Reunion 2024

550 Squadron Association Reunion 2024

Photographs from the Association Reunion held in North Killingholme 12 - 13 July 2024.

Many thanks to all in North Killingholme who, as always, helped ensure that the weekend was a success. Flags and bunting adorned the village, and the Memorial Stone and surrounding area were also suitably flagged. Thanks also to all the Association members and others who attended from all over the UK, Ireland and Australia, to make it a memorable weekend.

Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024


The reunion takes place in a year of anniversaries in the life of the Squadron and the Association:

Reunion Weekend Welcome Pack

Reunion 2024 Booking Form Reunion Weekend Friday 12th - Saturday 13th July: Booking Form

Friday Evening, Dinner at the Ashbourne (informal)

Visitors sit down to an informal meal at 8 PM.


Photos from the village green. The new "RAAF" bench was unveiled by John Arnold and a blessing on all who will in future years use it was said by Rev. Trevor Riess. In addition the Sam Lipfriend bench, on the green for many years, and much the worse for wear and the weather was replaced and also blessed by Rev. Riess

Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024
Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024

Parade to Memorial Stone

The parade to the Memorial stone was, as ever, led by the Immingham Air Training Corps Band.

Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024

Service At the Memorial Stone

A short service at the Memorial Stone was followed by two minutes silence and the laying on wreaths and placing of poppy crosses.

Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024

Laying of the Wreaths At the Memorial Stone

Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024
Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024
Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024
Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024 Reunion, North Killingholme, 2024

Remembrance Service in St Denys' Church

Peter Coulter welcomed everyone to the service on behalf of the Association, including visitors from far (very far!) and wide, and gave a brief summary of the events attended in 2024 by the Association.

The service was led by The Revd. Trevor Riess.

Reunion 2024 Speech Welcoming Speech and summary of significant anniversaries and events for the Association

Tea in the Village Hall

Following the service everyone adjurned to the Village Hall for tea and cakes.

Saturday Evening, Reunion Dinner, The Ashbourne Hotel

Visitors assembled for dinner on Saturday evening at 7.30 PM for 8PM.

About 30 people in total sat down for dinner. After dinner George Turner said a few words of welcome, and then made the toasts (listed in the Reunion Dinner card below).

The slide set displayed over the weekend and during the dinner is shown below (this will download and need MS Powerpoint (MSOffice), or at least a Powerpoint reader, in order to be viewed). During and after the dinner a collection of photographs, then and now, was displayed and attracted a lot of attention and discussion.

Reunion 2024, Powerpoint Slide Set 550 Squadron and RAF North Killingholme Association
MS Powerpoint Slide Set
NB: very large document (ca. 6Mbytes) - may take a long time to download depending on the speed of your internet connection.

Sunday Morning

Airfield Tour

At 10AM on Sunday morning George Turner took a number of visitors for a guided tour of the airfield.