550 Squadron
F/L Scholfield & Crew
F/L Scholfield and crew joined 550 Squadron in June 1945:
L-to-R: Ronald Scholfield (P), Alan Carter (W/Op), Louis(?), Eric Husband (Nav) and John Timms (F/Eng)
Sitting (wing) L-to-R: Edward Evans (MU/AG), Unknown.
Photo taken around April/May 1945, so possibly prior to crew arriving at 550 Sqdn
Photo kindly made available by Jean Timms (wife of F/Sgt John Timms) |
F/Sgt J V Timms middle row, 4th from right
Photo kindly made available by Jean Timms |
Crew of Felix
L-to-R: TBA, Sgt Edward Evans, TBA, TBA, Sgt Alan Carter, TBA, F/Sgt John Timms
Photo kindly made available by Jean Timms |
"Nomads" (Falcon Field trained air-crew)
Jim Driscoll, 2nd left and next to him Ken Tinsley,
John Timms (550 Squadron) 2nd right
Photo kindly made available by Jean Timms |
Photo taken during training in Arizona
L-to-R: Unknown, John Timms, Brian Trubshaw (who went on to be the test pilot for Concorde)
Photo kindly made available by Jean Timms |
Photo taken during training in Arizona
L-To-R: Unknown, Earle and Wanda Gergje, John Timms and Brian Trubshaw
Photo kindly made available by Jean Timms |
Document | Description |
Crew, Italy 1945
L-to-R: John Timms (F/Eng, known as Tiger), Fred? (R/AG), Alan Carter (W/Op)
Photo dated as 27 July 1945, later corrected to 27 August 1945. Taken in Pompeii, which the crew visited on a day off in between flights from England to Italy that summer.
Photo kindly made available by Di Allison (daughter of Alan Carter)
F/Sgt Timms did his training in the USA (Falcon Field, Arizona), and flew with Brian Trubshaw (later the Concorde Test pilot).
Thanks also to Liz Goulton, daughter of Ed Evans, for helping with putting names to faces in the photos.
Eric Husband died in December 2006, Ron Scholfield in November 2009, Ed Evans in 1990 and Alan Carter in March 2019.
John Timm's wife is seeking information about the crew: if you can provide any do please email it in to the site and it can be passed on (contacts and email addresses under Contact link below).
For information about Falcon Field see: http://www.rafcommands.com/forum/showthread.php?2288-Falcon-Field-Association-England-Information.