 November. Thanks!
Added more 550 Sqdn crew photos
Available now: Newsletter 53 - October 2012 issue with details of Remembrance Sunday 2012 in NK. Also included are initial notes concerning the 2013 Annual Reunion weekend.
W/O H Davies and crew: new photos and information.
F/O G S Devereau and crew: new photos and information.
PA995: F/O C J Jones and crew - lost on a raid to Dessau - new photos and additional information.
Updated Details: Remembrance weekend 2012
Change of Face for the BBMF Lanc: The RAF BBMF Lancaster, PA474, no longer flies as 550 Sqdn BQ-B, but as 617 Sqdn Lancaster DV385 - "Thumper Mk III". In early September she underwent a re-paint to take on a new identity.
Updated: added more 550 Sqdn group and crew photos
NG363: F/O C J Clarke and crew - lost over Munich, probably to a night-fighter.
LM379: F/Lt P J M Prangley and crew: the first 550 Sqdn loss - probably fell victim to flak.
LM647: P/ O J E H Davies crew: new photos of some of the crew now available.
29/08/2012, 15/05/2102, 24/04/2012 & 06/04/2012
What do you do with a used parachute? Additional photos and information. See:
Roy Kay - evader (only survivor of the crew of ME840) for story of his escape.
Log book and aircraft fragment recovered from crash site.
Reunion weekend: further 2012 photos now online
Daily Mail online: pictorial tribute. Modern day mission Lancaster bomber crew prepares for action 70 years on airfield pictures
Advance notice: Reunion weekend 2013
Reminder: Remembrance weekend 2012
YouTube Video of S/Ldr Edgar Pickles shaking hands with The Queen at the Bomber Command Memorial Unveiling on 28th June (approx 39mins in)
Bomber Command ITV 1: Tues 2nd July 9PM - 10PM
Squadron remembers its 353 fallen heroes (Grimsby Telegraph)
Poppies dropped as act of remembrance BBC News (video)
Rare colour archive of WWII RAF bombers BBC News (video)
A Tribute to Bomber Command on BBC Two
A Tribute to Bomber Command Upcoming Broadcasts: Schedule
Queen to unveil Bomber Command Memorial BBC News
Bomber Command fliers in their own words BBC News
New requests for information. See below.
The latest research on the F/O Grundy crew who went down in LM273 on 23/24 Feb 1945 on the raid to Pforzheim.
24/05/2012 & 26/05/2012
Photographs from the Commemorations for the crew of DV309 in Westerlo in May this year.
Photographs from the visit by representatives from the 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association to Rebecq on 17th May 2012.
Eight former WWII airfields in North Lincolnshire are remembered North Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage. A small booklet is also available.
Photographs from the commemorations in
Rebecq on 9th May 2012.
Grimsby Telegraph publishes the BBMF flypast scheduled for the Reunion in North Killingholme this year:
Flypast tribute in memory of crews
ME428: evader and POW interrogation / de-briefing reports from the Canadian archives.
ME301: information about the location of the crashed aircraft.
ME503: lost to a night-fighter during a camera run over target: investigation reports from the Australian archives.
Updated information about the 2012 Reunion now online.
Available now: Newsletter 52 - April 2012 "Reunion" issue with details of the June reunions in NK.
Westerlo 2012: Updated information on the commemoration events this year in Westerlo
Now online: Photos of F/O Hern-Black and crew
Available now: Newsletter 51 - February 2012. Special issue with details of the Bomber Command Association Memorial unveiling in Green Park, London, on 28 June 2012.
Available now: details about the unveiling of the Bomber Command Association Memorial in Green Park, London, on 28 June 2012.
Westerlo 2012: Information on the commemoration events this year in Westerlo
Photo and log books from F/O Kennedy now online.
A 1hr 30mins programme on Bomber Command is to be shown on BBC1 on Sunday 5th February at 9PM. See Bomber Boys for details.
Updated information about the following crews now online:
F/O Allen
F/Lt Browne (log books added 08/02/12)
P/O Kenyon.
Initial information about the 2012 Reunion.
The names and details of more than 1500 air-crew who flew with 550 Squadron are now online.
ME428 - the 121st, and last, aircraft downed by Luftwaffe night fighter pilot Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer (highest scoring night fighter pilot in the history of aerial warfare)?
Photos from Remembrance Sunday 2011.
Additional options to some of the squadron information reports.
i) Servicemen report: search by job abbreviation
ii) Aircraft reports: search for FTR aircraft only
Follow the links for details.
Commemoration at the Rebecq Memorial, 9th November 2011. Wreaths laid on behalf of British and Canadian delegations and 550 Association.
Photos of P/O Ron Digby and crew ... and Ethel
A salute to Bomber Command is to be shown on Channel 5 on Thursday 10 November at 8PM. See Bomber Boys: Revealed for details.
The names and details of more than 1300 air-crew who flew with 550 Squadron are now online.
Further Squadron photos online, including P/O Kenneth Arthur Smith and crew.
Remembrance Weekend 2011: Remembrance Weekend Programme2011 (PDF document).
Available now: Newsletter 50 - October 2011
Now online - the minutes and decisions from the very first Squadron reunion in June 1992 at RAF Museum, Hendon.
04, 09, 12/07/2011 & 07/08/2011
Reunion weekend: The 2011 photos continue to be added to, including BQ-B at RAF Coningsby. Plus the local press report.
BBMF 2011 display diary
29 & 30/06/2011
The time of the BBMF Lancaster flypast has been CHANGED - it is now scheduled for 14:10.
For details see the fully revised:
Detailed Itinerary
Reunion - next weekend. A large gathering is expected this year and 80+ members will sit down to dinner on Saturday evening.
Over 70 members have already checked in for the Memorial Service and Saturday evening dinner (and there are ca. 20 for the Friday evening meal too).
18 June may be past but if you have not replied yet and wish to join them then please do send in a response quickly.
20/05/2011, 01/06/2011 and 13/06/2011
If you have not already sent in your booking form do please do so by 18 June to allow numbers to be confirmed for the various events (and menu choices for those attending the dinner).
If you are planning on staying over the weekend you need to book your accommodation direct with the hotel, also by 18 June, so that they may confirm dates and numbers and have the opportunity to re-allocate any rooms that are not required.
Latest information on: July Annual Reunion: in North Killingholme
Available now: Newsletter 49 - May 2011
Finally: opportunity to buy Association badges, ties, pens, etc, see here for details.
Refinements to Servicemen report - report modified to allow for search by surname and service; see link for details.
Photographs of the cross and inscription for F/Sgt William Cooper, pilot of 550 Squadron Lancaster JB604 (lost during the night of 23/24 December 1943 when it was in collision with 550 Lancaster ED730), have been received.
08/05/2011, 11/05/2011, 14/05/2011 and 23/06/2011
7 MayRebecq Memorial unveiling
08/05: Pictures online
11/05: Link to video report on Belgium TV
14/05: Further pictures of unveiling plus exhibition
23/06: The full story of the events of 27/28 May 1944
SPECIAL NOTE: Travelling to North Killingholme for the reunion weekend?
Take the opportunity to see BBMF Lanc BQ-B at RAF Coningsby on Fri 1st July or Mon 4th July.
Association badges, tiesdetails.
BBMF 2011 Yearbook: available online
BBMF Flypast: on 29 April 2011 at 13:30.
Due to the coverage of a certain Royal Wedding.
There is dedicated wedding coverage from 08:00-13:40 on BBC 1 so you will likely see the flypast live on the BBC (and BBC World News outside Buckingham Palace from 0700 GMT to 1800 GMT).
See this link for an excellent shot of BQ-B on the fly-past.
Brookwood Military Cemetery: 550 Squadron men remembered
Harry Quick rear-gunner with F/Lt Newitt: crew photo and operations list
Revised and updated 550 Squadron Memorials (Westerlo, Westerbeek, Fleville, Berinzenne, Runnymede, Brookwood) pages
New photographs and documents of John Atherton air-gunner with the Sgt Woods crew (ED730, FTR 23/24 Dec 1943)
24/03/2011 & 26/03/2011
Memorial to the crew of ME581 new photographs and extracts from log books
1000+ aircrew details online
Annual Reunion 2011: Information Update
Complete list of operations for the F/Lt Jim Lord and F/O Les Cameron crews.
Squadron photos: further photos online
550 ex-aircrew: Special offer!
If you are 550 Squadron ex-aircrew and intending to go to the BBMF Visitor Centre at RAF Coningsby this year then click here for details of a special opportunity for you!
Squadron information: MAJOR UPDATE
Squadron log books: updated
John Piper remembered: Grimsby Telegraph Bygones, December 2010
December 2010 and earlier
RAF Memorial at Runnymede: 550 Squadron men remembered
Hopefully a four-fold memory upgrade in the web-server will give an improved response time downloading pictures, etc.
It is appropriate that on Armistice Day we remember those 550 Squadron men who never came home. An Official telegram, similar to that received by Sgt Wilfred Barratt's mother, would have informed the families they left behind of the news they would not have wanted to hear.
August 2010
Westerlo May 2010: Photos now online
Original Website Photos 78 Photos online again
Canada Air Show: Photos - August 2009
30 Missions: Roger Kirby's tribute to RAF Bomber Command
GW Battersby grave (Denmark)
Flight BQ-C/EE193 lost over Denmark, August 1944. Grimsby Telegraph June 2008
Phantom of the Ruhr: Flypast photos - 07 August Essex
July 2010
Government Response to BBMF Petition
70th anniversary of Battle of Britain: Video footage of Lancaster and Spitfire flypast from the BBC
June 2010
Reunion Flypast schedule alteration
Armed Forces Day, Help for Heroes
May 2010