There follows below lists of the officers and men who served in 550 Squadron. The information used to build this page was taken in the first instance from the lists provided on the original Squadron Association web-site, but have been augmented by new and additional information gathered since that time.
This information is not yet complete: it has been build from the Roll of Honour, Decorations and Senior Officer lists, and then by working through other available records. So please don't shout just yet if you spot an omission - work continues to build a more complete, and accurate, list.
Do however shout if you spot an error! Please email any corrections or information to the contact details in the link at the bottom of the page.
Serviceman Details: The column headers should be fairly self-explanatory. The final column (Web links) contains, where given, links to other items on this web-site or indeed to external sources where further information or photographs, etc can be found.
Aircraft: When a link to a particular aircraft is given, this only indicates aircraft it is known the crewman was associated with (such as when flight logs are available or the aircraft has failed to return from an operation). It does not exclude the fact that the crewman may well have flown on other aircraft too, that is either just not documented in the currently available records or simply not known to the author. The aircraft links will take you to the operations listed for that aircraft.
Note that the vast bulk of the information available about squadron servicemen presented below concerns air-crew; almost no information is available about the men, and women, of the technical and other ground crews who played their part in making the squadron an effective fighting unit. This is a shame, given the key role they played in keeping the aircraft in the air and the men flying them able to do their job. So if you have ground-crew information do please send it in so that it too can be included in the squadron record.
Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.
Serviceman Details | Aircraft | Rank | Initials (First Name) |
Last Name | Decorations | Service | Service No. | Role | Flight | Other Information | Links | FTR? | Date | Service Number |
F/O | A (Alec) |
Abrams | RCAF | R.159941 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44 Interned in Camp L3. PoW No.8493 Commissioned service number J87651 Crew photo in one of Patrick Otter's "Maximum Effort" books |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php |
PoW | 14 Oct 1944 |
DV200 LM273 ME583 ND972 NF962 NG133 PA995 PB562 |
F/L | C J (Charles James) |
Adair | RAF | 53312 | F/Eng | - | Senior Flight Engineer: 09 Jun 44 - 13 Dec 1944 Posted from Sandtoft on 28.5.44 for duties as Squadron Flight Engineer Leader Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU on 6.6.44 for Flight Engineer Leader Post [Ed: two separate entries in the ORB with differing dates] NCO service number 526603, DFM gazetted 21/1/44 for a tour with 101 Sqn. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 13.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LM228 |
Sgt | R |
Adam | RAF | 1825408 | MU/AG | - | Adam or Adams Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 13-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORWright/index.php |
- | - |
NN715 |
F/O | J C (John Charles) |
Adams | RCAF | J.36193 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O G B Smith, LL748, 12 Oct 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
KIA | 5/6 Jan 1945 |
ED905 LL748 LL831 LM273 ME301 ND972 NG331 PA995 |
Sgt | P A O (Percy Alfred Oliver) |
Adams | RAF | 1608426 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 8.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-blamont-commemorations.php |
KIA | 28/29 July 1944 |
LM455 ND972 |
Sgt | L (Leslie) |
Adams | RAF | 1379765 | W/Op | - | F/L Pyke crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 31/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG287 NN715 PB514 PD319 |
Sgt | S J H (Samuel James Herbert) |
Adams | RAF | 1900392 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS wef 26.8.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 26/02/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JB345 NG246 NG250 NG290 NG331 PD321 |
F/O | F S (Frederick Sydney) |
Adley | DFC | RAF | 1628488 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 11.08.44 Listed variously in ORB as Sgt, P/O and F/O Nickname of "Pop" annotated to some photographs. Born on the 6th October 1896. Saw service in WWI. Therefore looks likely to have been the oldest serving member of aircrew in 550 Sqdn, if not Bomber Command as a whole (at the time of his last op he was 48 years and 213 days old.) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image054.jpg /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue75 |
- | - |
LM228 ME390 ME503 NG134 NG221 NG251 NG390 PA268 PA995 PB321 PB562 PB864 PD319 PD321 RA503 RF237 |
F/O | K L (Kenneth Lee) |
Agnew | RAF | 136364 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWCobbin/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 Jan 1944 |
DV306 ED942 |
Sgt | A (Allan) |
Aitken | RAF | 3020649 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PA325 PD321 |
F/Sgt | L A (Leonard Anthony) |
Aitken | RAAF | A.436232 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 Both Aitkin/Aitken in ORB |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
Sgt | R N (Ronald Norman) |
Aitken | RAF | 1509571 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit. w.e.f. 18/12/43 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 101 Sqdn w.e.f 23/1/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 LM425 |
F/O | O L (Oliver Leslie) |
Albutt | RAF | 151080 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Feltwell w.e.f 3.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php |
KIA | 9/10 May 1944 |
JA918 LL831 LM455 |
F/O | W W (William Wade) |
Alderdice | DFC | RCAF | J.87008 | P | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 22 O.T.U w.e.f. 17.02.45 14 sorties with 103 Sqn, DFC gazetted 21/9/45 |
- | - | - | - |
LAC | J (John) |
Alderman | RAF | 1723648 | Armourer | - | 13th Nov 1944: Injured when bombing up. A smoke bomb fell from a bomb rack and exploded at his feet. Shrapnel fragments of the casing injured both his legs below the knee. 11/43-10/45 |
- | - | - | - | |
P/O | Alderson | RAF | - | - | Replaced F/Lt. Gardiner as Station Armament Officer during his temporary absence on leave | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | R G (Richard George) |
Aldridge | RAF | 974951 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Blyton w.e.f. 13.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG250 PB514 |
F/Sgt | W G (William George) |
Aldridge | RAF | 1399941 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 26.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | |
S/L | R S (Robert) |
Alexander | RAF | 39923 | P | A | Flight Commander A Flight: 25 Dec 43 - 18 Jan 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f. 31/12/43 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 18/1/44 to Command (W/Cmdr Post) DFC gazetted 13/10/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderRSAlexander/index.php |
- | - | - | |
W/O | A E (Albert Edward) |
Allard | RAF | 1385695 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | E R |
Allaway | RAF | 1676015 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 460 Sqdn on 19.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to Aircrew School w.e.f. 22.11.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
F/L | E S (Eric Sidney) |
Allen | RAF | 179320 | P | - | First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Sgt Hopman, PB532, 14 Oct 1944 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died age 22 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
KIA | 13/14 Feb. 1945 |
JB345 LL748 NF932 NG287 PA995 PB532 |
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Allen | RAF | 1172469 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 28.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL831 ME776 NF931 NG243 NG246 NG251 PB415 PB532 |
F/Sgt | H L |
Alleyne | RCAF | R.212521 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG134 NG221 NG243 NN715 RF136 |
Sgt | L C (Leslie Charles) |
Allington | RAF | 1804744 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtAllington/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | Allison | RAAF | A.435122 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
LAC | E J (Edward (Ted)) |
Allison | RAF | ARM(B) | - | 11/43 - 10/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | A |
Allway | RAF | F/Eng | - | May be Allway or Allaway |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 NF963 |
Sgt | G K (Gordon Kenneth) |
Almand | RAF | 1890646 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHodgkiss/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | R (Robert) |
Anderson | RAF | 1826603 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 170 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted to 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 17.3.45 Posted back to 550 Sqdn from 13 Base 25.5.45 on ceasing to be N/E sick |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php |
- | - |
66/B JB345 NG221 NG331 NG390 NN715 PB382 PD321 RA503 |
Sgt | A (Alfred) |
Anderson | RAF | 1547680 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 26.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOWHSAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE193/index.php |
KIA | 29/30 Aug 1944 |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 |
Sgt | Anderson | RAF | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
- | - |
DV345 |
F/Sgt | W G (Bill) |
Anderson | RAF | 1522859 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45 11/44 - 11/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fleville-memorial.php |
Surv. | 1/2 Feb 1945 |
NG363 PB707 PB843 PD313 RA502 RF136 RF214 |
F/O | M K (Murdoch ("Bud")) |
Anderson | RCAF | J.41429 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 Posted to 13 Base (supy) w.e.f. 9.2.45 [Ed: must have returned after that, as multiple ops in May 1945.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME776 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG250 PA325 RF136 |
Sgt | J N (John Neville) |
Andrew | RAF | 1461939 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.ef 1.2.44 Notified to W.C.A.D Uxbridge on being reported missing w.e.f 16.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJSGCrawford/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 March 1944 |
LM392 ME582 |
F/Sgt | J H (John Henry) |
Andrews | RAF | 1807133 | P/F/Eng | B | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 HCU w.e.f. 15.3.45 3/45 - 11/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACBothe/index.php /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
- | - |
ME548 NG135 NG246 PB514 RF135 |
LAC | T E (Thomas) |
Andrews | RAF | FM(Eng) | - | Was at Waltham 11/43 - 5/45 |
- | - | - | - | ||
F/O | S R (Stephen Roy) |
Angill | RAF | 1614540 | A/B | - | Injured. (Also Service Number 162344?) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
PoW | 21/22 Feb 1945 |
NN715 |
F/L | V B (Victor Brian) |
Ansell | DFC | RAF | 177915 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS wef 26.8.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Shaw (ED905, 6 Sept 1944) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 20 O.T.U w.e.f. 03/01/45 DFC gazetted 13/4/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 JB345 NG246 NG250 NG290 NG331 PD321 |
Sgt | K R (Kenneth Raymond) |
Ansell | RAF | 572304 | A/B | P | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 June 1944 |
EE139 ME556 W5005 |
W/O | W H S (Washington Henry Samuel) |
Ansell | RAF | 903498 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 26.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Purvis LL800, 12/07/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOWHSAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE193/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php |
KIA | 29/30 August 1944 |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 |
Sgt | W H (William Henry ("Bill")) |
Ansell | RAF | 1587849 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44 Posted to 166 Sqdn (as F/Sgt) on 12.7.44 Award of DFM (with 166 Sqdn) recorded in London Gazette 8th December 1944 Appt. to Commission P/O (189877) recorded in London Gazette 31st Dec. 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php |
- | - |
LL134 LL748 LL836 LL850 LM319 ME556 ME582 ME687 PA991 PA995 |
F/O | J W |
Ansell | RAF | - | - | A. & S.D. From No. 1 Group H.Q. | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | D (David) |
Anthony | RAF | 1826667 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 170 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 Mar 1944 |
66/B JB345 NG221 NG331 NG336 NG390 NN715 PB382 PD321 RA503 |
F/O | R W (Robert William) |
Archer | RCAF | J.35033 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 8.7.44 (Archer R/181271, commissioned 3 September 1943) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-blamont-commemorations.php |
KIA | 28/29 July 1944 |
LM455 ND972 |
F/O | A C |
Armstrong | RCAF | J.43579 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 3/45 - 6/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLSJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PA268 PB514 PB707 |
Sgt | H E (Harry Edwin) |
Arnold | RAF | 1880686 | W/Op | - | Transferred in from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSLangford/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/photogencrew.JPG |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | J W (Jeffrey Watson) |
Arnold | RAAF | A.418620 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f. 28-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group.php#BFlight |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 Ng221 NG287 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | R C G (Ronald Charles Gideon) |
Ashby | RAF | 1801434 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 16.6.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Squadron. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL796 LL831 LM455 LM460 |
F/O | B B (Borden Bramshott) |
Ashley | RCAF | J.25521 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f. 15.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPGMilburn/index.php |
KIA | 22/23 April 1944 |
A G H J K LM455 ME581 ND403 ND733 |
F/Sgt | E (Edmund) |
Ashley | RAF | 2209291 | W/Op | - | Log book records 3 ops with 550 Sqdn (with pilots F/Sgt Cochrane (2), P/O Percival (1) and multiple MANNA and training flights with F/Lts Fleming and Shaw. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/LogBooks/EAshleyLogbook.pdf |
- | - |
C E HK796 ME776 PB321 PB707 |
Sgt | F N (Frederick Norman) |
Ashton | RAF | 957303 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con unit w.e.f. 7/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtRHField/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 |
P/O | R (Robert) |
Askey | RAF | 54519 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD321 PD325 PD343 PD382 RF237 |
Sgt | W (William) |
Aspinall | RAF | 638124 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44 Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.02.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 July 1944 |
DV279 EE139 LM228 LM460 PA991 PB532 PB562 PB707 PD221 PD255 |
Sgt | H (Harold) |
Asquith | RAF | 1493364 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.156 Sqdn w.e.f 08/01/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
- | - |
JB618 JB678 |
Sgt | J C (John Carman) |
Atherton | RAAF | 426486 | MU/AG | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 LM319 |
W/O | M (Mansel) |
Atyeo | RAF | 535448 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 26.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | J P (Joe) |
Aucoin | RCAF | R.183300 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Rufforth, w.e.f 25.6.1945 From Cheticamp, Nova Scotia |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 ME519 NG132 NG221 NG390 PB707 PD343 RA547 |
Sgt | M (Maxwell) |
Austin | RAF | 1603415 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWThomas/index.php |
KIA | 19/20 Oct 1944 |
NG192 |
Sgt | J C |
Austin | RAF | R/AG | - | - | - | - | - |
LM182 |
Sgt | J C |
Austin | RAF | 1795913 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 (not explicitly, assumed, based on surrounding crew lists on same ORB page) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORAMarriott/index.php |
- | - |
NF132 NG243 |
F/L | L H (Laurence Henry) |
Avery | RAF | 145715 | Nav | - | Senior Navigation Officer: 30 Jul 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. on 30.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD221 |
W/O | G (George) |
Aylmore | RAAF | A.415851 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 See BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 NG243 |
F/Sgt | G (Gilbert) |
Ayres | RAF | 1628790 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 21 P.A.F.U. w.e.f. 7.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | |
P/O | A W (Arthur Walter) |
Ayres | RAF | 173509 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 4.5.44 (Gunner "S") Posted to No. 13 Base N.E. on 10.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | H J (Harry James) |
Bailey | RAF | 1601442 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Squadron from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 Dec. 1944 |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG289 NG290 NG331 PD382 |
Sgt | D J (Daniel James) |
Bailey | RAF | 1583734 | W/Op | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 10/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php |
- | - |
ME389 ME503 PA288 PB707 |
Sgt | W H (William Henry) |
Bailey | RAF | 1603521 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 29.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME776 NG250 PD321 RF214 |
Sgt | A D (Alfred Douglas) |
Baker | RAF | 1724295 | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 Jul 1944 |
LM455 LM460 LM647 |
Sgt | E J (Eric James) |
Baker | RAF | 1290930 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted to 30 O.T.U. on 28.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 LL748 LL810 LL834 LL882 LM319 ND425 |
Sgt | E J |
Baker | RAF | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard |
- | - |
LL834 |
Sgt | A E |
Baker | RAF | 1897197 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14th Sept 1944 Posted to 150 Sqdn w.e.f 7th Nov 1944 13 ops with 550 Sqdn, 23 ops with 150 Sqdn: Total 36ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 ND972 PD319 PD321 PD382 |
Sgt | W F |
Baker | RAF | 1728965 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14th Sept 1944 Posted to 150 Sqdn w.e.f 7th Nov 1944 13 ops with 550 Sqdn, 23 ops with 150 Sqdn: Total 36ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 ND972 PD319 PD321 PD382 |
F/Sgt | C H (Charles Hume) |
Baldwin | RAAF | A.420806 | A/B | - | Posted from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f. 31-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 PD320 |
P/O | E C (Edward Charles) |
Ball | RAF | 171592 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. LFS on 29.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC (Air Crew Allotation Centre in Brackla (Invernesshire)) w.e.f 6.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image066.jpg |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM455 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD228 |
F/Sgt | M J (Malcolm John) |
Ball | RAF | 1578988 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 29.3.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/L MacLachlan (ME519, 4 April 1945) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME776 NG250 PD321 RF214 |
F/O | E W |
Ball | RAF | 18961128 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJCParry/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 |
E W (Edward William) |
Ball | RAF | 1896128 | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
F/Sgt | J D P (John Douglas Peter) |
Banahan | RAF | 1454694 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Beale (PB514, 10th April 45) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php |
- | - |
PB514 |
Sgt | J L |
Banks | RCAF | R.155988 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 28.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL831 ME548 ME776 NF931 NG243 NG246 PB415 PB532 |
Sgt | P H (Philip Henry) |
Barber | RAF | 1601594 | A/B | - | Originally from Hatchend moved to Canada after the war. 11/44 - 3/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 RF135 |
Sgt | R (Reg) |
Barber | RAF | 907916 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRidsdale/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | B S P (Bryan Stanley Patrick) |
Barby | RAF | 1819213 | R/AG | - | dob 17.2.1925. Posted to ACAC Catterick w.e.f from 02/03/1945. Post-war worked in air traffic control Died 18/12/2012 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG250 NG251 NG363 PB532 PD320 |
F/O | J G (John George) |
Barclay | RAF | 156768 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 19 O.T.U w.e.f. 30.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtAJDMacLachlanCrew |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG290 NN715 PD320 PD321 RA503 |
S/L | E R |
Barker | RAF | - | - | Station Intelligence Officer | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | G T |
Barlow | RAF | 1622629 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.156 Sqdn w.e.f 08/01/44 [Ed. GT or JT (John Thomas)?] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
- | - |
JB618 JB678 ME556 |
P/O | R E (Robert Edwin) |
Barnes | RAF | 53131 | - | - | Senior Adjutant: 25 Nov 43 - 13 Dec 43 | - | - | - | - | |
F/L | J B (John Benjamin) |
Barnes | RCAF | J.41180 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 05.01.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Pyke (PB514, 16th Jan 1945). Then had to repeat the exercise (PB514, 22nd Jan) because the first flight has been aborted due to engine fire. Joined 550 Sqdn as F/O. At the time of the loss of PD320 was F/Lt |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php |
KIA | 24 March 1945 |
ME519 NG221 NG246 PB514 PD320 PD321 |
F/Sgt | E (Edwin) |
Barnett | RAF | 1452935 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 08.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 NF998 NG290 NG330 NG390 NG398 PB321 PB514 PB707 |
F/O | E (Edwin) |
Barraclough | RAF | 161694 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMarker/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | W (Wilfred) |
Barratt | RAF | 2209552 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/SgtWilfredBarratt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/SgtJohnMcGhie/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 LM321 ND425 |
Sgt | A E (Arthur Edward) |
Barrell | RAF | 1891144 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRidsdale/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | W H (William) |
Barrett | RCAF | R.223676 | MU/AG | - | With F/Lt J Harris crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 30/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot Warrington w.e.f. 5.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NG120 NG165 NG250 PB514 PB532 PD221 |
W/O | F E (Frank Edward) |
Barrett | RAF | 1360055 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 14.09.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (as P/O Barrett 184197) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG135 |
Sgt | J J (Joseph John ) |
Barry | RAF | 1623662 | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG221 NG336 PB268 PD321 RF237 |
Sgt | E (Eric) |
Barton | RAF | 2209562 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 5.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG390 PD321 PD342 PD343 |
Sgt | H W (Harold William) |
Barton | RAF | 1881340 | MU/AG | B | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 HCU w.e.f. 15.3.45 3/45 - 10/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACBothe/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NG135 NG246 PB514 RF135 |
F/Sgt | D C (Desmond Charles) |
Barton | RAF | 1394124 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 16.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Kenyon, DV279, 30 Aprl 1944. Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Squadron. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 EE139 LL796 LL831 LM455 LM460 |
Sgt | L A (Leon Asher) |
Bassman | RAF | 1423298 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 8.9.44 Killed in an aircraft crash during training on the 5th October 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-ellingstring-memorial.php |
KIA | 4 Oct. 1944 |
NF963 |
LAC | F W (Frank) |
Bastin | RAF | F/Mech(Eng) | - | Ground crew (Flight Mechanic(Engines)) Died on 6th Feb 2018 after a short illness |
/documents/public/newsletters/2009/newsletter-44-Oct-2009-B.pdf /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue69 |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J H (John Herbert) |
Bateman | RAAF | A.28374 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | Bates | RAF | 1591049 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJPage/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | H W (Harold Weston) |
Batt | RAF | 146951 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL747 LL826 ND403 |
F/Sgt | G W (Geoffrey Wilkinson) |
Battersby | RAF | 998897 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 26.6.44 Died aged 24. Buried in Denmark |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOWHSAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE193/index.php |
KIA | 29/30 Aug. 1944 |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 |
Sgt | J T (John Thomas) |
Bayliss | RAF | 1817277 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station Kermington, w.e.f. 6.3.44 On completion of operational tour posted to 30 O.T.U on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 |
Sgt | E C (Ernest Cecil) |
Beacham | RAF | 1587896 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Conversion Unit w.e.f 4/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/DV309/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerlo-commemorations.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
DV309 LM460 |
F/O | J A (Jim) |
Beale | DFC | RCAF | J.89371 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O G W Bell (PD221, 12 Dec 44) 11/44 - 5/45 Died July 2013 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image044.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image136.jpg |
- | - |
NG289 NG331 PB514 PB707 PB864 PD221 PD313 PD321 RF135 |
Sgt | S F (Sydney Frederick ("Jimmy")) |
Beardmore | RAF | 1867967 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 Finished tour of Operations on 17.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHopman/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL796 LL800 LM455 ME776 ND972 NF963 |
F/Sgt | C W (Clarence Walter) |
Beckingham | RAAF | A.422381 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
ED905 EE193 ND972 PA991 PB532 PD313 PD319 |
F/O | P B (Philip Bernard) |
Beddoes | RAF | 165264 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 09/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHGJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
RA547 |
F/O | S C (Stanley Christmas) |
Beeson | RAF | 175515 | P | - | First live op as 2nd pilot to S/L Nicholas LL134, 3rd June 1944 Interned in Camp L1. PoW No.5275 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php |
PoW | 28 Aug 1944 |
ED905 LL134 LL800 LM182 ME583 PA991 |
P/O | K H |
Beeston | RAF | - | - | Gas and Fire Officer | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | R R |
Begley | RCAF | R.184897 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from Wickenby for recrewing with F/Sgt Lloyd on 8.5.44 P/O Begley RCAF (A/G) J.87234 posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC Brackla w.e.f 6.8.66 (1944 assumed!). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 |
W/Cdr | B (Bryan) |
Bell | RAF | 37375 | P | - | Commanding Officer: 18 Sep 44 - 22 Feb 45 (Missing). Moved to No.1 Group Aircrew pool w.e.f. 24/12/43 Then posted back to 550 Sqdn as CO on the loss of W/Cdr Sisley First President of Northumbria Branch of the Aircrew Association. Died 1985 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php |
PoW | 22 Feb 1945 |
JA934 LM228 NN715 PD313 |
S/L | B (Bryan) |
Bell | RAF | 37375 | P | A | Flight Commander A Flight: 25 Nov 43 - 24 Dec 43. Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Transferred from Sqdn to No. Group Aircrew Pool w.e.f. 24/12/43. Later W/Cmdr and Commanding Officer 550 Sqdn: see details under W/Cmdr Bell, Commanding Officer. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | G W (Garnet Wigle) |
Bell | DFC | RCAF | J.24424 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 24 O.T.U w.e.f. 15.02.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG165 NG331 PA995 PB532 PB874 PD221 |
F/Sgt | Bell | RAF | 1320002 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJECranston/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | A K (Adalbert Kenneth) |
Bellows | RAF | 100721 | - | - | Senior Adjutant: 14 Dec 43 - Jan 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 144 Sqdn w.e.f. 14/12/43 to the duties of Squadron Adjutant |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | W G (William Gordon "Gord") |
Beney | RCAF | R.214542 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f. 10.10.44 For his 80th birthday he was able to get a flight in the restored Lancaster based in Hamilton, Ontario; the pilot entered the flight in his log book! |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL796 LL811 LL831 LM455 ME776 NG134 NG138 W5005 |
F/O | A (Allan) |
Benger | RAAF | A.437328 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group.php#BFlight |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 NG221 NG287 PD313 RF135 |
W/Cdr | J J (James Johnson) |
Bennett | DFC | RAF | 39056 | P | - | Commanding Officer: 25 Nov 43 - 17 May 44. First Commanding Officer of 550 Squadron. Selected to attend the Senior Commander's Course at R.A.F. College, Cranwell, commencing 17th May 1944. Added Bar to DFC after leaving 550 Sqdn. |
/pages/550-sqdn-memorial-stone.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 EE107 JA712 LL826 LL831 LL882 LM455 ME581 ND403 |
Sgt | C A (Charles Arthur) |
Bennett | RAF | 944204 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f 19.3.44 Posted to 12 Squadron on 16.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL134 LL811 LL826 LM134 ME687 ND425C |
F/O | F W (Frederick William) |
Bennett | RAF | 134689 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Survived emergency landing 30/31 Jan 1944 Posted to No. 11 Base on 12.6.44 No more information about F/O Bennett until October 1944, when he transfers from the General Duties branch of the R.A.F. to the Admin and Special Duties branch on 14/10/44 as reported in The London Gazette of 21/11/44 Died June 2017 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGAMorrison/index.php |
Surv. | 30/31 Jan 1944 |
DV305 |
F/Sgt | H S (Herbert Sydney) |
Bennett | RAF | 1339124 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
F/Sgt | Bennett | RAF | 648651 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMarker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | P |
Bennett | RAF | - | - | Flying Control A/F/L Posted to 550 Sqdn w.e.f. 9 Dec 1943 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | W A (William Alexander (Alex)) |
Bentley | RAF | 2219183 | R/AG | - | With F/Lt J Harris crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 30/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f 26.2.45 service no. quted as 2219183 and as 2219103 (on transfer out sheet) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NG120 NG165 NG250 PB514 PB532 PD221 |
F/O | J J (John Joseph) |
Berg | DFC | RAF | 129551 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-oude-ijsselstreek-commemorations.php /pages/RAF100_MemorialBench_Sept2019.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
LL747 LL838 ME840 |
LAC | W E |
Berrill | RAF | ARM | - | 1/44 - 10/44 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | W (William) |
Berry | RAF | 1802847 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACLockyer/index.php |
KIA | 17 Mar 1945 |
NG132 |
Sgt | F G (Frank Geoffrey) |
Bestall | RAF | 1815550 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHodgkiss/index.php |
- | - | - | |
P/O | W J (William John) |
Bibby | DFC | RAF | 172472 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f. 13/3/44 First live op as 2nd Pilot to P/O Kenyon, ME581 18/19 March 1944 Posted to 28 OTU on 21.7.44 [1437322 (N.C.O number)] Believed to be from Burnley Died Thursday 4th May 2017, aged 96 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php |
- | - |
JA918 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME581 ME687 ND733 |
F/Sgt | H J (Harley Joseph) |
Bickerstaff | RAAF | A.424951 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | R G (Robert George) |
Bickford | RAAF | A.437249 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG251 PB532 PD320 |
F/Sgt | J A (John Anderson) |
Bill | RAF | 1567488 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRidsdale/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | P E (Paul Edward) |
Binder | RAF | 1198527 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44 Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 6/44 - 2/45 (in two crews H.A.T. Clark and L.O. Williams |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 July 1944 |
DV279 EE139 LM228 LM460 PA991 PA995 PB532 PB562 PB707 PD221 PD255 |
Sgt | R (Ronald) |
Binney | RAF | 1672246 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted to 1656 Con Unit on 28.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 LL748 LL810 LL834 LL882 LM319 ND425 |
F/O | A H (Alfred Herbert) |
Bird | RAF | 48320 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f. 31/12/43 Posted to 101 Sqdn 11/1/44; DFM 22/10/40,149 Sqdn; DFC 14/10/44,101 Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderRSAlexander/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Birkinshaw | RAF | 1816064 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 26.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | A H (Alfred Henry) |
Birt | RAAF | A.431267 | R/AG | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 Posted to RAF Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | B A (Ben Allen) |
Bishop | RCAF | J.43507 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJRLocke/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME390 ND972 NG250 PA309 RF135 |
- | C F (Cyril) |
Bishop | RAF | MT(Driver) | - | Late 44 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | H (Henry) |
Black | RAF | 153665 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 11.08.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /original-site-archive/lib/image054.jpg /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
LM228 PA995 PB562 PD319 PD321 |
Sgt | A R (Roy) |
Blackburn | RAF | 550046 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on 17/02/44 (had been on 100 Sqdn as a member of a crew lost in action, so arrived at 550 for re-crewing) Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla on 31.10.44 Flew a number of missions as the Under-Gunner in W5005, on which listed as either Sgt or F/Sgt. For example, Sgt R Blackburn named as Under Gunner on F/Sgt Shervington crew in W5005, 09/05/44 F/Sgt R Blackburn named as Under Gunner on F/Lt Redmond crew in W5005, 27/06/44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JA918 LL748 LL811 LM228 LM319 LM460 ME687 PA995 W5005 |
Sgt | E G (Ernest Geoffrey) |
Blackham | RAF | 1673528 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 25/03/45 (with P/O Smart crew) 3/45 - 10/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php |
- | - |
PA268 |
Sgt | C P (Charles Philip) |
Blackham | RAF | 1624693 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 26.3.45 (with F/Sgt Lambert crew) 3/45 - 10/45 Died January 2019 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDPLambert/index.php /pages/IBCC-DigitalArchive.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2015.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2016.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2017.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2018.php |
- | - |
NG134 |
F/O | J P |
Blackie | RAF | 124311 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 300 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderTDMisselbrook/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NF963 NG135 NN715 PA995 PD320 |
F/O | G E (George Elliott) |
Blackler | DFC | RAF | 179072 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 13.9.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/L Dubois (LL831, 23rd Sept 1944) Posted to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f 20/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ND972 NG287 NG289 NG331 PA995 PB532 |
F/Sgt | G G |
Blair | RCAF | R.71561 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 |
Sgt | W J (Walter John) |
Blakesley | RAF | 1890241 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJPage/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/L | E G (Edward (Ted) Edward) |
Blakeway | RAF | 122347 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 12/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGBlakeway/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG120 NG250 RF135 |
F/Sgt | C F L |
Blancher | RCAF | R.169265 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13.9.44 (posting in as Sgt) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (posting out as F/Sgt) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJELJohn/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 ME776 NG134 |
F/Sgt | G (Gerald) |
Blower | RAF | 121591 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 14.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | R (Roy) |
Blows | RAAF | A.424954 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 (1919-1999) Born in Acton, moved to Australia with his parents and two older brothers in 1922. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/Images/IBCC_4110.jpg /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | D A (Dennis Alan) |
Blyth | RAF | 1871532 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f. 28-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php |
- | - |
NF135 NG250 NG287 NG289 RF135 |
Cpl | Boardman | RAF | - | - | SHQ | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | J C (John Cedric) |
Bodien | RAF | 1210314 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEGayler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | A (Alan) |
Bodill | CdG | RAF | 1432156 | R/AG | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 18/12/43 from 1667 CU Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC Brackla wef 7.8.44 Flew in both MU/AG and R/AG positions |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 LL747 LL748 LL811 LL831 LL834 LM319 ND403 ND425 |
F/O | G F (Gerald French) |
Bodman | RAF | 1426972 | A/B | - | Posted from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 20.9.44 (service number given as 1426772) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#Aircraft |
- | - |
DV279 LL837 LM182 LM228 ME776 |
W/O | J J (Jeffrey Joseph) |
Boland | RAAF | A.420527 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 Listed as F/Sgt Boland on crew photo (but named as Boland and Bowland in ORB) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group.php#BFlight |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 NG221 NG287 PD313 RF135 |
F/Sgt | J W (John William) |
Bold | RAF | A.436535 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 13.9.44 Posted to No. 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 23.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ND972 NG287 NG289 NG331 PA995 PB532 |
F/O | F E (Frank Eugene) |
Bond | RCAF | J22984 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 (DFC 21/9/45, 582 Sqn) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
Sgt | C A (Charles Aidan) |
Bonner | RAF | 1523916 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 09/02/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED942 LL747 LL748 LL810 LL826 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME687 |
P/O | H C C (Harry Cledwin Charles) |
Bontoft | RAF | 177177 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 9-1-45 Posted to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 3-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PB843 PD313 RA503 |
F/O | W (Walter) |
Boocock | RNZAF | NZ.422251 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 16.4.44 Posted to W.C.A.D on 13.7.44 on being reported missing. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 July 1944 |
DV279 DV309 LL747 LL748 LL796 LM455 |
F/Sgt | J K (James Kenneth) |
Boothroyd | RAF | 1359010 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb. 1944 |
ED942 JA712 LM319 LM321 |
F/Sgt | P J (Philip Jack) |
Borton | RAAF | A.429142 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted to R.A.F. Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
F/O | A C (Albert Charles) |
Bothe | RAAF | A.427780 | P | B | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 HCU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACBothe/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NG135 NG246 PB514 RF135 |
P/O | V J (Vernon John ("Bud")) |
Bouchard | DFC | RCAF | R.51217 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight (as F/Sgt, later P/O) Crew flew with F/Sgt Bouchard as 2nd pilot to 550 CO W/Cmdr Bennett LL882, 1 Mar 1944 Pilot Officer Vernon John BOUCHARD (Can/J.85054), No. 550 Squadron DFC Gazetted 2 June 1944 (see links) Posted to 82 O.T.U on 28.5.44 On transfer in as F/Sgt service number R.51217; on transfer out as P/O service number J.85054 Died 22/12/1944 (CWGC web-site link provided) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard,%20VERNON%20JOHN |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 LL748 LL810 LL834 LL882 LM319 ND425 |
F/O | W T (William Thomas) |
Bourne | RAF | 169154 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSellar/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | K (Kenyon) |
Bowen-Bravery | CdG DFC |
RAF | 144932 | P | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 18/12/43 from 1667 CU DFC awarded Sept 1944 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 9.7.44 Died Sept. 2013 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image124.jpg |
- | - |
DV306 EE139 LL747 LL748 LL811 LL834 ND403 PA995 |
Sgt | A H (Arthur Henry) |
Bowers | RAF | 1634193 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight. Not flying the night the remainder of the Cooper crew was killed. Thus flew a number of ops with other crews (at least seven), and including flying some as the Under-Gunner in W5005 (N-Nan) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php |
- | - |
ED730 EE193 JB674 LL851 LM319 ME687 ND403 PD221 W5005 |
F/Sgt | R C (Roland Claude) |
Bowling | RAAF | A434145 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
Sgt | E G (Edward George) |
Bowman | RAF | 1868825 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 2.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PA268 PB320 PB707 |
Sgt | D B (Dennis Bertin) |
Boyce | RAF | 3034274 | RAG | - | Injured. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
PoW | 21/22 Feb 1945 |
NG132 NN715 |
Sgt | J |
Boyd | RAF | 817164 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con unit w.e.f. 7/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtRHField/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 |
F/L | D J (Derek John) |
Boydon | RAF | 150081 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 First live op as 2nd Pilot to F/O Findlay (PD343, 9th April 1945) Surname is possibly Boyden, or even Blyden (on some ORB pages) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD321 PD325 PD343 PD382 RF237 |
W/O | T E (Thomas Edward) |
Boyle | DFC | RCAF | R.150138 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Tour expired crew: posted to 82 O.T.U on 10.6.44 (R150138/J87100) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
Sgt | A E (Alfred Ernest) |
Boyle | RAF | 1850383 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 26.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDPLambert/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 |
F/Sgt | B P |
Boyle | RAAF | A.424729 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. w.e.f 25/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.3.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
F/Lt | J S |
Brackenridge | RAF | - | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from ELSHAM w.e.f. 20 June 1944 Dental |
- | - | - | - | ||
S/L | H F R (Harold Frederick Roy) |
Bradbury | RAF | 39929 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 19.9.45 576 Sqdn ORB shows that F/Lt Bradbury joined 576 Squadron on 23 Nov 1943 | |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | F W (Frank William) |
Bradley | RCAF | J.95208 | MU/AG | - | Service numbers R260933 and J95208; the latter as P/O |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJClarke/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Jan 1945 |
NG363 PD313 |
Sgt | P J (Percy Jim) |
Bradley | RAF | 1623910 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 5.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtFPKnight/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 ME542 |
Sgt | W L (William Leslie) |
Bradley | RAF | 1129431 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit. w.e.f. 18/12/43 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Maule (Mawle) 23/12/43, DV345 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php |
- | - |
DV345 LM319 ME582 |
F/Lt | D K (David Kirker) |
Bradley | RAF | 1020940 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f. 31/12/43 Posted to 101 Sqdn 11/1/44 (DFC 14/11/44,101 Sqdn.) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderRSAlexander/index.php |
- | - | - | |
LAC | V (Victor) |
Bradley | RAF | - | - | Victor was a schoolboy when the war broke out. When old enough, he applied for RAF air crew. His application was turned down as he was found to be colour blind but was accepted as ground crew. In classic military fashion, he became an instrument repairer, a task that required wires to be distinguished by their colour!
As part of his role, he began working in the photographic section. Whilst there he received official/unofficial permission to use residual, unexposed film stock to take photographs. He adapted an old camera to take homemade plates fashioned from cut film, sandwiched between glass panels. An aspect of this is that as the photographer there are few images of him. The attached (see link) is an exception. LAC Bradley is the tall, young chap, fifth from the left. Information from Mark Bradley (son of Victor Bradley). |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtRPStone /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtDAShaw |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | R R (Robert Ranui) |
Bradshaw | RNZAF | 4215727 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 8.9.44 Son of Albert and Daisy Bradshaw, of Haumoana, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand Killed in an aircraft crash during training on the 5th October 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-ellingstring-memorial.php |
KIA | 4 Oct. 1944 |
NF963 |
F/Sgt | K P (Kevin Patrick) |
Brady | RAAF | A.430008 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.6.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM182 LM273 PA995 |
Sgt | W D (William Douglas) |
Braham | RAF | 1396382 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 NF998 NG246 NG287 NG289 NG336 NG390 PD320 PD382 |
F/O | S J (Stephen James) |
Braithwaite | RAF | 184200 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD321 PD325 PD343 PD382 RF237 |
F/Sgt | S H (Sydney Harold) |
Brasher | RAAF | A.410942 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted to 27 O.T.U. on 15.5.44 (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
P/O | W N H (Walter Nicholas Hugh) |
Brawn | DFC | RAF | 1455692 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/2/44 First live op as 2nd Pilot to P/O Kenyon, DV279 24/25 Feb 1944 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 18 O.T.U. 21.7.44 Post-war remained in the RAF retiring as a Squadron Leader 12th Feb. 1961 [Ed: Service numbers 1455692/175648] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 DV309 JA918 LL837 LM319 W5005 |
Sgt | C E G (Cyril Ernest George) |
Bream | RAF | 1871428 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 Admitted to Pomigliano hospital 6th Oct 45 with serious injuries (one leg nearly severed at the thigh) when RF136 crashed on an Operation Dodge flight. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCWGraham/index.php |
Inj. | 6th Oct. 1945 |
NG134 NG143 NG243 RF136 |
S/L | J A (John Adam) |
Breckell | RAF | 60077 | - | - | Station Navigation Officer (from arrival on 16 Feb 1944) posted from 550 Sqdn to HEMSWELL w.e.f. 20 June 1944 Known as "Jack" Served 1 tour with 9 Sqdn, also 75 Sqdn Died 5/2/1984 Auckland NZ His younger brother William was a Pathfinder 156 Sqdn (shot down in 1943 but survived as POW) |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#SquadronGroupPhotos |
- | - |
LM455 |
F/O | D J (David) |
Bremner | RCAF | J.26542 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds w.e.f 19.3.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 JA918 LL747 LL831 LL837 ME687 W5005 |
Sgt | E J (Edward Joseph) |
Brennan | RAF | 1581449 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (26/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 JB674 LM455 ND388 ND396 |
F/O | H B (Harold Beverly) |
Brett | RCAF | J.23959 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f 19.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
EE193 LL134 LL811 LM134 ME687 ND425C |
F/Sgt | N F L (Norman Frederick Lester) |
Bricknell | RAAF | A.424015 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | H B (Harold Braithwaite) |
Brier | RAF | 1624386 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG250 PB514 |
S/O | M R E (Rosemary) |
Britten | WAAF | - | - | Intelligence/Ops Posted from 550 Sqdn to NETHERAVON w.e.f. 9 June 1944 |
/original-site-archive/lib/image154.jpg |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | R E (Robert Edwards) |
Brock | RAAF | A.37054 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
W/O | G W (George Wilfred) |
Brook | CGM | RAF | 1213186 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted from this Sqdn to 1656 CU on completion of First Operational Tour w.e.f. 8.2.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 DV343 ED750 JB563 ND403 |
Sgt | P L (Philip Leonard) |
Brooker | RAF | 1600214 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php |
KIA | 14 Oct 1944 |
DV200 LM273 ME583 ND972 NF962 NG133 PA995 PB562 |
F/Sgt | L (Leslie) |
Brookes | RAF | 1684666 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSuckling/index.php |
- | - | - | |
S/L (Rev) | D M |
Brookes | RAF | Chaplain | - | Chaplain. From Cranwell. | - | - | - | - | ||
P/O | L (Leonard) |
Brooks | DFM | RAF | 178820 | MU/AG | - | Posted from No 1656 Con Unit w.e.f. 4.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php |
- | - |
NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB864 PD221 |
F/Sgt | W J (William John) |
Broom | RAF | 1583367 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 4.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG250 NG390 PB707 RF136 |
F/Sgt | Brotherhood | RAAF | A.422381 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 (with F/O Dodds crew, but never flew any ops with this crew) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | K J (Kenneth James Brotherhood) |
Brotherhood | RAF | 1428198 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 |
F/Sgt | J W (John William) |
Brown | RCAF | J.92163 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44 Service number listed as R.190689 on ORB |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php |
KIA | 14 Oct 1944 |
DV200 LL811 LM273 ME583 ND972 NF962 NG133 PA995 PB562 |
P/O | A R (Arthur Reginald) |
Brown | RAF | 182555 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 (as Sgt Brown, service number 2210108) [Ed: The ORB lists his initials at this point as J W but letters showing both his service numbers indicate that J W must be a typo in the ORB] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
ED905 EE193 ND972 PA991 PB532 PD313 PD319 |
Sgt | A H (Albert Henry) |
Brown | RAF | 2209356 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 09/02/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php,%20ALBERT%20HENRY |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED942 LL747 LL748 LL810 LL826 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME687 |
Sgt | G E (George Edward) |
Brown | RAF | 1013549 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943) Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944 Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.1596 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 19/20 February 1944 |
EE107 JB289 LM461 ND425 |
F/Sgt | S W |
Brown | RCAF | R.283229 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG134 NG243 PB707 RF136 |
F/Sgt | T W (Thomas William) |
Brown | RAF | 1523046 | A/B | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG221 NG336 PB268 PD321 RF237 |
F/O | G T (Gordon Todrick) |
Brown | RAAF | A.417798 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Sqdn Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 [Ed: ORB records initials G P but other sources (e.g. Australian War Memorial) noted G T for service number A.417798. DFC listed in London Gazette 17th July 1945.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
Sgt | W J (William James) |
Brown | RAF | 1494295 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 25/11/43 Posted to 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 1/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGADavison/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 ME556 ND328 |
Sgt | H L (Harry Lowther) |
Brown | RAF | 531163 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 Service number may be 531163 or 531168 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PA325 PD321 |
F/L | A W (Arthur William) |
Browne | DFC | RCAF | J.26970 | P | - | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 4.3.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to S/Ldr Pickles (NG250,4 April 1945) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG250 NG390 PB707 RF136 |
Sgt | H J E (Henry John Edward) |
Brownett | RAF | 1581820 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1945 |
NG287 |
F/O | L O (Leonard Oliver) |
Browning | RAF | 154201 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 [Ed. L O and L D Browning entries in the ORB flight lists believed to be the same (L D (four flights) being a typo).] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 ME390 ME503 ND972 NF931 NG134 NG246 NG251 NG390 PA268 PA991 PB321 PB532 PB864 PD313 PD319 PD382 RA503 RF237 |
Sgt | I V (Ivor Victor) |
Browse | RAF | 1812005 | F/Eng | - | LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php |
Surv. | 7 July 1944 |
ED562 LL748 LL800 LL826 LL831 LL850 ND403 |
Sgt | C A (Charles Anthony) |
Bruce | RAF | 1340053 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 P/O Bruce (183894) posted from 550 Sqdn to Aircrew School w.e.f. 22.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 |
Sgt | D S (Donald Sidney) |
Bruty | RAF | 1153961 | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#LL851 |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
LL851 |
F/O | J W (John William) |
Bryan | RAF | 143853 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb. 1944 |
ED942 JA712 LM319 LM321 |
F/Sgt | W S (William Stewart) |
Bryans | RCAF | R.143515 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.156 Sqdn w.e.f 08/01/44 Then to 97 Sqdn. Killed 27/8/44, as P/O J.89271 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
- | - |
JB618 JB678 ME556 |
Sgt | R J (Richard John) |
Bryant | RAF | 932580 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 20/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFLHern-Black/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PA288 |
F/O | J G (James Gilmour) |
Bryson | RAF | 134999 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGBryson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image012.jpg |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV189 DV305 ED536 |
F/O | M A (Melvin Arthur) |
Buchanan | DFC | RCAF | J.23886 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 12.5.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O N S Rogers (LL837, 24th May 44) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL796 LL811 LL831 LL837 LM455 W5005 |
Sgt | D M (David McColm) |
Buchanan | RAF | 1567973 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 From Dumfries. See BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 NG243 |
Maj | Buchanan | RAF | - | - | L.D.A. Posted to 550 Sqdn w.e.f. 30 Dec 1943 Posted from 550 Sqdn w.e.f 3 Feb 1944 |
- | - | - | - | |||
- | N (Nora) |
Buck | WAAF | - | - | - |
/images/550-sqdn-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | L G (Leslie George) |
Buckell | RAF | 1319533 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 |
Sgt | A (Alec "Buck") |
Buckingham | RAF | 514257 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f 2.12.44 Some ORB pages list Buckingham flying as R/AG |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 |
Sgt | G (George) |
Buckman | RAAF | A.14546 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 NG134 NG243 |
P/O | J (John (Jack)) |
Buckmaster | RCAF | J.38727 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44 Posted to No. 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 17.10.44 [Ed. must have returned again later, but the transfer in record cannot be found, as he is flying with the F/O CJ Jones crew from 9th Nov 44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM273 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG135 PA995 PG864 |
P/O | E C W (Ernest Charles William) |
Bull | DFM | RAF | 1664317 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight (DFM awarded as SNCO) Posted to No. 1 L.F.S. on 28.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JA712 JA918 JB674 LL837 LL850 LM425 ND403 W5005 |
Sgt | P H (Philip Henry) |
Bullen | RAF | 1804074 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEGayler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | G (George) |
Bulman | RAF | 1675431 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f 24/03/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 207 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2011.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/Images/IBCC_4108.jpg |
- | - |
ME390 NG221 PA309 |
F/Sgt | N W E (Norman William Ellison) |
Burdett | RCAF | R.160524 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f. 15.3.44 F/Sgt on transfer in (R.160524), but CWGC has service number J/86419 likely due to being P/O at the time of loss. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPGMilburn/index.php |
KIA | 22/23 April 1944 |
A G H J K LM455 ME581 ND403 ND733 |
Sgt | T P (Terence Percy (Terry)) |
Burke | DFM | RAF | 1802404 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44 Member of the W/O T A Lloyd crew, but flew an op with Jock Shaw crew Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 Con. Unit wef. 7.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0008.jpg /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0009.jpg |
- | - |
LL748 LL836 LM392 ND733 |
F/Sgt | H W (Henry William) |
Burlingham | RAF | 906120 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php /images/550-sqdn-group-photos/EngineeringOfficers1945.jpg |
- | - |
ME390 ME519 NG132 NG221 NG390 PB707 PD343 RA547 |
S/O | M (Peggy) |
Burnside | WAAF | - | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from ELSHAM w.e.f. 27 June 1944 Intelligence/Ops |
/original-site-archive/lib/image008.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image058.jpg /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#NorthKillingholmeStation /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | N A (Noel Alfred) |
Burrows | RAF | 113354 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/L Shenker NF931, 22 Jan 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php |
KIA | 18/19 Mar. 1945 |
ME548 NF931 NG134 |
Sgt | S (Stanley) |
Burtenshaw | RAF | 1393256 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | E A (Earl) |
Butcher | RCAF | J.41675 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Rufforth, w.e.f 25.6.1945 From Birtle, Manitoba |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 ME519 NG132 NG221 NG390 PB707 PD343 RA547 |
Sgt | G W (George William) |
Butcher | RAF | 1826882 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 29.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME776 NG250 PD321 RF214 |
F/Sgt | K J (Kenneth John) |
Butler | RAAF | A.430359 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 P/O Butler posted to R.A.F. Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 [Ed. RAAF web-site lists this service number as Kenneth John Butler RAAF, see] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtButler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Butterfield | RAF | 1591205 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f. 31/12/43 Posted to 101 Sqdn 11/1/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderRSAlexander/index.php |
- | - | - | |
P/O | J R (John Riley) |
Byrne | RAF | 188508 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Squadron from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 (as Sgt Byrne, 1589049) Sgt Byrne transferred in with the F/Lt Morris crew but did not go with his crew on the occasion of their loss 6.12.44 (being at base for interview with the Base Commander for his commission) The IWM has in its collection a diary belonging to Pilot Officer Byrne, IWM Documents.12886 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
KIA | 13/14 Feb. 1945 |
ED905 JB345 NF932 NG243 NG251 NG289 NG290 NG331 PD382 |
P/O | E |
Cahill | RAF | - | - | Meteorological Office | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | R F (Raymond Francis) |
Calderhead | RAF | 157632 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 8.7.44 (NCO:982598 : Commission Gazetted Tuesday 02 November, 1943) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-blamont-commemorations.php |
KIA | 28/29 July 1944 |
LM455 ND972 |
S/L | W F (William Fleming) |
Caldow | AFC DFM DSO |
RAF | 140903 | P | C | Flight Commander C Flight: 08 Nov 44 - 20 Mar 45 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.11.44 Completed tour on 16.03.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 13 Base w.e.f. 20.3.45 NB: According to Station ORB: Posted to 1651 Conversion Unit w.e.f. 13.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderWFCaldow/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#TonUpLancs |
- | - |
EE139 ME390 NG221 NG251 NG336 NN715 |
Sgt | R A (Ronald Arthur) |
Caley | RAF | 2204251 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 28 O.T.U. 23.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 DV309 JA918 LL837 LM319 W5005 |
Sgt | J J M (Jack) |
Calvin | RAF | 1388777 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted to 30 O.T.U. on 28.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 LL748 LL810 LL834 LL882 LM319 ND425 |
F/O | L B (Leslie Blair) |
Cameron | DFC | RAF | 175107 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/07/44. First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Dubois (LM182, 01 Aug 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LM182 LM273 ME583 PD221 |
F/O | C R (Clare Reid) |
Cameron | RCAF | J.29338 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 26.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOWHSAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE193/index.php |
KIA | 29/30 Aug. 1944 |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 PA991 |
S/Ldr | J |
Cameron | RAF | - | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from CARNABY w.e.f. 29 June 1944 L.D.A. |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | M H A |
Campbell | DFM | RAF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/O | W K (William Kenneth) |
Campbell | RAAF | A.429447 | A/B | - | Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945. Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 March 1945 |
ME548 |
Sgt | D (Daniel) |
Campbell | RAF | 1370062 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight P/O Dripps and crew notified to WCAD (NE) Uxbridge (missing) w.e.f 23/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODCDripps/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec. 1943 |
DV343 |
F/O | W K (William Kenneth) |
Campbell | RAAF | A.429447 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NN715 PB707 |
F/Sgt | H E G (Harry Egerton George) |
Campbell | RAAF | A.434886 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | H D |
Campbell | RAF | 1607039 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PA325 |
F/O | Campbell | RCAF | J.44609 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJASweeney/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | M H A (Maurice Herbert Adrian) |
Campbell | DFM | RAF | 1431642 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 24.4.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn Awarded DFM 8/12/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHCWhite/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 ME556 |
F/O | L N B (Leslie Northcote Beavis) |
Cann | RAF | 136936 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 30.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Shaw (ED905, 12 July 1944) DFC 1/12/44 with 156 Squadron, killed 17-18/12/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 LL800 ME583 W5005 |
Sgt | J M (Jack Marshall) |
Cantor | RAF | 1247573 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Killed by night-fighter fire |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGAMorrison/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Jan 1944 |
DV305 |
Sgt | M G (Michel George) |
Capel | RAF | 1387274 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV345 |
F/Sgt | R W (Richard Worthington) |
Caples | RAAF | A.418342 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 26.6.1945 | /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
Sgt | G B C (Guy Claud) |
Capon | RAF | 1874898 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 Confined in Hospital due injuries, but succeeded in escaping. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php |
Evd. | 15/16 Mar 1945 |
NG287 |
F/Sgt | S G (Sidney George) |
Card | RAF | 1271977 | A/B | - | LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 20.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php |
Surv. | 7 July 1944 |
ED562 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 LM228 ND403 |
F/Lt | S B |
Carr | RAF | - | - | Flying Control. From Hemswell | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | J (John "Jock") |
Carruthers | RAF | 1897474 | R/AG | - | Originally from Scotland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 RF135 |
Sgt | J (John) |
Carson | RAF | 1570748 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG221 NG336 PB268 PD321 RF237 |
Sgt | J B (Jack Bernard) |
Carter | RAF | 1803990 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 5.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG390 PD321 PD342 PD343 |
F/Sgt | R H (Raymond Hollier) |
Carter | RAAF | A.413538 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | A (Alan) |
Carter | RAF | 1852840 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 Died March 2019 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FLRScholfield/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | G E (George Ernest) |
Carter | RAF | 1852543 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 ND972 NG165 NG250 NG363 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | Carter | RAF | 1587920 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | W J (William John) |
Carthew | RAF | 1853102 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Tour expired crew: posted to 83 O.T.U on 10.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
Sgt | J C (John Christopher) |
Cartwright | RAF | 1587409 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44 Interned in Camps L6/357. PoW No.1268 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHunter/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 30/31 January 1944 |
ED942 ND396 |
Sgt | C J |
Cassan | RCAF | R.218583 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. on 24.6.44 posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" Depot w.e.f. 14.11.44 (as F/O Cassan, R.218583) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LM182 LM455 ME583 ME776Q ND972 PA991 PD221 W5005 |
F/Sgt | V B (Vincent Bernard) |
Cassapi | RAF | 1389507 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fleville-memorial.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group#PilotBrigade |
Surv. | 1/2 Feb 1945 |
ME548 NG120 NG246 NG363 PA288 PB843 PD313 RA502 RF136 RF214 |
F/L | J (James) |
Cassidy | DFC* | RAAF | A414901 | Nav | C | Navigator with S/Ldr Willie Caldow. Flew on the last operational mission of The Phantom of the Ruhr (BQ-B). Flew 1st tour with 12/626 Sqdn (06/07/43-29/01/44) out of Wickenby (see Jack Currie, Lancaster Target) where he was awarded the DFC, followed by 2nd tour with 550 Sqdn (18/11/44-16/03/45) where he added a Bar to his DFC. DFC gazetted in the supplement to the London Gazette 20/12/45 (S/L Pickles RAAF in the same edition). Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.11.44 Completed tour on 16.03.45 Post-war returned to live in Australia and then returned to the UK. Died July 2015 just a couple of months short of his 94th birthday |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderWFCaldow/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/Images/IBCC_20191222.jpg /pages/bomber-command-books.php#TonUpLancs /pages/bomber-command-books.php#LancasterTarget /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FromANewAngle /images/PhantomofTheRuhr/BBMF20070427/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 ME390 NG221 NG251 NG336 NN715 |
Sgt | A J (Alan Joseph) |
Cassidy | RAF | 1596039 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 27.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NF931 NG120 NG246 PA288 RF135 RF214 |
F/O | E G (Edgar) |
Caswell | RCAF | J.25123 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 13.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" depot w.e.f. 4.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM228 LM285 ME583 ME776 NF998 NG132 NG133 |
P/O | E R (Eric Robert) |
Cathcart | RAAF | A.429402 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45. Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 [Ed: possibly Cathcart/Cathgart, ORB typing blurred.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J A (John Allan) |
Caulton | RAF | 1674831 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 27.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderELGosling/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | K H (Kevin Howard) |
Cecil | RAAF | A.430856 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 27.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderELGosling/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | R |
Challoner | RAF | 2204381 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f 30.1.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCSGeorge/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG243 |
F/O | C W |
Chalmers | RAF | 51296 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f. 31/12/43 Posted to 101 Sqdn 11/1/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderRSAlexander/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J (John) |
Chamboly | RAF | 1877514 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 Posted to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2.6.1945 From Upton Manor, London Name appears in a variety of spellings: Chamboly, Chambary, Chambury. Fred Norris refers to him in recollections as "Johnny Chamboly" |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG246 NG390 PA503 PA995 |
Sgt | C E (Charles Edward) |
Chandler | RAF | 1387838 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to 180 OTU w.e.f. 18/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | A O (Alan Osborn) |
Chapman | RAF | 1628448 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 LAC training in Canada From Romford, Essex |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORRMatthews/index.php |
KIA | 29 Sept 1945 |
PD343 |
F/Sgt | J F (John Frederick) |
Chapman | RAF | 2214009 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 28.9.44 Died 1994 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL831 ME776 NF931 NG243 NG246 NG251 PB415 PB532 |
P/O | Charlesworth | RAF | - | - | Station Electrical Officer Attached from 13 Base HQ w.e. 1 Feb 1944 replacing F/OTaylour on leave |
- | - | - | - | |||
F/Sgt | R J (Robert James) |
Chester | RAAF | A.1702 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 ME519 NG132 NG246 NG250 NG287 NG289 PA995 PD221 PD313 |
Sgt | W N (William Norman) |
Chew | RAF | 987786 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 9-1-45 Posted to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 3-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
- | - |
NG135 NG250 PB843 PD313 RA503 |
Sgt | E J (Edward John) |
Chick | RAF | 1853037 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 23.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFJCox/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG120 NG135 PA268 RA503 RF136 |
Sgt | L R (Leslie Raymond) |
Chisnall | RAF | 1866839 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to 180 OTU w.e.f. 18/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
- | - |
ME556 |
F/L | D M (Donald Marshall) |
Clark | DFC | RAF | 148038 | A/G | - | Senior Gunnery Officer: 20 Jul 44 - Oct 45 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 300 Sqdn on 20.7.44 DFC awarded 23/3/45 As surname both DM Clark and DM Clarke (F/Lt, A/G) appear in the ORB |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
- | - |
NG243 NG336 PD221 W5005 |
F/O | H A T (Hollis Andrew Taylor) |
Clark | RCAF | J.26760 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Bibby, LM460, 14 June 1944 Posted to W.C.A.D on being reported missing 19.7.44 It is thought that F/O Clark, unable to leave the controls to bale out himself (the rest of the crew baled out), attempted a forced-landing but crashed in the process. Buried in Brookwood Military Cemetery. On 23 July 1944 W/C A.F.M Sisley, the CO of 550 Squadron, noted he had flown 14 sorties (65 hours 50 minutes) and wrote: "The officer concerned was in my opinion a reliable and capable officer and an extremely efficient operational pilot, as his last operational sortie proved." |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
KIA | 18/19 July 1944 |
DV279 LM460 PA991 |
Sgt | J E (John Edward) |
Clark | RAF | 1806679 | A/B | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/03/1945 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Syerston, w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 |
F/O | J D (John Donald) |
Clark | RCAF | J.44118 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 20/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFLHern-Black/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PA288 PA309 |
F/Sgt | P |
Clark | RAF | 1802671 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 29.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME776 NG250 PD321 RF214 |
P/O | R (Ronald) |
Clark | RAF | 195418 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 14.6.1945 Posted from the Squadron (as F/O) 27/10/45 to R.A.F Snaith |
- | - | - | - | |
F/O | C J (Charles John) |
Clarke | RCAF | J.37640 | P | - | First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Bibby LM460 14 June 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJClarke/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Jan 1945 |
LM460 NG363 PD313 |
P/O | S M (Sydney Mervyn) |
Clarke | RAF | 50765 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f. 15.3.44 P/O on transfer in, at time of loss F/O S M Clarke |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPGMilburn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php |
KIA | 22/23 April 1944 |
A G H J K LM392 LM455 ME581 ND403 ND733 |
Sgt | E (Edwin) |
Clarke | RAF | 1499228 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f. 18.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL796 LL811 LL831 LM455 W5005 |
P/O | F R (Frank Raymond) |
Clarke | RCAF | 147313 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.156 Sqdn w.e.f 08/01/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
- | - |
JB618 JB678 ME556 |
Sgt | F P (Frederick Patrick) |
Clarke | RAF | 1521017 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 [Ed: or is service number 1524017 ?] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD321 PD325 PD343 PD382 RF237 |
SCpl | Clarke | RAF | - | - | Ground crew, "hostilities only" | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | P P (Philip Peter) |
Clarkin | RAF | 1796193 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight From Dublin |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGKPeasgood/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Jan. 1944 |
DV192 EE107 JB673 |
F/O | Clarkson | RAF | 1473620 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSellar/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | G W (Gordon William) |
Claydon | RAF | 1583071 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight. RAFVR (listed as 100 Sqdn on CWGC). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 JB604 JB674 |
F/Sgt | C M (Colin Malcolm) |
Clayton | RAF | 1625655 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 25/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php |
- | - |
NG243 PA268 RF136 |
Sgt | A (Alexander) |
Cleghorn | CdG | RAF | 1392969 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Lindholme, w.e.f 17.3.14 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 12 Squadron on 26.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 JA712 LL747 LL748 LL811 LM134 LM319 LM455 LM460 PA995 |
Sgt | H J (Hector) |
Cleghorne | RAF | MU/AG | - | Originally from Scotland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 RF135 |
F/Sgt | Clements | RAF | 1583192 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 21 P.A.F.U. w.e.f. 7.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | I A W (Ivan Arthur William) |
Clements | RAF | 1807554 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | A H (Alfred Horace) |
Clothier | RAAF | A.436183 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 467 Sqdn w.e.f. 15.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
ME428 PD382 |
Sgt | S (Samuel) |
Clucas | RAF | 3007228 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtButler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | D W (David Webb) |
Cobbin | RAF | 150100 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWCobbin/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 Jan 1944 |
DV306 ED942 |
Sgt | H |
Cochrane | RAF | R.51183 | Nav | - | Transferred from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | C L |
Cochrane | RAF | 1324934 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt AJD MacLachlan (RA503, 5th Mar 45) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG135 NG221 PA268 PA325 PB321 PD320 PD382 RA503 RA547 |
F/Sgt | L W F (Leonard William Felix) |
Coe | RAF | 1383648 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from Wickenby for recrewing with F/Sgt Lloyd on 13.5.44 Posted to 86 O.T.U. on 31.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 |
F/Sgt | E J (Edward John) |
Coffey | RAAF | A.11044 | Nav | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 Posted to RAF Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | R G |
Colban | RCAF | R.212300 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. on 24.6.44 posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" Depot w.e.f. 14.11.44 (as F/O Colban, J.90140) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LM182 LM455 ME583 ME776Q ND972 PA991 PD221 W5005 |
F/Sgt | F L J (Francis Leman Jesse) |
Colbourn | RAF | 1437045 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 11.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php |
KIA | 6 Nov. 1944 |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM228 NF963 PA991 PA995 PB562 |
F/O | A J (Arthur Lawrence) |
Coldwell | RCAF | J.40002 | A/B | - | Confined in Hospital due to injuries until Liberation. No PoW No. A J listed in ORB but name of Arthur Lawrence obtained (TBC) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJClarke/index.php |
PoW | 7/8 Jan 1945 |
NG363 PD313 |
Sgt | F R |
Cole | RCAF | R.163414 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJCParry/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 |
Sgt | K (Kenneth) |
Coleman | RAF | 1398749 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 16.6.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Squadron. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL796 LL831 LM455 LM460 |
P/O | Coleman | RAF | - | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn, 9550 Servicing Echelon, from Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 10.03.44 (Tech. Eng.) | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | A (Albert) |
Colin | RAF | 2221286 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
- | - |
ME540 ME776 NF931 NF998 NG120 NG134 NG221 NG243 NG336 PB707 PD313 |
Sgt | L M (Lawrence Manning) |
Collicutt | RCAF | R.176645 | R/AG | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 LL851 LM319 ME581 |
W/O | A T S (Albert Thomas Stanley) |
Collier | RAAF | 414446 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn Transferred in as F/Sgt (A.415253) but by first ops listing W/O. NB: The 460 Sqdn ORB shows Collier transferring from 460 Sqdn to 550 Sqdn on 25.11.43. More details on the crew page. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
Sgt | M H (Maurice Henry) |
Collings | RAF | 1602690 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S on 15.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL748 LL800 LM228 PA991 |
F/O | S W (Sidney Walter) |
Collins | RAF | 164575 | A/B | B | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 HCU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACBothe/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NG135 NG246 PB514 RF135 |
F/Sgt | G E (George Edwin) |
Collinson | RAF | 1437403 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 11.08.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image054.jpg |
- | - |
LM228 ME390 ME428 ME503 NG134 NG221 NG246 NG250 NG251 NG390 PA268 PA995 PB321 PB562 PB864 PD319 PD321 PD382 RA503 RF237 |
Sgt | P L (Percival Leonard) |
Colman | RAF | 1398722 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb 1944 |
DV309 JA712 ME556 ME582 |
F/Sgt | A W W (Albert Walter William) |
Coltman | RAF | 1390436 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 10/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php |
- | - |
ME389 ME503 PA288 PB707 |
Sgt | E R (Edward Rutherford) |
Common | RAF | 1686290 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOShaw/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | E V (Edward Victor) |
Condell | RAF | 1795369 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted from this Sqdn to 1656 CU on completion of First Operational Tour w.e.f. 8.2.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 DV343 ED750 JB563 ND403 |
Sgt | T J (Terrance John) |
Connaghan | RAF | 1493487 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Tour expired crew: posted to 83 O.T.U on 10.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
W/Cdr | P E G G (Patrick Edward Geoffrey G) |
Connolly | RAF | 37385 | P | - | Commanding Officer: 18 May 44 - 15 Jul 44 (Missing) Posted from Hemswell on 14.5.44 to Command Squadron |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-bussy-la-cote-commemorations.php |
KIA | 15 Jul 1944 |
LL811 LL837 LM455 |
Sgt | H H M (Hugh Henry Mills) |
Connolly | RAF | 1569111 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S wef 12.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
NF962 |
Sgt | S G (Sidney George) |
Conrath | RAF | 1607150 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds w.e.f 19.3.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 JA918 LL747 LL831 LL837 ME687 W5005 |
W/O | J C (John Cornelius) |
Conway | RAAF | A.415511 | A/B | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 27 O.T.U, w.e.f 30-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG251 PB532 PD320 |
F/Sgt | W H (William Henry) |
Cook | RCAF | K/270515 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerbeek-memorial.php |
KIA | 3/4 Feb. 1945 |
PB707 PD221 |
F/Sgt | G E (George Ernest) |
Cook | RAAF | A.431554 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | H G |
Cook | RCAF | J.14080 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 14.09.44
Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" Depot w.e.f 20.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG135 |
Sgt | P E (Peter Edwin) |
Cooksey | RAF | 1581585 | W/Op | - | Posted from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 18.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL800 LL810 LL811 LL831 NF963 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD221 |
F/Sgt | F A (Francis Albert) |
Coombes | RAAF | A.425125 | W/Op | C |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG132 NG243 |
F/Sgt | W R (William Richard) |
Cooper | RAF | 133806 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight. RAFVR (listed as 100 Sqdn on CWGC with service number 1338065). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 JB604 JB674 |
Sgt | H W (Herbert Wallace) |
Cooper | RAF | 980686 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Lindholme, w.e.f 17.3.14 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 166 Squadron on 27.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 JA712 LL747 LM319 LM455 LM460 |
Sgt | J |
Cooper | RAF | 2222352 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG165 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 |
F/Lt | G |
Cooper | RAF | - | - | O.C. 9550 Servicing Echelon Posted to 550 Sqdn w.e.f. 20 Dec 1943 Posted in as F/Lt, later S/Ldr. S/Ldr G Cooper, Mentioned in Despatches June 1944 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | D J (Denis Claridge) |
Cornes | RAF | 1522542 | F/Eng | - | Cornes and Ruppel were both 100 Squadron personnel, members of F/O Kenneth P Dunckley crew. Dunckley had been taken off flying duties due to suffering delayed concussion following an accident in which Dunckley was struck by a bicyclist returning from the local pub in the blackout in October 1943 (and so the men were presumably available on "loan" to fly with F/Sgt Jefferies) Cornes was killed over Berlin on 30 Jan 1943 flying with 100 Sqdn (Source John Proctor) He is buried in BERLIN 1939-1945 WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php,%20DENIS%20CLARIDGE |
- | - |
ED536 |
F/O | H |
Cornforth | RAF | 148101 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 300 Sqdn w.e.f. 2.9.4 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderTDMisselbrook/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NF963 NG135 NN715 PA995 PD320 |
F/L | P J (Philip James) |
Cornwall | DFM | RAAF | A.14850 | F/Eng | - | Senior Flight Engineer: Dec 43 - 28 May 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit w.e.f. 16/12/43 to fill the Establishment Post of Flight Engineer Leader and granted rank of acting F/Lt. NB: veterans web-site lists service number as 14850, rather than the 41850 in the Sqdn ORB, and is thus assumed the correct number. See links for details. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php |
- | - |
JA918 LL882 |
Sgt | N (Norman) |
Costigan | RAF | 1475860 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f. 24.11.44 [Ed: with Service no. listed as 1475260 on transfer out - assumed an error/typo] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
- | - |
NG221 |
W/O | E (Edward) |
Cottrell | RAF | 541736 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f. 31/12/43 Posted to 101 Sqdn 11/1/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderRSAlexander/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | K R (Kenneth Russell) |
Couchman | RAF | 1867907 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOShaw/index.php |
- | - | - | |
- | Coulter | RAF | - | - | Section Leader NFS (Gas and Fire Section) | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | S W (Stanley William) |
Courtenay | RAF | 1578974 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f. 15.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPGMilburn/index.php |
KIA | 22/23 April 1944 |
A G H J K LM455 ME581 ND403 ND733 |
F/O | G G H (George Glen Harrison) |
Cowper | DFC | RAF | 149348 | P | - | (P) (I). F/O Cowper (and crew) posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/10/44. Posted to No. 1667 CU w.e.f from 31/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 PD320 |
Sgt | C (Charles) |
Cowperthwaite | RAF | 1892618 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 14.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C, Brackla w.e.f 2-1-45 From Sunderland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 PD225 PD255 |
F/O | W F (Walter Fred) |
Cox | DFC | RCAF | J.21810 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 27.5.44 Posted to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f 3.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL747 LL831 LM134 LM182 ME583 PA995 PD221 |
F/O | R F (Russell Frederick) |
Cox | RAF | 1874123 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCWGraham/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 NG143 NG243 |
F/O | F J A (Frank James Arthur) |
Cox | RAF | 162532 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 23.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFJCox/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG120 NG135 PA268 RA503 RF136 |
F/O | L |
Cox | RAF | 157042 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 300 Sqdn w.e.f. 2.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderTDMisselbrook/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NF963 NG135 NN715 PA995 PD320 |
Sgt | D (Donald) |
Crabtree | RAF | 1686305 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station, Burn, w.e.f. 23.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG221 NG246 NG289 PB514 PB707 PD313 PD321 RA503 RF214 |
F/L | A B (Anthony Boyd) |
Craig | DFC | RAAF | A.415307 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Re-posted to 550 Sqdn to fill Establishment Post and granted the rank of Acting Flight Lieutenant w.e.f. 01/12/43 (listed F/O on ops in early part of tour) Posted to 27 O.T.U. on 14.5.44 (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
F/L | J F (James Fraser) |
Craig | DFC | RNZAF | NZ.402168 | P | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJFCraig/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar. 1944 |
LL852 |
Sgt | R (Robert) |
Craigs | RAF | 3041707 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 27.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NF931 NG120 PA288 RF135 RF214 |
Sgt | J M (James Mathew) |
Craine | RAF | 2218762 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Died 1st Feb 2019 A photo of James Craine appears in the 2019 Christmas Asda advert on UK TV (as does his grandson). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
Sgt | W |
Cranfield | RAAF | A.432787 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NN715 PB707 |
Sgt | T M (Thomas Matthew) |
Cranitch | RAAF | A.429518 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG246 NG250 PD320 PD707 |
F/O | J E (Jack Edward) |
Cranston | RAF | 185331 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJECranston/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/L | J S G (Jacque Simon Gustav) |
Crawford | RAF | 42197 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.ef 1.2.44 Notified to W.C.A.D Uxbridge on being reported missing w.e.f 16.3.44 Of Harrow, Middx Jack Crawford received his commission to the rank of Acting P/O on probation on 10/06/1939, later graded as P/O on probation on 18/09/1939 and confirmed as P/O on 17th July 1940. He rose to F/O (war subs) on 18/11/1940 and F/Lt (war subs) on 18/02/1942 Married to Pauline May Crawford |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJSGCrawford/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LM392 ME582 |
Sgt | J (John) |
Crawford | RAF | 1052664 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG221 |
Sgt | P (Peter) |
Cremer | RAF | 710390 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | V F (Vivian Frank) |
Crewes | RAF | 1892945 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 5.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtFPKnight/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 ME542 |
F/O | A H (Arthur "Art") |
Crich | RCAF | J.22939 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds w.e.f 19.3.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 JA918 LL747 LL831 LL837 ME687 W5005 |
Sgt | A C (Anthony Constantine) |
Crilley | RAF | 545827 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44 Ordered to bale out (PoW) Posted to W.C.A.D (N.E) on being reported missing on 4.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0008.jpg /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0009.jpg |
POW | 3 May 1944 |
LL836 LM392 ND733 |
F/Sgt | J A (John Andrew) |
Cromie | RAAF | A.410635 | W/Op | - | Cromie to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn Interned in Camp 4B, PoW No.267499 Believed blown clear of the exploding Lancaster as he could not recall bailing out. NB: The 460 Sqdn ORB shows Collier transferring from 460 Sqdn to 550 Sqdn on 25.11.43. More details on the crew page. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php |
PoW | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
Sgt | T J (Timothy John) |
Cronin | RAF | 1817167 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 07/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJFThomas/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | C R ("Pop") |
Cronk | RCAF | R.178241 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 Finished tour of Operations on 17.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
LL747 LL796 LL800 LM455 ME776 ND972 |
Sgt | C W (Charles William) |
Cross | RAF | 1815434 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 12.8.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 KIA 12 Dec 1944 with 150 Sqdn, buried REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php,%20CHARLES%20WILLIAM |
- | - |
ED905 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 NF962 NF968 PD225 |
Sgt | T G P (Thomas Grant Patterson) |
Cruickshank | RAF | 552689 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 166 Sqdn on 19.6.44. At 166 Sqdn the then F/Sgt Cruickshank completed a further 25 ops and was awarded DFM. (b1922 - d1978) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL810 W5005 |
Sgt | R G (Reginald George ("Taffy")) |
Crump | RAF | 1315733 | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
KIA | 13/14 Feb. 1945 |
JB345 LL748 NF932 NG287 PA995 |
Cpl | Crump | RAF | - | - | Nursing Orderly Cpl Crump was praised by the station commander for his "initiative and devotion to duty", and his actions (in tending to LAC Johnson) were drawn to the attention of the AOC |
- | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | R B (Roy Barton) |
Cumberlidge | RAF | 633728 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44 Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.509 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php |
PoW | 28/29 Jul 1944 |
EE193 LL796 LL831 LM134 NE164 PA991 |
F/Sgt | B D (Benedict Daniel) |
Cunningham | RAAF | A.436747 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtButler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | Cunningham | RAF | 1795922 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45>br> [Ed: have record of a 1925922 Louis Cunningham - similar service number to here, but not identical. Is the ORB in error? Or the external record wrong?] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Lt | R |
Cunningham | RAF | - | - | Station Medical Officer | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | G (Gordon) |
Curtis | RAAF | A.442332 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtButler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J J (Jimmy) |
Curtis | RCAF | R.192415 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 Finished tour of Operations on 17.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
LL747 LL796 LL800 LM455 ME776 ND972 |
Sgt | L E (Leonard Eagles) |
Dagless | RAF | 948192 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 16.4.44 Posted to W.C.A.D on 13.7.44 on being reported missing. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 July 1944 |
DV279 DV309 LL747 LL748 LL796 LM455 |
F/L | L (Leslie) |
Dale | DFC | RAF | 177905 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 Transfered in as F/O Dale |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2010.php#FLLeslieDale |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG246 NG250 PD320 PD707 |
Sgt | L D |
Dale | RAF | 1880047 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 NF998 NG246 NG287 NG289 NG336 NG390 PD320 PD382 |
Sgt | I (Ivan) |
Daly | RAF | 3040207 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 5.2.45 Married LACW Vivianne Johnson |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - |
ME390 NG336 NG390 PD321 PD342 PD343 |
Sgt | I |
Daly | RAF | 2205165 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 26.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDPLambert/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 |
Sgt | C R S |
Daniels | RAF | 1520431 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No, 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
P/O | W P F (Walter) |
Daniels | RAF | 179279 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14th Sept 1944 First live op as 2nd pilot to Sgt GH Town (LL748, 16 Sept 44) Posted to 150 Sqdn w.e.f 7th Nov 1944 13 ops with 550 Sqdn, 23 ops with 150 Sqdn: Total 36ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL811 ND972 PD319 PD321 PD382 |
W/O | H |
Dann | RAF | - | - | Mentioned in Despatches June 1944 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | G H W (Gilbert Henry William) |
Danton | RAF | 1399450 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJECranston/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | E J |
Davey | RAAF | A.49029 | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
ME428 PD382 |
F/L | K |
Davidson | RAF | 141400 | - | - | Senior Signals Officer: 06 Jul 44 - 16 Mar 45 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 28 O.T.U. w.e.f. 6.7.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
F/O | W M (William McHardy) |
Davidson | DFC | RAF | 182000 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1653 C.U. w.e.f 6.4.45 (P) (I) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG250 NG336 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
F/Sgt | V C (Vincent Campbell) |
Davidson | RAF | 1205745 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 170 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 Mar 1944 |
66/B JB345 NG221 NG331 NG336 NG390 NN715 PB382 PD321 RA503 |
F/O | A |
Davidson | RAF | 172279 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 23.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Blyton w.e.f. 29.10.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFJCox/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG120 NG135 PA268 RA503 RF136 |
F/Sgt | G H |
Davidson | RCAF | R.252227 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 14.09.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (as P/O Davidson J.98796) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG135 |
Sgt | D G (David Gwyn) |
Davies | RAF | 1135384 | F/Eng | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 18/12/43 from 1667 CU |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 |
P/O | J E H (John Edward Henry) |
Davies | RAF | 176652 | P | - | First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Bibby LM460 2 July 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 Jul 1944 |
LM455 LM460 LM647 |
F/O | N A (Norman Arthur) |
Davies | RAF | 53642 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 Jul 1944 |
LM455 LM460 LM647 |
Sgt | D R M (Desmond Roy Morgan) |
Davies | RAF | 1575462 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Conversion Unit w.e.f 4/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/DV309/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerlo-commemorations.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
DV309 LM460 |
P/O | H L |
Davies | RAF | F/Eng | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 PD321 |
P/O | L C |
Davies | RAF | 162813 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
Surv. | 4 July 1944 |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL831 LM229 LM273 ME575 ME583 ND972 PD208 PD255 W5005 |
Sgt | R E |
Davies | RAF | 929083 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 19/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVGRoberts/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG120 NG134 |
W/O | R J |
Davies | RAAF | A.421263 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG246 NG250 PD320 PD707 |
Sgt | H D |
Davies | RAF | F/Eng | - | According to the F/O RP Franklyn log book, the F/Eng quit and was replaced by a new F/Eng, P/O Davies. It may be that this HD Davies is the P/O Davies referred to in that log book. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
NG287 NG390 NN715 PB514 |
Sgt | B G |
Davies | RAF | 1126243 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 25/11/43 Posted to 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 1/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGADavison/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 ND328 |
W/O | H |
Davies | RAF | 1312531 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 25.3.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Beale (PB514, 9th April 45) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME542 ME776 NF931 NG289 PA288 PB514 RF136 |
F/O | J R |
Davies | RAF | 177315 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Snaith w.e.f. 27.10.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJRDavies/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | H D |
Davies | RAF | F/Eng | - | Ed. Sgt Dennis (F/O RP Franklyn crew) was F/Eng from crewing up (with F/O Franklyn crew) until Op No 31 (Feb 23 1945) when, according to the pilit log book, the F/Eng quit and was replaced by a new F/Eng, P/O Davies. It may be that this is same HD Davies that flew as F/Eng with the F/Lt GT Pyke crew. TBC/TBD |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 |
F/Sgt | Davis | RAF | 1625588 | R/AG | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f 22/03/45. |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FlightLieutenantFlemingCrew |
- | - | - | ||
F/Lt | G A |
Davison | RAF | 61031 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 27/12/43 Posted to 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 1/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGADavison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 ND328 |
F/Sgt | G B (Bernie) |
Dawkins | RAF | 1395391 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 12/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGBlakeway/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG120 NG250 RF135 |
F/O | W F |
Dawson | RCAF | J.40368 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 RF135 |
F/O | J J W |
Dawson | RAF | 174618 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.6.44. First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O K Bowen-Bravery, 23 June 1944, LL811. Then with own crew but as 2nd pilot to S/Ldr PA Nicholas, 24 June 1944, LL811 Posted in as P/O, shortly thereafter F/O. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 JB345 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM182 LM273 PA991b PA995 PD319 PD320 |
Sgt | F E (Fred) |
Dawson | RAF | 1324122 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 238 Sqdn w.e.f 22.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 DV309 EE139 JA918 LL748 LL837 LM319 PA991 PA995 W5005 |
F/Sgt | J G (John Gilbert) |
Day | RAF | 1684012 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 05.01.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php |
KIA | 24 March 1945 |
ME519 NG221 NG246 PD320 PD321 |
Sgt | A G |
Day | RAF | 1873790 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Tour expired crew: posted to No. 1 L.F.S on 10.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
F/O | Day | RAF | 163968 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMarker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | H J |
Day | RAF | 1899233 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 NF998 NG246 NG287 NG289 NG336 NG390 PD320 PD382 |
F/O | M A |
de Gast | RCAF | J.25759 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S on 15.6.44. [Ed. the ORB records the name as DeGast, this is now believed to be actually be de Gast.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 EE139 LL748 LL800 LL811 LM228 ME776 PA991 PA991a PA995 PD514 |
Sgt | K H F (Kenneth Harold Fontain) |
de Lengerke | RAF | 517767 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44 Cemetery of Brussels-Evere, Coll Grave X19.16 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Rebecq-Memorial-Project/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
DV279 JA712 LL748 LL810 W5005 |
F/O | G M G (Georges Marie Ghislain) |
de Menten de Horne | RAF | FX117431 | Nav | - | Belgian national. b. Brussels 5.5.1913, d. Spalding 2.1.1944 Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Initially buried in Brookwood Military Cemetery, Surrey Repatriated to Melveren, Belguim post-war (October 1949) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV345 |
F/O | R |
Deakin | RAF | 152582 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
Sgt | F A |
Decker | RAF | 1880398 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG250 NG336 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
Sgt | C A (Charles) |
DeLaveleye | RAF | 1814844 | MU/AG | - | Belgian national b. Etterbeek 4.4.1924, d. Dessau 7.3.1945 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 Son of Victor De Laveleye Belgian olympic athlete, politian and member of the government (Minister of Justice before WWII). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar. 1945 |
ME301 ME390 ME503 NF998 NG134 NG135 NG289 NG331 PG864 |
Sgt | R G (Ronald George) |
Dennett | RAF | 1589160 | R/AG | P | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 June 1944 |
EE139 ME556 W5005 |
Sgt | G C (George Charles) |
Dennis | RAF | 2204350 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Squadron from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue87 |
KIA | 6/7 Dec. 1944 |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG289 NG290 NG331 PD382 |
Sgt | S |
Dennis | RAF | 1595209 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 According to F/O RP Franklyn log-book the F/Eng quit after the 23/02/45 op and was replaced by P/O Davies Posted to 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 3.3.45 Posted back to 550 Sqdn from 13 Base 4.5.45 on ceasing to be N/E sick |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 NG132 NG246 NG287 NG289 PA995 PD221 PD313 |
F/Sgt | A B (Alexander Beveridge ("Jock")) |
Dennison | RAF | 1566359 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
KIA | 13/14 Feb. 1945 |
JB345 LL748 NF932 NG287 PA995 |
F/O | L W |
Denton | RAAF | A.415786 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) (Gunner "S") Posted to 27 O.T.U. on 14.5.44 (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
F/Lt | B (Bruce) |
Dermer | RAF | - | - | SIO, Int/Ops (replacing S/L Barker) Later S/Ldr Dermer |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#NorthKillingholmeStation |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | K W (Kenneth) |
Derwent | RAF | 1602734 | Nav | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f 22/03/45. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php |
- | - |
PB707 |
F/O | G S (George Stephen) |
Devereau | RAF | 129331 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 12.8.44 First live op as 2nd piolt to F/Sgt G B Smith, PD22, 25 Aug 1944 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 KIA 12 Dec 1944 with 150 Sqdn, buried REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php,%20GEORGE%20STEPHEN |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 NF962 NF968 PD221 PD225 |
F/Sgt | J A |
Dexter | RAAF | A.409904 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Gamston, w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
F/Sgt | Dhorau | RAF | 1603217 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 14.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J A |
Dibley | RAAF | A.432986 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 ME519 NG132 NG246 NG250 NG287 NG289 PA995 PD221 PD313 |
F/Sgt | A L |
Dickens | RAF | 1803172 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 09/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHGJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
RA547 |
P/O | R H (Ronald) |
Digby | RCAF | J.91142 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Thompson (NG120, (15 Mar 1945) Posted to 429 sqdn w.e.f 15.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PB514 PB707 PD313 PD321 RA503 RF214 |
Sgt | F C (Frank Charles) |
Diggle | RAF | 1577037 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight (but does not appear to transfer in with any specific crew) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
KIA | 26/27 Nov. 1943 |
LM379 |
Sgt | D P |
Dingle | RAF | 1604425 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.2129 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
PoW | 25/26 Feb. 1944 |
ED942 JA712 LM319 LM321 |
P/O | W (William ("Bill")) |
Dinney | RCAF | J.22061 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44 Evd: 28/29 Jul 1944 flying with H Jones crew NE164 Noted in the ORB entry for 28/29 Jul 44 as "... who has for several weeks been acting as the Squadron Navigation Leader". |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php |
Evd. | 28/29 Jul 1944 |
LL134 LL748 LL811 LL836 LL837 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME582 ME687 NE164 PA991 PA995 |
Sgt | E |
Dinsley | RAF | 1595249 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 ND972 NG165 NG250 NG363 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | M T (Melvin Tomas "Tom") |
Ditson | RCAF | R.285781 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 Sgt Ditson was injured in the shoulder (double fracure of the right scapula) after the F/O Harris crew had had an eventful trip to Pforzheim (23 Feb 1945), collapsing the undercarriage on landing at Manston. This is described in the narrative included in the Station Operational Record Book as "Station Narrative No. 11 Harris crew, Pforzheim, 23/24 Feb 1945". Following this he did not fly with the Harris crew again, before they failed to return from the Dessau raid on 07/03/1945 A book published in 2020 includes photographs of Melvin Ditson in 1950. Died in October aged 50 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF998 |
Sgt | Doble | RAF | 1890745 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHodgkiss/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
LAC | W (Bill) |
Dobson | RAF | Elect | - | 11/43 - 9/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | Dodd | RAF | 1579591 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJPage/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | H (Harry) |
Dodds | RAF | 152259 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Steele PA995, 25/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
ED905 EE193 ND972 PA991 PA995 PB532 PD313 PD319 |
Sgt | H |
Doherty | RAF | 1798991 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 11.8.44 F/O Doherty by the time of posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 26/02/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM228 NF963 NG331 PA991 PA995 PB562 PD321 |
Sgt | J F |
Donald | RAF | 514391 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGNYoung/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 ME776 |
Sgt | J E (James Edmund) |
Donnan | RAF | 1260412 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 Interned in Camp 4B, PoW No.269835 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGBryson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image012.jpg |
PoW | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV189 DV305 ED536 |
Sgt | D A (Daniel Anthony) |
Donoghue | RAF | 1530698 | R/AG | - | From Maesteg in South Wales |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 Jul 1944 |
LM455 LM460 LM647 |
Sgt | C R |
Donoghue | RAF | 1722797 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 From Kent See BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 NG243 |
- | G (Gwen) |
Doonen | WAAF | - | - | - |
/images/550-sqdn-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | L A |
Doward | RAF | 182242 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 Died 7th November 2022 at the age of 102 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 NG134 NG243 |
Sgt | Dowd | RAF | 1382501 | P/F/Eng | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | |||
Sgt | K W C (Kenneth) |
Down | RAF | 652806 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 2.6.44 12/13 July 1944 ED562 abandoned 0720 13 Jul 44 Needham Market, 3 miles SE of Stowmarket, Suffolk after running out of fuel Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 12. O.T.U. w.e.f. 9.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL800 LM228 PB321 PD319 |
Sgt | W F (William) |
Dowson | RAF | 1590162 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
P/O | F (Frank) |
Dowson | RAF | 196877 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | J C P |
Doyle | RAF | 137611 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. w.e.f 25/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.3.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
F/Lt | Draiman | RAF | - | - | Base Radar Officer | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | W A (William Alexander) |
Drake | RAF | 2210353 | R/AG | - | Posted from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 18.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL800 LL810 LL811 LL831 NF963 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD221 |
Sgt | D (Don) |
Drake | RAF | 2204888 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 3.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtAJDMacLachlanCrew |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG290 NN715 PD320 PD321 RA503 |
F/Sgt | C G (Cornelius George) |
Draper | RAF | 655225 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 15.7.44 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Buchanan (01 Aug 1944, LL831) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing wef 27.8.44 [Ed: from non-ORB source: After 11 Base (the crew were) transferred to 166 Sqdn before eventually moving again when 153 Sqdn was formed. (The crew were all) lost on their 1st mission with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 |
Sgt | F E (Frederick Edward) |
Drawbridge | RAF | 1897969 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45 NG132 crashed 17 Mar 1945 - was the only survivor Died January 1992, aged 69 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACLockyer/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php |
Surv. | 17 Mar 1945 |
ME776 NG132 NG243 PA268 RF136 |
P/O | D C (Donald Campbell) |
Dripps | RAAF | 409392 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight P/O Dripps and crew notified to WCAD (NE) Uxbridge (missing) w.e.f 23/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODCDripps/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec. 1943 |
DV343 |
Sgt | D J |
Driscoll | RAF | 3030611 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 |
Sgt | D A |
Driver | RAF | 1896501 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGNYoung/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 ME776 |
Sgt | R A (Ronald Archibald) |
Drury | RAF | 1429179 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 09/02/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED942 LL747 LL748 LL810 LL826 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME687 |
Sgt | J R |
Drury | RAF | 1817357 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44 Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.513 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php |
PoW | 28/29 Jul 1944 |
EE193 LL796 LL831 LM134 NE164 PA991 |
Sgt | D A |
Dryburgh | RAF | 1827296 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 NG390 PB707 |
A/S/O | S |
Dryden | WAAF | - | - | Catering | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | M L (Maurice Leo) |
Dubois | DFC | RCAF | J.25922 | P | - | (P) (I) Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 27.5.44 Flew first live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Boocock (LL976, 5 June 1944) Posted to RCAF "R" Depot wef 3.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image002.jpg |
- | - |
LL747 LL796 LL831 LM134 LM182 ME583 PA995 PD221 |
Sgt | G (Geoff) |
Duce | RAF | 1621993 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 9.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 |
F/O | J J A |
Ducharme | RCAF | J.23906 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. w.e.f 25/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.3.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
P/O | P J (Peter James) |
Dukelow | RAF | 170280 | P | - | First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Richard, 11th May LL747 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#LL851 |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
LL747 LL851 |
P/O | J C |
Duncan | RAF | 1825952 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
NG289 NG390 |
F/Sgt | G E |
Duncan | RAAF | A/410656 | W/Op | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 ME581 |
F/Sgt | Dundon | RAAF | A.418651 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
P/O | L R (Leslie Ronald) |
Dunham | RAF | 154276 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#LL851,%20LESLIE%20RONALD |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
LL851 |
Sgt | Dunkerley | RAF | 1590470 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtAllington/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | G E |
Dunkley | RNZAF | NZ.429097 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 31.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 207 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 PB707 |
F/O | Dunn | RCAF | J.39319 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 27-3-45 | - | - | - | - | ||
P/O | M J |
Dunphy | RAF | 183176 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/03/1945 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Syerston, w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 |
- | S (Sylvia) |
Dutton | WAAF | - | - | - |
/images/550-sqdn-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | K R (Kenneth Reginald) |
Dye | RAF | 1892315 | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL826 |
Sgt | S G |
Dyer | RAF | 1686856 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 NF998 NG246 NG287 NG289 NG336 NG390 PD320 PD382 |
Sgt | R C |
Dyke | RAF | 1602249 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted in as Sgt, listed as F/Sgt in later ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM182 ME776 NF932 NF998 NG120 NG132 NG135 PB707 |
Sgt | C |
Eardley | RAF | 1480731 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (service number listed as 1580731 on transfer out) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG221 |
LACW | Earl | RAF | - | - | MT | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | J |
Earnshaw | RAF | 2211153 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.6.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 Con Unit w.e.f. 26.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 JB345 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM182 LM273 PA991b PA995 PD319 PD320 |
F/Sgt | F R |
Easton | RCAF | R.195899 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14th Sept 1944 Posted to 150 Sqdn w.e.f 7th Nov 1944 13 ops with 550 Sqdn, 23 ops with 150 Sqdn: Total 36ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 ND972 PD319 PD321 PD382 |
F/Sgt | J (Jack) |
Eastwood | RAF | 1768114 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 13-1-45 [Ed: Killed in tragic circumstances on Friday 13th July 1945 when his 97 Squadron Lancaster crashed shortly after take-off, while on training for deployment to the Far East. Lancaster PB422 crashed into some trees at RAF Coningsby after the port outer engine burst into flames. Killed along with the pilot F/O Wright and two others (F/Sgt Alfred James Molyneux (F/Eng) and F/O Jack Lindsay Bendix DFC (A/B)). Source: Kevin Bending, 97 Sdqn Historian] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORWright/index.php |
- | - |
NN715 |
F/O | M C (Morris Charles) |
Eckhold | RNZAF | NZ.392026 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 16.4.44 Posted to W.C.A.D on 13.7.44 on being reported missing. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 July 1944 |
DV279 DV309 LL747 LL748 LL796 LM455 |
F/O | C G K (Charles George Kristian) |
Edlund | AFM DFC |
RAF | 161073 | P | - | Posted to 1668 CU w.e.f 30/03/1945 DFC in London Gazette 17th July 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME503 NG135 NG250 RF135 |
Sgt | E W C |
Edmunds | RAF | 1090576 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.6.44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 JB345 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM182 LM273 PA991b PA995 PD319 PD320 |
F/Sgt | Edwards | RAAF | A.44148 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | B |
Edwards | RAF | 1299697 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Blyton w.e.f. 13.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PA325 PD321 |
Sgt | G |
Edwards | RAF | 2209264 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 14.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 PA309 PD382 RA503 |
J W (John) |
Edwards | RAF | - | - | Radar Section - 550 Squadron (May 1944) |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#RadarSection |
- | - | - | |||
F/O | W R (William Robert) |
Elcoate | RCAF | J.24653 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php |
KIA | 5/6 Jan 1945 |
ED905 LL831 LM273 ME301 ND972 NG331 PA995 |
F/Sgt | H A (Howard) |
Elderfield | RAF | A.424396 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS wef 26.8.44 Posted to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.02.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JB345 NG246 NG250 NG290 NG331 PD321 |
Sgt | D S |
Eldred | RAF | 1281145 | MU/AG | - | F/L Pyke crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 31/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG287 NN715 PB514 PD319 |
Sgt | D (David) |
Eldridge | RAF | 2211451 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/07/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LM273 ME583 PD221 |
F/Sgt | R (Rafe) |
Eley | RAF | 1804609 | A/B | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSLangford/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/photogencrew.JPG |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | A T |
Ellement | RAF | 1431712 | R/AG | - | F/L Pyke crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 31/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG287 NN715 PB514 PD319 |
Sgt | L (Leslie) |
Elliott | RAF | 1591992 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACLockyer/index.php |
KIA | 17 Mar 1945 |
NG132 |
P/O | J (John "Jock") |
Elliott | RAF | 157873 | W/Op | - | Posted from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 2.6.44 12/13 July 1944 ED562 abandoned 0720 13 Jul 44 Needham Market, 3 miles SE of Stowmarket, Suffolk after running out of fuel Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 Self-published "Flying with the Lord" Died May 2024, just 5 days after 101st birthday, ISBN: 978-0-9547009-0-4, February 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LM228 PB321 PD319 |
Sgt | T |
Elliott | RAF | 646851 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
Surv. | 4 July 1944 |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL831 LM229 LM273 ME575 ME583 ND972 PD208 PD255 W5005 |
P/O | A G (Allan) |
Elliott | RAAF | A.434306 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 27.2.45 Flew as 2nd pilot to F/O Rhude (RF135, 13 Mar 1945), although first op 12 Mar 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NF931 NG120 NG246 PA288 RF135 RF214 |
Sgt | E |
Elliott | RAF | 1473826 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S on 15.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 EE139 LL748 LL800 LL811 LM228 ME776 PA991 PA991a PA995 PD514 |
F/Sgt | J H |
Elliott | RCAF | R.171786 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Lindholme, w.e.f 17.3.14 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 JA712 LL747 LL748 LM319 LM455 LM460 PD221 |
Sgt | R A |
Elliott | RAF | 1388662 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PA325 PD321 |
Sgt | J (James) |
Ellis | RAF | 1052736 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL747 LL826 ND403 |
F/Sgt | J N (James Norman) |
Ellis | RAF | 1581558 | F/Eng | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 LL851 ME581 |
Sgt | Emery | RAF | 1894240 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtAllington/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | E C |
Eminson | RAAF | A.411887 | A/B | - | Posted to 460 Sqdn w.e.f 15.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
ME428 PD382 |
Sgt | S E |
Emmett | RAF | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
- | - |
DV345 |
F/Sgt | R J |
Emmett | RCAF | A.432142 | W/Op | - | Posted from 1 LFS w.e.f. 31.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LM228 NF931 NG120 NG134 PD382 |
P/O | E M |
England | DFC | RAAF | Nav | - | - | - | - |
ED942 |
F/Sgt | E M |
England | RAAF | A.412418 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted (as P/O) to 27 O.T.U. on 14.5.44 (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
F/Sgt | J W (John) |
Eppel | RAAF | A.433156 | Nav | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C w.e.f. 26.2.45 Received Legion d'honneur from French Government; was presented with the same in November 2015 on board a French Frigate in Australia. Died December 2018 A great friend of the Association providing much information for the web-site about the Squadron and Bomber Command in general. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php /pages/IBCC-DigitalArchive.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG251 PB532 PD320 |
S/O | J |
Escott | WAAF | - | - | WAAF Admin G. (transferred from 550 Sqdn 13 Feb 1944) | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | W (William) |
Essar | RCAF | J.90741 | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-achiet-le-petit-commemoration-2015.php |
KIA | 10/11 Apr. 1944 |
LL836 LL837 LM319 |
Sgt | K A (Kenneth Albert) |
Essex | RAF | 1578474 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 10.4.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
ED562 JA712 LM319 |
F/O | T A (Thomas Alfred) |
Evans | DFC | RAF | Nav | - | May be Henry Thomas Alfred Evans (156688), whose DFC was gazetted in the supplement to the London Gazette 15/8/44 | - | - | - | - | |
F/O | T N |
Evans | DFC | RAF | A/B | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | P H (Paul) |
Evans | RCAF | R.149303 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 Was blown out of the exploding bomber. PoW No.269842 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGBryson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image012.jpg |
PoW | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV189 DV305 ED536 |
Sgt | G (Gwilym) |
Evans | RAF | 1808904 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 Transferred in with the P/O Nielson RAAF crew, but never flew on any of the three ops of the Nielson crew (the crew was lost on their 3rd op) Between arrival and the Nielson crew first op Sgt Evans was admitted to SSQ with appendicitis and due to the slow healing of this he never flew any ops with the crew Flew many ops with the Percival crew (who had no recorded MU/AG on transfer in) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG134 NG243 PA268 PA268/F2 RA503 |
Sgt | D V H |
Evans | RAF | 1395184 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943) Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944 Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.1891 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 19/20 February 1944 |
EE107 JB289 LM461 ND425 |
F/O | T M ("Taffy") |
Evans | RAF | 144259 | A/B | - | Posted from No 1656 Con Unit w.e.f. 4.12.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php |
- | - |
NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB864 PD221 |
F/Sgt | W H |
Evans | RAF | 1833984 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG250 NG336 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
F/Sgt | D |
Evans | RAAF | A.437087 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
PD382 |
F/Sgt | Evans | RAAF | A.423527 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | H T A (Harry) |
Evans | RAF | 138089 | Nav | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 83 O.T.U. on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php /images/PhantomofTheRuhr/BBMF20070427/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php |
- | - |
DV309 ED942 EE107 JA712 LL747 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ME840 ND326 |
Sgt | E (Edward) |
Evans | RAF | 2209652 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FLRScholfield/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | E (Edward) |
Evans | RAF | 1651395 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 08.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 NF998 NG290 NG330 NG390 NG398 PB321 PB514 PB707 |
F/Sgt | J |
Eveleigh | RAF | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PB321 |
F/O | J H |
Everson | RAF | - | - | O/C No. 2797 A.A. Squadron RAF Regiment Posted to 550 Sqdn w.e.f. 30 Dec 1943 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | R |
Eves | RAF | 1399576 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 27.5.44 Posted to ACAC Brakla w.e.f 3.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL831 LM134 LM182 ME583 PA995 PD221 |
Sgt | D F (Donald Francis) |
Fadden | RAF | 1802535 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 Detained for interrogation in Dulag Luft, no PoW No. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGBryson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image012.jpg |
PoW | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV189 DV305 ED536 |
Sgt | S B (Syd) |
Faggetter | RAF | 1802201 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 See BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 NG243 |
Sgt | K M (Kenneth McLean) |
Fairbairn | RAF | 1393603 | A/B | - | Could not find a transfer in record for this crew-man. He flew his first op with the Hoddle crew on their first op on 16th Dec 43 (as a replacement for the A/B who transferred in with the crew). The assumption is that he also transferred in from 100 Sqdn on 550 Sqdn start-up. Joined the Metropolitan Police on 31 January 1938 (warrant number: 126657). Served on G Division as PC762G (Clerkenwell area of London). Joined the RAFVR on 20 October 1941. Was aged 25 when he died. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb. 1944 |
ED942 JA712 LM319 LM321 |
F/Sgt | T (Thomas) |
Fairclough | RAF | 1077120 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1667 Con. Unit w.e.f. 6.8.44 Not transferred in with a crew, rather he appears as a single transfer ORB notes on 13.3.45 1077120 W/O Fairclough "Missing from 103 Sqdn"[Ed: lost on a mining operation over the Kattegat (source Patrick Otter). The only man from 550 Squadron ever lost on a mining operation.] (W/O Fairclough) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1668 CU w.e.f. 4.5.45 16 flights with F/O Hussey crew 2 flights with F/O Doward crew |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php |
Surv. | 13 Mar 194 |
LL748 LL811 LM228 ME776 NG134 PA991 PA991a PD514 |
Sgt | C G |
Falliur | RAF | 1814806 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php |
- | - |
NF135 NG250 NG287 NG289 RF135 |
Sgt | J |
Faren | RAF | 1569375 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 1 LFS w.e.f. 31.8.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f 28.2.45 Service no. quoted as 1569375 and as 1659375 (on transfer out sheet) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LM228 NF931 NG120 NG134 PD382 |
Sgt | T W (Thomas William) |
Farmer | RAF | 1624880 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 11.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php |
KIA | 6 Nov. 1944 |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM228 NF963 PA991 PA995 PB562 |
W/O | H L (Harry Lawrence) |
Farmer | RAF | 1333628 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACLockyer/index.php |
KIA | 17 Mar 1945 |
NG132 |
Sgt | V R (Vic) |
Farmer | RAF | 1802310 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 Finished tour of Operations on 17.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /pages/IBCC-DigitalArchive.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL747 LL796 LL800 LM455 ME776 ND972 |
Sgt | A E |
Farmer | RAF | 1685811 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 29.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME776 NG250 PD321 RF214 |
Sgt | F |
Farney | RAF | 1605847 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 19/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVGRoberts/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG120 NG134 |
F/Sgt | C |
Farrington | RAF | 1576713 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 26.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDPLambert/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 |
F/O | G P |
Fauman | AM | USAAF | T.223098 | P | - | Posted from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 4.5.44. Flew first live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Bowen-Bravery 19.5.44 in EE139 Posted to USAAF w.e.f. 13.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL800 LL810 LL811 LL831 NF963 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD221 |
Sgt | F |
Fealey | RAF | 1590719 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. w.e.f 25/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.3.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | J D (Doug) |
Fellows | RAF | 945337 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 From Newcastle. See BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 NG243 |
Sgt | Fenner | RAF | 1863082 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FLRScholfield/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | H S |
Ferdinando | RAF | 1318568 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted from this Sqdn to No. 18 OTU on completion of First Operational Tour w.e.f. 8.2.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 DV343 ED750 JB563 ND403 |
F/O | D D S |
Ferguson | DFC | RAF | 179652 | P | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1653 C.U. w.e.f. 28-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODDSFerguson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NG331 PB514 PD320 PD382 RA503 |
F/Sgt | F G |
Ferguson | RAAF | A.419893 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 2-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image014.jpg |
Surv. | 26 Aug 1944 |
DV200 EE139 LL831 LM273 ME776 PB532 PD225 W5005 |
Sgt | R F (Ronald Frank) |
Ferry | RAF | 1585124 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. on 1.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 11 Base w.e.f. 5/9/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 LM134 LM182 PA991 PA995 |
F/Sgt | Fetterplace | RAAF | A.35007 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | W (William) |
Field | RAF | 1285488 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1945 |
NG287 |
Sgt | R H |
Field | RAF | 1388881 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con unit w.e.f. 7/2/44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Sgt C G Foster, 15th Feb 1944, ND425 Posted to R.A.F. Eastchurch on 27.5.44 on having been found unsuitable for flying heaver bombers |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtRHField/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 ND425 |
F/Sgt | L F (Leslie) |
Figg | RAF | 1692400 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45 Inj 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FOGrundy |
POW | 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
LM273 ME776 NF931 NG289 PB707 |
P/O | L |
Fincher | RAF | - | - | New M.T. Officer arrived 29/11/1944 from Elsham Wolds | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | H A |
Findlay | RAF | 186331 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 5.2.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Smith (NG390, 20 Feb 1945) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG390 PD321 PD342 PD343 |
S/L | Findlayson | RAF | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 |
F/O | R G |
Fink | DFC | RCAF | J.21630 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44 Posted to No. 1662 CU w.e.f. 17.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME776 PA995 |
Sgt | R |
Finlay | RAF | 1823555 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla on 6.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php |
- | - |
LL796 LL831 LL837 LM460 ME776 NF962 PA991 PB532 PD221 W5005 |
F/Lt | G |
Finlayson | RAF | - | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from ELSHAM w.e.f. 10 June 1944 Stn. Nav. |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | A |
Finnigan | RAF | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 Inj. 7/8 Mar. 1945. Confined in hospital due injuries until repatriation to UK 3 Apr 1945. Returned to squadron 7th Apr 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
ME390 ME503 PA325 |
Sgt | H |
Firth | RAF | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG250 PB514 |
F/L | E N |
Fisher | RAF | 132017 | A/B | - | Senior Bombing Officer: 20 Jun 44 - 10 Jul 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU on 20.6.44 for Squadron Bombing Leader Post Posted to 1656 Con Unit on 12.7.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | R V |
Fisher | RAF | 1602488 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 30.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 LL800 ME583 W5005 |
F/Sgt | W W (Wally) |
Fitch | RAF | 1398502 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 14.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C, Brackla w.e.f 10-1-45 From Shoreham Died August 2021 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2015.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2016.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2017.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2018.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 PD225 PD255 |
Sgt | P D |
Fitzgerald | RAF | 1602934 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php |
- | - |
NF135 NG250 NG287 NG289 RF135 |
F/Sgt | A J |
Fitzgerald | RCAF | R.208483 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13.9.44 (posting in as Sgt) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (posting out as F/Sgt) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJELJohn/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 ME776 NG134 |
Sgt | Fitzgerald | RAF | 1809841 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | T E (Thomas Edward) |
Flanagan | RCAF | J.92033 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44 Cemetery of Brussels-Evere, Coll. Grave X28.31 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Rebecq-Memorial-Project/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
DV279 JA712 LL748 LL810 W5005 |
F/L | E G (Edward Greer) |
Fleming | RNZAF | NZ.415305 | P | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f 22/03/45. First live op as 2nd pilot to S/Ldr Newitt, NG134 (4 April 45) Posted to No.12 PDRC w.e.f. 18.9.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PB707 |
P/O | E L (Edward Lloyd) |
Fleming | RAAF | A.430651 | P | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 Posted to RAF Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.45 20 January 1925 - 27 November 2021 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | P M |
Fletcher | RAF | 165047 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 23.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFJCox/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG120 NG135 PA268 RA503 RF136 |
W/O | T H (Thomas Henry ) |
Flexen | RAF | 1132663 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEGayler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | P F (Peter) |
Flux | RAF | 1333395 | W/Op | - | With F/Lt J Harris crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 30/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 29 O.T.U. w.e.f. 8-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NG120 NG165 NG250 PA995 PB514 PB532 PB843 PD221 |
Sgt | J |
Flynn | RAF | 1044685 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted from this Sqdn to No.83 OTU on completion of First Operational Tour w.e.f. 8.2.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 DV343 ED750 JB563 ND403 |
F/O | R C (Russell (Russ)) |
Foote | RCAF | J.35926 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 13.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" depot w.e.f. 4.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM228 LM285 ME583 ME776 NF998 NG132 NG133 |
F/Sgt | J W (John William Thomas) |
Foran | RAAF | A.423528 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 26.6.1945 | /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
Sgt | Forder | RAF | 1806815 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | C G (Charles Grierson) |
Foster | RNZAF | NZ.416105 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight It is understood that Charles' brother, Athol, also in the RNZAF, was killed in 1941 on operations. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 LM321 ND425 |
F/L | D J (Donovon John) |
Foster | RAF | 119550 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13/09/44 First live ops flight as 2nd pilot with F/Lt A Thomas crew (16 Sept 1944, ND972) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Nov. 1944 |
LL831 ND972 PD255 PD313 |
F/Sgt | F |
Fowkes | RAF | 1576203 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 1/2/44 On completion of tour posted to 28 OTU on 5.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LL831 LL838 LL851 ME687 |
Sgt | A |
Frame | RAF | R270270 | MU/AG | - | Posted from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 01/09/44. Posted to No. 150 Squadron on 7th November 1944. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG134 PA995 PD255 |
W/O | G |
Framlin | RCAF | R.169903 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 13-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORWright/index.php |
- | - |
NN715 |
F/Sgt | R J (Reg) |
Francis | RAF | 1399716 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 27.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NF931 NG120 NG246 PA288 RF135 RF214 |
F/Sgt | J K (John Kitchener) |
Francis | RAAF | A.424030 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 |
F/Sgt | E A |
Francis | RCAF | R.190134 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 24.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station, Rufforth w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG134 NG390 PA268 |
F/O | J E (John Edward ("Jack")) |
Franklyn | DFC | RAAF | A.427900 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Flew first live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Ansell, in JB345 19.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1651 C.U. w.e.f 7.4.45 Brother of F/O R P Franklyn DFC, also of 550 Sqdn On Photo Franklyn, on some ORB pages Franklin |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG246 NG287 NG289 NG336 NG390 PD313 PD320 PD382 |
F/O | R P (Reginald Patrick) |
Franklyn | DFC | RAAF | A.436061 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 First live op as 2nd Pilot to F/O Les Cameron to Stuttgart on 19/10/1944 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1651 C.U. w.e.f 7.4.45 Brother of F/O J E Franklyn DFC, also of 550 Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 ME519 NG132 NG246 NG250 NG287 NG289 PA995 PD221 PD313 |
Sgt | S A (Stanley) |
Franklyn | RAF | 1863175 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMarker/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | W C T (William "Bill") |
Freeman | RAF | 1806695 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds w.e.f 19.3.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn [Ed. The 550 ORB states transfer to 330 Sqdn, but does NOT list a 330 Sqdn as a Bomber Command squadron (only 300, 301, 304 and 305 listed as Polish Sqdns). There was a 330 Sqdn in Coastal Command. So it appears that the 550 ORB has an error in this listing of the transfer out posting. Further, relatives of Bill Freeman have confirmed from his records that he was posted to 300 Sqdn, and a page from the 300 Sqdn ORB confirms the influx of ex-550 Sqdn aircrew on that date.] Bill Freeman died 21st July 2016 at the age of 93. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 JA918 LL747 LL831 LL837 ME687 W5005 |
Sgt | I S (Stan) |
Freeman | RAF | 1592022 | F/Eng | - | With F/Lt J Harris crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 30/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 13 Base 2.5.45 Died 25/08/2019 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NG120 NG165 NG250 PA995 PB514 PB532 PB843 PD221 |
F/Sgt | French | RAF | 1805895 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | French | RAF | 1891081 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJRLocke/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME390 ND972 NG250 PA309 RF135 |
Sgt | A |
Fricker | RAF | 1577087 | A/B | - | [Ed. Posted in record to be located] Posted to 100 Sqdn w.e.f 12.3.1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 |
W/O | E |
Friend | RAF | 1377642 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f. 31/12/43 Posted to 101 Sqdn 11/1/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderRSAlexander/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | W C |
Frost | RAF | 1576570 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44 Interned in Camps L6/357. PoW No.1056 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHunter/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 30/31 January 1944 |
ED942 ND396 |
F/Sgt | A B (Allan Blake) |
Frost | RAAF | A.22293 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (26/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight From Toowooba, QLD |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php |
- | - |
EE107 LM455 ND388 ND396 |
W/O | Fulbrook | RAF | 1443846 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 19.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/L | K W L (Kenneth William Lipscombe) |
Fuller | DFC | RAF | 148490 | A/G | - | Senior Gunnery Officer: 09 Jul 44 - 14 Jul 44 (Killed) Posted to 550 Sqdn from 12 Sqdn on 9.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-bussy-la-cote-commemorations.php |
KIA | 15 Jul 1944 |
LL837 |
F/Sgt | M V (Martin Victor) |
Fuller | RAF | 1802396 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php |
KIA | 4/5 April 1945 |
ME301 ME776 ND972 |
F/Sgt | C J |
Fuller | RAF | 1218986 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn for recrewing with S/Ldr Nicholas on 6.5.44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php |
- | - |
LL134 LL748 LL850 PA991 PA995 |
Sgt | A G (Alan George) |
Furber | RAF | 3025228 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Squadron from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 Dec. 1944 |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG289 NG290 NG331 PD382 |
Sgt | R G |
Furness | RAF | 1880715 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 2.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PA268 PB320 PB707 |
F/Sgt | J P |
Fyffe | CdG | RAF | 1554686 | A/B | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 18/12/43 from 1667 CU Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1662 Con Unit on 9.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 EE139 LL747 LL748 LL811 LL834 ND403 PA995 |
F/O | H A G (Harry Albert George) |
Gadd | RAF | 152574 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13/09/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Nov. 1944 |
LL831 ND972 PD255 PD313 |
Sgt | C B |
Gadsby | RCAF | R.289106 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLSJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PA268 PB514 PB707 |
S/L | A P (Arthur Percy) |
Gainsford | AFC DFC |
RNZAF | NZ402863 | P | C | Flight Commander C Flight: 09 Sep 44 - 07 Nov 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 14.09.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG135 |
Sgt | T W |
Galbraith | RAF | 1795925 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 25/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php |
- | - |
NG243 PA268 RF136 |
Sgt | C V |
Gale | RAF | 1608358 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44 Interned interned in Camps L6/357 PoW No.1057 |
/pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 30/31 January 1944 |
ED942 ND396 |
F/Sgt | S |
Gall | RAF | 1683530 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 NG134 NG243 |
Sgt | Gallimore | RAF | - | - | Station Electrical Section | - | - | - | - | |||
F/Sgt | N (Norman) |
Gamble | RAF | 1232573 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 12/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGBlakeway/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG120 NG250 RF135 |
F/Lt | H G |
Gardiner | RAF | - | - | Station Armaments Officer Posted to 550 Sqdn w.e.f. 13 Dec 1943 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | A M (Archibald Menzies) |
Gardner | RAF | 2218396 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 Died 11/04/2017, aged 91. 1926-2017 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHVance/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 PA268/E2 PB707 |
Sgt | J D (James Douglas) |
Garland | RAF | 1873620 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 3.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWThomas/index.php |
KIA | 19/20 Oct 1944 |
NG192 |
F/O | C |
Garner | RAF | 152512 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 24.4.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHCWhite/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 ME556 |
LAC | R E |
Garner | RAF | ARM | - | 5/44 - 7/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | R (Ralph) |
Garrad | RAF | 2218803 | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWThomas/index.php |
KIA | 19/20 Oct 1944 |
NG192 |
F/Sgt | J C (John Charles ("Jack")) |
Garratt | RAF | 1577074 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 LM321 ND425 |
Sgt | J D |
Garrick | RAF | 1890533 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 13-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORWright/index.php |
- | - |
NN715 |
Sgt | S (Selwyn) |
Gartland | RAF | 936182 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f 2.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 LL748 |
Sgt | L D |
Gaskell | RAF | 1429119 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCWGraham/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 NG143 NG243 |
Sgt | D P (Derek Picken) |
Gates | RAF | 1836678 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S wef 12.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
NF962 |
Sgt | P L |
Gates | RCAF | R.153351 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base on 7.6.44 As headless crew posted to 11 Base on 19.6.44 (after pilot J K Murray having been killed on first op as 2nd pilot to F/O Neilson, LM134, 16/17 June 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | L A J (Lucien Andrew Joseph) |
Gauthier | RCAF | J.95433 | R/AG | - | J.95433 as P/O |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJClarke/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Jan 1945 |
NG363 PD313 |
P/O | J E (Jack Ernest) |
Gayler | RAF | 196879 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEGayler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | D (Derrick) |
Gear | RAF | 160992 | W/Op | C | From Ware Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.11.44 Completed tour on 16.03.45 Posted to No.7. A.C.H.U. w.e.f 23-7-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderWFCaldow/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 ME390 NG221 NG251 NG336 NN715 |
Sgt | H W E (Harold William Ernest) |
Gee | RAF | 1853261 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 23.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFJCox/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG120 NG135 PA268 RA503 RF136 |
F/O | A F (Alwyn) |
Geen | RCAF | J.39364 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image044.jpg |
- | - |
NG289 NG331 PB514 PB707 PB864 PD313 PD321 RF135 |
F/O | C S |
George | DFC | RAF | 182152 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCSGeorge/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG243 |
F/O | S P (Stephen Percy) |
George | DFC DFM |
RAF | 54420 | F/Eng | C | From Enfield Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.11.44 Completed tour on 16.03.45 Posted to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 13.4.45 Died Jan 2018, aged 96 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderWFCaldow/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/Images/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FromANewAngle /images/PhantomofTheRuhr/BBMF20070427/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 ME390 NG221 NG251 NG336 NN715 |
F/O | R G |
George | RAAF | A.424853 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Sqdn in Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
Sgt | J W (John William) |
Geran | RAF | 533767 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 05.01.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php |
KIA | 24 March 1945 |
ME519 NG221 NG246 PD320 PD321 |
Sgt | R L (Raymond Leslie) |
Gibbs | RAF | 1436189 | F/Eng | - | Injured. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
PoW | 21/22 Feb 1945 |
NN715 |
Sgt | Giffen | RAF | 1868192 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | H C |
Gilbert | RAF | 1320715 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Survived emergency landing 30/31 Jan 1944 Posted to R.A.F. Eastchurch 27/5/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGAMorrison/index.php |
Surv. | 30/31 Jan 1944 |
DV305 |
Sgt | M E (Montague Ewart) |
Giles | RAF | 1322691 | Nav | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 LM319 |
W/O | A T (Albert Townend) |
Gill | RAF | 1114239 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php |
KIA | 4/5 April 1945 |
ME301 ME776 ND972 |
Sgt | Gill | RAF | 1594218 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJASweeney/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | M |
Gillespie | RAAF | A.38732 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 NF998 NG246 NG287 NG289 NG336 NG390 PD320 PD382 |
Sgt | R (Raymond) |
Gillies | RAF | 1585244 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight P/O Dripps and crew notified to WCAD (NE) Uxbridge (missing) w.e.f 23/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODCDripps/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec. 1943 |
DV343 |
Sgt | V O |
Gillingham | RAF | 613434 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station Kermington, w.e.f. 6.3.44 On completion of operational tour posted to 28 O.T.U on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 |
Sgt | L K (Leslie Kenneth) |
Gilmar | RCAF | R.191542 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWCobbin/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 Jan 1944 |
DV306 ED942 |
F/Sgt | Gilmour | RAF | 1552402 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 26.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | Gilston | RAF | 1593328 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtAllington/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | G C |
Glover | RCAF | J.38804 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image044.jpg |
- | - |
NG289 NG331 PB514 PB707 PB864 PD313 PD321 RF135 |
Sgt | J |
Godsave | RAF | 1812160 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted from this Sqdn to No. 1 LFS on completion of First Operational Tour w.e.f. 8.2.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 DV343 ED750 JB563 ND403 |
A |
Goldberg | RAF | - | - | Radar Section - 550 Squadron (May 1944) |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#RadarSection |
- | - | - | |||
F/Sgt | J T |
Goodrick | RAAF | A.415522 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 20.1.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 12 Sqdn w.e.f. 1/2/44 |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | R F J (Ronald Frederick John) |
Gorman | RAF | 1893597 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945. Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 March 1945 |
ME548 NF931 NG134 |
W/O | J M |
Gorton | RAAF | A.425602 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 12 O.T.U. w.e.f. 27-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 RF135 |
F/Sgt | D (Dennis) |
Gosling | RAF | 1895350 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORRMatthews/index.php |
KIA | 29 Sept 1945 |
PD343 |
S/L | E L |
Gosling | RAF | 70256 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 27.3.45 Class A release w.e.f 10.9.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderELGosling/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | D R |
Gosney | RAF | 1853493 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 20/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFLHern-Black/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PA288 PA309 |
F/O | C D |
Goughnour | RCAF | J.38258 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php |
- | - |
NF135 NG250 NG287 NG289 RF135 |
F/Sgt | D S (Douglas Stephen) |
Gould | RAF | 1850511 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 25-3-45 The rest of his (576 Sqdn) crew were lost without trace 20/21 Feb 45. He had been grounded due to injuries received on a previous op with the crew. (Source: Keith Gould, son). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG134 NG390 PA268 RF136 |
F/O | D A (David Allan) |
Goulden | RNZAF | NZ.421968 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Feltwell w.e.f 3.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php |
KIA | 9/10 May 1944 |
JA918 LL831 LM455 |
Sgt | A R (Alex) |
Gow | RAF | 1895982 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 with the F/Sgt Hopman RAAF crew Flew a number of ops with the Hopman crew then did two raids with F/Lt Jack Harris crew standing in for their usual F/Eng who was injured. Thereafter took his place as F/Eng with the S/Ldr Pickles crew, with whom he flew the majority of his ops Ex-London constabulary for 17 years |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 EE139 LL831 LM273 NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB532 PB864 PD221 PD225 RF135 W5005 |
S/L | G D (Gordon Donald) |
Graham | AFC DFC |
RAAF | 404910 | P | B | Flight Commander B Flight: 25 Nov 43 - 27 May 44 DFC and AFC decorations both recorded in Station ORB, June 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image050.jpg |
- | - |
EE107 LM455 ND388 ND396 |
F/O | J H (John) |
Graham | RAAF | A.415474 | W/Op | - | Posted from No. 27 Con Unit w.e.f. 4.12.44 From Perth & Esperace WA deceased December 2011 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php |
- | - |
NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB864 PD221 |
Sgt | H R |
Graham | RCAF | R.222521 | R/AG | - | Posted from No. 11 base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 PD320 |
F/Sgt | C W |
Graham | RAF | 1567576 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCWGraham/index.php |
Inj. | 6th Oct. 1945 |
NG134 NG143 NG243 RF136 |
F/L | A J (Arthur James) |
Grain | DFM | RAF | 155255 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 11/2/44 Won DFM with 144 Sqdn (Gazetted 23 Dec 1941) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL747 LL826 ND403 |
W/O | H (Harry) |
Granger | RAF | 1437747 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 19.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 May - August 1944 with pilot F/O D Holdsworth Died 1996 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL747 LL850 |
F/Sgt | R M (Roger Malcolm) |
Gransden | RAAF | A.28401 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | G L |
Grant | RAF | 1365610 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Lindholme, w.e.f 17.3.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1667 C.U. w.e.f 25.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 ED905 JA712 LL747 LL800 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM319 LM455 LM460 NF963 PD221 W5005 |
LAC | D (Don) |
Gravatt | RAF | Elect | - | 11/43 - 3/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | R (Rodney) |
Gray | RAF | 1892763 | W/Op | - | Injured. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
PoW | 21/22 Feb 1945 |
NN715 |
Sgt | W |
Gray | RAF | 1829214 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 14.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 PA309 PD382 RA503 |
Sgt | R |
Greathead | RAF | 1355472 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 1/2/44 On completion of tour posted to 18 OTU on 4.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LL831 LL838 LL851 ME687 |
Sgt | W J (William James) |
Green | RAF | 1393051 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.ef 1.2.44 Notified to W.C.A.D Uxbridge on being reported missing w.e.f 16.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJSGCrawford/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 March 1944 |
LM392 ME582 |
Sgt | R J ( Ronald John) |
Green | RAF | 1604469 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | Green | RAF | 1760298 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJASweeney/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | P R |
Greenhalf | RAF | 1322319 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 1/2/44 On completion of tour posted to 86 OTU on 2.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LL831 LL838 LL851 ME687 |
Sgt | J R |
Greening | RAF | 1803712 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 20/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFLHern-Black/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PA288 PA309 |
Sgt | C |
Gregory | RAF | 548149 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 25/11/43 Posted to 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 1/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGADavison/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 ND328 |
- | M (Marjorie) |
Grey | WAAF | MT Driver | - | née Markham Died November 2019 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | A C (Alan Curnow) |
Griffiths | RAF | 1652544 | MU/AG | P | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 June 1944 |
EE139 ME556 W5005 |
Sgt | E J (Eric) |
Griffiths | RAF | 1807178 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f 2.12.44 Some ORB pages give initials as K J and list Griffiths flying as MU/AG |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 |
F/L | H S |
Grimes | RAF | 116743 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 Class A release w.e.f 24.9.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PA325 PD321 |
F/Sgt | G F |
Groom | RAF | 1615801 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f 22/03/45. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php |
- | - |
PB707 |
W/O | J (John "Lofty") |
Groves | RNZAF | NZ.414613 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O I A Stevenson (NG132, 19th Oct 44) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 See also BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG132 NG135 NG243 |
F/O | D H |
Grundy | RCAF | J.88124 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45 Inj. 23/24 Feb. 1945 On more than one operation (15th Dec, 7th Jan, 14th Jan, 16th Jan, 1st Feb, all in LM273 "O", listed as J.L. Grundy According to 166 Sqdn web-page P/O D H Grundy (J88124) posted into 166 Sqdn - 25.9.1944, posted to 153 Sqdn. - 7.10.1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FOGrundy |
POW | 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
LM273 ME776 NF931 NG289 PB707 |
Sgt | T H (Thomas Henry) |
Guest | RAF | 1801227 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-achiet-le-petit-commemoration-2015.php |
KIA | 10/11 Apr. 1944 |
DV306 LL826 LL836 LM319 ME556 ME581 |
F/Sgt | G W (George William) |
Guest | RCAF | R.162319 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight. From Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 JB604 JB674 |
F/O | L A |
Guile | RAF | - | - | Meteorological Office (From 13 Base HQ replaced F/O Harris for 10days while the latter was on leave) |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | W C (Charlie) |
Gundry | RAF | 1654359 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 No PoW no. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGBryson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image012.jpg |
PoW | - |
DV189 DV305 ED536 ED730 |
Sgt | D (Donald) |
Gunn | RAF | 3020994 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php |
KIA | 4/5 April 1945 |
ME301 ME776 ND972 |
LAC | L (Laurence) |
Gurr | RAF | Armourer | - | - |
/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue64 |
- | - | - | ||
LAC | L W |
Gurr | RAF | ARM | - | 11/43 - 10/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | L W |
Guthrie | RAF | 1603234 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S Hemswell on 17.5.44 Posted to A.C.A.C Brackla on 14.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL800 LL811 LM182 ME583 NF963 |
Sgt | Guyatt | RAF | 1851896 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOShaw/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | W J |
Gwynne | RAF | 1566687 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. w.e.f 25/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.3.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | F H (Frederic Harold) |
Habgood | RAF | 160253 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44 PoW; captured but later executed According to sources Sgt Habgood was taken to Natzweiler-Stuthof concentration camp where he was executed on 31/7/44. There is a short account of his fate in Oliver Clutton-Brock's book "Footprints on the Sands of Time". |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php |
KIA | 28/29 Jul 1944 |
EE193 LL796 LL831 LM134 NE164 PA991 |
Sgt | R D (Ray) |
Hager | RCAF | R.272861 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station, Rufford, w.e.f 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php |
- | - |
ME503 ND972 NG221 NG246 NG289 PB514 PB707 PD313 PD321 RA503 RF214 |
F/Sgt | E H (Eric Holberry) |
Hagyard | RAF | 1624201 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php |
KIA | 4/5 April 1945 |
ME301 ME776 ND972 |
F/Sgt | L T (Leonard Thomas) |
Haines | RAAF | A.430619 | W/Op | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 Posted to RAF Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | E R (Ernest Ronald) |
Hall | RAF | 1391531 | W/Op | P | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 June 1944 |
EE139 ME556 W5005 |
Sgt | A G (Arthur Graham) |
Hall | RAF | 1535797 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 09/02/1944 From Penrith, Cumbria. DoB 22 August 1922 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED942 LL747 LL748 LL810 LL826 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME687 |
F/O | E A F |
Hall | RAF | 151160 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 29.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php |
- | - |
ED796 EE193 |
LAC | R M P |
Hall | RAF | ARM | - | 9/44 - 11/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
S/Ldr | Hall | RAF | - | - | S.Ad.O | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | V P |
Halliday | RAF | 1720241 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 3.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG132 NG246 NG250 NG336 PB514 PD320 PD707 |
Cpl | M A (Martin Arthur) |
Halmkan | RAF | 1866556 | FITTER | - | Fitter[Source Kevin Halmkan (nephew)]. DoB 24/01/25. Service 28/01/43-28/03/47 Flight mechanic |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/MAHalmkan.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/ImmediateService.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/CertificateOfServiceAndRelease.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/ServiceAndReleaseBookCover.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/ServiceAndReleaseBookInsideCover.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/ClearanceCertificate.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/ReleaseAuthorisation.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/TravelWarrant.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/NotesOnPayAndEmoluments1.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/NotesOnPayAndEmoluments2.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/RemobilisationInstructions1.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/RemobilisationInstructions2.jpeg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/CplMAHalmkan/RemobilisationInstructions3.jpeg |
- | - | - | |
- | J (Joan) |
Halton | WAAF | - | - | - |
/images/550-sqdn-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | T (Thomas) |
Hamilton | RAF | 1826261 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S wef 12.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug. 1944 |
NF962 |
F/Sgt | J W (Jim) |
Hamilton | RCAF | K.281037 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Rufforth, w.e.f 25.6.1945 From Guelph, Ontario. Wounded. 16/17 Mar 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 ME519 NG132 NG221 NG390 PB707 PD343 RA547 |
Sgt | D G |
Hammersley | RAF | 1892915 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG135 NG221 PA268 PA325 PD320 PD382 RA503 RA547 |
Sgt | G (Gordon) |
Hancock | RAF | 1108260 | Nav | - | Sgt Hancock, it is reported, fell into the hands of the Gestapo and was shot to death. This information was given by a Polish man to the C.C. of Infantry, U.S. Army and passed on to the Air Ministry by 21st Army Group from Headquarters, 379th Infantry U.S. Army (Source: W/Cmdr Bell, former Squadron CO on a visit to the Squadron on 17th May 1945, following his return to the UK after his stay in a PoW camp). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Feb 1945 |
NN715 |
F/O | H J |
Handley | RAF | P | - | First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/L Dale (NG132, 13 Mar 1945) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG135 NG250 PB514 |
W/O | F H (Fritz Henry Berg) |
Hansen | RCAF | R.116457 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 24.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station, Rufforth w.e.f. 25.6.1945 Flew no Ops with F/O Town crew Hanson (on transfer-in sheet) or Hansen; see the Fl/Lt EG Fleming crew with Fritz Hansen, (RCAF, W/Op. same service number) Died June 1962 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php |
- | - |
PB707 |
F/O | J R (Jack) |
Harding | DFC | RCAF | J.17377 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight One of the founding members of 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php |
- | - |
EE107 LM455 ND388 ND396 |
F/L | O A (Oswald Anthony) |
Hardy | DFC | RAF | 133487 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 7.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f 16.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php |
- | - |
LL796 LL838 LM134 LM477 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | Hardy | RAF | 965063 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 (P/F/Eng) | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | W H |
Harkness | RCAF | R.220135 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.6.44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 JB345 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM182 LM273 PA991b PA995 PD319 PD320 |
Sgt | Harper | RAF | 1690599 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtButler/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | J (John "Jack") |
Harris | DFC | RAF | 104460 | P | - | Wing Cmdr (Retr.), Founding member and Secretary (later President) 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association. Posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 30/08/44 Did a tour of 37 ops. First live ops flight as 2nd pilot with F/O Thygesen crew (10 Sept 1944, JB532) DFC gazetted, issue 37088 18 May 1945 Post-war remained in the RAF. Promoted to Squadron Leader 1st Jan. 1950 Promoted to Wing Commander 1st Jan. 1958 As Wing Commander Harris appointed OBE in the Birthday Honours list 1960 (published Supplement To The London Gazette, 11th June 1960) Celebrated 100th birthday at the RAF Club Picadilly 21st September 2020 born 21 September 1920, died 9 January 2025, aged 104 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php /images/PhantomofTheRuhr/BBMF20070427/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2004-60th-anniversary.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2005.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2009.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2010.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2011.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2015.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2016.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2017.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2018.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2019.php tps:// tps:// |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NG120 NG165 NG250 PA995 PB514 PB532 PB843 PD221 |
F/O | J (John) |
Harris | DFC | RAF | 177913 | P | - | First live ops flight as 2nd pilot with F/O Hussey crew (10 Sept 1944, PA991)) DFC gazetted (to Acting F/Lt Harris 177913), issue 37088 18 May 1945 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1687 B.D.T. Flt w.e.f. 16.2.45 After the war had ended F/O Harris was killed in a flying accident in a Spitfire on the 11th January 1946. He is buried in Anfield (Liverpool) Cemetary (service no. on CWGC 177913) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php,%20JOHN |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG251 PA991_a PB532 PD320 |
F/O | R D (Robert Douglas) |
Harris | RCAF | J.37989 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 First live op as 2nd Pilot to W/O Smith, ME301 16 Jan 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar. 1945 |
LM273 ME301 ME428 NF998 PA995 PB843 |
Sgt | M R F (Manning Robert Frederick) |
Harris | RAF | 2221167 | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWThomas/index.php |
KIA | 19/20 Oct 1944 |
NG192 |
F/O | G H R F (George Henry Richard) |
Harris | RAF | 136362 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
KIA | 26/27 Nov. 1943 |
LM379 |
Sgt | R W (Roy Walter ("Ginger")) |
Harris | RAF | 576841 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 13 Base N.E. w.e.f. 20.9.44 (possibly due to suspected TB). Sgt RW Harris re-appears after this date on ops with the F/Lt DA Shaw crew on 28th Oct 44 onwards (perhaps returned from 13 Base N.E., although no transfer-in record has so far been found in the ORB. Moved to the USA post-war. R N and R W Harris appears in the ORB, so is "N" just a typo? Moved to the USA post-war. Died March 2019, Arizona |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /images/PhantomofTheRuhr/BBMF20070427/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2011.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 |
Sgt | R J (Reg (Bob)) |
Harris | RAF | 1578595 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHVance/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group#PilotBrigade |
- | - |
NG120 PA268/E2 PB707 |
P/O | R M |
Harris | RNZAF | NZ.4212665 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 31.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 207 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 NG390 PB707 |
F/O | R A |
Harris | RAF | 161673 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 14.6.1945 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Snaith w.e.f. 27.10.45 |
- | - | - | - | |
F/O | T M |
Harris | RAF | - | - | Meteorological Office | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J P |
Harrison | RAF | 1233248 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44 First live op as 2nd pilot to W/O Miller, LM461 19 Feb 44. Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.1734 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJPHarrison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 19/20 February 1944 |
LM461 |
Sgt | S J |
Harrison | RAF | 1652715 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit. w.e.f. 18/12/43 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 625 Sqdn w.e.f 23/1/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 |
Sgt | H (Horace) |
Hartley | RAF | 1596168 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 At 36 years of age, Sgt Hartley was well above average aircrew age |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php |
KIA | 4/5 April 1945 |
ME301 ME776 ND972 |
F/Sgt | L W (Leslie Wallace) |
Harvey | RCAF | J.95281 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue78 |
KIA | 7/8 Mar 1945 (b19 |
LM273 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG135 PA995 PG864 |
Sgt | A (Arthur) |
Hatfield | RAF | 1580729 | MU/AG | - | Transferred from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb 1944 |
DV309 JA712 ME556 ME582 |
- | J (John) |
Hathaway | RAF | - | - | Training as Pilot, briefly at Flying Control at 550 Flew on test flights with Fl/Lt Arthur James ("Archie") Grain DFM Died 2022 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | K |
Haub | RAAF | A.433813 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NN715 PB707 |
F/O | M D (Michael Dermot) |
Hayes | RAF | 185432 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O GW Bell (7th Jan 1945, PD221) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php |
KIA | 4/5 April 1945 |
ME301 ME776 ND972 PD221 |
LAC | R (Robert) |
Hayes | RAF | F/Mech(Airfr | - | 3/44 - 4/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Cpl | Hayme | RAF | - | - | 9550 Servicing Echelon | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | L R R |
Haynes | RCAF | R.214873 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 27.5.44 Posted to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f 3.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL811 LL831 LM134 LM182 ME583 PA995 PD221 |
F/O | S H (Stanley Herbert) |
Hayter | RAF | 146918 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 8.9.44 First live ops flight as 2nd pilot with F/O J Lord crew (16 Sept 1944, LM228) Then NF963 (lost on training, and in ORB pilot name listed (incorrectly) as UNKNOWN Posted to 13 Base N/E w.e.f 5.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-ellingstring-memorial.php |
- | - |
LM228 NF963 |
F/Sgt | Hazard | RAF | 1383249 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 Class A release w.e.f 24.9.45 |
- | - | - | - | ||
F/O | J (James) |
Heath | RCAF | J.20002 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-oude-ijsselstreek-commemorations.php /pages/RAF100_MemorialBench_Sept2019.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
LL747 LL838 ME840 |
F/O | G A |
Heather | RAF | 168353 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 9-1-45 Posted to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 3-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PB843 PD313 RA503 |
- | E (Edith) |
Heddell | WAAF | - | - | At North Killingholme 44-45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | Hedgeworth | RAF | 1660434 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOParker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | D (Don) |
Hellings | RAF | 1586978 | Nav | - | F/L Pyke crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 31/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 Received Legion d'honneur from French Government 17 Nov 2015 Died 21st May 2016 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG287 NN715 PB514 PD319 |
F/O | M C |
Helman | RCAF | J.24648 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th Nov 1944 |
- | - | - |
NF932 |
F/Sgt | R (Robert) |
Henderson | RAF | 1564276 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 (P/F/Eng) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORRMatthews/index.php |
KIA | 29 Sept 1945 |
PD343 |
F/Sgt | A M ( Alan McVicers) |
Henry | RAAF | A.435621 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | F L (Franklin Lewis) |
Hern-Black | RCAF | J26483 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 20/04/45 Posted to RAF Station, Rufforth, w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFLHern-Black/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PA288 PA309 |
F/O | C G (Cecil Grant ) |
Hetherington | RCAF | J.45229 | W/Op | - | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 4.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG250 NG390 PB707 RF136 |
F/Sgt | T E |
Hewitt | RAF | 1893536 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG134 NG243 RF136 |
F/Sgt | J W |
Hewitt | RAF | 1670365 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 28.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL831 ME776 NF931 NG243 NG246 NG251 PB415 PB532 |
Sgt | Hewitt | RAF | 2204556 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtAllington/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | K J R |
Hewlett | RAF | F/Eng | - | Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.783 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
PoW | 28 Aug 1944 |
ED905 LL800 LM182 ME583 PA991 |
Sgt | K |
Hibbert | RAF | 1238246 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F. Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php |
- | - |
JA712 LM460 ME687 |
F/Sgt | Hickey | RAAF | A.437646 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtButler/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | D J (Douglas James) |
Hicks | RCAF | R.285802 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 POW Inj. A book published in 2020 includes photographs of Douglas Hicks in 1945-1966. Died 16 August 2014 aged 89 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php /documents/public/newsletters/2000/NewsletterNo20May2000-page4.jpg /documents/public/newsletters/2000/NewsletterNo20May2000-page5.jpg |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM273 ME428 NF998 PA995 PB843 |
F/Sgt | A E (Albert Edward) |
Higgins | RAF | 1398604 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 Mar 1944 |
66/B JB345 NG221 NG331 NG336 NG390 NN715 PB382 PD321 RA503 |
Sgt | K (Ken) |
Higgins | RAF | 1882479 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 PA325 PD321 |
F/Sgt | W G (Billy) |
Hill | RAF | F/Eng | A | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 3/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG134 NG250 PB268 |
Sgt | J (James (Jim)) |
Hill | RAF | 1819248 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No, 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f 16.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
F/Sgt | R |
Hill | RAF | 1539444 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Sqdn Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
Sgt | E J |
Hill | RAF | 1728867 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 NG390 PB707 |
F/Sgt | W |
Hill | RAF | 1520979 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 NF998 NG246 NG287 NG289 NG336 NG390 PD320 PD382 |
Sgt | J G |
Hill | RAF | 1442556 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit. w.e.f. 18/12/43 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f 10-1-45. Flew as W/Op with many crews (inc. P/O Purney, F/O Dubois, F/L (S/Ldr) Redmond, F/O Richard, P/O Kenyon, P/O Brawn, F/O Boocock, F/O Neilson and Sgt Bradley) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
- | - |
DV279 EE193 JA918 LL747 LL748 LL851 LM134 LM319 PD221 |
P/O | Hill | RAF | - | - | Sent on Course to HEMSWELL (Armament) 11 to 17 June 1944 | - | - | - | - | |||
F/O | D C R |
Hills | RCAF | J39005 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27.9.44 As surname both DC Hill and DC Hills (F/O, Nav) appear in the ORB |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG165 NG331 PA995 PB532 PB874 PD221 |
Sgt | C |
Hillsdon | RAF | 648123 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No, 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
P/O | G W (Geoffrey William) |
Hinde | RAF | 175573 | P | - | Posted (as Sgt) to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Conversion Unit w.e.f 4/2/44 First live op Sgt Hinde as 2nd pilot to F/O JO Richard (LL747, 15 Feb 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/DV309/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerlo-commemorations.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
DV309 LL747 LM460 |
Sgt | H (Henry) |
Hindle | RAF | 2206229 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
Sgt | D |
Hiskins | RAF | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG250 PB514 |
F/O | G B (Gordon Bruce) |
Hoddle | RAAF | 413156 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb. 1944 |
ED942 JA712 LM319 LM321 |
F/O | P |
Hodge | RAF | - | - | Station Signals Officer Posted to 550 Sqdn w.e.f. 9 Dec 1943 Posted in a F/O later F/Lt. |
- | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J (Jack) |
Hodgkiss | RAF | 980646 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHodgkiss/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Hodgkiss | RAF | 1591692 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 08.11.44 Posted to RAF Finningley w.e.f. 27.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 NF998 NG290 NG330 NG390 NG398 PB321 PB514 PB707 |
Sgt | E C |
Hodgson | RAF | 858978 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 |
Sgt | F (Frank) |
Hodgson | RAF | 568441 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHodgkiss/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J |
Hogg | RAF | 1565987 | A/G | - | Posted from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 01/09/44. Posted to No. 150 Squadron on 7th November 1944. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG134 PA995 PD255 |
Sgt | R H |
Hoggard | RAF | 1099149 | W/Op | - | LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php |
Surv. | 7 July 1944 |
ED562 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 LM228 ND403 |
P/O | Holden | RAF | - | - | Committee of Adjustment (responsible for clearing up the affairs of missing aircrew) | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Holding | RAF | 1685217 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerbeek-memorial.php |
KIA | 3/4 Feb. 1945 |
LM182 PB707 PD221 |
P/O | N D (Dennis) |
Holdsworth | DFC | RAF | 175189 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 19.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL747 LL850 |
P/O | K A |
Hollett | RAF | - | - | Flying Control | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | E W (Earl) |
Holliday | RCAF | R.165011 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. on 1.7.44 [Ed: Initials E W with F/Lt Stone crew, but D W occur in several places (mainly with F/O Dawson crew), but as the ORB still records both as RCAF, R.165011, A/B and F/Sgt then must be one and the same.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image018.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 JB345 LL811 LM134 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 NG134 NG138 NG221 PA991b PA995 PD321 |
Sgt | B G |
Holmes | RAF | 1451925 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con unit w.e.f. 7/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtRHField/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 |
LAC | D (Denys) |
Holmes | RAF | Armourer | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | R L |
Holmgren | RCAF | R.205197 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S on 15.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 EE139 LL748 LL800 LL811 LM228 ME776 PA991 PA991a PA995 PD514 |
Cpl | Holney | RAF | - | - | SHQ | - | - | - | - | |||
F/L | - |
Holtam | RAF | - | - | Squadron Adjutant: 26 May 45 - Oct 45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Lt | T W |
Holtham | RAF | - | - | Squadron Adjutant | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | H A |
Honey | RCAF | J.22407 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on 17/02/44 (had been on 100 Sqdn as a member of a crew lost in action, so arrived at 550 for re-crewing) Posted to 22 OTU on 9.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LM460 |
F/O | I H R (Ivor Harold Robin) |
Hood | RAF | 153235 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 26.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOWHSAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE193/index.php |
KIA | 29/30 Aug. 1944 |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 |
Sgt | B G |
Hooker | RAF | 1805008 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 NG390 PB707 |
Sgt | D E |
Hookham | RCAF | R.252589 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27.9.44 Nickname on one photo "Flak Happy Hookham" |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG165 NG331 PA995 PB532 PB874 PD221 |
Sgt | T J (Thomas Joseph) |
Hooper | RAF | 2217010 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Squadron from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 Dec. 1944 |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG289 NG290 NG331 PD382 |
Sgt | G |
Hope | RAF | 1562217 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. LFS on 29.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image066.jpg |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM455 ME776 NF998 NG120 NG132 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD228 |
Sgt | D H |
Hope | RAF | 1851443 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHVance/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 PA268/E2 PB707 |
P/O | R (Richard) |
Hopman | CdG | RAAF | A.35127 | P | - | F/Sgt later P/O Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 First operational flight: flew as 2nd Pilot with F/O Shaw 1 Aug 1944 2nd pilot to G/C McIntyre, DV200 (8 Aug 1944) 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 27 O.T.U , w.e.f 25-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php |
Surv. | 26 Aug 1944 |
DV200 ED905 EE139 LL831 LM273 ME776 PB532 PD225 W5005 |
Sgt | W W (William Walter) |
Hopper | RAF | 1399532 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Feltwell w.e.f 3.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php |
KIA | 9/10 May 1944 |
JA918 LL831 LM455 |
F/Sgt | W (William) |
Horlor | RAF | 1266367 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 12.8.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 KIA 12 Dec 1944 with 150 Sqdn, buried REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php,%20WILLIAM |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ND972 NF962 NF968 PD225 PD319 |
F/O | E B (Edward) |
Hornsby | RAF | 157338 | Nav | - | With F/Lt J Harris crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 30/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NG120 NG165 NG250 PA995 PB514 PB532 PB843 PD221 |
Sgt | Horrocks | RAF | 1673263 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
P/O | GJ |
Horsfall | RAF | 172856 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS wef 26.8.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 626 Sqdn w.e.f. 04/02/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JB345 NG246 NG250 NG290 PD321 |
W/O | N J (Norman Joseph) |
Horsley | RAF | 1145051 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 10/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group#PilotBrigade /images/550-sqdn-group-photos/EngineeringOfficers1945.jpg |
- | - |
ME389 ME503 PA288 PB707 |
F/Sgt | J (John) |
Hough | RAF | 1546277 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Holdsworth (1 Aug 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
EE193 LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
F/Lt | Howard | RAF | - | - | Sent on Course to MELKSAM (gyro gun sight) 21 to 28 June 1944 | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | W L |
Howell | RAF | R/AG | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php |
- | - |
PB707 RF135 |
Sgt | D R S (Dudley Robert Seymour) |
Howell | RAF | 843865 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f. 13/3/44 Posted to ACAC Brackla w.e.f 6.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
LL837 LM319 LM460 ND733 |
Sgt | Howell | RAF | 2221786 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSuckling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
W/O | W J (William Johnson) |
Howson | RAF | 949392 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerbeek-memorial.php |
KIA | 3/4 Feb. 1945 |
LM182 PB707 PD221 |
Sgt | A E |
Howting | RCAF | R.209819 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LL837 LM460 ME776 NF962 PA991 PB532 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | S G (Stanley George) |
Hubbard | RAF | 1333708 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb. 1944 |
ED942 JA712 LM319 LM321 |
Sgt | R H (Robert Henry) |
Hubbard | RAF | 1600919 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHodgkiss/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | Hudson | RAF | 1083379 | R/AG | - | Transferred in from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSLangford/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | R E (Robert Emrys) |
Hughes | RAF | 53446 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 170 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 Mar 1944 |
66/B JB345 NG221 NG331 NG336 NG390 NN715 PB382 PD321 RA503 |
Sgt | D (David) |
Hughes | RAF | 1133959 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Conversion Unit w.e.f 4/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/DV309/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerlo-commemorations.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
DV309 LM319 LM460 |
Sgt | D R (Denis) |
Hughes | DFM | RAF | 1575923 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
F/O | B A |
Hulse | RAF | 135295 | A/B | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 10/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php |
- | - |
ME389 ME503 PA288 PB707 |
S/L | F (Frank) |
Hume | RAF | 39232 | P | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/03/1945 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Syerston, w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 |
Sgt | T |
Hume | RAF | 1828263 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 14.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 PA309 PD382 RA503 |
Sgt | E (Edward) |
Humphrey | RAF | 3033282 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | E W O |
Hunt | RNZAF | NZ.421057 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 with the Hoddle crew. However, he never flew any ops with the crew. | - | - | - | - | |
Sgt | G |
Hunter | RAF | 1337657 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44 Interned in Camps L6/L4, PoW No.1629 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHunter/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 30/31 January 1944 |
ED942 ND396 |
Sgt | D |
Hunter | RAF | 1479638 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44 Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.518 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php |
PoW | 28/29 Jul 1944 |
EE193 LL796 LL831 LM134 NE164 PA991 |
Sgt | Hunter | RAF | 1531802 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJPage/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | P H |
Hurst | RAF | 1092315 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943) Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944 Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.2113 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 19/20 February 1944 |
EE107 JB289 LM461 ND425 |
F/O | E (Eric) |
Husband | RAF | 165988 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FLRScholfield/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | L W |
Hussey | RCAF | J.86004 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S on 15.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to W/O TA Lloyd (LL748, 23/06/44), then also to P/O Taylor (LL850, 24/06/44) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 EE139 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL850 LM228 ME776 PA991 PA991a PA995 PD514 |
F/O | J C (Joseph) |
Hutcheson | DFC | RAF | 175925 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 (posted in as P/O) First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O SB Taylor 16/06/44 (LL850) Flew the Phantom of the Ruhr (BQ-B) on her 100th operation. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL850 |
Sgt | - |
Hutchings | RAF | K.255949 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th Nov 1944 |
- | - | - |
NF932 |
Sgt | Hutchins | RAF | 1852170 | A/G | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 19.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | Hutchinson | RAF | 1590095 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | F |
Hutchinson | RAF | R761235 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f 5.9.44 F Hutchinson (flew with Tapsell), possibly the same as Hutcheson (flew with Devereau), both listed a F/Sgt and A/B and the dates fit |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NF968 PD319 |
F/Sgt | Hyde | RAF | 936355 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHodgkiss/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | R W |
Hyde | RAF | 1549187 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 (not explicitly, assumed, based on surrounding crew lists on same ORB page) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORAMarriott/index.php |
- | - |
NF132 NG243 |
Sgt | H D |
Iddles-White | RAF | 939429 | F/Eng | - | F/L Pyke crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 31/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 PB514 PD319 |
- | E (Ted) |
Ilett | RAF | ARM | - | One of the stories he told was when a Lancaster had an undercarriage collapse during take off and came off the runway fully loaded with bombs and they had to dig under the aircraft to remove the bomb. [Source R Ilett (son)] |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | Iley | RAF | 1686207 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOShaw/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | A |
Ingram | RCAF | R.257129 | R/AG | - | Posted from 1 LFS w.e.f. 31.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LM228 LM273 NF931 NG120 NG134 PD382 |
F/Sgt | A H |
Ingram | RAF | 1457468 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 16.6.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Squadron. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL796 LL831 LM455 LM460 |
F/L | C M |
Irving | RAF | 134107 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 9-1-45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Summons, NG287 22/01/45 Then had to carry out a second op as 2nd pilot (as the first had been an "abortive"), this time with F/O Grundy, LM273 01/02/1945 Posted to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 3-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 NG250 NG287 PB843 PD313 RA503 |
F/Sgt | D A (Derek Arnold) |
Isley | RAF | 1570883 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORRMatthews/index.php |
KIA | 29 Sept 1945 |
PD343 |
F/Sgt | D |
Jackman | RAF | 1580464 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 NG134 NG243 |
Sgt | J |
Jackson | RAF | 2206208 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php |
PoW | 16/17 June 1944 |
DV279 LL747 LL831 LL837 |
F/Sgt | D R |
Jackson | RAF | 1819635 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 19/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVGRoberts/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG120 NG134 |
P/O | S J |
Jackson | RAF | 183043 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 23.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFJCox/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG120 NG135 PA268 RA503 RF136 |
F/Sgt | H |
Jacobs | RAF | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG221 NG336 PB268 PD321 RF237 |
P/O | R E |
Jacobs | RAF | - | - | Adjutant to 9550 Serviceing Echelon | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | G W |
James | RCAF | R.169607 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44 Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 July 1944 |
DV279 EE139 LM228 LM460 PA991 PB532 PB562 PB707 PD221 PD255 |
Sgt | A (Andrew) |
James | RAF | 2225077 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fleville-memorial.php |
KIA | 1/2 Feb 1945 |
NG363 PB843 PD313 RA502 |
F/L | H (Harold) |
James | RAF | 135676 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 12/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGBlakeway/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG120 NG250 RF135 |
Sgt | P J |
James | RAF | 1897103 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 ME519 NG132 NG246 NG250 NG287 NG289 PA995 PD221 PD313 |
F/Sgt | G W (Bill) |
Jamieson | RCAF | R.192871 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt RJ Liefooghe (NG336, 13 Feb 45) Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Rufforth, w.e.f 25.6.1945 From Vancouver, British Columbia |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 ME519 NG132 NG221 NG336 NG390 PB707 PD343 RA547 |
Sgt | H W |
Jamieson | RCAF | R.196186 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 24.4.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHCWhite/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 ME556 |
W/O | Janes | RCAF | R.160607 | Nav | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot Warrington w.e.f. 28.2.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | A (Alan) |
Jarnell | RAF | 2218984 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45 Posted to No. 13 Base N/E Sick 28.4.45 Posted to No. 7 A.C.H.U 17-7-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fleville-memorial.php |
Surv. | 1/2 Feb 1945 |
NG363 PB843 PD313 RA502 RF136 |
Sgt | E C (Ernest Cornelius) |
Jarvis | RAF | 3032389 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45 Believed already killed by Night-Fighter fire before others had baled out |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FOGrundy |
KIA | 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
LM273 ME776 NF931 NG289 PB707 |
Sgt | S A (Sidney Alfred) |
Jarvis | RAF | 1808378 | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#LL851 |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
LL851 |
F/O | K W |
Jeans | RAF | 187427 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f 24/03/45 First op as 2nd pilot to F/O Jamieson on 9th April 45. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG221 PA309 |
F/Sgt | A H (Arthur Harrington) |
Jefferies | CGM | RAF | 1313283 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-jalhay-commemorations.php /original-site-archive/lib/image052.jpg |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 EE139 JA712 JB674 LL850 LM425 ND403 |
F/Sgt | D S |
Jeffrey | RAF | 1339840 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.3447 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-jalhay-commemorations.php |
PoW | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 EE139 JA712 JB674 LM425 ND403 |
Sgt | A J |
Jeffries | RAF | 1322863 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f. 13/3/44 Posted to 28 OTU on 19.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
JA918 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ND733 |
F/Sgt | T H |
Jeffs | RAF | 1575408 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 2/3/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCSGeorge/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG243 |
Sgt | J S |
Jenkins | RAF | 1324768 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 Initially evaded capture until captured in Antwerp 27Jul44 and interned in Camp L7, PoW No.593 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php |
PoW | 16/17 June 1944 |
DV279 LL747 LL831 LL837 |
Sgt | N C |
Jenkins | RAF | 1323424 | A/B | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 83 O.T.U. on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 ED942 EE107 JA712 LL747 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ME840 ND326 |
Sgt | Jenkins | RAF | 1852709 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOShaw/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Cpl | Jenkins | RAF | - | - | SHQ | - | - | - | - | |||
F/Sgt | H |
Jennings | DFM | RAF | 1330638 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (26/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php |
- | - |
EE107 LM455 ND388 ND396 |
Sgt | J E |
Jennings | RAF | 1867794 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 09/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHGJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
RA547 |
Sgt | C C (Charles Clifford) |
Jerman | DFM | RAF | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 Later F/Sgt |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group.php#BFlight |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 NG221 NG287 NG390 PD313 RF135 |
F/Sgt | Jewias | RAF | 1866709 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJECranston/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | J E L |
John | RCAF | J.27306 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13.9.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt R P Stone (ME776, 23rd Sept 1944) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJELJohn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 ME776 NG134 |
Sgt | John | RAF | 1836055 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POMcEwan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | R G (Ronald George) |
Johns | RAF | 909215 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue47 |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 LM321 ND425 |
Sgt | A J (Alan James) |
Johns | RAF | 2222387 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 From Llanelli See BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 NG243 |
Sgt | R (Robert) |
Johnson | RAF | 1555812 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Note on crew record said "Navigater B, employed as Air bomber" |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 LM321 ND425 |
Sgt | W E |
Johnson | RAF | 1819790 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44 Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C w.e.f. 26.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 July 1944 |
DV279 EE139 LM228 LM460 PA991 PB532 PB562 PB707 PD221 PD255 |
P/O | H K (Harold Kenneth) |
Johnson | RAAF | A.431871 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 26.6.1945 | /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
Sgt | J C (John) |
Johnson | RAF | 1174031 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds w.e.f 19.3.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 JA918 LL747 LL831 LL837 ME687 W5005 |
F/Sgt | V R L (Vernon Roy Lionel) |
Johnson | RAAF | A.429587 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | E A (Ernest Ashley) |
Johnson | RAF | 576902 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL796 LL811 LL831 LM455 W5005 |
Sgt | Johnson | RAF | 1694072 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtAllington/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | Johnson | RAF | 1675547 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POMcEwan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J D |
Johnson | RAF | 1610280 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCSGeorge/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG243 |
LACW | V (Vivianne) |
Johnson | WAAF | - | - | Married Ivan Daly (MU/AG) with the F/O Findlay crew |
/images/550-sqdn-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | ||
LAC | Johnson | RAF | - | - | Was reported to have been badly injured in an accident on one of the roads around the station during which an Army despatch rider was killed. Suffered a fractured skull and broken ribs and was taken to the newly-opened station sick quarters where he was treated by nursing orderly, Cpl Crump, before being transferred first to the more established sick bay at Kirmington and then to Grimsby Hospital. | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | W (("Jock")) |
Johnston | RAF | 1520594 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 19.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL747 LL850 |
F/Sgt | L F |
Johnston | RCAF | R.161032 | A/B | - | Posted from 1 LFS w.e.f. 31.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LM228 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG243 PD382 |
F/Lt | H G |
Johnston | RAF | 124769 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 09/04/45 To 103 Sqdn w.e.f 18.10.45. First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Parsons (RF135, 14th Apri l945) Later S/Ldr Johnston (Newsletter No. 50 Oct 2011) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHGJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
RA547 RF135 |
F/O | L S |
Johnston | RCAF | J.41973 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Waite PA309 (9 Apr 44) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLSJohnston/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PA268 PA309 PB514 PB707 |
F/Sgt | A G |
Johnston | RAF | 1349951 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 14.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 21 P.A.F.U. w.e.f. 14.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 PA309 PD382 RA503 |
F/O | J G |
Johnston | RAF | 135075 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. w.e.f 25/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.3.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O JO Richard (LL747, 1st Mar 44) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGJohnston/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 |
Sgt | W (William) |
Johnstone | RAF | 1523241 | F/Eng | - | Transferred from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb 1944. |
DV309 JA712 ME556 ME582 |
Sgt | F M |
Johnstone | RAF | 1584068 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 29.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME776 NG250 PD321 RF214 |
Sgt | F G (Frederick George "Taffy") |
Jones | RAF | 3025053 | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Feb 1945 |
NN715 |
Sgt | I (Ivor) |
Jones | RAF | 2206216 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 170 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 Mar 1944 |
66/B JB345 NG221 NG331 NG336 NG390 NN715 PB382 PD321 RA503 |
F/O | E C (Edward Crowther) |
Jones | RCAF | J.25515 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL747 LL826 ND403 |
Sgt | S J L (Sidney James Louis) |
Jones | RAF | 1431519 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGKPeasgood/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Jan. 1944 |
DV192 EE107 JB673 |
F/O | H (Harry) |
Jones | RAF | 176650 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44 As P/O H Jones flew first live op as 2nd pilot to F/O W Boocock RNZAF (LL796, 24th June 44) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php |
KIA | 28/29 Jul 1944 |
EE193 LL796 LL831 LM134 NE164 PA991 |
F/O | C J (Cyril John) |
Jones | RCAF | J.88066 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Devereau 25/10/44 in LM182 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM182 LM273 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG135 PA995 PG864 |
Sgt | D L (David Lynn) |
Jones | RAF | 1652460 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con.Unit w.e.f. 12/1/44 Reported as "missing" from operations w.e.f 16/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREWoodger/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 February 1944 |
ED942 JA934 |
P/O | R A (Ronald Alfred) |
Jones | RAF | 1339141/17 | P | - | Posted (as Sgt) to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds w.e.f 19.3.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O JO Richard (LL747, 22/03/44) Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 JA918 LL747 LL831 LL837 ME687 W5005 |
F/S | D A |
Jones | RAF | 1653118 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1653 C.U. w.e.f. 28-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODDSFerguson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NG331 PB514 PD320 PD382 RA503 |
Sgt | R F |
Jones | RAF | 1861206 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG221 |
Sgt | W J |
Jones | RAF | 1233088 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 83 O.T.U. 23.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 DV309 JA918 LL837 LM319 W5005 |
Sgt | Jones | RAF | 1892080 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 27.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderELGosling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | J |
Jones | RAF | 2204239 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLSJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PA268 PB514 PB707 |
F/O | E H |
Jones | RCAF | J.26646 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PB320 PB707 |
Sgt | J |
Jones | RAF | 1384281 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1656 CU w.e.f. 30.11.43 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 CU w.e.f. 16.12.43 |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | Jones | RAF | 2210085 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 19.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | H |
Jordan | RAF | 1594884 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PA268 PB320 PB707 |
Sgt | J A (Joseph Anthony) |
Jordan | RCAF | R.187567 | MU/AG | - | Of London, Ontario, Canada. Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit. w.e.f. 18/12/43 Posted in with Sgt W Bradley crew, but did not even get to fly his first op with his normal crew as he was KIA when flying with F/Sgt Cooper crew Christmas Eve 1943. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 JB604 |
F/O | R (Roy) |
Kay | RAF | 53358 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44 Evaded capture Aided by local Dutch people to return to England. Post-war Roy Kay worked for Barclay's bank and later he had a grocery store, living in the Kingston-upon-Thames area. He died in March 2009 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/RKay-evader.php /pages/550-sqdn-oude-ijsselstreek-commemorations.php /pages/RAF100_MemorialBench_Sept2019.php |
Evd. | 16/17 June 1944 |
LL747 LL838 ME840 |
W/O | P E E F |
Keeley | RAF | 532226 | W/Op | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 18/12/43 from 1667 CU Posted to 28 OTU on 15.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 EE139 LL747 LL748 LL811 LL834 ND403 |
Sgt | W M |
Keen | RCAF | R.110509 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 LL826 ME556 ME581 |
Sgt | R H |
Keevil | RAF | 1897005 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG135 NG221 PA268 PA325 PB321 PD320 PD382 RA503 RA547 |
Sgt | S A |
Keirle | RAF | 1335551 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.119, after a period of hospitalisation |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-jalhay-commemorations.php |
PoW | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 EE139 JA712 JB674 LL850 LM425 ND403 |
Sgt | G P |
Kelleher | RAF | 1836271 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 POW Inj. Died 25 August 1973 aged 48 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM273 ME428 NF998 PA995 PB843 |
F/Sgt | W G (Bill ) |
Kelly | RCAF | R.151498 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME540 ME776 NF931 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NG246 NG390 PA503 PA995 PD313 |
F/Sgt | N (Norman) |
Kelso | RAAF | A.425959 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 13-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORWright/index.php |
- | - |
NN715 |
Sgt | R J |
Kemmett | RAF | 1586634 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 07/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJFThomas/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD313 RF135 |
F/O | R W (Robert Willson "Bob") |
Kemp | RAF | 143399 | R/AG | - | Posted from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 12.5.44 Finished his service with the rank of F/Lt. After being de-mobbed, went back to civvy life in the advertising business in Birmingham. [Ed. (information from his son). Although the ORB lists F/O Kemp as R/AG in all his sorties, in his own log book, and in the memories he related to his family, he was a MU/AG.] Married Marie Jemima Watson (550 Sqdn MT driver) 28.7.1945 (F/O Les Wareham Best Man). Died 1979 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_servicemen.php?lastname=Watson /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#Aircraft |
- | - |
DV279 LL837 LM182 LM228 ME776 |
Sgt | W J |
Kemp | RAF | 992846 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 4.5.44 (Nav "B") Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 29.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php |
- | - |
ED796 EE193 |
Sgt | E W |
Kendall | RAF | 1523153 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Lindholme, w.e.f 17.3.14 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 460 Squadron on 12.7.44 This may be the Sgt T Kendall lsted as under-gunner with S/Ldr Redmond crew, W5005, 05/07/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 JA712 LL747 LM319 LM455 LM460 W5005 |
Sgt | L (Leslie) |
Kendrew | RAF | 1593933 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 11.8.44 Sgt. Kendrew was originally buried in Gelsenkirchen-Hullen cemetery, before being re-buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php |
KIA | 6 Nov. 1944 |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM228 NF963 PA991 PA995 PB562 |
F/Sgt | Kenihan | RAAF | A.429630 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | F M (Falconer Milne) |
Kennedy | DFM | RAF | 54250 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con. Unit. w.e.f 18.10.44 Had recently served with 625 Sqdn, DFM was Gazetted 2 Jun 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
KIA | 6 Nov. 1944 |
NG221 PB562 PD221 |
Sgt | W M |
Kennedy | RAF | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
NF135 NG287 NG390 |
F/O | G G |
Kennedy | RAF | 152631 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 01/09/44. Posted to No. 150 Squadron on 7th November 1944. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG134 PA995 PD255 |
Sgt | J S |
Kennedy | RAF | 1016118 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHVance/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 PA268/E2 PB707 |
Sgt | J |
Kenny | RAF | F/Eng | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1669 Con. Unit w.e.f 1.12.44 (transfer-out listed as 1384536, E Kenny) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image014.jpg |
- | - |
PB532 |
P/O | C G H |
Kenyon | DFC | RAF | 1322939 | P | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 LL851 ME581 |
Sgt | A H (Albert Henry) |
Kerfoot | RAF | 1473056 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 15.7.44 [Ed: from non-ORB source: Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base. After 11 Base transferred to 166 Sqdn before eventually moving again when 153 Sqdn was formed. Lost on 1st mission with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | J T (James Thomson) |
Kermack | RAF | 1341586 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-bussy-la-cote-commemorations.php |
KIA | 15 July 1944 |
LL796 LL837 LL838 LM134 LM477 W5005 |
Sgt | R (Robert) |
Kerr | RAF | 627549 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar. 1945 |
ME390 ME503 |
W/O | D J |
Kettell | RAF | 1043503 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 2.5.45 Service no. 1043503/10435032 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtAJDMacLachlanCrew |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG290 NN715 PD320 PD321 RA503 |
F/L | E |
Keuffling | RAF | 115984 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 300 Sqdn w.e.f. 2.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 5 P.D.C w.e.f. 17/01/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderTDMisselbrook/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LM228 NF963 NG135 NN715 PA995 PD320 |
Sgt | A J |
Keveren | RAF | 571090 | A/B | - | Posted from No 12 Sqdn w.e.f. 16.12.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 8.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php |
- | - |
NF931 NG120 NG243 NG250 |
Sgt | Kidd | RAF | 1570335 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | E W |
Kilby | RAF | 1814366 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f 30.1.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCSGeorge/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG243 |
Sgt | W J |
Killick | RAF | 1863454 | F/Eng | - | Posted from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 18.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL800 LL810 LL811 LL831 NF963 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD221 |
Sgt | R J (Reginald John) |
Kimbrey | RAF | 1851868 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f. 13/3/44 Posted to 30 OTU on 23.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
JA918 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ND733 |
Sgt | Kinder | RAF | 1860895 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtAllington/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
W/O | E W |
King | RCAF | 1860932 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45 Inj. 23/24 Feb. 1945 (broken ankle) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FOGrundy |
POW | 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
LM273 ME776 NF931 NG289 PB707 |
Sgt | P C M (Peter Charles Morrell) |
King | RAF | 1394149 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 166 Sqdn for re-crewing with P/O Newman w.e.f. 20.5.44 Cemetery of Brussels-Evere, Coll Grave X12.3 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Rebecq-Memorial-Project/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED796 EE193 JA712 |
Sgt | G |
King | RAF | 1603845 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted in as Sgt, listed as F/Sgt in later ops Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM182 ME776 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG135 |
Sgt | P R (Philip Reginald) |
Kingman | RAF | 1871565 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13/09/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Nov. 1944 |
LL831 ND972 PD255 PD313 |
F/O | Kingsmill | RAAF | A.437423 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted to R.A.F. Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | V (Vince) |
Kirby | RAF | 1622596 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 19.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL747 LL850 |
Sgt | L O |
Kirton | RCAF | R.181515 | A/B | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.10.44 Listed as Nav on transfer in record, but A/B on battle order |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJCParry/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 |
Sgt | T (Thomas) |
Kissell | RAF | 1825686 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Burn, w.e.f. 23.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
F/O | S G |
Kitson | RAF | 160588 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 14.09.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG135 |
F/Sgt | W J (Walter John (Walt)) |
Klementoski | RCAF | R.275494 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 From Preston, Ontario. Died of wounds sustained on Nuernburg raid on 16/17 Mar 1945. RA547 sustained 7 hits by 20mm calibre ammo following fighter attack. Landed at Manston with the R/AG seriously wounded. F/Sgt Klementoski died 21/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
KIA | 21 Mar 1945 |
NG390 RA547 |
Sgt | Knapman | RAF | 1852827 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOParker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
W/O | D H |
Knight | DFC | RCAF | R.145973 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight (as F/Sgt, later W/O) Posted to 82 O.T.U on 28.5.44 On transfer in as F/Sgt; on transfer out as W/O |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 LL748 LL810 LL834 LL882 LM319 ND425 |
F/Sgt | F P |
Knight | RAAF | A.436039 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 5.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtFPKnight/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 ME542 |
Sgt | F R (Fred) |
Knight | RAF | 1881575 | R/AG | B | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 HCU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACBothe/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NG135 NG246 PB514 RF135 |
Sgt | N R |
Knipton | RAF | 1800037 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 28.2.45 Some confusion over surname (Knipton in transfer-in record, Kimpton in ops records) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG243 PA268 PA268/F2 PB514 PB707 RA503 |
Sgt | J E (John Edward) |
Knott | RAF | 858763 | A/B | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWThomas/index.php |
KIA | 19/20 Oct 1944 |
NG192 |
Sgt | J H (John) |
Knox | DFC | RCAF | R.125200 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted to 82 O.T.U on 28.5.44 On transfer in as Sgt; on transfer out as W/O |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 LL748 LL810 LL834 LL882 LM319 ND425 |
Sgt | A (Albert) |
Laidlaw | RAF | 3021455 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
ED905 EE193 ND972 PA991 PB532 PD313 PD319 |
F/Sgt | J B (James Byrne) |
Lake | RAAF | 424904 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
F/Sgt | D P |
Lambert | RAF | 1563972 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 26.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDPLambert/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PD343 RF136 |
Sgt | C |
Lambie | RAF | 1832415 | F/Eng | - | Replaced the injured Sgt Sythes (hit by flak 04/11/44, NG250 op to Bochum) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 101 Sqdn w.e.f 25-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 NG250 NG330 NG331 PD321 |
LACW | H (Helen) |
Lambie | WAAF | 486283 | - | - | Radar Section - 550 Squadron (May 1944) Married T/Sgt 564778 D S Price |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#RadarSection |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | R C E (Robert Charles Ernest) |
Lammas | RAF | 1581207 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 15.7.44 [Ed: from non-ORB source: Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base. After 11 Base transferred to 166 Sqdn before eventually moving again when 153 Sqdn was formed. Lost on 1st mission with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | T A |
Landers | RCAF | R.257665 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 1 LFS w.e.f. 31.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LM228 LM273 NF931 NG120 NG134 PD382 |
- | Lane | RAF | - | - | Ground crew (electrician) | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | R H |
Laney | RAF | 1853772 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 Confined in Hospital due injuries, until Liberation. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php |
PoW | 15/16 Mar 1945 |
NG287 |
F/S | S (Sam) |
Langford | RAF | 1587700 | P | - | Transferred in from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSLangford/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/photogencrew.JPG |
- | - | - | |
W/O | K H |
Langley | RAAF | A.417205 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NF998 NG132 PB707 |
Sgt | W A |
Langshaw | RAF | 2211400 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCWGraham/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 NG143 NG243 |
P/O | T N |
Large | RAF | 156364 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 11/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base Lindholme on 20.4.1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LM460 ND403 |
F/Sgt | Larkin | RAF | 1897717 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSuckling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | A R (Alan Robert) |
Laurence | RAF | 1395121 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight. Listed on the RoH as Lawrence, but listed on CWGC site as Laurence (and there is one mention each way in the Squadron ORB). From Hatfield. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 JB604 JB674 |
F/Sgt | D |
Laurie | RNZAF | NZ.4212680 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 31.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 207 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 NG390 PB707 |
Sgt | R (Raymond) |
Laverick | RAF | 1528071 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWCobbin/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 Jan 1944 |
DV306 ED942 |
Sgt | F |
Law | RAF | 2222809 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 29.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME776 NG250 PD321 RF214 |
F/Sgt | J G |
Lawrence | RAF | 1397646 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
Sgt | N (Neville) |
Lawrence | RAF | 1818865 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 15.7.44 [Ed: from non-ORB source: Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base. After 11 Base transferred to 166 Sqdn before eventually moving again when 153 Sqdn was formed. Lost on 1st mission with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | Lawson | RAF | 1594205 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 Flew with P/O R R Matthews crew, all the rest of whom were killed on an Operation Dodge flight on 29th Sept 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORRMatthews/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
W/O | C H |
Lazzell | RAF | 532187 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 2.5.45 Sometimes appearing in the ops list as CH and sometimes as R Lazzell |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtAJDMacLachlanCrew |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG290 NN715 PD320 PD321 RA503 |
Sgt | S (Samuel) |
Leary | RAF | 1582346 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S Hemswell on 17.5.44 Posted to No. 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ED562 LL800 LM182 ME583 |
F/Sgt | F G (Frank George) |
Lebano | RCAF | J.87266 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 09/02/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED942 LL747 LL748 LL810 LL826 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME687 |
F/Sgt | F R |
Lecourt | RAF | 1896820 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
- | F (Frank) |
Ledbury | RAF | Fitter) | - | Late 44 - 10/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | Lee | RAF | 1852252 | W/Op | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f 22/03/45. |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FlightLieutenantFlemingCrew |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | P A (Peter Alan) |
Lee | RAF | 162786 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn Transferred in as Sgt (13900833) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
F/Sgt | R |
Lee | RCAF | R.188294 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13.9.44 (posting in as Sgt) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (posting out as F/Sgt) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJELJohn/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 ME776 NG134 |
Sgt | Lee | RAF | 951087 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
A/F/L | A |
Lee | RAF | - | - | Equipment Officer | - | - | - | - | ||
W/O | T B |
Lees | RCAF | R.114805 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/L Parsons (RF135, 9th April 1945, also 10th April 45) |
- | - | - |
RF135 |
F/Sgt | J R E (Joseph Reginald Evariste) |
Legere | RCAF | R.99179 | A/B | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 LM319 |
Sgt | J E (Joseph Edward) |
Legg | RAF | 909926 | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
LL826 LM134 ME582 |
Sgt | J E (Joe) |
Legg | RAF | 909926 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php |
- | - |
LL134 LL748 LL836 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME582 ME687 PA991 PA995 |
- | J (Joyce) |
Leigh | WAAF | - | - | - |
/images/550-sqdn-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | H A |
Leight | RCAF | J39009 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
F/O | F D |
Leith | RAF | A/B | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODDSFerguson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NG331 PB514 PD320 PD382 RA503 |
F/Sgt | G H |
Lennox | RCAF | R.179930 | Nav | - | Posted from 1 LFS w.e.f. 31.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LM228 NF931 NG120 NG134 PD382 |
F/O | A (Arthur) |
Leonard | RAF | 160715 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Squadron from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 Dec. 1944 |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG289 NG290 NG331 PD382 |
Sgt | J (James) |
Leonard | RAF | 2218704 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13/09/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Nov. 1944 |
LL831 ND972 PD255 PD313 |
Sgt | R J |
Lester | RAF | 1583160 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHVance/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 PA268/E2 PB707 |
F/O | I (Isaiah) |
Levene | RAF | 168502 | W/Op | A | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 3/11/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 2.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG134 PB268 |
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Levy | RAF | 3033609 | MU/AG | - | Transferred in from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSLangford/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/photogencrew.JPG |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | M H ("Jim") |
Levy | RAF | 605506 | Nav | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 10/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/Images/MH-Levy-IBCC.jpg |
- | - |
ME389 ME503 PA288 PB707 |
Sgt | H (Harold) |
Lewis | RAF | 3005380 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
ED905 EE193 ND972 PA991 PB532 PD313 PD319 |
F/O | A E (Ernie) |
Lewis | RCAF | J.40623 | Nav | - | (J.40695 in some ORB records??) Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f . 28.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 429 Sqdn w.e.f 15.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG221 NG246 NG289 PB514 PB707 PD313 PD321 RA503 RF214 |
- | P (Phillip) |
Lewis | RAF | - | - | Leading Aircraftman | - | - | - | - | ||
LAC | N W |
Lewis | RAF | F/Mech | - | 9/44 - 2/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/L | R J (Robert) |
Liefooghe | RAF | 131067 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 170 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt DA Shaw (PD321, 16 Nov 44) Survived crash. Interned in Camp 5A Web-link given claims to be a photo of a fragment of F/L Liefooghe Lancaster Belgian national b. Arques (FR) 26.6.1920, d. Sutton Coldfield (U.K.) 5.7.1988 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php,466201.msg3266437.html |
PoW | 17 Mar 1945 |
66/B JB345 NG221 NG331 NG336 NG390 NN715 PB382 PD321 RA503 |
P/O | E (Egan) |
Lindsay | RCAF | J.95386 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 05.01.45 From Vancover PO E Lindsay and PO W E McDonald had consecutive service numbers which means they almost certainly joined up together. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php |
KIA | 24 March 1945 |
ME519 NG221 NG246 PD320 PD321 |
Sgt | J E |
Lindsay | RAF | 1827125 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f 10/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDTWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 PD313 RF214 |
Sgt | S (Sam) |
Lipfriend | RAF | 1895650 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 7 A.C.H.U w.e.f. 23-7-45 A stalwart of the Squadron Association since its formation Died July 2013 Sam was lucky to survive a horrendous crash at a Bomber Training Unit when his aircraft hit trees trying to land in bad weather. He completed 11 ops with 100 Sqdn at Waltham before he joined 550 in Nov 1944. The crew went on to complete another 27 ops with 550 by mid-March 1945. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2005.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2009.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2010.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2011.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME519 ND972 NG135 NG250 RF135 |
F/Sgt | Lister | RAF | 1233492 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJPage/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | A L (Alf) |
Llanwarne | RAF | 1549600 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 238 Sqdn w.e.f 22.12.44 Some ORB pages give initials as L L |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 |
W/O | T A |
Lloyd | DFM | RAF | 1278822 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (as Sgt Lloyd) from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/L Picton, LL826 (1 March 44) Immediate award of DFM recorded in May 1944 ORB for bringing severely damaged ND733 home from Mailly raid of 3/4 May 1944 having ordered the A/B and both AGs to bale out. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1662 Con. Unit 7.8.44 (with Service No. quoted as 1278823) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0008.jpg /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0009.jpg |
- | - |
LL748 LL826 LL836 LM392 ND733 |
F/Sgt | R J |
Lloyd | RAF | 1578532 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 20.4.45 (ORB stating service no. as 1578522) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG250 NG336 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
Sgt | H D |
Lloyd | RAF | 1125438 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Finningley w.e.f. 26.4.45. Posted out as F/Sgt Sometimes appearing in the ops list as HD sometimes as HP Lloyd |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtAJDMacLachlanCrew |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG290 NN715 PD320 PD321 RA503 |
F/Sgt | J R |
Locke | RAF | 1567401 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJRLocke/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME390 ND972 NG250 PA309 RF135 |
F/O | P A (Patrick Arthur) |
Lockton | RAF | 151370 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.ef 1.2.44 Notified to W.C.A.D Uxbridge on being reported missing w.e.f 16.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJSGCrawford/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LM392 ME582 |
P/O | A C (Alfred Churchill) |
Lockyer | RNZAF | NZ.428130 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45 Born Belfast, Northern Ireland 2 Oct 1921. Moved to NZ ca. 1930. Shipping and customs clerk WD and HO Wills Ltd. Joined up 11 Jul 1942 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACLockyer/index.php |
KIA | 17 Mar 1945 |
NG132 |
F/O | H S |
Lodge | RAF | 53640 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD321 PD325 PD343 PD382 RF237 |
F/O | J J (John James) |
Logan | DFC | RAF | 135108 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-achiet-le-petit-commemoration-2015.php |
KIA | 10/11 April 1944 |
DV306 LL826 LL836 LM319 ME556 ME581 |
Sgt | G K (Graham) |
Logan | RAF | 1823525 | MU/AG | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. Enlisted at the age if 19 in the summer of 1943. Trained for four months before being assigned to 100 Sqdn based at Waltham, later transferring to 550 Sqdn at North Killingholme. Survived a tour of 32 operations, later becoming a gunner instructor at RAF Hixon in Staffordshire and finally at RAF Pembrey, Wales, before leaving the RAF, in January, 1948. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 LL851 ME581 |
F/O | A W L (Aubrey) |
Lohrey | RNZAF | NZ.426051 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O G W Bell PD221, 4 Dec 1944 Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fleville-memorial.php |
Surv. | 1/2 Feb 1945 |
NG363 PB843 PD221 PD313 RA502 RF136 |
F/Sgt | R R ("Russ") |
Longmire | RAAF | A.437141 | Nav | C |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG132 NG243 |
Sgt | H F (Frank "lanky") |
Longworth | RAF | 2219280 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 9.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 |
F/L | J C (Jim) |
Lord | DFC | RAF | 175190 | P | - | Posted from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 2.6.44 (as P/O Lord) First live op as 2nd pilot to S/L Nicholas PA991, 12 June 1944 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 12. O.T.U. w.e.f. 12.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LM228 PA991 PB321 PD319 |
Sgt | S J (Stuart John) |
Lovett | RAF | 1604339 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 11.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php |
KIA | 6 Nov. 1944 |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM228 NF963 PA991 PA995 PB562 |
Sgt | D S |
Lowe | RAF | 1583613 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn for re-crewing with F/Sgt Lloyd w.e.f. 17.5.44 (where he flew as R/AG) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
- | - |
LL748 |
P/O | J W |
Lowe | RCAF | J.23125 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Interned in Camp L1, PoW No.1598 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
PoW | 26/27 Nov. 1943 |
LM379 |
W/O | H O |
Lowe | RAF | 1576437 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f 24/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG221 PA309 |
F/O | Lowe | RAF | 170203 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 26.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | B H |
Lowen | RCAF | J24655 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 22 O.T.U w.e.f. 15/02/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG165 NG331 PA995 PB532 PB874 PD221 |
F/Sgt | R H |
Lucas | RAF | 1604931 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 ME519 NG132 NG246 NG250 NG287 NG289 PA995 PD221 PD313 |
Sgt | D (Dennis) |
Lucey | RAF | 1796949 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45 Born Model Village, Tower, Co. Cork, ROI Died March 1945 aged 25 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACLockyer/index.php |
KIA | 17 Mar 1945 |
NG132 |
Sgt | Ludden | RAF | 1804039 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSuckling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | E H (Ernst) |
Luder | DFC | RAAF | A.418715 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Shaw (ED905, 31 Oct 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PA268 PB320 PB707 |
F/L | D E A (Derek Eustace Arthur) |
Luger | RAF | 133373 | P | - | Inj; arrived home 8 May 45; admitted to Manchester Christie Hospital Died from his injuries 29 May 45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDEALuger/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
KIA | 29 May 1945 |
NN715 |
Sgt | A E (Alex Ernest) |
Lukeman | RAF | 2221055 | R/AG | - | At 38 years of age Sgt Lukeman, was well above the average age for aircrew |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWThomas/index.php |
KIA | 19/20 Oct 1944 |
NG192 |
P/O | J (Jack) |
Lukies | RAAF | A.427127 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 25.6.1945 | /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
F/Sgt | N H (Neville) |
Lund | RAAF | A.435235 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 27.2.45 Posted to 460 Sqdn w.e.f 13.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NF931 NG246 PA288 RF135 RF214 |
F/Sgt | R W |
Lundie | RAF | 1072548 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Squadron to No. 13 Base (supy) Non effective sick w.e.f 21.2.45 Name interchangably seen as Lundie and Lundy through the list of ops with F/O Allen crew |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LL748 NF932 NG287 PA995 |
Sgt | H (Henry) |
Luxton | RAF | 1805336 | Nav | - | Posted from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 01/09/44. Posted to No. 150 Squadron on 7th November 1944. On many of the ORB ops lists Sgt Luxton is listed as A/B and Sgt Powell as Nav. But Sgt Luxton log books show the recordings of a navigator. On the page with the transfer out to 150 Sqdn Sgt Luxton is recorded as navigator, and so he is recorded here as such. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG134 PA995 PD255 |
F/O | L O (Lincoln Orville) |
Lynch | RAF | 178235 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 12/03/45 Won a gunnery trophy during his training. Flew a first tour with 102 Sqn, and was credited with an enemy aircraft destroyed on his first sortie. Awarded a DFM on completion of his tour. Posted to RAF Blyton w.e.f 29.10.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGBlakeway/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG120 NG250 RF135 |
F/Sgt | Lynch | RAAF | A.71068 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J |
Lyons | RAF | 1089359 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 30.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 LL800 ME583 W5005 |
S/L | K |
MacAleavey | DFC | RAF | 117149 | Nav | A | Flight Commander A Flight: 20 Jul 44 - 28 Aug 44 (Missing) Interned in Camp L1 PoW No.5294 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php#SLdrMacAleavey /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
PoW | 28 Aug. 1944 |
LL748 LL826 LL831 LM455 ME583 ND388 ND972 PA991 |
F/L | K |
MacAleavey | DFC | RAF | 117149 | Nav | - | Senior Navigation Officer: 25 Nov 43 - 19 Jul 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Later Flight Commander A Flight (see separate record) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 |
F/Sgt | K M |
MacAuley | RAF | 1550842 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station Kermington, w.e.f. 6.3.44 On completion of operational tour posted to 83 O.T.U on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 |
F/Sgt | MacCormick | RAF | 1790144 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJRDavies/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
P/O | H E (Herman Earl) |
MacDuff | RCAF | J.19534 | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#LL851 |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
EE193 LL851 |
Sgt | D B (Douglas Bowman) |
MacKenzie | RAF | 1424160 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 Jul 1944 |
LM455 LM460 LM647 |
Sgt | E J (Ernest) |
MacKenzie | RAF | 1898393 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FOGrundy |
KIA | 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
LM273 ME776 NF931 NG289 PB707 |
Sgt | MacKenzie | RCAF | R.272130 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image044.jpg |
- | - |
NG289 NG331 PB514 PB707 PB864 PD313 PD321 RF135 |
Sgt | D |
Mackey | RAF | 1045878 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base on 7.6.44 As headless crew posted to 11 Base on 19.6.44 (after pilot J K Murray having been killed on first op as 2nd pilot to F/O Neilson, LM134, 16/17 June 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/L | A J D (Donald) |
MacLachlan | DFC | RAF | 41797 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 8304 Wing w.e.f. 21.4.45 [Ed: Variously named MacLachlan or McLaughlin in the ORB.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtMJBall/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtAJDMacLachlanCrew |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG290 NN715 PD320 PD321 RA503 |
Sgt | R (Ronald) |
MacLeod | RAF | 1823751 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S wef 12.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
NF962 |
F/Sgt | MacQuarrie | RAF | Nav | - | Returned to Canada when he fell ill and S/Ldr MacAleavey finished the ops with this crew (info from Lee Norgate) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL800 PA991 |
F/O | D W (Daniel William) |
Magan | RAF | 148510 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f. 15.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPGMilburn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
KIA | 22/23 April 1944 |
A G H J K LM455 ME581 ND403 ND425 ND733 |
F/Sgt | W |
Magee | RAAF | A.421996 | W/Op | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | G A (George Albert ("Paddy")) |
Maginley | RAF | 1565120 | A/B | - | - From Irvinestown, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
KIA | 13/14 Feb. 1945 |
JB345 LL748 NF932 NG287 PA995 |
Sgt | F M |
Main | RAF | 1672385 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44 Confined in Hospital due injuries (broken leg) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
ME301 NG120 NG134 NG135 PA995 PG864 |
AC1 | A (Arthur) |
Major | RAF | F/Mech(Eng) | - | 8/44 - 5/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/L | M F A (Michael Francis Aston) |
Maltin | DFC | RAF | 102552 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44
Flew 1st live Op as 2nd pilot to S/Ldr Gainsford, NF931, 14th Oct 1944 DFC gazetted, issue 37088 18 May 1945 Post-war a pilot for British Airways as well as a Concorde test pilot. One of the founding member of the British Sundial Society Died January 2015, aged 94 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM182 NF931 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG135 |
Sgt | W |
Manderson | RAF | 1369228 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.156 Sqdn w.e.f 08/01/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
- | - |
JB618 JB678 ME556 |
F/O | H G (Harry) |
Manley | RAAF | A.409724 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Thomas (1 Aug 1944). Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Sqdn Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
F/Sgt | F W L |
Mann | RAAF | A.432317 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 |
F/L | E R |
Mark | RAAF | A.409725 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG246 NG250 PD320 PD707 |
F/O | Marker | RAF | 150600 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMarker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | G H (Gordon) |
Markes | RAF | 178538 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Stevenson (PD255, 10th Sept 1944) Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 PD255 |
Sgt | D L (David Lesley) |
Marks | RAF | 1709204 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44 Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.02.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 July 1944 |
DV279 EE139 LM228 LM460 PA991 PB532 PB562 PB707 PD221 PD255 |
P/O | E F |
Marles | RAF | 172755 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Lindholme, w.e.f 17.3.1944 (No. 1186087) First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Rogers (LL837, 22/23 March 1944 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 13 Base N.E. on 27.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 JA712 LL747 LL837 LM319 LM455 LM460 |
F/Sgt | B J G |
Marlow | RAF | 1181395 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 626 Sqdn for recrewing with P/O Newman on 8.5.44 Posted to 12 Sqdn on 25.5.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
LACW | E (Evelyn) |
Marlow | WAAF | - | - | Motor Transport Section Based at RAF North Killingholme 21st January 1944 - 17th December 1945 |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#MotorTransportSection |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | W R J |
Maroney | DFM | RAF | 1317721 | A/B | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 LL851 ME581 |
F/O | R A |
Marriott | RAF | 170637 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 (not explicitly, assumed, based on surrounding crew lists on same ORB page) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORAMarriott/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
NF132 NG120 NG243 |
F/Sgt | J H |
Marsh | RNZAF | NZ.4216736 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 14.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 PA309 PD382 RA503 |
P/O | Marsh | RAF | - | - | Sent on Course to HIGHGATE (Intelligence) 18 to 24 June 1944 | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | C J (Charlie) |
Marshall | RAF | 3050416 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 9.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 |
Sgt | J H |
Marshall | RAF | 1591347 | R/AG | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 18 O.T.U. on 1.7.44 [Ed. initials given as JW on some ops) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 ED942 EE107 JA712 LL747 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ME840 ND326 |
F/O | J (Jack) |
Marshall | RAF | 165539 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOParker/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | J H (Jack) |
Marston | RAF | 171917 | R/AG | C | From Bromley Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.11.44 Completed tour on 16.03.45 Posted to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderWFCaldow/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 ME390 NG221 NG251 NG336 NN715 |
F/Sgt | G R |
Martin | RAF | 1258763 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image014.jpg |
Surv. | 26 Aug 1944 |
DV200 EE139 LL831 LM273 ME776 PB532 PD225 W5005 |
Sgt | S (Stuart "Marty") |
Martin | RAF | 1586914 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 |
Sgt | L B |
Martin | RAF | 1684735 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 25/11/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGADavison/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM319 ND328 |
F/Sgt | D K |
Martin | RAF | A/B | - | [Ed: appears as 8th man in an 8 man crew (2nd A/B) on a MANNA mission (usual it itself). There are two A/Bs named Martin in the ORB, but with different initals, in or around the same time-frame.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
NG390 PA325 |
F/Sgt | R E |
Martin-Smith | DFM | RAF | 1675647 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/Images/IBCC_4100.jpg |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG246 NG250 PD320 PD343 PD707 |
F/Sgt | K (Kenneth) |
Mason | RAF | 1807289 | F/Eng | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | F D |
Mason | RAF | 1600862 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 24.4.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHCWhite/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 ME556 |
Sgt | C G J |
Mason | RAF | 1801208 | Nav | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.10.44 Listed as A/B on transfer in record, but Nav on battle order |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJCParry/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 |
Sgt | V H (Victor Hugo) |
Mate | RAF | 1590753 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con.Unit w.e.f. 12/1/44 Reported as "missing" from operations w.e.f 16/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREWoodger/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 February 1944 |
ED942 JA934 |
F/Sgt | D G |
Mather | RAF | 1685733 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG135 NG221 PA268 PA325 PB321 PD320 PD382 RA503 RA547 |
Sgt | J |
Matthews | RAF | 1518211 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php |
PoW | 16/17 June 1944 |
DV279 LL747 LL831 LL837 |
Sgt | S (Sidney) |
Matthews | RAF | 1597703 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACLockyer/index.php |
KIA | 17 Mar 1945 |
NG132 |
P/O | R R (Reginald Raymond) |
Matthews | RAF | 196950 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 Killed on Operation Dodge (repartriation of Army personnel from Italy) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORRMatthews/index.php |
KIA | 29 Sept 1945 |
PD343 |
Sgt | Matthews | RAF | 1714999 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image044.jpg |
- | - |
NG289 NG331 PB514 PB707 PB864 PD313 PD321 RF135 |
W/O | J R (John Robert) |
Mawhinney | RCAF | J.88628 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f 15/3/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 June 1944 |
EE139 ME556 W5005 |
F/O | R H (Roger Hanson) |
Mawle | RAF | 150102 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight The 550 ORB lists the surname as Maule, but F/O R.H. Mawle - 150102 from CGWC: (so assummed misspelling in 550 ORB) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV345 |
P/O | P (Philip) |
Maxwell | DFC | RAF | 1337701 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 1/2/44. Transferred in a F/Sgt. Later ops list P/O Maxwell. On completion of tour posted to 86 OTU on 2.7.44 Died Brisbane, 1975 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LL831 LL838 LL851 ME687 |
Sgt | D A W (David Alfred William) |
Mayo | RAF | 1576545 | W/Op | - | 22/10/1922 - 22/05/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#LL851 |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
LL851 |
Sgt | J J |
McAnaney | RAF | 1576555 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted from this Sqdn to No. 18 OTU on completion of First Operational Tour w.e.f. 8.2.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 DV343 ED750 JB563 ND403 |
Sgt | W J |
McCallum | RCAF | R.118907 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 29.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php |
- | - |
ED796 EE193 |
F/O | G (Gerald) |
McCann | RAF | 174503 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 12/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGBlakeway/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG120 NG250 RF135 |
F/O | L J T (Leonard John Thomas) |
McCarthy | RAF | 177120 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 11.8.44 Transferred in as P/O but later ops show F/O First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt R P Stone (LL811, 25th Aug 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image064.jpg |
KIA | 6 Nov. 1944 |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM228 NF963 PA991 PA995 PB562 |
F/L | A D (Alexander Donovan) |
McConnell | DFC | RNZAF | 39061 | A/B | - | Senior Bombing Officer: 25 Nov 43 - 16 Jun 44 (Missing) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
JA918 LL747 LL748 LL826 LL831 LL837 LL850 LM134 LM425 |
Sgt | J (John) |
McConnell | RAF | 1822623 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit. w.e.f. 18/12/43 Posted in with Sgt W Bradley crew, but did not even get to fly his first op with his normal crew as KIA when flying with the Sgt Woods crew Christmas Eve 1943. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 LM319 |
Sgt | McCormick | RAF | 1589453 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 26.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
P/O | D (Donald) |
McCrae | RCAF | J.85104 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 09/02/1944 [Ed: On the IBBC Roll of Honour the name is listed as McCrae, whereas his parents name is given as McCrea. Likewise in the CWGC lists.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED942 LL747 LL748 LL810 LL826 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME687 |
Sgt | A M |
McCreight | RAF | 1397887 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f 10/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDTWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG931 PD313 RF214 |
Sgt | M |
McCutcheon | RAF | 1898409 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 13.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ND972 NG287 NG289 NG331 PA995 PB532 |
P/O | W E (Wesley Ernest) |
McDonald | RCAF | J.95387 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 05.01.45 PO W E McDonald and PO E Lindsay had consecutive service numbers which means they almost certainly joined up together. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
KIA | 24 March 1945 |
ME519 NG135 NG221 NG246 PD320 PD321 |
P/O | J K |
McDonald | RAF | 79934 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Sqdn Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
F/Sgt | C A |
McDonald | RCAF | R.186742 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13.9.44 (posting in as Sgt) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (posting out as F/Sgt) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJELJohn/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 ME776 NG134 |
F/Sgt | D M (Denys) |
McDonnell | RAAF | A.430686 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PA268 PB320 PB707 |
Sgt | R J |
McElroy | RAF | 1488301 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 19-3-45 From Northern Ireland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG331 NG390 PA995 PB532 PB874 PD221 |
P/O | McEwan | RAF | 187919 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POMcEwan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | B T (Brian) |
McGee | RAF | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG221 NG336 PB268 PD321 RF237 |
P/O | G B |
McGhee | RCAF | J.90037 | A/B | - | Posted to RCAF "R" depot w.e.f 29/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
- | - |
NF931 |
W/O | G B |
McGhee | RCAF | R.125935 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot, w.e.f. 29-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM182 ME776 NF932 NF998 NG120 NG132 NG135 PB707 |
Sgt | J (John ("Jock")) |
McGhie | RAF | 1521465 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/SgtJohnMcGhie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/SgtWilfredBarratt/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 LM321 ND425 |
Sgt | McGivering | RAF | 1625706 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJRLocke/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME390 ND972 NG250 PA309 RF135 |
Cpl | McGuire | RAF | - | - | SHQ | - | - | - | - | |||
F/Sgt | J D (John David) |
McIntosh | RCAF | J.86431 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con.Unit w.e.f. 12/1/44 Service Number (on the Sqdn ORB) R.157638, but no trace of this name & number combination on CWGC site, but instead F/O John David McIntosh - J/86431 Reported as "missing" from operations w.e.f 16/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREWoodger/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 February 1944 |
ED942 JA934 |
G/C | R V (Richard Valentine) |
McIntyre | DFC* | RAF | P | - | Station Commander Attached to Station on 9th Dec. 1943 as Station Commander Flew pilot with F/O Waite (2nd pilot) crew (LL826,30 April 44) Flew pilot with F/O Manley (2nd pilot) crew (PD221,3 Aug 1944) Flew pilot with F/Sgt Hopman (2nd pilot) crew (DV200,8 Aug 1944) Flew pilot with P/O R P Franklyn (2nd pilot) crew (PD221, 25 Oct 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GpCaptRVMcIntyre/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GpCaptRVNcIntyre/RVMcIntyre.jpg /images/550-sqdn-group-photos/Killingholme_Station_Band.jpg /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 |
- | - |
DV200 LL826 PD221 |
Sgt | P L (Patrick Louis) |
McIver | RAF | 2210005 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 10.4.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
ED562 EE193 JA712 LM319 |
F/O | J M (James Morris) |
McKay | RAF | 591199 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f 19.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
EE193 LL134 LL811 LM134 ME687 ND425C |
F/Sgt | McKay | RAAF | A.8356 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | J F (Joe) |
McKeen | RAF | 1522997 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 "Mac" from Southern Ireland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME540 ME776 NF931 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NG246 NG390 PA503 PA995 PD313 |
Sgt | H |
McKelvie | RAF | 1567029 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 6 P.A.F.U. w.e.f. 21.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
ME428 PD382 |
Sgt | J (John) |
McKenzie | RAF | 914855 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Killed by night-fighter fire |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGAMorrison/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Jan 1944 |
DV305 |
F/Sgt | R E |
McKenzie | RAAF | A.432851 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 19-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image014.jpg |
Surv.< | 26 Aug 1944 |
DV200 EE139 LL831 LM273 ME776 PB532 PD221 PD225 W5005 |
P/O | J L |
McKeown | RCAF | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Interned in Camp L3, PoW No.3374 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWCobbin/index.php |
PoW | 14/15 Jan 1944 |
DV306 ED942 |
F/Sgt | J L (John Lawrence) |
McKeown | RCAF | R.108692 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image044.jpg |
- | - |
NG289 NG331 PB514 PB707 PB864 PD313 PD321 RF135 |
Sgt | C A |
McKernan | RAF | 1684193 | W/Op | - | Posted from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 20.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#Aircraft |
- | - |
DV279 LL837 LM182 LM228 ME776 |
F/Sgt | McKie | RAAF | A.437367 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | D J |
McKinnon | RAF | 1347499 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 [Ed. In ORB: name listed as MacKinnen (at variance with the crew photo). Also v. badly obscured service number, could be 1347489 or just 134749.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG246 NG250 PD320 PD707 |
W/O | R C (Roy) |
McLauchlan | RCAF | R.192560 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45 Inj. 23/24 Feb. 1945 (shot in right lung by 30calibre bullet) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FOGrundy |
POW | 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
LM273 ME776 NG289 PB707 |
F/O | R G |
McLean | RCAF | J.41237 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 14.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 PA309 PD382 RA503 |
F/Sgt | McLeod | RAAF | A.431941 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | A E |
McLeod | RCAF | R.219884 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station, Rufford, w.e.f 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG221 NG246 NG289 PB514 PB707 PD313 PD321 RA503 RF214 |
P/O | D A |
McLeod | RAF | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODDSFerguson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NG331 PB514 PD320 PD382 RA503 |
Sgt | F P |
McLoughlin | RAF | 1822341 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f. 13/3/44 Posted to ACAC Brackla w.e.f 6.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
JA918 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ND733 |
F/Sgt | J R (James Rodgers) |
McLoughlin | RAF | - | - | Stationed in North Killingholme in 1944. Ran a section that repaired the aircraft which managed to return. Good friend of Charlie Foster NZ 416105 Prior to NK had been 3 years in the Sudan at Wadi Halfa. Left for India in February 1945 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | McManus | RAF | 1523982 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJRLocke/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME390 ND972 NG250 PA309 RF135 |
Sgt | J R (John Robert) |
McNamara | RAF | 1675090 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 12.8.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 KIA 12 Dec 1944 with 150 Sqdn, buried REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php,%20JOHN%20ROBERT |
- | - |
ED320 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 NF962 NF968 PD225 |
Sgt | McPhail | RAF | 1824447 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POMcEwan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | J (James) |
McVey | RAF | 1825292 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 11.08.44 Killed in an aircraft crash during training on the 5th October 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-ellingstring-memorial.php /original-site-archive/lib/image054.jpg |
KIA | 4 Oct. 1944 |
LM228 NF963 PB562 PD321 |
W/O | T (Tommy) |
McVey | RAF | A/G | - | May 2013: information, letters and photo received. To date no information has been found in the Squadron ORB. Possibly came from 100 Sqdn at the same time as John McGhie, but no transfer-in information available (nor which crew he may have flown with, or on which operations). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/SgtJohnMcGhie/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J (John) |
McVey | RAF | 1098719 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 25-3-45 Did not transfer in with a crew (flew with at least two crews). Possibly a crew surviver from another squadron (as holds a Caterpiller Club badge) Born 12 May 1921 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG246 NG390 PB321 PD382 RF136 RF237 |
W/Cdr | J C |
McWatters | DFC | RAF | 86655 | P | - | Commanding Officer: 25 Feb 45 - 02 Oct 45 Class A release w.e.f 03.10.45 |
/original-site-archive/histmemoirsb17seacrash.htm |
- | - |
ME503 NG250 |
Sgt | A W (Andrew Whitelaw) |
McWhirter | RAF | 1821553 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 10.4.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
ED562 JA712 LM319 |
F/O | E T (Edward Thomas) |
Meaker | RAF | 153017 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 8.7.44 (NCO:1389241 : Commission Gazetted Tuesday 23 November, 1943) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-blamont-commemorations.php |
KIA | 28/29 July 1944 |
LM455 ND972 |
F/O | G E (Geoff) |
Mearns | DFC | RAF | 184032 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 Flew 1st live Op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Maltin, NG120, 6th Dec 1944 Northwich, Cheshire (became a school teacher) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME540 ME776 NF931 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NG246 NG390 PA503 PA995 PD313 |
F/O | J |
Meek | RCAF | J.37873 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13.9.44 (posting in as P/O) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 (posting out as F/O) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJELJohn/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 ME776 NG134 |
F/Sgt | W E |
Megaw | RCAF | R.169045 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 24.4.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHCWhite/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 ME556 |
Sgt | Meith-Kinnear | RAF | 1479072 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRidsdale/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | R |
Melia | RAF | 163533 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 5.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG390 PD321 PD342 PD343 |
F/O | R |
Melis | RAF | A/B | - | - | - | - | - |
NG221 |
F/Sgt | P J (Paul James) |
Mellor | RAAF | A.442526 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | M S |
Merevitz | RCAF | J.27120 | A/B | - | Posted from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 4.5.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" depot on 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL800 LL810 LL811 LL831 NF963 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD221 |
Sgt | W G (Wilf) |
Merrills | RAF | 1431973 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44 Listed sometimes as Merrills and others as Merills |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME776 PA995 |
Sgt | R W |
Metcalfe | RAF | 628002 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
Surv. | 4 July 1944 |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL831 LM229 LM273 ME575 ME583 ND972 PD208 PD255 W5005 |
F/O | L G |
Michie | DFC | RCAF | J.90454 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Shenker NF931, 14/01/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG134 NG243 RA503 RF136 |
Sgt | J |
Middleman | RAF | 1522072 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base on 7.6.44 As headless crew posted to 11 Base on 19.6.44 (after pilot J K Murray having been killed on first op as 2nd pilot to F/O Neilson, LM134, 16/17 June 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | H E (Harold Edward) |
Miell | RCAF | J.95395 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJClarke/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Jan 1945 |
NG363 PD313 |
F/O | P G (Philip Giles) |
Milburn | RCAF | J.23416 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f. 15.3.44. First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Bouchard, LL834, 22 Mar 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPGMilburn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php |
KIA | 22/23 April 1944 |
A G H J K LL834 LM455 ME581 ND403 ND733 |
Sgt | A J |
Miles | RAF | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945. Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 March 1945 |
ME548 NF931 NG134 |
Sgt | M |
Miles | RAF | A/B | - | - | - | - |
LM319 |
F/Sgt | R G |
Miles | RAF | 1865149 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG135 NG221 PA268 PA325 PB321 PD320 PD382 RA503 RA547 |
Sgt | Millar | RAF | 1828787 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJRLocke/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME390 ND972 NG250 PA309 RF135 |
W/O | J I (John Irving) |
Miller | RAF | 172075 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where he and his crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
KIA | 19/20 February 1944 |
EE107 JB289 LM461 ND425 |
F/L | D C |
Miller | RAF | 159994 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 [Ed: D C or D O on some ORB pages.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD321 PD325 PD343 PD382 RF237 |
Sgt | G S |
Miller | RAF | 1568442 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 26.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDPLambert/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 |
F/O | C |
Millhouse | RAF | - | - | A. & S.D. From No. 1 Group H.Q. | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | R M |
Mills | RCAF | J.36396 | Nav | - | Posted from No. 11 base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 NN715 PD320 |
F/O | W K |
Mills | RCAF | J.36593 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. on 24.6.44 posted from 550 Sqdn to 22 O.T.U. w.e.f. 1.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LM182 LM455 ME583 ME776Q ND972 PA991 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | G E (Geoffrey Edgar) |
Mills | RAF | 1716353 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 12.8.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 KIA 12 Dec 1944 with 150 Sqdn, buried REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php,%20GEOFFREY%20EDGAR |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 NF962 NF968 PD225 |
F/Sgt | M E |
Mills | RAAF | A.425866 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 30 O.T.U. on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 ED942 EE107 JA712 LL747 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ME840 ND326 |
Sgt | H (Hermann ("Mac")) |
Mimmack | RAF | 951875 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 19.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL747 LL850 |
S/L | T D |
Misselbrook | RAF | 42353 | P | A | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 300 Sqdn w.e.f. 2.9.44 Flight Commander A Flight: 02 Sep 44 - Nov 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderTDMisselbrook/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NF963 NG135 NN715 PA995 PD320 |
F/L | F J |
Mitchell | RAF | 49265 | P | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 10/03/1945 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Sidwell (13 Mar 1945, ME776) Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Blyton w.e.f. 29.10.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
- | - |
ME389 ME503 ME776 PA288 PB707 |
Sgt | Mitchell | RAF | 1370578 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRidsdale/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
ACW | Mitchell | RAF | - | - | MT | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | E J (Eli Joseph) |
Molnar | RCAF | R.168366 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44 Evaded capture |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Rebecq-Memorial-Project/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
Evd. | 27/28 May 1944 |
DV279 JA712 LL748 LL810 W5005 |
F/Sgt | V |
Montague | RAF | MU/AG | - | - | - | - | - |
NG135 |
Sgt | V |
Montague | RAF | 1869304 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted in as Sgt, listed as F/Sgt in later ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM182 ME776 NF932 NF998 NG120 NG132 NG135 PB707 |
F/Sgt | E (Edward) |
Moody | RAF | 1481555 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
Sgt | R L G |
Moore | DFM | RAF | 1323665 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44 Immediate award of DFM recorded in May 1944 ORB for bringing severely damaged ND733 home from Mailly raid of 3/4 May 1944. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 7.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0008.jpg /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0009.jpg |
- | - |
LL748 LL836 LM392 ND733 |
Sgt | Moore | RAF | 1589114 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJPage/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | - |
Moore | RAF | 523197 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG135 PA268 PA325 PD320 RA503 RA547 |
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Moores | RAF | 1676599 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 08.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 NF998 NG290 NG330 NG390 NG398 PB321 PB514 PB707 |
F/Sgt | Moores | RAF | 1676599 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f. 27-3-45 | - | - | - | - | ||
P/O | R J |
Moran | DFC | RAAF | A.434584 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 (with Dodds crew) First listed as F/Sgt, then P/O later F/O Posted to 550 Sqdn from N/E sick w.e.f 14.11.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from N/E sick w.e.f. 17.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE193 LM228 ME503 ND972 NG221 NG251 NG390 PA268 PA991 PB532 PB864 PD313 PD319 PD320 RA503 RF136 |
W/O | M J |
Moran | RCAF | R.210784 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot, w.e.f. 29-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODDSFerguson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NG331 PB514 PD320 PD382 RA503 |
Sgt | K P |
Moran | RAF | 1398443 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 25.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME542 ME776 NF931 NG289 PA288 RF136 |
Sgt | Moran | RAF | 207184 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 29.9.1944 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | H |
Moreton | RAF | 988400 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit on 19.7.44 Four ops with the F/L Jack Harris crew standing in for their (injured) usual F/Eng. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
NG165 NG290 PD221 |
F/Sgt | A R (Alan) |
Morgan | RAF | 1803706 | A/B | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f 22/03/45. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php |
- | - |
PB707 |
Sgt | E J |
Morgan | RAF | 1835337 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php |
PoW | 16/17 June 1944 |
DV279 LL747 LL831 LL837 |
Sgt | V C (Victor Charles "Ted") |
Morgan | RAF | 1415228 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.9.44 (for Sgt Town's crew) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Nov. 1944 |
LL748 LL811 LM228 ME776 NF998 NG120 NG132 PD255 |
Sgt | J A |
Morgan | RAF | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 NG134 NG243 |
F/Sgt | J R (Robert (Bob)) |
Morley | RAF | 1623837 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 27.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 21 P.A.F.U. w.e.f. 7.8.1945 Flight Engineer with 550 Squadron from 27/02/45 to 08/08/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group#PilotBrigade |
- | - |
ME548 NF931 RF135 |
F/Sgt | W P (William Penri) |
Morris | RCAF | R.129847 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGKPeasgood/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Jan. 1944 |
DV192 EE107 JB673 |
F/L | J P (Joseph Phillip) |
Morris | RAF | 130129 | P | - | Posted to 550 Squadron from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 Dec. 1944 |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG289 NG290 NG331 PD382 |
F/O | G A (Godfrey Arnold) |
Morrison | DSO | RAF | 150107 | P | A | (P) (I) Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight 9th February 1944 Immediate Award of DSO Posted to 13 Base w.e.f 20/03/1945 Posted to No. 103 Squadron Elsham Wolds on 24.4.44 [Ed: it is not clear if the ORB is reporting conflicting xfrs here.] F/O Morrison was lost on the 22/23 May 1944 to Dortmund (103 Sqdn lost a lot of crews in May 44) and is buried in REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGAMorrison/index.php,%20GODFREY%20ARNOLD |
Surv | 30/31 Jan 1944 |
DV305 |
Sgt | S E |
Morrison | RCAF | R.210228 | MU/AG | - | Posted from No. 11 base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 PD320 |
W (William) |
Morrison | RAF | Nav | - | See BBC interview from Sept. 2005, inc. the excellent quote "Was the flak heavy? Heavy? I could have pushed a wheelbarrow over it, ... " | |
- | - | - | |||
F/Sgt | D T (Doug) |
Morrison | RCAF | R.168103 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 14.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Deopt w.e.f 9-1-45 On transfer out F/O, service number J.92626 From St. Catherines |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 PD225 PD255 |
Sgt | M W |
Morrison | RAF | 1682292 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 ND972 NG165 NG250 NG363 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | D W |
Morrow | RCAF | R.219267 | R/AG | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJCParry/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 |
Sgt | D C |
Mortimer | RAF | 1870909 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
Sgt | W V (William Victor) |
Moss | RCAF | J.86439 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.ef 1.2.44 Notified to W.C.A.D Uxbridge on being reported missing w.e.f 16.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJSGCrawford/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar. 1944 |
LM392 ME582 |
F/O | Moss | RAF | 184129 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 26.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | J F (James Frederick) |
Moyle | RAF | 1806639 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerbeek-memorial.php |
KIA | 3/4 Feb. 1945 |
LM182 PB707 PD221 |
F/Sgt | E |
Mozley | RAF | 2206515 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 13.9.44 Posted to 1667 CU w.e.f 23/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ND972 NG287 NG289 NG331 PA995 PB532 |
- | T (Thomas ) |
Muat | RAF | - | - | Ground crew Died 2010 |
- | - | - | - | ||
LAC | T (Thomas) |
Muat | RAF | FM(Eng) | - | Was at Waltham 11/43 - 7/45 |
- | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | A J W (Alan James Wesley) |
Mudford | RAAF | A.423829 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 16.4.44 Posted to W.C.A.D on 13.7.44 on being reported missing. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 July 1944 |
DV279 DV309 LL747 LL748 LL796 LM455 |
Sgt | R E (Raymond Ernest) |
Muffett | RAF | 1875817 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 10.4.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
ED562 JA712 LM319 |
Sgt | M (Malcolm) |
Muir | RAF | 802563 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 16.4.44 Posted to W.C.A.D on 13.7.44 on being reported missing. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 July 1944 |
DV279 DV309 LL747 LL748 LL796 LM455 |
Sgt | Munro | RAF | 1822699 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJRLocke/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME390 ND972 NG250 PA309 RF135 |
F/Sgt | Mureutt | RAF | 1622122 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | D H |
Murphy | RAF | 76922 | A/G | - | Senior Gunnery Officer: 09 Jun 44 - 8 Jul 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1481 B & G Flight on 9.6.44 for Gunnery Leader Post |
- | - | - | - | |
W/O | W A (William Arthur) |
Murphy | RAAF | A.414361 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | T J |
Murphy | RAF | 1622657 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station Kermington, w.e.f. 6.3.44 On completion of operational tour posted to 18 O.T.U on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 |
Sgt | R |
Murphy | RAF | 2218935 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG221 |
Sgt | A |
Murphy | RAF | 2210885 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 07/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJFThomas/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | J E ("Jock") |
Murray | RAF | F/Eng | C | (P) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG132 NG243 |
W/O | J K (John Kay) |
Murray | RCAF | J.86549 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base on 7.6.4 First live op as 2nd Pilot to F/O Neilson, LM134, 16/17 June 1944 - killed on this operation (thereby leaving a headless crew who were transferred out two days later) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
LM134 |
F/O | R A |
Murray | RAF | - | - | Int/Ops May be the F/Lt Murray who flew on an op with the F/O MA Buchanan crew (LL831, 3 Aug 1944), listed as a "passenger". |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 |
F/O | J E (James Edward) |
Murray-Shirreff | RAF | 173508 | R/AG | - | - Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died age 20. Of Bath, Somerset |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
KIA | 13/14 Feb. 1945 |
JB345 LL748 NF932 NG287 PA995 |
Cpl | Musto | RAF | - | - | Entertainments (Revue, "We're on the Air" Nov 1944). | - | - | - | - | |||
F/O | Myerscough | RAF | 54312 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSellar/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | G S (Garnet) |
Nankivell | RAAF | A.416982 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group.php#BFlight |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 NG221 NG287 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | J W |
Nash | RAF | 1811178 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (26/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php |
- | - |
EE107 LM455 ND388 ND396 |
Sgt | J D (John Douglas) |
Naunton | RAF | 1808639 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-bussy-la-cote-commemorations.php |
KIA | 15 July 1944 |
LL796 LL837 LL838 LM134 LM477 W5005 |
F/Sgt | F |
Neal | RAF | A/B | - | Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.797 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
PoW | 28 Aug 1944 |
ED905 LL800 LM182 ME583 PA991 |
Sgt | I W |
Needle | RAF | 1816721 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 5.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtFPKnight/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 ME542 |
P/O | G F M |
Neillands | RAF | - | - | Flying Control | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | D F (Donald Fullerton) |
Neilson | RCAF | J.24170 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f 19.3.44 First operational flight as 2nd Pilot with F/Sgt C G Foster crew, ND425, 24 Mar 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
EE193 LL134 LL811 LM134 ME687 ND425 ND425C |
Sgt | N S (Norman) |
Neilson | RAF | 1823749 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 13-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORWright/index.php |
- | - |
NN715 |
F/O | H S W |
Nelson | RCAF | J.28678 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S on 15.6.44 [Ed. A/B of this service number appears under the names Nelson or Watson (and with variable initials, H.S.W and A.S.W) in various places throughout the ORB. It remains unclear which is the correct surname (or indeed initials). HSW Nelson appears to be the most frequent occurance.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 EE139 LL748 LL800 LL811 LM228 ME776 PA991 PA991a PA995 PD514 |
F/O | J D |
Nelson | RCAF | J.28344 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot, w.e.f. 29-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM182 ME776 NF932 NF998 NG120 NG132 NG135 PB707 |
Sgt | K W (Kenneth William) |
Nettleton | RAF | 1876635 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php |
KIA | 14 Oct 1944 |
DV200 LM273 ME583 ND972 NF962 NG133 PA995 PB562 |
P/O | R H |
Newby | RAF | - | - | Station M.T. Officer | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | F P (Frederick Parkinson) |
Newcombe | RAF | 200723 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13/09/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Nov. 1944 |
LL831 ND972 PD255 PD313 |
S/L | R M (Roland Macrae) |
Newitt | DFC* | RCAF | J.16193 | P | A | Flight Commander A Flight: 07 Nov 44 - 23 Apr 45. Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 3/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG134 PB268 |
P/O | K J |
Newman | RAF | 172303 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 4.5.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O McCrae (LL810, 19th May 1944) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 29.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php |
- | - |
ED796 EE193 LL810 |
S/L | P A (Peter) |
Nicholas | DFC | RAF | 39257 | P | A | Flight Commander A Flight: 19 Jan 44 - 19 Jul 44. Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44. Posted to 83 O.T.U. on 19.7.44 Post-war (1993) became the 2nd President of the Squadron Association |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue4 /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue5 |
- | - |
LL134 LL748 LL811 LL836 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME582 ME687 PA991 PA995 |
F/Sgt | H P |
Nichols | RAF | 1312463 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 13.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ND972 NG287 NG289 NG331 PA995 PB532 |
Sgt | J |
Nicholson | RAF | 2202097 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 13.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ND972 NG287 NG289 NG331 PA995 PB532 |
Sgt | R B |
Nicholson | RAF | 1598034 | R/AG | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 10/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFJMitchell/index.php |
- | - |
ME389 ME503 PA288 PB707 |
F/O | G J (Gordon James) |
Nicol | RCAF | J.41228 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 POW Inj. A book published in 2020 includes numerous photographs of Gordon Nicol. Died 6 June 1986 aged 63 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM273 ME428 NF998 PA995 PB843 |
F/O | J C |
Nicoll | RAF | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODDSFerguson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NG331 PB514 PD320 PD382 RA503 |
Sgt | N |
Nicoll | RAF | 2222023 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 09/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHGJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
RA547 |
P/O | S W (Searn Wrist) |
Nielson | RAAF | A.2678 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 Flew first live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Summons, PD313 1 March 45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar. 1945 |
ME390 ME503 PD313 |
F/Sgt | Nightingale | RAF | 1801902 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 14.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | C J |
Nileman | RAF | 1818879 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 28.2.45 Some confusion over surname (Nileman transfer-in record, Wileman in ops records) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG243 PA268 PA268/F2 PB514 PB707 RA503 |
Sgt | C A P (Collinson Alfred Peter) |
Noble | RAF | 1801049 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 12.8.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 KIA 12 Dec 1944 with 150 Sqdn, buried REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php,%20COLLINSON%20ALFRED%20PETER |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 NF962 NF968 PD225 |
Sgt | J F (John Francais ("Jack")) |
Noonan | RAF | 1049711 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27.9.44 (On Ops: Oct 44 - Jan 45) Posted to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f 02/03/45 From Republic of Ireland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG165 NG331 PA995 PB532 PB874 PD221 |
Sgt | J K (John Kenneth) |
Norgate | RAF | 1620610 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
KIA | 28 Aug 1944 |
ED905 LL800 LM182 ME583 PA991 |
Sgt | C T |
Norgate | RCAF | R.172755 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base on 7.6.44 As headless crew posted to 11 Base on 19.6.44 (after pilot J K Murray having been killed on first op as 2nd pilot to F/O Neilson, LM134, 16/17 June 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | D E |
Norgrove | RAF | 1238621 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. on 1.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 238 Sqdn w.e.f. 22.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image018.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 LL811 LM134 LM182 LM273 ME776 NG132 NG134 NG138 NG221 PA995 PD321 |
Sgt | F (Fred) |
Norris | RCAF | 3030856 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 Finished his last op 4 days after his 20th birthday! Posted to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME540 ME776 NF931 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NG246 NG390 PA503 PA995 PD313 |
W/O | G C |
Notman | RAAF | A.401317 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) P/O Notman posted to R.A.F. Brighton pending repatriation (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
Sgt | Notman | RAF | 3023756 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
P/O | G C |
Nottman | DFC | RAAF | A/B | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/O | N (Norman) |
Nunns | RAF | 152240 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-bussy-la-cote-commemorations.php |
KIA | 15 July 1944 |
LL796 LL837 LL838 LM134 LM477 W5005 |
Sgt | D E (David Edward) |
Nutter | RAF | 1218760 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44 Posted to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f. 22/2/44 (as member of "headless crew" following loss of pilot F/Sgt J P Harrison) Posted back to 550 Sqdn March |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJPHarrison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJFCraig/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LL852 |
F/O | R G (Robert George) |
Nye | RAF | 188499 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerbeek-memorial.php |
KIA | 3/4 Feb. 1945 |
LM182 PB707 PD221 |
Sgt | J F (Jack) |
O'Halloran | RAAF | A.426810 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 Listed as F/Sgt O'Halleron on crew photo |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group.php#BFlight |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 NG221 NG287 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | J |
O'Leary | RAF | 1799148 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG135 NG221 |
Sgt | J H |
O'Leary | RAF | 749989 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 9-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PB843 PD313 RA503 |
Sgt | P P (Patrick Peter) |
O'Meara | RAF | 916300 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV345 |
Sgt | D (Danny) |
O'Neil | RAF | 1873910 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 From Southern Ireland |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME540 ME776 NF931 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NG246 NG390 PA503 PA995 PD313 |
F/Sgt | L F (Leo Francis) |
O'Reilly | RCAF | R.119407 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 24.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station, Rufforth w.e.f. 25.6.1945 Enlistment 29/07/41 - Discharge 17/09/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG134 NG390 PA268 |
F/Sgt | J C |
O'Riordan | RAAF | A.424449 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 29.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php |
- | - |
ED796 EE193 |
F/O | J L |
Oke | RCAF | J.44563 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLSJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PA268 PB514 PB707 |
Sgt | E E |
Okines | RAF | 1869955(19 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCSGeorge/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG243 |
Sgt | W K |
Oldham | RAF | 1582048 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station, Burn, w.e.f 23.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
Sgt | E (Eustace Roy) |
Oldridge | RAF | 1639255 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 08.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 NF998 NG290 NG390 NG398 PB321 PB514 PB707 |
F/O | M R (Melvin Robert) |
Oliver | RCAF | J.22436 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL747 LL826 ND403 |
F/Sgt | E R |
Oliver | RAF | 1339528 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.156 Sqdn w.e.f 08/01/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
- | - |
JB618 JB678 ME556 |
F/Sgt | M O (Ollie) |
Olsen | RCAF | R.253868 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 14.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot w.e.f 9-1-45 From La Tuque, Quebec |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 PD225 PD255 |
F/O | G C (Geoffrey Charles) |
Orme | RAF | 147981 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight P/O Dripps and crew notified to WCAD (NE) Uxbridge (missing) w.e.f 23/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODCDripps/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec. 1943 |
DV343 |
F/Sgt | C |
Orrell | RAF | 1523256 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 26.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDPLambert/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 |
F/Sgt | S J |
Oslund | RCAF | R.12164 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 1/2/44 On completion of tour posted to 86 OTU on 3.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LL831 LL838 LL851 ME687 |
Sgt | N I E |
Ostrom | RAF | 1452355 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 30.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 LL800 ME583 W5005 |
Sgt | L W F (Laurence William Frederick) |
Overend | RAF | 1891732 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44 Posted to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f. 22/2/44 (as member of "headless crew" following loss of pilot F/Sgt J P Harrison) Posted back to 550 Sqdn March |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJPHarrison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJFCraig/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LL852 |
F/O | Owen | RAAF | A.424919 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Gamston, w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
F/O | G H (Geoffrey Howard) |
Packham | RAF | 161076 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 2nd pilot to S/L Smith, 5 June 44 Died October 2017 (an obituary was published in The Daily Telegraph, 10/11/2017) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /pages/IBCC-DigitalArchive.php |
PoW | 16/17 June 1944 |
DV279 LL747 LL831 LL837 |
F/O | E C |
Packham | RAF | 148866 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla on 14.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LL837 LM460 ME776 NF962 PA991 PB532 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | G W ((Gerry)) |
Page | RAF | 934615 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 13.7.44 P/O Page, service number 186602, posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla w.e.f. 11-1-45 [Ed: D W on transfer-in ORB page, but G W on other pages.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM228 LM285 ME583 ME776 NF998 NG132 NG133 |
P/O | K J |
Page | RAF | 197585 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Snaith w.e.f. 27.10.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJPage/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | A T (Arthur Thomas) |
Paget | RAF | 1395217 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f 19.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
EE193 LL134 LL811 LL834 LM134 ME687 ND425C |
Sgt | J (Joseph) |
Palfrey | RAF | 1542325 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Elsham Wolds, w.e.f. 15.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPGMilburn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 22/23 April 1944 |
A G H J K LL826 LM455 ME581 ND403 ND733 |
Sgt | J M |
Palmer | RAF | 1223943 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.6.44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 JB345 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM182 LM273 PA991b PA995 PD319 PD320 |
Sgt | A J P (Arnold John Porter) |
Panther | RAF | 1880849 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 15.7.44 [Ed: from non-ORB source: Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base. After 11 Base transferred to 166 Sqdn before eventually moving again when 153 Sqdn was formed. Lost on 1st mission with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | F (Frederick) |
Papple | RAF | 1002042 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php |
KIA | 5/6 Jan 1945 |
ED905 LL831 LM273 ME301 ND972 NG331 PA995 |
Sgt | E W (Ernest William) |
Parker | RAF | 1869920 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 26.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOWHSAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE193/index.php |
KIA | 29/30 Aug. 1944 |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 |
F/O | J W G (James (Jim)) |
Parker | RAF | 155188 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | H B |
Parker | RCAF | J.14185 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LL837 LM460 ME776 NF962 PA991 PB532 PD221 W5005 |
F/O | Parker | RAF | 152273 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOParker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | F |
Parkinson | RAF | 153806 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 3.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJDMacLachlan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#FlLtAJDMacLachlanCrew |
- | - |
JB345 ME519 NF998 NG290 NN715 PD320 PD321 RA503 |
F/Sgt | M H (Mitchell Hall) |
Parks | RAAF | A.439663 | MU/AG | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 Posted to RAF Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | J |
Parr | RAF | 53582 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 300 Sqdn w.e.f. 2.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderTDMisselbrook/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NF963 NG135 NN715 PA995 PD320 |
P/O | J C |
Parry | RCAF | J.87903 | P | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.10.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Hussey, ME776, 27 Sept 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJCParry/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NG120 |
F/L | D R (Dudley) |
Parsons | DFC | RAAF | A.434005 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to W/O Hopman (16th Nov 44) Crew completed tour on 25th April 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 ND972 NG165 NG250 NG363 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 RF135 |
F/Sgt | A S (Arthur Stuart) |
Parsons | RAAF | A.434266 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
NF962 |
F/O | G |
Pasco | DFC | RAAF | A/G | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/O | G H |
Pascoe | RAAF | A.412071 | R/AG | - | Posted from No. 29 Con Unit w.e.f. 5.12.44 From South Australia |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php |
- | - |
NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB864 PD221 RF135 |
Sgt | E G |
Patterson | RAF | 1795145 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted from this Sqdn to 1667 CU on completion of First Operational Tour w.e.f. 8.2.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 DV343 ED750 JB563 ND403 |
Sgt | A A |
Pattison | RAAF | R.216201 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th Nov 1944 |
- | - | - |
NF932 |
Sgt | A |
Pavlovitch | RAF | 1322981 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla on 6.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LL837 LM460 ME776 NF962 PA991 PB532 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | R H (Robert Henry) |
Paxton | RAF | 1329560 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
DV309 LM319 LM425 ND425 |
S/O | M |
Peacock | WAAF | - | - | WAAF Admin G (transferred to 550 SQdn on 20 Feb 1944) | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | A J (Arthur Joseph) |
Pearce | RAF | 1816429 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 8.9.44 Killed in an aircraft crash during training on the 5th October 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-ellingstring-memorial.php |
KIA | 4 Oct. 1944 |
NF963 |
Sgt | J G (John Goffin (Jack)) |
Pearce | RAF | 1163899 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44 Ordered to bale out (evaded captured and made his escape back to the UK via Gibraltar) Posted to W.C.A.D (N.E) on being reported missing on 4.5.44 12th July entry ORB records Sgt Pearce had returned to the UK After his return Sgt Pearce was posted to 228 Squadron at RAF Pembroke Dock flying Sunderlands. Demobbed in January 1946. b. 19/04/1914,d. 03/08/1992. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0008.jpg /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0009.jpg |
Evd. | 3 May 1944 |
LL836 LM392 ND733 |
Sgt | H J |
Pearce | RAF | 1700001 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1 L.F.S. on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 ED942 EE107 JA712 LL837 LM460 ME687 ME840 ND326 |
F/Sgt | E N (Eric) |
Pearson | RAF | 1330929 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 14.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C, Brackla w.e.f 11-1-45 From Beckenham |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 PD225 PD255 |
W/O | G K (George K) |
Peasgood | RAF | 1390188 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Died aged 21 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGKPeasgood/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Jan. 1944 |
DV192 EE107 JB673 |
Sgt | J H (John Henry) |
Peckham | RAF | 1851763 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 Listed as D Peckham on the RoH Photo in NK Church, but as JH Peckham on Runnymede panel |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORRMatthews/index.php |
KIA | 29 Sept 1945 |
PD343 |
F/O | K L (Knut Leslie) |
Pedersen | RNZAF | NZ.428147 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 19/03/45 Posted to A.M. Unit w.e.f. 27.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVGRoberts/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG120 NG134 |
F/L | G W |
Peek | RAF | 145846 | A/B | - | Senior Bombing Officer: 11 Jul 44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 11.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 NG120 NG390 PB321 |
- | L M (Lillian May) |
Peet | WAAF | Waitress | - | Posted to North Killingholme December 1943 Was with 550 Sqdn Dec 1943-Oct 1945, possibly as a waitress (but this is not confirmed) Died October 2014 aged 91 |
/images/550-sqdn-group-photos/NorthKillingholmeWAAFsDec1943.jpg |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | D F |
Peggs | RCAF | R.263167 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 7.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJCParry/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 |
F/Sgt | N M (Neil Mcleod) |
Pegrum | RAAF | A.441425 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | S (Stanley) |
Pelham | RAF | 2210760 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 Confined in Hospital due injuries Originally listed on the Roll of Honour. However, although he was shot down, he survived the war and went on to marry, have 2 sons, 2 grandsons and 4 granddaughters (2 after his death). He died on 30th July 1987. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM228 NG134 NG243 PA995 |
Sgt | J R (Jack Ronald) |
Penton | RAF | 702672 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-bussy-la-cote-commemorations.php |
KIA | 15 July 1944 |
LL796 LL837 LL838 LM134 LM477 W5005 |
Sgt | E G R (Ernest George Richard) |
Pepper | RAF | 1608061 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Feltwell w.e.f 3.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php |
KIA | 9/10 May 1944 |
JA918 LL831 LM455 |
P/O | J S |
Percival | RAF | 185726 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 28.2.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt EH Luder (PA268, 15 Mar 1945) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG243 PA268 PA268/F2 PB514 PB707 RA503 |
Sgt | J L (James Leon) |
Perrigo | RCAF | R.285728 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 429 Sqdn 15.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG221 NG246 NG289 PB514 PB707 PD313 PD321 RA503 |
Sgt | F N M (Francis "Frankie") |
Petch | RAAF | A.419537 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php,2490 |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 |
Sgt | D |
Peters | RAF | 1149036 | A/B | - | F/L Pyke crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 31/08/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG287 NN715 PB514 PD319 |
Sgt | C C C |
Pettit | RAF | 1800865 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php |
PoW | 16/17 June 1944 |
DV279 LL747 LL831 LL837 |
Sgt | H C |
Petty | RAF | 1075957 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44 Posted to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f. 22/2/44 (as member of "headless crew" following loss of pilot F/Sgt J P Harrison) Posted back to 550 Sqdn March FTR (PoW) - Interned in Camp L1, PoW No.3651 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJPHarrison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJFCraig/index.php |
PoW | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LL852 |
F/Sgt | L W (Leo Wilkin) |
Pfitzner | RAAF | A.437950 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 25.6.1945 | /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
Sgt | R A |
Phillips | RAF | 1836974 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 25.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME542 ME776 NF931 NG289 PA288 RF136 |
F/Sgt | Phillips | RAF | 1603323 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJASweeney/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | D H |
Phillips | RAF | 1280695 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F. Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php |
- | - |
JA712 LM460 ME687 |
Sgt | S (Sydney) |
Pick | RAF | 1621258 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13/09/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Nov. 1944 |
LL831 ND972 PD255 PD313 |
F/O | G |
Pickavance | RCAF | J.22587 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44 Interned in Camps 9C/L3, PoW No.1812. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHunter/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 30/31 January 1944 |
ED942 ND396 |
Sgt | Pickering | RAF | 1598557 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 27.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderELGosling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | V J |
Pickford | RAF | 1339536 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 Con.Unit. w.e.f. 18/12/43 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1656 Con. Unit w.e.f 27/1/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGWBrook/index.php |
- | - |
ED750 LM319 |
S/L | E L (Edgar Lewis) |
Pickles | DFC* | RAAF | A.413248 | P | B | Flight Commander B Flight: 04 Jan 45 - May 45 Posted from No. 1656 Con Unit w.e.f. 4.12.44 Died Oct 2019 (ca. one month short of 99th birthday) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#BackForBreakfast |
- | - |
NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB864 PD221 |
F/L | R W (Richard William ("Dickie")) |
Picton | DFC | RAF | 129769 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-achiet-le-petit-commemoration-2015.php |
KIA | 10/11 April 1944 |
DV306 LL826 LL836 LM319 ME556 ME581 |
Sgt | H S (Horace Sydney) |
Picton | RAF | 1801735 | MU/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
KIA | 28 Aug 1944 |
ED905 LL800 LM182 ME583 PA991 |
F/Sgt | J W (John William) |
Pidcock | RAAF | A.424678 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 13.4.45 Date of discharge: 06/09/45 From NSW. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
Sgt | J F |
Piertney | RAF | 2218779 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/07/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LM273 ME583 PD221 |
Sgt | R S |
Pilson | RAF | 1654702 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted to 30 O.T.U. on 14.5.44 (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
Sgt | P |
Pindar | RAF | 1436854 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 83 O.T.U. 23.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 DV309 JA918 LL837 LM319 W5005 |
F/Sgt | R H (Reginald Henry) |
Pinnington | RAAF | A.432417 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | R J |
Piper | RAF | 3030172 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th Nov 1944 |
- | - | - |
NF932 |
Sgt | J E (John) |
Piper | RAF | MU/AG | A | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 3/11/44. Youngest member of the crew, nicknamed "The Piper" |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ME390 ME519 ME776 NF931 NG134 NG246 NG336 NG390 PB268 PD382 RF237 |
AC2 | C J H |
Pitman | RAF | Elect | - | 2/45 - 9/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | L D A (Louis Daniel Andre) |
Planel | RAF | 1382231 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FLRScholfield/index.php |
- | - |
RF136 |
Sgt | Plyer | RAF | 1850591 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSuckling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | P C |
Polling | RAF | 574971 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 [Ed: Surname Poling on some ORB pages.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJBoydon/index.php |
- | - |
PA325 PD321 PD325 PD343 PD382 RF237 |
- | E (Elsie) |
Pool | WAAF | - | - | Posted to North Killingholme December 1943 |
/images/550-sqdn-group-photos/NorthKillingholmeWAAFsDec1943.jpg |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | F P (Frank) |
Popple | RAF | 1214978 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/07/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LM273 ME583 PD221 |
Sgt | J W |
Porteous | RAF | 982417 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted to 13 Base (supy) w.e.f. 1.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 LL826 ME556 ME581 |
F/Sgt | R E (Reginald Edward) |
Porter | RAF | 630524 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 10.4.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
ED562 JA712 LM319 |
F/Sgt | D (Denis) |
Porter | RAF | 1559393 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 From Glasgow. Flew with P/O Vaughan. Survived to become a teacher and deputy Headmaster in Glasgow |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
Surv. | 4 July 1944 |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL831 LM229 LM273 ME575 ME583 ND972 PD208 PD255 W5005 |
Sgt | Porter | RAF | 1852495 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | H L |
Porter | RCAF | R.208968 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base on 7.6.44 As headless crew posted to 11 Base on 19.6.44 (after pilot J K Murray having been killed on first op as 2nd pilot to F/O Neilson, LM134, 16/17 June 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | J F (John Foster) |
Potter | RCAF | J.23136 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-achiet-le-petit-commemoration-2015.php |
KIA | 10/11 Apr. 1944 |
DV306 LL826 LL836 LM319 ME556 ME581 |
Sgt | J |
Potts | RAF | 1899245 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php /images/550-sqdn-group-photos/EngineeringOfficers1945.jpg |
- | - |
ND972 NG135 NG221 PA268 PA325 PB321 PD320 PD382 RA503 RA547 |
Sgt | J L (John Lyndon) |
Powell | RAF | 998309 | R/AG | - | Transferred from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb 1944 |
DV309 JA712 ME556 ME582 |
Sgt | J R (John Reginald) |
Powell | RAF | 967233 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.ef 1.2.44 Notified to W.C.A.D Uxbridge on being reported missing w.e.f 16.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJSGCrawford/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LM392 ME582 |
Sgt | H H |
Powell | RAF | 1428224 | A/B | - | Posted from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 01/09/44. Posted to No. 150 Squadron on 7th November 1944. See the note attached to Sgt Luxton re. the confusion in the ORB between the Nav and A/B positions on several ops listings. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG134 PA995 PD255 |
Sgt | Powell | RAF | 1582987 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJASweeney/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | P J M (Peter John Matcham) |
Prangley | RAF | 111779 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
KIA | 26/27 Nov. 1943 |
LM379 |
F/Sgt | D O |
Pratt | RCAF | J.25756 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 (not explicitly, assumed, based on surrounding crew lists on same ORB page) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORAMarriott/index.php |
- | - |
NF132 NG243 |
Sgt | L O (Lois Octave) |
Precieux | RAF | 1685992 | W/Op | - | 19 year old Sgt Precieux, son of Jules Henri and Marie Alicia Fanelle Precieux of Phoenix on the Island of Mauritius One of three in the family (two brothers and a cousin aged between 18 and 22) who all flew with RAFVR. They came to Britain from Mauritius as RAF service volunteers with many others from the island. They were transported on the Orion (Orient Steam Navigation Company), docking via South Africa. One of the two brothers was a bomb aimer was with 425 RCAF Squadron (Alloutte) a special squadron made up of French Canadians and French speaking crew, and the other brother named Louis T (navigator) was with Pathfinders. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJClarke/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Jan 1945 |
NG363 PD313 |
Sgt | J S |
Preston | RAF | 1881677 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 25.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME542 NF931 NG289 PA288 RF136 |
F/Sgt | J |
Price | RAF | 1580350 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 ND972 NG165 NG250 NG363 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 RF135 |
T/Sgt | D S |
Price | RAF | 564778 | - | - | Fitter II Airframe. Posted to 550 Sqdn 26th November 1943 from CRC Eastchurch Posted from 550 Sqdn 18th May 1944 to 13 Base Married LAC(W) 486283 Helen Lambie |
/pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#TSgtDSPrice /pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#RadarSection /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/SgtDSPrice/DSPrice_ServiceRecord2a.jpg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/SgtDSPrice/DSPrice_ServiceRecord3a.jpg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/SgtDSPrice/IMG_20220703_0001.jpg /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/GroundCrews/SgtDSPrice/IMG_20220703_0002.jpg |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | R F (Frank) |
Pritchard | RAAF | A.439824 | MU/AG | C | One of the founding members of 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association. Died 1996 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG132 NG135 NG243 |
F/Sgt | P D |
Probert | RAF | 1134184 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. LFS on 29.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image066.jpg |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM455 ME776 NF998 NG120 NG132 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD228 |
F/Sgt | J A |
Proudfoot | RCAF | R.143615 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 (not explicitly, assumed, based on surrounding crew lists on same ORB page) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORAMarriott/index.php |
- | - |
NF132 NG243 |
Sgt | D D G |
Pryce | RAF | 1408143 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 24.4.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHCWhite/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 ME556 |
F/O | L (Leslie) |
Pulfrey | RAF | 148869 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-oude-ijsselstreek-commemorations.php /pages/RAF100_MemorialBench_Sept2019.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
LL747 LL838 ME840 |
Sgt | P C |
Pullen | RAF | 1801811 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 5.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtFPKnight/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 ME542 |
P/O | E C (Elvin Curtis) |
Purney | RCAF | J.19590 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44 Cemetery of Brussels-Evere, Coll. Grave X1829 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Rebecq-Memorial-Project/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
DV279 JA712 LL748 LL810 W5005 |
Sgt | L D |
Purser | RAF | 1880009 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
Surv. | 4 July 1944 |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL831 LM229 LM273 ME575 ME583 ND972 PD208 PD255 W5005 |
F/O | R |
Purvis | DFC | RAF | 175075 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S Hemswell on 17.5.44 Instructor (P) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL800 LL811 LM182 NF963 |
W/O | R S |
Pyatt | RCAF | R164403 | MU/AG | - | Posted in from 567 [Ed. typo: possibly 576 Sqdn] Sqdn w.e.f. 3.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 |
F/L | G T |
Pyke | DFC | 124834 | P | - | F/L Pyke crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 31/08/44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Dawson PA991 10 Sept 44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 30 O.T.U w.e.f. 17.02.45 Instructor (P) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGTPyke/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image022.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 JB345 NG251 NG287 NN715 PA991b PB514 PD319 |
Sgt | C M (Cyril Martin) |
Pyke | RAF | 1801298 | A/B | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 Jul 1944 |
LM455 LM460 LM647 |
F/O | H (Harry) |
Quick | RAF | 162609 | R/AG | A | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 3/11/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 3.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG134 NG250 PB268 |
Sgt | T F (Thomas Frederick) |
Quine | RAF | 1524562 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb. 1944 |
ED942 JA712 LM319 LM321 |
F/O | E E |
Radcliffe | RCAF | J.23119 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F. Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php |
- | - |
JA712 LM460 ME687 |
Sgt | B St. J (Basil) |
Railton-Jones | RAF | 1806411 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44 Posted to No. 1 LFS w.e.f 19.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 EE139 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME776 PA995 |
Sgt | R E |
Ramsden | RAF | 1623886 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 5.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtFPKnight/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 ME542 |
Sgt | Randall | RAF | 1874897 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOShaw/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | Rankin | RAF | 1562668 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | C A (Cyril Arthur) |
Rann | RAF | 1318347 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Posted to 83 O.T.U. on 28.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POVJBouchard |
- | - |
EE107 EE139 LL748 LL810 LL834 LL882 LM319 ND425 |
F/Sgt | W G (William George (Bill)) |
Rate | RAAF | A.415827 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Tour expired crew: posted to 27 O.T.U on 10.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
F/Sgt | H P |
Rattenbury | RAF | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG221 NG336 PB268 PD321 RF237 |
Sgt | J (Jack) |
Rawson | RAF | 1591338 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight. RAFVR (listed as 100 Sqdn on CWGC). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 JB604 JB674 |
Sgt | G N |
Raynes | RAF | 1867122 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM182 ME776 NF932 NF998 NG120 NG132 NG135 PB707 |
Sgt | C W |
Read | RAF | 1802359 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 07/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJFThomas/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | G |
Reading | RAF | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODDSFerguson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NG331 PB514 PD320 PD382 RA503 |
F/Sgt | M D ((Mick)) |
Reaney | RAF | W/Op | - | Began as a wireless operator (ground) and later became involved with Signals. Was with 550 Squadron around the time that MANNA operations were in progress. | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | R (Ronald) |
Redfern | RAF | 1819376 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
KIA | 26/27 Nov. 1943 |
LM379 |
S/L | B J |
Redmond | DFC* | RAF | 68143 | P | B | Flight Commander B Flight: Jul 44 - 03 Jan 45 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 7.6.44. Posted in as F/Lt Redmond, later S/Ldr. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php |
- | - |
LL796 LL838 LM134 LM477 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | E (Eric) |
Redshaw | RAF | Airframe Fit | - | Engine fitter and, as a sergeant, was in charge of maintaining the Merlins on two aircraft at "his" B Flight dispersal, Q and U. 11/43 - 10/45 |
- | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | W E |
Reed | RAF | 1399233 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44 Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 Posted to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.02.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 July 1944 |
DV279 EE139 LM228 LM460 PA991 PB532 PB562 PB707 PD221 PD255 |
Sgt | Reeder | RAF | 652480 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRidsdale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | I |
Rees | RAF | 1654123 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 28.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ME776 NG120 NG134 NG243 PA268 PA268/F2 PB514 PB707 RA503 |
F/Sgt | E T |
Rees | RAF | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
- | - |
NG243 NG250 NG336 PA268 PA995 PB843 |
F/O | K C |
Reeve | RAF | 172048 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f 24/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG221 PA309 |
Sgt | S G |
Reeve | RAF | 1807490 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 16.6.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Squadron. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL796 LL831 LM455 LM460 |
F/Sgt | N E |
Reffell | RAF | 1522563 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG134 NG390 PA268 |
Sgt | J |
Regan | RAF | 1511819 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 4.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG250 NG390 PB707 RF136 |
F/Sgt | D F (Douglas Finne) |
Reid | RAF | 1566894 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 05.01.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php |
KIA | 24 March 1945 |
ME519 NG221 NG246 PD320 PD321 |
F/Sgt | W B |
Reid | RAF | 1570428 | A/B | - | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 4.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG250 NG390 PB707 RF136 |
W/O | R A |
Rember | RCAF | R.120125 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F. Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php |
- | - |
JA712 LM460 ME687 |
Sgt | J L R |
Remilard | RCAF | R.171552 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 30.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 LL800 ME583 W5005 |
F/O | J P (James Peter) |
Rennie | DFC | RCAF | J.22940 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f. 13/3/44 Posted to 22 OTU on 21.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
JA918 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ND733 |
F/Sgt | D (Dave) |
Renshaw | RAF | 1674583 | Nav | - | Transferred in from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSLangford/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/photogencrew.JPG |
- | - | - | |
F/O | F S (Francis Swan) |
Renton | RAF | 173905 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944 On crewing up was usually the R/AG, but later swapped places with Sgt Winstanley in order to be MU/AG. All of his ops in the ORB list him flying as MU/AG. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php |
KIA | 5/6 Jan 1945 |
ED905 LL831 LM273 ME301 ND972 NG331 PA995 |
F/O | Reynolds | RAF | 181039 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | Rhodes | RAF | 1686433 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/L | C A |
Rhude | DFC | RCAF | J.16727 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php |
- | - |
NF135 NG250 NG287 NG289 RF135 |
F/O | R C |
Rice | RAF | 132963 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 25/11/43 Posted to 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 1/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGADavison/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 ND328 |
F/L | J O |
Richard | DFC | RCAF | J.23518 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight (transferred in a P/O, and initials J L, but most ops show initials J O, some ops give surname as Richards) F/O JO Richard 11 Apr 44 listed as F/Lt JO Richard 18 Apr 44 onwards Tour expired crew: posted to 86 O.T.U on 17.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGJohnston/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
F/Sgt | S J (Sidney John) |
Richards | RAF | 1315209 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGKPeasgood/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Jan. 1944 |
DV192 EE107 JB673 |
F/Sgt | R W (Ronald) |
Richardson | RAF | 1320967 | A/B | - | With F/Lt J Harris crew posted from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 30/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 NG120 NG165 NG250 PA995 PB514 PB532 PB843 PD221 |
F/Sgt | Ridsdale | RAF | 1672040 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRidsdale/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
P/O | J R (Joe) |
Rigby | DFC | RAF | 153280 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/07/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 21.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL811 LM273 ME583 PD221 |
Sgt | W D |
Riley | RCAF | R.206409 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Rufforth, w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 ME519 NG132 NG221 NG390 PB707 PD320 PD343 RA547 |
Sgt | Riley | RAF | 1057968 | A/G | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 23/1/44 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | J A |
Ringrow | RAF | 1814109 | MU/AG | - | Posted from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 18.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL800 LL810 LL811 LL831 NF963 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD221 |
Sgt | W (William) |
Roberts | RAF | 2206786 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 Dec. 1944 |
NG251 |
F/O | V G |
Roberts | RNZAF | NZ.415365 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 19/03/45 First live op. as 2nd pilot to F/O Mearns (ME776, 4 Apr 45) Posted to No. 207 Squadron w.e.f. 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVGRoberts/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG120 NG134 |
Sgt | F |
Roberts | RAAF | A.419539 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to 1651 C.U. w.e.f. 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NN715 PB707 |
Sgt | W G |
Roberts | RCAF | R.163431 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44 Posted to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f. 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 LL811 LL831 ME776 PA995 |
Sgt | J E |
Roberts | RAF | 2211675 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F Station, Lindholme, w.e.f 17.3.14 Listed as Under-Gunner, one op on W5005 N-Nan Posted from 550 Sqdn to 166 Squadron on 12.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 ED562 JA712 LL747 LM319 LM455 LM460 W5005 |
Sgt | R G |
Roberts | RAF | 1621554 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14th Sept 1944 Posted to 150 Sqdn w.e.f 7th Nov 1944 13 ops with 550 Sqdn, 23 ops with 150 Sqdn: Total 36ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 ND972 PD319 PD321 PD382 |
F/Lt | F L |
Roberts | RAF | - | - | Station Adjutant | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | W D (William Dale) |
Robertson | DFC | RCAF | J20812 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LL837 LM460 ME776 NF962 PA991 PB532 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | W B (William Bertam) |
Robertson | RAF | 1565912 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.ef 1.2.44 Notified to W.C.A.D Uxbridge on being reported missing w.e.f 16.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJSGCrawford/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LM392 ME582 |
F/Sgt | P J ("Robby") |
Robertson | RAAF | A.439493 | R/AG | C | One of the founding members of 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association. Died 1996 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG132 NG243 |
Sgt | E L |
Robinson | RAF | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME776 NG336 |
Sgt | E R (Eric Raymond) |
Robinson | RAF | 1474345 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 9.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
ME428 PB843 |
Sgt | H P (Henry Power) |
Robinson | RAF | 1404551 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Feltwell w.e.f 3.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php |
KIA | 9/10 May 1944 |
JA918 LL831 LM455 |
F/Sgt | A W |
Robinson | RAAF | A.435269 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f 10/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDTWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG931 PD313 RF214 |
Sgt | Robinson | RAF | 1851369 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Burn, w.e.f. 23.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
Sgt | Robinson | RAF | 1819591 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJRDavies/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | K |
Robinson | RAAF | A.436163 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 ND972 NG165 NG250 NG363 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | J L |
Robson | RAF | 2255675 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 25.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME542 ME776 NF931 NG289 PA288 RF136 |
F/O | P M (Paul Martin) |
Roche | RCAF | J.25800 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 8.7.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Wareham , ME776 (18 July 44) (Roche: R/160341, commissioned 20 April 1943) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-blamont-commemorations.php |
KIA | 28/29 July 1944 |
LM455 ME776 ND972 |
P/O | T D |
Rodgers | DFC | RAF | Nav | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | J |
Rodgers | RAF | 1671979 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NF931 NG243 NG246 PD382 RF136 |
F/Sgt | Rodgers | RAAF | A.430507 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | T D |
Rodgers | RAF | 1601366 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS wef 26.8.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 22-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JB345 NG246 NG250 NG290 NG331 PD321 |
W/Cdr | G F |
Rodney | AFC DFC |
RAF | 37943 | P | - | Commanding Officer: 03 Oct 45 - 31 Oct 45 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f. 3.10.1945 |
- | - | - | - |
P/O | N S |
Rogers | DFC | RAF | 172215 | P | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 86 O.T.U. on 1.7.44 [Ed. P/O Rogers and crew appear very early in the bombing record for the squadron (23rd Dec 1943), so possibly came on to 550 Sqdn on start-up from 100 Sqdn, but no transfer-in record has been found in the ORB. ] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POEFMarles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 ED942 EE107 JA712 LL747 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ME840 ND326 |
Sgt | H W |
Rogers | RAF | 1183495 | R/AG | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/03/1945 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Syerston, w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 |
Sgt | B (Bruce) |
Roome-Smith | RCAF | R193733 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
S/O) | R G |
Ropner | WAAF | - | - | W.A.A.F "G". From Hemswell. | - | - | - | - | ||
F/L | N L (Norman Louis) |
Rose | DFC | RAF | 144286 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 13.7.44 (as F/O Rose) First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Wareham (01 Aug 1944) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 238 Sqdn, w.e.f. 22.12.44 London Gazette 17th Sept 1944 F/O to F/Lt DFC Gazetted 16 Feb 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM228 LM285 ME583 ME776 NF998 NG132 NG133 |
Sgt | V |
Rose | RAF | 1427685 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f 10/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDTWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG931 PD313 RF214 |
Sgt | A |
Rose | RAF | 1269665 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 25/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php |
- | - |
NG243 PA268 RF136 |
F/Sgt | D (David) |
Ross | RAAF | A.443345 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | W R (William Ramsay) |
Ross | RAF | 1571176 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 13.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ND972 NG287 NG289 NG331 PA995 PB532 |
Sgt | J R (John Raymond) |
Rounding | RAF | 1239106 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV345 |
F/Sgt | J H F |
Rowe | RAF | 1323936 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 14.09.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG135 |
Sgt | J B |
Rowlands | RAF | 635376 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 4.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 29.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKJNewman/index.php |
- | - |
ED796 EE193 |
Sgt | T F M (Thomas Francis Maude ("Rocky) |
Roxby | RAF | 1396030 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGBryson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image012.jpg |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV189 DV305 ED536 |
F/O | D (Donald) |
Rudd | RAF | 55213 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 8.7.44 (NCO:553630 : Commission Gazetted Tuesday 28 September, 1943) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-blamont-commemorations.php |
KIA | 28/29 July 1944 |
LM455 ND972 |
F/Sgt | I F (Iverson Frederick ("Bud")) |
Ruppel | RCAF | R149338 | Nav | - | From Nelson, Alberta Cornes and Ruppel were both 100 Squadron personnel, members of F/O Kenneth P Dunckley crew. Dunckley had been taken off flying duties due to suffering delayed concussion following an accident in which Dunckley was struck by a bicyclist returning from the local pub in the blackout in October 1943 (and so the men were presumably available on "loan" to fly with F/Sgt Jefferies. Ruppel was killed over Berlin on 30 Jan 1943 flying with 100 Sqdn (source John Proctor) F/Sgt Ruppel has no known burial place and is remembered at the Runneymede Memorial Mount Ruppel Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park, Nelson, Alberta, has been so named in remembrance of W/O Ruppel |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php,%20IVERSON%20FREDERICK |
- | - |
ED536 |
Sgt | W |
Russell | RAF | 1551635 | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtEROliver/index.php |
Posted | - |
JB618 JB678 ME556 |
Sgt | Rust | RAF | 1812601 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | Sadd | RAAF | A.434023 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Gamston, w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
K M |
Sadler | RAF | F/Mech(Airfr | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
F/O | E V (Ernest Vernon) |
Sage | RNZAF | 415369 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Feltwell w.e.f 3.3.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Richard, LL747, 15/16 March 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php |
KIA | 9/10 May 1944 |
JA918 LL747 LL831 LM455 |
Sgt | A G |
Sale | RAF | 907656 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S on 15.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 EE139 LL748 LL800 LL811 LM228 ME776 PA991 PA991a PA995 PD514 |
F/Sgt | D |
Salmon | RAF | 1256752 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to 30 O.T.U. on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 ED942 EE107 JA712 LL747 LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ME840 ND326 |
WO2 | E |
Salte | RCAF | R.166019 | Nav | - | LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image094.jpg |
Surv. | 7 July 1944 |
ED562 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 LL850 LM228 ND403 |
F/Sgt | K R (Kenneth) |
Salton | RAF | 1826128 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php |
KIA | 14 Oct 1944 |
DV200 LM273 ME583 ND972 NF962 NG133 PA995 PB562 |
Sgt | R D (Reginald Douglas) |
Samuels | RAF | 1321353 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44 Posted to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f. 22/2/44 (as member of "headless crew" following loss of pilot F/Sgt J P Harrison) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJPHarrison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJFCraig/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LL852 |
Sgt | Sanderson | RAF | 520172 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 27.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderELGosling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
S/L | J C (Peter) |
Sarll | DFC | RAF | P | C | Flight Commander C Flight: 21 Mar 45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image030.jpg |
- | - |
ME542 NG132 NG243 |
F/Sgt | Sarson | RAAF | A.4355529 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Gamston, w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
F/Sgt | T T |
Savas | DFM | RCAF | R.140600 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. on 24.6.44 posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" Depot w.e.f. 14.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LM182 LM455 ME583 ME776Q ND972 PA991 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | J J (Jack) |
Sawkins | RAF | 1171762 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43 PoW No.269877 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJGBryson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image012.jpg |
PoW | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV189 DV305 ED536 |
F/Sgt | C W |
Sawyers | RCAF | R.165656 | Nav | - | Sayers on some ORB pages, but also sometimes Sawyers |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image094.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 EE193 LL796 LL811 LL831 LM134 LM273 ME776 NE164 NG132 NG134 NG138 NG221 PA991 PD321 |
Sgt | G A (George Alfred) |
Scesan | RAF | 1891473 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEGayler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | Scevity | RAF | 1836296 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | K R S |
Scholefield | RAF | 1324535 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S Hemswell on 17.5.44 Posted to A.C.A.C Brackla on 14.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL800 LL811 LM182 ME583 NF963 |
F/L | R (Ronald) |
Scholfield | RAF | 151057 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 Class A release w.e.f 24.9.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FLRScholfield/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | A J (Jack) |
Schomberg | RAAF | A.420278 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 2.6.44 12/13 July 1944 ED562 abandoned 0720 13 Jul 44 Needham Market, 3 miles SE of Stowmarket, Suffolk after running out of fuel Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LM228 PB321 PD319 |
Sgt | V S B |
Scoble | RAF | 846075 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S Hemswell on 17.5.44 Posted to A.C.A.C Brackla on 14.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL800 LL811 LM182 ME583 NF963 |
Sgt | W P (William Percy) |
Scott | RAF | 1593364 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php |
KIA | 5/6 Jan 1945 |
ED905 LL831 LM273 ME301 ND972 NG331 PA995 |
Sgt | J C (James Clark) |
Scott | RAF | 578312 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight P/O Dripps and crew notified to WCAD (NE) Uxbridge (missing) w.e.f 23/12/43 At 18, amongst the youngest airmen to be killed on Bomber Command operations |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODCDripps/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec. 1943 |
DV343 |
F/Sgt | C R R (Charles Richard Raymond) |
Scott | RAAF | A.437060 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 (listed as F/Sgt on transfer in, P/O by time of transfer out of 550 Sqdn, and F/O by time of discharge in Jan 1946) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | R W |
Scott | RCAF | R.140245 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Tour expired crew: posted to 82 O.T.U on 10.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
F/Sgt | A W |
Scott | RAAF | A435000 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 07/04/45 Posted to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJFThomas/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD313 RF135 |
F/O | R G (Reginald Geoffrey) |
Screen | DFC | RAF | 188559 | P | - | Instructor (P) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG221 NG336 PB268 PD320 PD321 RF237 |
Sgt | D E |
Scuffell | RAF | 1880231 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJELJohn/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 ME776 NG134 |
Sgt | P J (Pat) |
Sculley | RAF | 1833322 | R/AG | - | Posted from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 2.6.44 12/13 July 1944 ED562 abandoned 0720 13 Jul 44 Needham Market, 3 miles SE of Stowmarket, Suffolk after running out of fuel |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LM228 ME776 PA995 PB321 PD319 |
Sgt | D (Dennis) |
Scully | RAF | 1853014 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 27.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 207 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POAGElliott/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NF931 NG120 NG246 PA288 RF135 RF214 |
F/Sgt | R (Robert (Bob)) |
Sebaski | RCAF | R.168752 | Nav | - | Posted from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 2.6.44 12/13 July 1944 ED562 abandoned 0720 13 Jul 44 Needham Market, 3 miles SE of Stowmarket, Suffolk after running out of fuel Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot w.e.f. 30.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LM228 PB321 PD319 |
F/Sgt | Secker | RNZAF | NZ.4215958 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | F E (Frederick Edward) |
Self | RAF | 1896760 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 8.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 Mar 1944 |
NG221 NG251 NG336 NG390 PB864 PD319 RA503 |
F/O | Sellar | RAF | 157313 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSellar/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | W E |
Sellis | RAF | 1388098 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con unit w.e.f. 7/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtRHField/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 |
W/O | A |
Selman | RAF | 581476 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 25/11/43 Posted to 576 Sqdn w.e.f. 1/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGADavison/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 ND328 |
F/Sgt | J R (John) |
Seppelt | RAAF | A.407807 | A/B | C |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG132 NG243 |
Sgt | T (Trevor) |
Setchfield | RAF | 1429948 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 16.4.44 Posted to W.C.A.D on 13.7.44 on being reported missing. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 July 1944 |
DV279 DV309 LL747 LL748 LL796 LM455 |
F/O | M (Martin) |
Shapiro | RCAF | J.23351 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 09/02/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODMcCrae/index.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
ED942 LL747 LL748 LL810 LL826 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME687 |
F/Sgt | C C (Clifford Cyril) |
Sharland | RAF | 1318198 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Conversion Unit w.e.f 4/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/DV309/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerlo-commemorations.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
DV309 LM460 |
F/O | P C (Peter Cahill) |
Sharp | DFC | RAF | 146164 | Nav | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 LL851 ME581 |
Sgt | K |
Sharp | RAF | 1606892 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 ME519 NG132 NG246 NG250 NG287 NG289 PA995 PD221 PD313 |
F/Sgt | J K |
Sharpe | RAAF | A.437167 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 11-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image014.jpg |
Surv. | 26 Aug 1944 |
DV200 EE139 LL831 LM273 ME776 PB532 PD225 W5005 |
F/L | D A (David Arnot ("Jock")) |
Shaw | DFC* | RAF | 1702275 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/L Waite, (LL850, 12 June 44) Pilot (Press on Regardless ED905) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJPMorris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 HK796 LL748 LL850 LM273 ME776 NG120 NG221 NG246 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
Sgt | D H |
Shaw | RAF | 1622875 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f 10/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDTWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG931 PD313 RF214 |
Sgt | C |
Shaw | RAF | 543888 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 30.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 LL800 ME583 W5005 |
P/O | W J |
Shaw | RAF | 179269 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted (as A/F/O) from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG221 |
W/O | Shaw | RAF | 1338273 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOShaw/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | J L (John Leonard) |
Sheahan | RAF | 1800275 | F/Eng | - | RAF Volunteer reserve. Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44 Cemetery of Brussels-Evere, Coll Grave X19.17 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Rebecq-Memorial-Project/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
KIA | 27/28 May 1944 |
DV279 JA712 LL748 LL810 W5005 |
F/O | A N (Alvin?) |
Shedock | RCAF | J.27150 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f. 13/3/44 Posted to 17 OTU on 21.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
LL837 LM319 LM460 ME687 ND733 |
F/Sgt | E |
Shelley | RAF | 1802190 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORMHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 NG390 PB707 |
F/O | H A |
Shenker | DFC | RCAF | J.25782 | P | - | Posted from 1 LFS w.e.f. 31.8.44. Posted in a F/O, by Jan 45 F/Lt First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt FS Steele (10 Sept 1944, PA995) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 22 O.T.U w.e.f. 15/02/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAShenker/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LM228 NF931 NG120 NG134 PA995 PD382 |
F/Sgt | Shepherd | RAAF | A.434170 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | J P (John Patrick "Jack") |
Sheridan | RAF | 1826246 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 11.08.44 Killed in an aircraft crash during training on the 5th October 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-ellingstring-memorial.php /original-site-archive/lib/image054.jpg |
KIA | 4 Oct. 1944 |
LM228 NF963 PA995 PB562 PD321 |
Sgt | C J |
Sherratt | RAF | 2221218 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG250 NG336 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
P/O | T M J (Tyrrell Michael John) |
Shervington | RAF | 175817 | P | P | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 June 1944 |
EE139 LL826 ME556 W5005 |
F/Sgt | Shields | RAF | 1852592 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMarker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | J D (James Douglas) |
Shilcock | RAF | 1896561 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 11.8.44
Joined the Metropolitan Police on 23 June 1930 (warrant number: 119948). Was serving on J Division when he joined the RAFVR towards the end of 1941/beginning of 1942. Was aged 37 when he died. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php |
KIA | 6 Nov. 1944 |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM228 NF963 PA991 PA995 PB562 |
Sgt | G P |
Short | RAF | 984309 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 |
Sgt | W T (Walter Thomas) |
Sibley | RAF | 1579481 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight P/O Dripps and crew notified to WCAD (NE) Uxbridge (missing) w.e.f 23/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODCDripps/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec. 1943 |
DV343 |
F/O | B O (Brian Oswald) |
Sibree | RAF | 152812 | Nav | - | Posted from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 83 O.T.U wef. 26.8.44 Born Hull 1923, Died Norfolk, May 2022 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#Aircraft /documents/public/newsletters/2022/BrianSibreeNote.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL837 LM182 LM228 ME776 |
P/O | P C (Peter Charles) |
Siddall | RNZAF | NZ421538 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S wef 12.8.44 Flew first live op as 2nd pilot with F/O Hussey, LL748, 25 Aug 1944 Was 2nd pilot to W/Cmdr Sisley (Commanding Officer) when all were lost, NF962, 31 Aug 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
LL748 NF962 |
F/O | K F (Kenneth Frederick) |
Sidwell | DFC | RAF | 179585 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.11 Base w.e.f. 28.9.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Rose, LL811, 11 Oct 1944 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.1651 CU w.e.f from 25/03/45. Later: KIA, 30/10/1945 - but not on the 550 RoH (indeed the squadron was disbanding at the time of his death). Commemorated Runnymede, Panel 267 Lancaster NN813, crashed 30-Oct-1945 on a training sortie with 1653 HCU. Crew: F/O K.F. Sidwell DFC +; P/O J.C. Prince +; Sgt. G.A. Boddy +; F/O W.S. Lees +; Sgt. J.O.E. Ogden +; Sgt. R.T. Trebble +; Sgt. P. Cumberworth + |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME776 NF931 NG243 NG246 NG251 PB415 PB532 |
F/Sgt | Silvester | RAF | 1807430 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 27.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderELGosling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | G H |
Simpkins | RAF | 1589680 | F/Eng | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C w.e.f. 26.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f 26.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG251 PB532 PD320 |
Sgt | H (Harold) |
Simpson | RAF | 1549784 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-jalhay-commemorations.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
EE139 JA712 JB674 LL850 LM425 ND403 |
Sgt | G P |
Simpson | RAF | 2255119 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 09/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHGJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
RA547 |
F/O | P J |
Singer | DFC | RAF | Nav | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/O | P J |
Singer | RAF | 161427 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No, 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
W/Cdr | A F M (Alan Francis Moir) |
Sisley | DFC | RAF | 39008 | P | - | Commanding Officer: 16 Jul 44 - 31 Aug 44 (Missing) Australian from Sydney, joined the RAF in the mid-thirties Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base H.Q. on 15.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
LL748 ME583 ME776 ND972 NF962 |
Sgt | E (Edward) |
Skelton | RAF | 1473051 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV345 |
Sgt | A G (Alan) |
Slater | RAF | 2212960 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 Posted to 13 Base (supy) w.e.f 14.02.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG246 NG390 PA503 PA995 |
F/O | Slater | RCAF | J.27131 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 626 Sqdn w.e.f. 22-3-45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | D J T |
Slimming | RAF | 1323330 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. LFS on 29.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image066.jpg |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM455 ME776 NF998 NG120 NG132 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD228 |
F/Sgt | R E (Robert (Bob)) |
Sloan | RAAF | A.434659 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 2-1-45 One of the founding members of 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image014.jpg |
Surv. | 26 Aug 1944 |
DV200 EE139 LL831 LM273 ME776 PB532 PD225 W5005 |
F/O | R (Reg) |
Sloggett | RAF | A/B | C | From Manchester Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.11.44 Completed tour on 16.03.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderWFCaldow/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 ME390 NG221 NG251 NG336 NN715 |
Sgt | A (Albert) |
Small | RAF | 1131750 | F/Eng | P | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POTMJShervington/index.php |
KIA | 6/7 June 1944 |
EE139 ME556 W5005 |
Sgt | R W |
Smalley | RCAF | R.165429 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F. Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php |
- | - |
JA712 LM460 ME687 |
Sgt | N S (Norman) |
Smart | RAF | 1824085 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44 Posted to 626 Sqdn on 15.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php |
- | - |
LL134 LL748 LL836 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME582 ME687 PA991 PA995 |
P/O | J G |
Smart | RAF | 191115 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 25/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php |
- | - |
NG243 PA268 RF136 |
S/L | G S (Gavin Strang) |
Smith | DFC | RAF | 108543 | P | B | Flight Commander B Flight: 29 May 44 - 16 Jun 44 (Missing) Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-oude-ijsselstreek-commemorations.php /pages/RAF100_MemorialBench_Sept2019.php |
KIA | 16 Jun 1944 |
LL747 LL838 ME840 |
F/O | E M (Ernest Michael) |
Smith | DFC | RAF | 179268 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted in as P/O Smith. Soon thereafter appearing as F/O in the ops list. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 NF998 NG290 NG330 NG390 NG398 PB321 PB514 PB707 |
P/O | K A (Kenneth) |
Smith | DFC | RAF | 1457560 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted in as Sgt Smith. W/O Smith. From 20/02/45 listed in ORB as P/O Smith. From 23/02/45 as F/O Smith |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 |
Sgt | L I |
Smith | RAF | 1529676 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44 Interned in Camps L6/L4, PoW No.1262 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHunter/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 30/31 January 1944 |
ED942 ND396 |
Sgt | K J B (Kenneth John Boucher) |
Smith | RAF | 1881097 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/Images/IBCC_4109.jpg |
KIA | 7/8 Mar. 1945 |
LM273 ME428 NF998 PA995 PB843 |
F/Sgt | F J W (Francis James William) |
Smith | RAF | 1318281 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 10.4.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
ED562 JA712 LM319 |
Sgt | W |
Smith | RAF | 2211150 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 13/09/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ND972 PD255 PD313 |
Sgt | R C (Ronal Charles) |
Smith | RAF | 1877794 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945. Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 March 1945 |
ME548 NF931 NG134 |
Sgt | R S (Ronald Sedgeley) |
Smith | RAF | 3001167 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMDHayes/index.php |
KIA | 4/5 April 1945 |
ME301 ME776 ND972 |
F/Sgt | E T (Edward Thomas) |
Smith | RAF | 222148 | F/Eng | - | - At 42, one of the oldest airmen to have been KIA on Bomber Command Operations in WWII PC 268 Edward Thomas Smith is recorded on the Derbyshire Constabulary War Memorial |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php |
KIA | 13/14 Feb. 1945 |
JB345 LL748 NF932 NG287 PA995 |
Sgt | M B (Maurice Braham) |
Smith | RAF | 1710408 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn 1.12.44 Confined in Hospital due injuries. Escaped late March and returned to unit, 11 Apr 45. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
ME301 NG134 NG135 PA995 PG864 |
Sgt | P W |
Smith | RAF | 1197286 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight (but does not appear to transfer in with any specific crew) Confined in Hospital due injuries. No PoW No |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
PoW | 26/27 Nov. 1943 |
LM379 |
Sgt | H |
Smith | RCAF | 2206708 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th Nov 1944 |
- | - | - |
NF932 |
Sgt | R O (Reginald Osmond) |
Smith | RAF | 1335398 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f 10/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDTWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG931 PD313 RF214 |
F/O | E G |
Smith | RCAF | J.43916 | Nav | - | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 4.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG250 NG390 PB707 RF136 |
Sgt | E K C |
Smith | RAF | 1541525 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station, Elsham Wolds w.e.f 19.3.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORAJones/index.php |
- | - |
DV309 JA918 LL747 LL831 LL837 ME687 |
F/Sgt | Smith | RAAF | A.424687 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | D F |
Smith | RAF | 1801066 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 |
W/O | W Y (Warwick Yule) |
Smith | RAAF | A.420085 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 |
Sgt | R |
Smith | RCAF | R.177840 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44 Posted to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f. 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 LL811 LL831 ME776 PA995 |
F/Sgt | G B |
Smith | RCAF | R.178418 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. on 24.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O A Thomas (probably F/O R Thomas) LL800, 6th July 1944 Later ops listed as P/O Smith |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL800 LM182 LM455 ME583 ME776Q ND972 PA991 PD221 W5005 |
Sgt | J G |
Smith | RAF | 1597206 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 20/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFLHern-Black/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PA288 PA309 |
W/O | Smith | RAF | 1324746 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 14.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
P/O | G |
Smythe | RAF | - | - | Flying Control | - | - | - | - | ||
F/O | H B (Howard ) |
Snelgrove | RCAF | J.25809 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f. 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL796 LL811 LL831 LM455 W5005 |
F/O | H B |
Snellgrove | DFC | RCAF | Nav | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
Sgt | M G (Maurice) |
Snowball | RAF | 1595147 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f 24/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php /pages/IBCC-DigitalArchive.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2011.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2015.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2016.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2017.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2018.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2019.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG221 PA309 |
Sgt | A P (Albert Percy) |
Soper | RAF | 1171961 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php |
KIA | 14 Oct 1944 |
DV200 LM273 ME583 ND972 NF962 NG133 PA995 PB562 |
Sgt | S |
Sorsby | RAF | 2206650 | R/AG | - | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 4.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG250 NG390 PB707 RF136 |
Sgt | G W |
Soundy | RAF | 1853618 | F/Eng | - | Posted from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 01/09/44. Posted to No. 150 Squadron on 7th November 1944. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG134 PA995 PD255 |
F/Sgt | J B (James Baker) |
Southgate | RCAF | R.205804 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 24.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station, Rufforth w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG134 NG390 PA268 |
W/O | C A |
Sowden | RCAF | R.152269 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot on 27.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 DV309 JA918 LL837 LM319 W5005 |
P/O | R T (Roy Tyldesley) |
Sowter | RCAF | J.95495 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODHGrundy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#FOGrundy |
KIA | 23/24 Feb. 1945 |
LM273 ME776 NF931 NG289 PB707 |
F/O | S G (Stanley George) |
Spakowski | RAF | 159951 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 8.7.44 Listed as RCAF on Roll of Honour, but CGWC states RAFVF and the service number would appear to confirm the latter. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-blamont-commemorations.php |
KIA | 28/29 July 1944 |
LM455 ND972 |
F/Sgt | R A |
Spearing | RAF | 1867892 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJABeale/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image044.jpg |
- | - |
NG289 NG331 PB514 PB707 PB864 PD313 PD321 RF135 |
LAC | D |
Speers | RAF | F/Mech(Rigge | - | 11/43 - 8/44 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | T |
Spewart | RCAF | R.266399 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot Warrington w.e.f. 28.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG135 |
Sgt | T |
Spicer | RAF | 1591655 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 25/03/45 Died 22/01/2017 aged 92 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php |
- | - |
NG243 PA268 RF136 |
F/O | P H (Peter) |
Spindler | DFC* | RAF | 157955 | Nav | - | Posted from No 1656 Con Unit w.e.f. 4.12.44 Died Dec 2021 (ca. one month after his 99th birthday) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php |
- | - |
NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB864 PD221 |
F/O | L R |
Spinks | RAF | - | - | Tech. E.E. From Elsham. (transferred to 550 Sqdn 24 Feb 1944) | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | G S ((Gerry)) |
Spragg | RAF | 1869202 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 13.7.44 P/O Spragg, service number 183672, posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla w.e.f. 2-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM228 LM285 ME583 ME776 NF998 NG132 NG133 |
F/O | S (Sam) |
Squires | RAF | MU/AG | C | From Cambridge Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.11.44 Completed tour on 16.03.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderWFCaldow/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE139-ThePhantomOfTheRuhr/FlLtJCassidy/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 ME390 NG221 NG251 NG336 NN715 |
F/Sgt | A C H (Harry) |
Stack | RAAF | A.26254 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 Finished tour of Operations on 17.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
LL747 LL796 LL800 LM455 ME776 ND972 |
R |
Stanbury | RAF | - | - | Radar Section - 550 Squadron (May 1944) |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#RadarSection |
- | - | - | |||
Sgt | J (John) |
Stanley | RAF | 1582138 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 C.U. w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL747 LL826 ND403 ND425 |
Sgt | D A |
Stanley | RAF | 1530886 | R/AG | - | LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php |
Surv. | 7 July 1944 |
ED562 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 LM228 ND403 |
Sgt | Stapleton | RAAF | A.429895 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | A E |
Stebner | RCAF | R.71273 | Nav | - | Posted from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 4.5.44. Posted (as W/O Stebner) from 550 Sqdn to 82 OTU w.e.f. 13.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL800 LL810 LL811 LL831 NF963 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD221 |
F/Sgt | G A |
Stecker | RAF | 1399934 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f 30.1.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCSGeorge/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG243 |
F/L | F S (Frank Stanley "Stainless") |
Steele | DFC | RCAF | J.27097 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44 First live op as 2nd Pilot to F/O Neilson, LL811 14 June 1944 Posted to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f. 30.10.44 Post-war retired in 1967 as Squadron Leader Died Ottawa May 2012, aged 93 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/LogBooks/FLtFSSteele.pdf |
- | - |
ED562 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME776 PA995 |
Sgt | F V |
Steele | RAF | 1493782 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGNYoung/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 ME776 |
Sgt | J A C (Jimmy) |
Steer | RAF | 1803975 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 19.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL747 LL850 |
F/O | R W (Richard Walter) |
Stephens | RAF | 164130 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1945 |
NG287 |
F/Sgt | D M |
Stephens | RCAF | R.151092 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44 (Service no. 151092 or 181092) [W/O Stephen] posted from 550 Sqdn to 13 Base N.E. on 4.5.44 As surname both DM Stephens and DM Stephen (F/Sgt, Nav) appear in the ORB |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0008.jpg /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0009.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL836 LM392 ND733 NG289 PA991 PD221 |
F/Sgt | B (Benjamin) |
Sterman | RAF | 1390537 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php |
KIA | 5/6 Jan 1945 |
ED905 LL831 LM273 ME301 ND972 NG331 PA995 |
Sgt | R F |
Stevens | RAF | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 Inj. 7/8 Mar. 1945 Confined in hospital due injuries until repatriation to UK 3 Apr 1945 Returned to squadron 7th Apr 1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
ME390 ME503 |
F/Sgt | Stevens | RAF | 1652995 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 (P/F/Eng) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOParker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | G T |
Stevens | RAF | - | - | Daily Servicing Squadron (SHQ) R & I Engineer |
- | - | - | - | ||
F/O | I A ("Bud") |
Stevenson | DFC | RCAF | J.86878 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 14.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" Depot w.e.f 9-1-45 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to F/O Thygessen (01 Aug 1994) From Wallaceburg and London, Ontario |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 PA991 PD225 PD255 |
F/O | J E (John Edgar) |
Stewart | RCAF | J.14573 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight P/O Dripps and crew notified to WCAD (NE) Uxbridge (missing) w.e.f 23/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PODCDripps/index.php |
KIA | 23/24 Dec. 1943 |
DV343 |
Sgt | F T (Frederick Thomas) |
Stiling | RAF | 1864127 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight [Ed. ORB lists Stilling, whereas CWGC has the 1 "l", Stiling.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWCobbin/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 Jan 1944 |
DV306 ED942 |
F/Sgt | J (John) |
Stobbs | RAF | 1523168 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 05.01.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJBBarnes/index.php |
KIA | 24 March 1945 |
ME519 NG221 NG246 PD320 PD321 |
F/O | C |
Stocks | RAF | 591199 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f 19.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHATClark/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 EE193 LL134 LL811 LM134 ME687 ND425C PB532 |
F/Sgt | A H (Andrew Hunter) |
Stockton | RCAF | J/92026 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con.Unit w.e.f. 12/1/44 Service number in 550 Sqdn ORB R.154553 whereas J/92026 on IBCC Reported as "missing" from operations w.e.f 16/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREWoodger/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 February 1944 |
JA934 |
Sgt | R A |
Stockwell | RAF | 1606743 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 5.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtFPKnight/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 ME542 |
Sgt | R A (Bob) |
Stockwell | RAF | 1850147 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHVance/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 PA268/E2 PB707 |
F/Sgt | C |
Stoddard | RAF | 1565440 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S Hemswell on 17.5.44 Posted to A.C.A.C Brackla on 14.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL800 LL811 LM182 ME583 NF963 |
F/Sgt | D |
Stoddart | DFM | RAF | Nav | - | Nav | - | - | - | - | |
F/Lt | Stokes | RAF | - | - | Station Education Officer | - | - | - | - | |||
Sgt | H (Harry) |
Stollar | RAF | 1387998 | W/Op | - | Transferred from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb 1944 |
DV309 JA712 ME556 ME582 |
F/L | R P (Bob) |
Stone | CdG | RAF | 122099 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. on 1.7.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Steele (PA995, 12 July 1944) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 238 Sqdn w.e.f. 22.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRJLiefooghe/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image018.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image060.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image092.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image094.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 LL811 LM134 LM182 ME776 NG132 NG134 NG138 NG221 PA995 |
F/Sgt | Stone | RAAF | A.431793 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted to R.A.F. Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
LAC | E C |
Stone | RAF | F/Mech(Eng) | - | 11/43 - 1/46 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | Storeham | RAF | 1607182 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 14.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/L | H |
Storry | RAF | 145708/829 | A/G | - | Senior Gunnery Officer: 18 Apr 44 - 9 Jun 44 [Station ORB: Senior Gunnery Officer to replace F/Lt Waycott Missing in action 9/10 April Squadron ORB: Gun "G". Posted to 576 Squadron on 9.6.44 Squadron 576 ORB confirms in-posting date from 550 Sqdn] |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | Stott | RAF | 1676817 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Lt | A W |
Strachan | RAF | - | - | Flying Control | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | S J |
Strand | RAF | 1449843 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con unit w.e.f. 7/2/44 Listed as Nav B, assumed also A/B |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtRHField/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 |
Sgt | E F |
Stratten | RAF | 1609594 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCWGraham/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 NG143 NG243 |
Sgt | C (Charles) |
Stuart | RAF | 1559208 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerbeek-memorial.php |
KIA | 3/4 Feb. 1945 |
LM182 PB707 PD221 |
Sgt | J H (John Henry) |
Stuart-Ritson | RAF | 1865453 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar. 1945 |
ME390 ME503 |
F/Sgt | Suckling | RAF | 1603892 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSuckling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | S |
Sulley | RAF | 1576391 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 16.6.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Squadron. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL796 LL831 LM455 LM460 |
Sgt | H F |
Sullivan | RCAF | R224947 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
Sgt | Sullivan | RAF | 1836390 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | H |
Summerskill | RAF | 1459429 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCWGraham/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 NG143 NG243 |
F/O | D W (David) |
Summons | DFC | RAAF | A.410479 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O I A Stevenson (16 Sept 1944, PD255) Posted to 1651 C.U. w.e.f 28.3.45 Instructor (P) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 NG221 NG287 PD255 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | K R (Kenneth Rowland) |
Sumner | RAF | 1800914 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44 Posted to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f. 22/2/44 (as member of "headless crew" following loss of pilot F/Sgt J P Harrison) Posted back to 550 Sqdn March |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJPHarrison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJFCraig/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
LL852 |
Sgt | G A (George Athol) |
Sutherland | RAF | 1567582 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/07/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1 Aircrew School, w.e.f 21.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LM273 PD221 |
Sgt | G T (Geoffrey Thomas) |
Sutherland | RAF | 1892870 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 16.4.44 Posted to W.C.A.D on 13.7.44 on being reported missing. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWBoocock/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 July 1944 |
DV279 DV309 LL747 LL748 LL796 LM455 |
F/Sgt | Sutherland | RAF | 1571576 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJECranston/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
P/O | A E |
Sutton | RAF | 157538 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 12.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL796 LL811 LL831 LM455 W5005 |
P/O | Sutton | RAF | 197194 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
- | L (Leslie) |
Sutton | RAF | - | - | Ground crew loading bombs into the Lancaster Bombers Died December 2006 |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | W A (Bill) |
Swan | RAF | 1494141 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 5.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 21 P.A.F.U. w.e.f. 7.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2016.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG390 PD321 PD342 PD343 |
F/L | Sweeney | RCAF | J.14702 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJASweeney/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | S (Stanley) |
Sykes | RAF | 1803081 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Interned in Camp 4B, PoW No.270085 (possibly 270885). Died 2000 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGKPeasgood/index.php |
PoW | 21/22 Jan 1944 |
DV192 EE107 JB673 |
Sgt | C (Colin) |
Symington | RAF | 1768154 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 9.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 |
Sgt | A (Arthur) |
Symonds | RAF | 1491619 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 10.4.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtKAEssex/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
ED562 JA712 LM319 |
Sgt | G P |
Sythes | RAF | 513988 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS wef 26.8.44 Injured by flak 4th Nov 1944 (NG250) op to Bochum Posted to 13 Base (Supp) non-effective sick w.e.f 5.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JB345 NG246 NG250 |
Sgt | O (Oliver) |
Tabuteau | RCAF | 2221473 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 26.6.44 Sgt Tabuteau parents came from Banff, Alberta, Canada and he is cited as RCAF on the St Denys' Church Roll of Honour, whereas multiple sources, including the ORB, record RAFVR. He is commemorated on the Canadian Veterans web-site (link provided) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOWHSAnsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/EE193/index.php |
KIA | 29/30 Aug. 1944 |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL831 |
F/Sgt | L C (Lorne Clifford) |
Taerum | RCAF | R.278581 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 At 18 years of age Sgt Taerum was amongst the youngest airmen killed on Bomber Command operations |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGNye/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerbeek-memorial.php |
KIA | 3/4 Feb. 1945 |
LM182 PB707 PD221 |
Sgt | I F (Ivan Francis) |
Tait | RCAF | J/95506 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1945 |
NG287 |
F/Sgt | Tait | RAF | 1594058 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJECranston/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | R A (Robert (Bob)) |
Tapsell | RAF | 1808003 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 11.08.44 (as F/Sgt Tapsell) First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt Lord, LM228 25th Aug 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image054.jpg |
- | - |
LM228 ME390 NG134 NG246 NG251 NG390 PA268 PA995 PB321 PB562 PB864 PD319 PD321 PD382 RF237 |
F/Sgt | J P |
Tasker | RCAF | R.261927 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 26/01/45 R/AG on half of F/L Parsons (P) tour |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php |
- | - |
ME503 ME776 ND972 PB843 RF135 RF237 |
Sgt | C (Clarence) |
Tattersall | RAF | 569088 | P | - | Transferred from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb 1944 |
DV309 JA712 ME556 ME582 |
P/O | S B |
Taylor | DFC | RAF | P | - | Initially F/Sgt Taylor, later P/O First Live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Bouchard, ND425, 22 Apr 1944 LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POVJBouchard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWHussey/index.php |
Surv. | 7 Jul 1944 |
ED562 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 LM228 ND403 ND425 |
Sgt | G (George) |
Taylor | RAF | 1593905 | MU/AG | - | Injured but died within hours of the crash. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEHDavies/index.php |
KIA | 12/13 Jul 1944 |
LM455 LM460 LM647 |
Sgt | W C (William Charles) |
Taylor | RAF | 1396691 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Feltwell w.e.f 3.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php |
KIA | 9/10 May 1944 |
JA918 LL831 LM455 |
Sgt | C W (Charles William) |
Taylor | RCAF | R/160156 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORHMaule/index.php |
KIA | 1/2 Jan 1944 |
DV345 |
F/Sgt | J |
Taylor | RAF | A/B | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG250 PB514 |
Sgt | A L |
Taylor | RAF | 1821499 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f 25/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJGSmart/index.php |
- | - |
NG243 PA268 RF136 |
F/Sgt | Taylor | RAAF | A.435614 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | G (Gerry) |
Taylor | RAF | 1607305 | Nav | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/03/1945 Posted to R.A.F. Station, Syerston, w.e.f 8.8.1945 Joined the RAF in 1943 and after training in Canada, flew operations as a navigator with 617 and 550 Squadrons. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2011.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2013.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2014.php /pages/IBCC-DigitalArchive.php |
- | - |
ME390 |
Sgt | T |
Taylor | RAF | 1306147 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
Sgt | J H |
Taylor | RAF | 1336991 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGNYoung/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 ME776 |
F/O | H H |
Taylour | RAF | - | - | Station Electrical Officer, 9550 Serving Echelon | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | J (Joseph) |
Teasdale | DFM | RAF | 1098280 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. LFS on 29.6.44 (posted in as F/Sgt, on later ops W/O) Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC (Air Crew Allotation Centre in Brackla (Invernesshire)) w.e.f 6.10.44 Prior to joining 550 he carried out at least 23 ops with 101 Sdqn where he was awarded the DFM |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image066.jpg |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM455 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD228 |
Sgt | B C |
Terry | RAF | 1382008 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLSJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PA268 PB514 PB707 |
Sgt | R W (Robert Walter) |
Theobald | RAF | 1386971 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight. From South Norwood, London Grave reference: Addendum Panel (Runnymede), Panel 9. Column 2 (Malta) See the IBCC link as to why this serviceman was originally commemorated on the Malta Memorial and not Runnymede (CWGC recently accepted this error and is in the process of transferring his name onto an addendum panel of the Runnymede Memorial (as of 2019). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWRCooper/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 JB604 JB674 |
Sgt | K G |
Thom | RAF | 1324915 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f 24/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG221 PA309 |
F/Lt | R (Rhys ("Tommy")) |
Thomas | DFC | RAF | 144642 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Maxwell 5th June 1944 LL838 Finished tour of Operations on 17.9.44 Once or twice listed as F/O A Thomas in the ORB (but with same crew), so R Thomas is assumed. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php " |
- | - |
LL747 LL796 LL800 LL838 LM455 ME776 ND972 |
P/O | G E (Gwyn Edward "Ward") |
Thomas | CdG DFC |
RAF | 1585893 | Nav | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 18/12/43 from 1667 CU Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base on 9.7.44 Post-war Ward Thomas was CEO of Grampian Television (1961-7), Managing Director & Chairman of Yorkshire Television (1967-76, 1993-7), and Chairman of Trident Television (1976-84). Awarded CBE Died 4th Feb 2019 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 EE139 LL747 LL748 LL811 LL834 ND403 PA995 |
F/Sgt | H G (Harold George) |
Thomas | RAF | 1441411 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S wef 12.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
NF962 |
Sgt | F C (Frank Charles) |
Thomas | RAF | 1255715 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943) Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
KIA | 19/20 February 1944 |
EE107 JB289 LM461 ND425 |
F/O | T Y (Thomas Yestyn) |
Thomas | RAF | 154395 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 8.9.44 Killed in an aircraft crash during training on the 5th October 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-ellingstring-memorial.php |
KIA | 4 Oct. 1944 |
NF963 |
F/Sgt | T |
Thomas | RAF | 1605240 | F/Eng | - | Transferred in from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSLangford/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/photogencrew.JPG |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | J F |
Thomas | RAAF | A34198 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 07/04/45 Posted to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJFThomas/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | Thomas | RAF | 1818836 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOParker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | F (Frank) |
Thomas | RAF | 1608449 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEGayler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | R R |
Thompson | CdG | RAF | 1822736 | MU/AG | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 18/12/43 from 1667 CU Posted from 550 Sqdn to 18 O.T.U on 9.7.44 On some ORB lists surname Thomson (may be a typo). Flew frequently as MU/AG but also as R/AG |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREOliver/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
- | - |
DV306 EE139 LL747 LL748 LL811 LL834 ME556 ND403 PA995 |
Sgt | L G |
Thompson | CdG | RAF | 1604270 | F/Eng | - | Posted to No. 1 L.F.S. on 28.6.44 May also be SC Thompson (F/Eng) on some ORB entries as F/Eng for Bowen-Bravery crew |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 LL834 ND403 PA995 |
Sgt | K (Kenneth) |
Thompson | RAF | 2204008 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44 Posted to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f. 22/2/44 (as member of "headless crew" following loss of pilot F/Sgt J P Harrison) KIA while flying with F/Lt J F Craig DFC (RNZAF) crew |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJPHarrison/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJFCraig/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1944 |
DV306 LL852 |
Sgt | T A |
Thompson | RAF | F/Eng | - | Sgt TA Thompson (on Woods crew op), or possibly Sgt TH Thompson (on Rogers crew ops). Unclear if the two are one and the same. Sgt TA Thompson also listed as flying with the P/O Rogers crew, and frequently with the F/O Bowen-Bravery crew. But a Sgt LG Thompson (F/Eng) is also listed on the F/O Bowen-Bravery crew, as is a Sgt SC Thompson (F/Eng). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONSRogers/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKBowen-Bravery/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL748 LM319 ND403 |
F/O | S D (Sutherland Dennis) |
Thompson | RAAF | A.31211 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1668 C.U. w.e.f 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NN715 PB707 |
Sgt | E |
Thompson | RAF | 1093434 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No, 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDJFoster/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
Sgt | G |
Thompson | RAF | 1097466 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 Con. Unit. w.e.f 25/2/44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.3.44 |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | G A (George Alfred) |
Thomson | RAF | 1596065 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
Sgt | K |
Thornley | RAF | 1262895 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGNYoung/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 ME776 |
F/O | J C |
Thorpe | RAAF | A.428826 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 13 Base N/E w.e.f 10.1.45 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 13 Base w.e.f 4.2.45 on ceasing to be N/E sick |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 PB707 PD320 |
Sgt | F J |
Thrush | RAF | 1894550 | F/Eng | - | Posted from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 12.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#Aircraft |
- | - |
DV279 LL837 LM182 LM228 ME776 |
F/O | V A (Victor Allen Christian) |
Thygessen | DFC | RCAF | J.27660 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 2.6.44 First operational flight as 2nd pilot to P/O Brawn 16th June 44, W5005 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWNHBrawn/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 LL837 LM460 ME776 NF962 PA991 PB532 PD221 W5005 |
F/Lt | R C (Rowland) |
Tilley | RAF | 1697639 | - | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from BINBROOK w.e.f 15 Jun 1944 (transferred in as P/O) Flying Control |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#GroundStaff |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | E A (Edward Albert) |
Timlett | RAF | 1891097 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJEGayler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | D (Don) |
Timms | RAF | 1834960 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 Involved with the creation of the Memorial Window in St Denys' Church in the early years of 550 Sqdn Association |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtButler/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | J (John) |
Timms | RAF | 1582861 | P/F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FLRScholfield/index.php |
- | - | - | |
Sgt | N (Norman) |
Tinsley | RAF | 2205513 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/Images/DailyMail-20220723.jpg /pages/550-sqdn-fleville-memorial.php |
KIA | 1/2 Feb 1945 |
NG363 PB843 PD313 RA502 |
F/L | A R |
Tippett | RAF | 155360 | W/Op | - | Senior Signals Officer: 20 Dec 43 - 5 Jul 44 Re-posted to 550 Sqdn to fill Establishment Post and granted the rank of Acting Flight Lieutenant w.e.f. 20/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGPFauman/index.php |
- | - |
PA995 |
F/L | St. J (St. John) |
Tizard | RAF | 112026 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44 Squadron Gunnery Leader Born October 1921 Hendon. Son of Claude and Doris Tizard. Had one older brother Anthony Noel Tizard. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-oude-ijsselstreek-commemorations.php /pages/RAF100_MemorialBench_Sept2019.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
LL747 LL838 ME840 |
F/Sgt | B G (Brian ("Bob")) |
Todd | RAF | 1281277 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44. Posted to 18 OTU on 27.5.44 for instructional duties on completion of second operational tour. Perhaps better known as Bob Todd the straight man on The Benny Hill Show on (UK) TV, and also worked with the likes of Tony Hancock, Spike Milligan, Eric Sykes, Marty Feldman, etc. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php /php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue2 |
- | - |
LL748 LL836 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME582 ME687 PA991 |
Sgt | Todd | RAF | 1815796 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOParker/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | J S (John) |
Tointon | RAF | 137983 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 13.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM228 LM285 ME583 ME776 NF998 NG132 NG133 |
F/O | W H |
Tolman | RAF | 137199 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
Sgt | E A (Edward Arthur) |
Topham | RAF | 1818440 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php |
KIA | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
Sgt | A F |
Tosh | RAF | 1105245 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 |
Sgt | Tott | RAF | 1890779 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | L J (Lawrence James) |
Tough | RAF | 1340344 | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJHandley/index.php |
- | - |
ME519 ME776 NF931 NG135 NG250 PB514 |
Sgt | W |
Towle | RAF | 3041223 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 5.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG390 PA995 PD321 PD342 PD343 |
Sgt | G H |
Town | RAF | 656236 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. LFS on 29.6.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O SC Beeson (PA991, 7th July 1944) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 238 Sqdn w.e.f 22.12.44 (when service no. noted as 656256 (typo?)) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image066.jpg |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM455 ME776 NF998 NG120 NG132 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD228 |
F/O | W E |
Town | RCAF | J.89714 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 24.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station, Rufforth w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG134 NG390 PA268 |
Sgt | R |
Townend | RAF | 1816750 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 23.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFJCox/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG120 NG135 PA268 RA503 RF136 |
F/Sgt | R (Ralph) |
Townsend | DFM | RAF | 1078579 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44 Had flown with 460 Sqdn, his DFM being Gazetted 10 Dec 43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGSSmith/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-oude-ijsselstreek-commemorations.php /pages/RAF100_MemorialBench_Sept2019.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
LL747 LL838 ME840 |
F/Sgt | A V |
Townsend | RAF | 1516739 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG250 NG336 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
Sgt | L R (Leslie Robert) |
Towsley | RCAF | J/93539 | A/B | - | Squadron ORB has J/935539, whereas CWGC has J/93539 as has the Canadian Veterans site |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LL851/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#LL851 |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
LL851 |
Sgt | L B (Leslie Bland) |
Towson | RAF | 1816861 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
KIA | 18/19 March 1945 |
LM182 ME548 NF931 NG134 |
Sgt | J A (James Arthur) |
Trayhorn | RAF | 1851762 | R/AG | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSCBeeson/index.php |
KIA | 28 Aug 1944 |
ED905 LL800 LM182 ME583 PA991 |
Sgt | H H |
Tregonning | RAF | 1653129 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 NF932 NG221 |
Sgt | M L |
Tretheway | RCAF | R.197350 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. on 24.6.44 posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F "R" Depot w.e.f. 14.11.44 (as F/Sgt Tretheway) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LM182 LM455 ME583 ME776Q ND972 PA991 PD221 W5005 |
F/Sgt | B M (Bruce Milton) |
Trowbridge | RAAF | 433793 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSWNielson/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Mar. 1945 |
ME390 ME503 |
Sgt | L |
Trudgian | RAF | 1681284 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS wef 26.8.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 26/02/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 JB345 NG246 NG250 NG290 NG331 PD321 |
Sgt | A W (Arthur William) |
Tucker | RAF | 1800484 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
Sgt | H (Harry) |
Tulip | DFM | RAF | 986868 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 27.5.44 Posted to ACAC Brakla w.e.f 3.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJBibby/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL831 LM134 LM182 LM460 ME583 PA995 PD221 |
F/Sgt | Tummey | RAF | 1239805 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8-3-45 Posted to 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 10.3.45 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | J T (John Tengate) |
Tunstall | RAF | 3040778 | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJClarke/index.php |
KIA | 7/8 Jan 1945 |
NG363 PD313 |
P/O | E W |
Turnbull | RAF | 182695 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 (not explicitly, assumed, based on surrounding crew lists on same ORB page) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORAMarriott/index.php |
- | - |
NF132 NG243 |
Sgt | F (Frank) |
Turner | RAF | 1685409 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-memorials.php#FTurnerMemorial |
KIA | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
F/Sgt | Turner | RAF | 1456996 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POMcEwan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | E C (Eddie Charles) |
Turner | RAF | 3005115 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f. 08.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEMSmith/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 NF998 NG290 NG330 NG390 NG398 PB321 PB514 PB707 |
F/O | Tweedale | RAF | 181356 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POMcEwan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | J |
Tweedie | RAF | 1567240 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F. Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php |
- | - |
JA712 LM460 ME687 |
F/O | W H |
Twitchell | RCAF | J.22137 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 16.6.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Squadron. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDCBarton/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL796 LL831 LM455 LM460 |
F/O | Tyers | RAF | 160754 | Nav | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f. 19.3.45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | J H |
Udink | RCAF | R95274 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 Listed in The Winnipeg Tribune 20 Jan 1944 (on graduation from No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School) as originating from Manitoba |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
- | H (Helen) |
UNKNOWN (Surname) | WAAF | - | - | Posted to North Killingholme December 1943 |
/images/550-sqdn-group-photos/NorthKillingholmeWAAFsDec1943.jpg |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | L E |
Updike | RCAF | R.214510 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f. 10.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMABuchanan/index.php |
- | - |
DV279 LL796 LL811 LL831 LM455 W5005 |
Sgt | W G |
Upton | RAF | 961931 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.3451 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-jalhay-commemorations.php |
PoW | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 JA712 LL850 LM425 ND403 |
Sgt | H M |
Urquhart | RAF | 1344660 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station Kermington, w.e.f. 6.3.44 On completion of operational tour posted to 83 O.T.U on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 |
A R |
Vale | RAF | - | - | Radar Section - 550 Squadron (May 1944) |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#RadarSection |
- | - | - | |||
F/Sgt | J H (Jim) |
Vance | RAAF | A.436356 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 75 Base w.e.f 08/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Gamston, w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHVance/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 PA268/E2 PB707 |
Sgt | K A |
Vardigans | RAF | 958154 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th Nov 1944 |
- | - | - |
NF932 |
Sgt | A A A (Guss) |
Vass | RCAF | R.172919 | A/B | - | Posted from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 2.6.44 12/13 July 1944 ED562 abandoned 0720 13 Jul 44 Needham Market, 3 miles SE of Stowmarket, Suffolk after running out of fuel Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot w.e.f. 30.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJCLord/index.php |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LM228 PB321 PD319 |
P/O | H S |
Vaughan | RAF | 175077 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Wareham (LL837, 24th June 1944) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 16 OTU 12.10.44 According to W/O Porter flight log flew as 2nd pilot to W/Cdr Connolly 11 Jul 44 (returning to base with engine trouble), 3 days before W/Cdr Connolly FTR. Also flew with W/Cdr Sisley 1 month before he too FTR. LM229 Orleans 4 Jul 1944 crashed on take-off (all survived,Vaughan injured). Various ORB entries: HE, ES or R Vaughan(??). Also P/O and F/O listed. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
Inj. | 4 Jul 1944 |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL831 LL837 LM229 LM273 ME575 ME583 ND972 PD208 PD255 W5005 |
F/O | K H (Kenneth) |
Vaughan | RAF | 177704 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 CU w.e.f. 12/03/45 Posted to RAF Blyton w.e.f 30.10.45 Passed away on Monday 15th May 2017 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGBlakeway/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG120 NG250 RF135 |
Sgt | T E |
Vaughan | RAF | 2212873 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
Sgt | C S (Cyril) |
Venables | RAF | 1801701 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 19.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 On crew photograph nicknamed "Little Black Crow" (probably oconnected to the follow-up comment that said he did not change his shirt for 10 weeks until their tour of 30 ops was completed). |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PONDHoldsworth/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL747 LL850 |
F/Sgt | R F (Raynold Frank) |
Veness | RAF | 1602081 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAAbrams/index.php |
KIA | 14 Oct 1944 |
DV200 LM273 ME583 ND972 NF962 NG133 PA995 PB562 |
F/L | T |
Vickers | RAF | 130713 | W/Op | - | Posted to R.A.F. Station, Syerston, w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWBrowne/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME390 |
S/O | M E |
Vickers | WAAF | - | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from ELSHAM w.e.f. 24 June 1944 Signals It is possible that this is WAAF "Vicky" Young (neé Vickers) although the initials do not match. |
- | - | - | - | ||
W/O | R E (Ron) |
Vietheer | RAAF | A.435295 | MU/AG | - | Posted from No 12 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.12.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCARhude/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ME390 NF135 NG250 NG287 NG289 PA268 PB514 PB707 |
Sgt | G C |
Vincent | RAF | 1590910 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f 24/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKWJeans/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG221 PA309 |
F/Sgt | G D |
Vine | RAF | 1603878 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 9-1-45 Posted to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 3-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PB843 PD313 RA503 |
Sgt | T W |
Vittle | RAF | 1852658 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44 Interned in Camp L1. No PoW No |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHunter/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHunter/index.php |
PoW | 30/31 January 1944 |
ED942 ND396 |
Sgt | W P |
Waddell | RAF | 1820371 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C w.e.f. 26.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG251 PB532 PD320 |
W/O | M |
Waddington | RAF | 1076633 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 19/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVGRoberts/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG120 NG134 |
F/L | R E G (Richard) |
Waite | DFC | RAF | 125844 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station Kermington, w.e.f. 6.3.44 On completion of operational tour posted to 86 O.T.U on 7.7.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 16 O.T.U. w.e.f. 8.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 ME542 NG243 PA309 PD382 RA503 |
F/L | C W |
Waitt | MM | RAF | - | - | Squadron Adjutant: Jan 44 - 26 May 45 One of the small band of RAF officers to hold the Military Medal. |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | B B (Bernard Benjamin) |
Wakeford | RAF | 1587327 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 09/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHGJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
RA547 |
F/Sgt | Wakelam | RAF | 1685869 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJRDavies/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | G (Garth) |
Walker | RAF | 1533927 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOGKPeasgood/index.php |
KIA | 21/22 Jan. 1944 |
DV192 EE107 JB673 |
Sgt | J H (John Herbert) |
Walker | RAF | 997617 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 21 P.A.F.U w.e.f 7.8.1945 (listed as P/F/Eng) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG221 NG246 NG289 PB514 PB707 PD313 PD321 RA503 RF214 |
F/Sgt | Wall | RAAF | A.424097 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | R F (Russell Francis) |
Wallace | RNZAF | 427351 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Blacker (5 Mar 1945, PA995). In the 550 ORB is recorded as P/O Wallace. However, on the CWGC site listed as F/O Wallace |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORFWallace/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGEBlackler/index.php |
KIA | 15/16 Mar 1945 |
NG287 PA995 |
F/Sgt | E H |
Waller | RAAF | A.427607 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
ME428 PD382 |
P/O | S (Stanley ) |
Walmsley | RAF | 179230 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 19/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVGRoberts/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
HK796 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG134 |
Sgt | E J (Edward) |
Walsh | RAF | 651775 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 (No middle initial at CWGC) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
F/Sgt | E F (Edmund Francis) |
Walsh | RAAF | A.436877 | A/B | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 Posted to RAF Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | Walsh | RAF | 1804148 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJRDavies/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/L | Walters | RAAF | A.409352 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | A W E (Albert William Edward) |
Walters | RAF | 649296 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries Posted to A.C.A.C. Brackla w.e.f. 6.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtFSSteele/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php |
Surv. | 26 Aug 1944 |
ED562 LL811 LL831 ME776 PA995 W5005 |
F/Lt | J |
Ward | DFC | RAF | 129260 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PA268 PB320 PB707 |
Sgt | J (Joe) |
Ward | RAF | 1047237 | MU/AG | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f 22/03/45. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php |
- | - |
PB707 |
Sgt | A K (Alan Kenneth) |
Ward | RAF | 1607007 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtPJMPrangley/index.php |
KIA | 26/27 Nov. 1943 |
LM379 |
Sgt | E W |
Ward | RAF | 1881307 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 28.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG243 PA268 PA268/F2 PB514 PB707 RA503 |
Sgt | S H (Stephen Henry) |
Ward | RAF | 1880385 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 12.8.44 Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 KIA 12 Dec 1944 with 150 Sqdn, buried REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGSDevereau/index.php,%20STEPHEN%20HENRY |
- | - |
LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 NF962 NF968 PD225 |
Sgt | G B |
Ward | RAF | 1045543 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Sqdn Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
Sgt | Ward | RAF | 1892310 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJASweeney/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | M W |
Ward | RCAF | R.148373 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base on 7.6.44 As headless crew posted to 11 Base on 19.6.44 (after pilot J K Murray having been killed on first op as 2nd pilot to F/O Neilson, LM134, 16/17 June 1944) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJKMurray/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | L (Leslie) |
Wareham | RAF | 156312 | P | - | Posted from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 12.5.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Sgt (later P/O) P Maxwell (LL838, 24th May 44) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1662 Con. Unit wef. 26.8.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOPMRoche/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#Aircraft |
- | - |
DV279 LL837 LL838 LM182 LM228 ME776 |
Sgt | J F |
Warner | RAF | 1892547 | W/Op | - | Posted from 1656 CU w.e.f. 21/03/1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderFHume/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 |
F/O | R |
Warren | RAF | 137893 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Bailed out over Germany. Interned in Camp L3, PoW No.3399 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGAMorrison/index.php |
PoW | 30/31 Jan 1944 |
DV305 |
F/O | R |
Warren | RAF | A/B | - | - | - | - | - |
LM425 |
Sgt | L G B (Leonard) |
Wartnaby | RAF | 1893601 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image018.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image094.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 LL811 LM134 LM182 LM273 ME776 NG132 NG134 NG138 NG221 PA995 PD321 |
Sgt | E W (Eric William) |
Wash | RAF | 1261987 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGFoster/index.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 LM321 ND425 |
Sgt | J H |
Washington | RAF | 1893486 | MU/AG | - | Posted from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 12.5.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 20.9.44 [Ed. (information from his son). Although the ORB lists Sgt Washington as MU/AG in his sorties, in the memories he related to his family, he was a R/AG.] Died 2008 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#Aircraft |
- | - |
DV279 LL837 LM182 LM228 ME776 |
F/Sgt | E M |
Watkins | RAF | 1897167 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 8.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSHHayter/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORGScreen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 ME503 NF931 NG134 NG135 NG221 NG246 NG251 NG390 PA268 PB321 PB562 PB707 PB864 PD319 PD321 PD382 RA503 RF237 |
Sgt | D R G (Dennis Robert Gordon) |
Watkinson | RAF | 1863421 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 15.7.44 [Ed: from non-ORB source: Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base. After 11 Base transferred to 166 Sqdn before eventually moving again when 153 Sqdn was formed. Lost on 1st mission with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/O | R B |
Watling | RAF | 162272 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 Posted back to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn 6.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
- | - |
NF931 NG134 |
Sgt | C J (Cecil John) |
Watson | RAF | 1822918 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-bussy-la-cote-commemorations.php |
KIA | 15 July 1944 |
LL796 LL837 LL838 LM134 LM477 W5005 |
Sgt | W J |
Watson | RCAF | R.212254 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 Postd from 550 Sqdn to RCAF "R" Depot on 30.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORVaughan/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-logbooks.php#WOPorterLogBook |
Surv. | 4 July 1944 |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL831 LM229 LM273 ME575 ME583 ND972 PD208 PD255 W5005 |
Sgt | J M |
Watson | RAF | 1795280 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Squadron w.e.f. 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 20.4.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
ME390 NG250 NG336 NG390 PB514 PD321 |
LCAW | M J (Marie Jemima) |
Watson | WAAF | - | Drove the crew bus to and from dispersal Married Bob Kemp (service no 143399) 28.7.1945 in Middlesboro, best man F/O Les Wareham (Bob Kemp's pilot) |
/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_servicemen.php?lastname=Kemp |
- | - | - | |||
LACW | M J (Marie Jemima) |
Watson | WAAF | MT Driver | - | 550 Sqdn MT driver (drove crew bus to/from dispersal) Married Bob Kemp (F/O Wareham crew) 28.7.1945, Middlesboro (Les Wareham Best Man). Died 1976 |
- | - | - | - | ||
ACW | Watson | RAF | - | - | MT | - | - | - | - | |||
F/L | W H (William Hugh) |
Waycott | DFM | RAF | 145708 | A/G | - | Senior Gunnery Officer: 25 Nov 43 - 10 Apr 44 (Missing) Re-posted to 550 Sqdn to fill Establishment Post and granted the rank of Acting Flight Lieutenant w.e.f. 20/12/43 (prior to posting, F/O Waycott) Had previously served with 101 Sqdn and details of his award were Gazetted 13 Jul 43. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGBHoddle/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-achiet-le-petit-commemoration-2015.php |
KIA | 10/11 April 1944 |
ED942 LL836 LM319 LM460 |
F/O | C J |
Wearmouth | RAF | 179012 | R/AG | - | Posted to No.12 C.T.U w.e.f 13-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGMearns/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWMDavidson/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos.php#POGMearns |
- | - |
ME776 PD321 |
F/O | J T G |
Weaver | RAF | 170461 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 166 Sqdn w.e.f. 4.10.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.10.45 |
- | - | - | - | |
Sgt | E W (Ernest William) |
Webb | RAF | 1894355 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Wickenby w.e.f 19.3.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php |
KIA | 16/17 June 1944 |
EE193 LL134 LL811 LM134 ND425C |
Sgt | S J |
Webb | RAF | 1896964 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44 Confined in Hospital due injuries |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM273 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG135 PA995 PG864 |
Sgt | Webster | RAF | 1593661 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1651 CU w.e.f 20.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POMcEwan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | G V (Gordon Victor) |
Weller | RAF | 1805330 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 25.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME542 ME776 NF931 NG289 PA288 RF136 |
F/O | W |
Wells | RAF | A/B | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHAFindlay/index.php |
- | - |
NG390 |
Sgt | R T |
Wesley | RAF | 1817356 | W/Op | - | Posted from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 01/09/44. Posted to No. 150 Squadron on 7th November 1944. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGKennedy/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ND972 NG134 PA995 PD255 |
Sgt | R |
West | RCAF | R.255671 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.C.A.F. "R" Depot w.e.f 14/3/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGWBell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ND972 NG165 NG250 NG331 PA995 PB532 PB843 PB874 PD221 |
F/O | West | RAF | 171189 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSellar/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | F A |
West | RAF | 919718 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con unit w.e.f. 7/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtRHField/index.php |
- | - |
LM319 |
W/O | Westerman | RAF | 1434264 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 22.6.1945 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | E C (Eddie) |
Westhorpe | RAF | 1803960 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44 Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45 Posted to 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 1.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fleville-memorial.php |
Surv. | 1/2 Feb 1945 |
NG363 PB843 PD313 RA502 |
F/Sgt | W H (William Harold) |
Westley | RAF | 1323202 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Station Kermington, w.e.f. 6.3.44 On completion of operational tour posted to 30 O.T.U on 1.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWaite/index.php |
- | - |
LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 |
W/O | J (Jim) |
Weston | RAF | - | - | Served with 23 and 550 Squadron completing 35 missions over Germany Died 2022 |
- | - | - | - | ||
Maj | S (Sidney) |
Whipp | TD | TAVR | 34023 | - | - | Territorial, 7th Battalion The Duke of Wellingtons Regiment (West Riding) Transferred to 550 Sqdn 4 Feb 1944 Passenger/Observer. LL826 - killed |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAJGrain/index.php |
KIA | 3/4 May 1944 |
LL826 |
W/O | H C |
White | DFC | RAF | 657890 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 24.4.44 Posted to No. 300 Sqdn on 12.6.44 for the formation of an English Flight on a Polish Sqdn Awarded DFC 12/12/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtHCWhite/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 ME556 |
F/Sgt | J W (Joe) |
White | RAF | 1344832 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/07/44 Listed as W/Op(Air) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLBCameron/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/LM273/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LM273 ME583 PD221 |
Sgt | R E |
White | RAF | 568466 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943) Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944 Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.2101 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
PoW | 19/20 February 1944 |
EE107 JB289 LM461 ND425 |
Sgt | G E |
White | RAF | 1812337 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. on 1.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to B.C. Instructors School w.e.f. 14.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image018.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 LL811 LM134 LM182 LM273 ME776 NG132 NG134 NG138 NG221 PA995 PD321 |
F/O | D J K (Douglas John Kenneth) |
White | RAF | 169611 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 11.08.44 (as P/O White) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /original-site-archive/lib/image054.jpg /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
LM228 PA995 PB562 PD319 PD321 |
Sgt | White | RAF | 1248147 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtSuckling/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/SO | J S |
White | RAF | 164348 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 9-1-45 Posted to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 3-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtCMIrving/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PB843 PD313 RA503 |
AC1 | C E D |
White | RAF | Airframe Fit | - | 1/44 - 8/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
Sgt | Whiteford | RAF | 1569060 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtBanahan/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | R H |
Whitehead | RAF | 1880845 | F/Eng | - | Posted from No. 11 base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 PD320 |
Sgt | J W (James Woodburn) |
Whitley | RAF | 978030 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtAHJefferies/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-jalhay-commemorations.php |
KIA | 30/31 Mar 1944 |
ED536 EE139 JA712 JB674 LL850 LM425 ND403 |
Sgt | D C |
Whitmarsh | RAF | 924521 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 28.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C w.e.f 3.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGWJamieson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL831 ME776 NF931 NG132 NG243 NG246 NG251 NG390 PB415 PB532 PB707 |
F/O | H R |
Whitney | RCAF | J.41531 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 19.12.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLGMichie/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ME776 NF931 NG134 NG243 RF136 |
D M |
Whitney | RAF | - | - | Radar Section - 550 Squadron (May 1944) |
/pages/550-sqdn-photos-service-personnel.php#RadarSection |
- | - | - | |||
Sgt | C (Charles) |
Whitters | RAF | 1822778 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 1/2/44 On completion of tour posted to 28 OTU on 4.7.44 One of the founding members of the Association |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-memorial-stone.php /original-site-archive/newsgtreunion2003.htm |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LL831 LL838 LL851 ME687 |
F/Sgt | R H |
Whitticar | RAF | 1388677 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 4.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 460 Sqdn w.e.f. 22.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
PA995 PD319 PD320 |
Sgt | T L J (Thomas Leonard John) |
Whittick | RAF | 1852098 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Conversion Unit w.e.f 4/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/DV309/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerlo-commemorations.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
DV309 LM460 |
Sgt | L |
Whybrow | RAF | 1217557 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from R.A.F. Elsham Wolds w.e.f. 11/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WORARember/index.php |
- | - |
JA712 LM460 ME687 |
F/O | K A |
Whynacht | RCAF | J.29129 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/Lt R P Stone (NG132, 29th Oct 1944) Posted to 150 Sqdn on 7th Nov 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php |
- | - |
NF932 NG132 |
F/Sgt | S E |
Whyte | RNZAF | 4213815 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 28.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POJSPercival/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 NG120 NG134 NG243 PA268 PA268/F2 PB514 PB707 RA503 |
Sgt | Wicks | RAF | 1881005 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.12 Sqdn w.e.f 21.9.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJRDavies/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | V T |
Wilkes | RAF | 570615 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 |
Sgt | E J (Eric) |
Wilkins | RAF | 1581410 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 Finished tour of Operations on 17.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRThomas/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL796 LL800 LM455 ME776 ND972 |
Sgt | F C (Frank) |
Wilkinson | RAF | 645137 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44 Posted to 460 Sqdn (as F/Sgt) on 7.7.44 (although listed as D Wilkinson) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderPANicholas/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtWBradley/index.php |
- | - |
LL134 LL748 LL836 LL850 LM319 LM392 ME556 ME582 ME687 PA995 |
Sgt | C (Cecil) |
Wilkinson | RAF | 1684691 | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 15.7.44 [Ed: from non-ORB source: Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base. After 11 Base transferred to 166 Sqdn before eventually moving again when 153 Sqdn was formed. Lost on 1st mission with 153 Sqdn on 14/10/44.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCGDraper/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | R W |
Willey | RAF | 1623365 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 CU w.e.f. 1/2/44 On completion of tour posted to 1667 CU on 3.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPMaxwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLWareham/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL826 LL831 LL838 LL851 ME687 |
F/L | L O |
Williams | DFC | RAAF | A.401406 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O McCarthy (19th Oct 1944, PB562) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 153 Sqdn w.e.f. 29-3-45 Instructor(P) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLOWilliams/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLJTMcCarthy/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMFAMaltin/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LM228 NF998 NG120 NG132 PB532 PB562 PB707 PD221 PD255 |
Sgt | K P C (Kenneth Percy Charles) |
Williams | DFM | RAF | 908406 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRWPicton/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-achiet-le-petit-commemoration-2015.php |
KIA | 10/11 April 1944 |
DV306 LL826 LL836 LM319 ME556 ME581 |
Sgt | W R (Willian Robert) |
Williams | RAF | 1338351 | A/B | - | Transferred from 1667 CU w.e.f. 30/12/43 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtCTattersall/index.php |
KIA | 25/26 Feb 1944 |
DV309 JA712 ME556 ME582 |
Sgt | T K M (Thomas Kenneth Morgan) |
Williams | RAF | 1709098 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943) Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJIMiller/index.php /pages/missing-lancs-information.php |
KIA | 19/20 February 1944 |
EE107 JB289 LM461 ND425 |
Sgt | I (Idwal) |
Williams | RAF | 1652120 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHJones/index.php |
KIA | 28/29 Jul 1944 |
EE193 LL796 LL831 LM134 NE164 PA991 |
F/Sgt | D T |
Williams | RAF | 1397556 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f 10/03/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtDTWilliams/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 NG931 PD313 RF214 |
Sgt | R E G (Ray "Shorty") |
Williams | RAF | 1605170 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f. 28-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POKASmith/index.php |
- | - |
ME301 |
Sgt | B J |
Williams | RAF | 1837273 | W/Op | B | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 HCU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACBothe/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NG135 NG246 PB514 RF135 |
F/O | G ("Bill") |
Williams | RAF | A/B | A | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 3/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG134 PB268 |
Sgt | V J |
Williams | RAF | 949948 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. on 24.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php |
- | - |
EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM455 ME583 ME776Q ND972 PA991 PD221 W5005 |
F/Sgt | W R |
Williams | RAAF | A.437894 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 14.09.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderAPGainsford/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDAShaw/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL831 NF931 NG120 NG134 NG135 |
F/Sgt | J N |
Williams | RAF | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCLCochrane/index.php |
- | - |
NG221 PB321 PD382 |
Sgt | R (Raymond) |
Willis | RAF | 1321154 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWCobbin/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 Jan 1944 |
DV306 ED942 |
F/Sgt | S E |
Willis | RAAF | A.430114 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 base w.e.f. 20.10.44 Posted to 1651 C.U. w.e.f 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 PD320 |
Sgt | K L (Kenneth) |
Willis | RAF | 1387060 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 13.7.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNLRose/index.php |
- | - |
DV200 ED905 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM228 LM285 ME583 ME776 NF998 NG132 NG133 |
F/Sgt | F W |
Willmer | RAF | 1801177 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.6.44. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJJWDawson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image062.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 JB345 LL748 LL811 LL831 LM182 LM273 PA991b PA995 PD319 PD320 |
Sgt | E A |
Wills | RAF | 1578117 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 30.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGNYoung/index.php |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 ME776 |
Sgt | D (Donald) |
Willsdon | RAF | 1420600 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con.Unit w.e.f. 12/1/44 Reported as "missing" from operations w.e.f 16/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREWoodger/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 February 1944 |
ED942 JA934 |
Sgt | F A |
Willson | RAF | 1612607 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHPackham/index.php |
PoW | 16/17 June 1944 |
DV279 LL747 LL831 LL837 |
Sgt | A (Alexander) |
Wilson | RAF | 1569521 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945. Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtNABurrows/index.php |
Surv. | 18/19 March 1945 |
ME548 NF931 NG134 |
Sgt | R A |
Wilson | RAF | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 576 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/PORHDigby/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NN715 PB707 |
F/Sgt | K F |
Wilson | RAAF | A.417612 | P | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
ME428 PD382 |
Sgt | J F |
Wilson | RAF | 1827244 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1656 CU w.e.f. 25.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOHDavies/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 ME519 ME542 ME776 NF931 NG289 PA288 RF136 |
Sgt | J A |
Wilson | RCAF | R.288000 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f. 24.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLSJohnston/index.php |
- | - |
NG120 NG221 NG246 NG289 PA268 PB514 PB707 |
F/Sgt | A S |
Wiltshire | RNZAF | NZ.4213813 | Nav | B | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1667 HCU w.e.f. 15.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOACBothe/index.php |
- | - |
ME548 NG135 NG246 PB514 RF135 |
F/Sgt | J H |
Windsor | RAF | 1230541 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. LFS on 29.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image066.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LL748 LL811 LM182 LM228 LM455 ME776 NF998 NG120 NG132 PA991 PA995 PD208 PD228 |
F/O | J |
Winning | RCAF | J.23975 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 (not explicitly, assumed, based on surrounding crew lists on same ORB page) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORAMarriott/index.php |
- | - |
NF132 NG243 |
Sgt | K D (Kenneth Douglas) |
Winstanley | RAF | 634829 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944 Interned in Stalag Luft 1. No PoW No. On crewing up was usually the MU/AG, but later swapped places with F/O Renton in order to be R/AG. All of his ops in the ORB list him flying as R/AG. Father-in-law of Torin Douglas (BBC) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCAdams/index.php |
PoW | 5/6 Jan 1945 |
ED905 LL831 LM273 ME301 ND972 NG331 PA995 |
Sgt | B G |
Winzar | RAF | 1333232 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn (26/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderGDGraham/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODFNeilson/index.php |
- | - |
EE107 EE193 LM455 ND388 ND396 |
Sgt | P W (Percy William) |
Wise | RAF | 1808389 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Survived emergency landing 30/31 Jan 1944 Posted to R.A.F. Eastchurch 27.5.44 Died 13 May 2016 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGAMorrison/index.php |
Surv. | 30/31 Jan 1944 |
DV305 LM319 |
Sgt | R W J (Richard Walter John) |
Wivell | RAF | 1611961 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con.Unit w.e.f. 12/1/44 Reported as "missing" from operations w.e.f 16/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREWoodger/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 February 1944 |
ED942 JA934 |
Sgt | R L |
Wood | RAF | 1697320 | MU/AG | - | LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to ACAC w.e.f 6.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POSBTaylor/index.php |
Surv. | 7 July 1944 |
ED562 LL748 LL800 LL811 LL826 LL831 LL850 LM228 ND403 |
Sgt | H (Harrison) |
Wood | RAF | 1450089 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 27.5.44 Posted to 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 1.3.45 Born in Bradford England. Emigrated to Canada some years after the end of the war. Retired to the US in 1989. Died April 2011 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL831 LM134 LM182 ME583 PA995 PB532 PD221 |
Sgt | T S |
Wood | RAF | 1593626 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 07/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJFThomas/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD313 RF135 |
Sgt | R E (Ronald Edward ("Ron")) |
Wood | RAF | 1825755 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 24.3.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station, Burn w.e.f. 23.6.1945 [Ed: The ORB has Sgt Wood 1925755 on transfer in to 550. On transfer out Sgt Wood 1825755 is listed. Some ops pages then list Sgt A E Wood as the F/Eng with the F/O W E Town crew. It looks likely that Town's F/Eng was 1825755 Sgt Ronald Edward Wood RAFVR; see the crew page for further details. Source: Keith Gould (son of F/Sgt D S Gould (W/Op)).] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWETown/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME776 NG134 NG390 PA268 |
F/Sgt | Wood | RAF | 1456574 | A/G | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.207 Sqdn w.e.f 8.8.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSellar/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
Sgt | L C |
Woodcock | RAF | 1693939 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) Posted to R.A.F. Lindholme on 15.5.44 (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
F/Sgt | R E (Robert Edward) |
Woodger | RAF | 577057 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con.Unit w.e.f. 12/1/44 Reported as "missing" from operations w.e.f 16/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtREWoodger/index.php |
KIA | 14/15 February 1944 |
ED942 JA934 |
Sgt | J G |
Woodhall | RAF | 2209700 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14th Sept 1944 Posted to 150 Sqdn w.e.f 7th Nov 1944 13 ops with 550 Sqdn, 23 ops with 150 Sqdn: Total 36ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 ND972 PD319 PD321 PD382 |
Sgt | W T (William (Bill)) |
Woodhams | RAF | 1717638 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 14.7.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O Thysessen (PA991, 1 August 44) Posted from 550 Sqdn to B.C. Instructors School, w.e.f 14.12.44 (service no. was correct, initials not) From Croydon |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOIAStevenson/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 LM182 LM228 LM273 ME776 NG132 PD225 PD255 |
Sgt | F W |
Woodley | RAF | 1218089 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 28.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C w.e.f 3.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKFSidwell/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOAWLLohrey/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL748 LL831 ME776 NF931 NG243 NG246 NG251 PB415 PB532 PB707 RF136 |
Sgt | H F J (Hubert Frederick John) |
Woods | RAF | 1339079 | P | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 LM319 |
F/O | J B |
Wright | DFC | RAF | Nav | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
Sgt | L F (Leonard Frederick) |
Wright | RAF | 1199164 | W/Op | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtHFJWoods/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-fulstow-memorial.php#FulstowBridgeMemorial |
KIA | 23/24 Dec 1943 |
ED730 LM319 |
F/Sgt | F (Frank) |
Wright | RAF | 1043866 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S. on 1.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f 16.2.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtRPStone/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image018.jpg /original-site-archive/lib/image094.jpg |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 LL811 LM134 LM182 LM273 NG132 NG134 NG138 NG221 PA995 PD321 |
Sgt | J S |
Wright | RAF | 1813680 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn w.e.f. 5.9.44 (for Sgt Town's crew) Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla w.e.f. 2-1-45. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SgtGHTown/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWJShaw/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL811 LM228 ME776 NF998 NG120 NG132 NG221 PD221 |
F/O | J B (Johny) |
Wright | RAF | Nav | A | Posted from 1662 CU w.e.f 3/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtMNewitt/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEGFleming/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ME776 NF931 NG134 PB268 |
Sgt | J |
Wright | RAF | 1325833 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. L.F.S Hemswell on 17.5.44 Posted to A.C.A.C Brackla on 14.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPurvis/index.php /pages/bomber-command-books.php#FlyingIntoHell |
- | - |
ED562 ED905 LL800 LL811 LM182 ME583 NF963 |
Sgt | S (Stan) |
Wright | RAF | 578441 | F/Eng | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 |
F/O | D E |
Wright | RAAF | A.425473 | Nav | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORATapsell/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 |
F/L | K B |
Wright | RAF | F/Eng | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtHSGrimes/index.php |
- | - |
NG250 PD321 |
Sgt | R |
Wright | RAF | 1620808 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14th Sept 1944 Posted to 150 Sqdn w.e.f 7th Nov 1944 13 ops with 550 Sqdn, 23 ops with 150 Sqdn: Total 36ops |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POWPFDaniels/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 LL811 ND972 PD319 PD321 PD382 |
F/Sgt | J G |
Wright | RAF | 1043866 | R/AG | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. w.e.f. 26/02/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVPAnsell/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 |
F/O | R W (Ronald William) |
Wright | RAF | 17661 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44 (as A/F/O) Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 14-1-45 [Ed: Killed in tragic circumstances on Friday 13th July 1945 when his 97 Squadron Lancaster crashed shortly after take-off, while on training for deployment to the Far East. Source: Kevin Bending, 97 Sdqn Historian] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORWright/index.php |
- | - |
NN715 |
AC1 | G (George) |
Wright | RAF | Fitter | - | 1/44 - 3/45 | - | - | - | - | ||
F/L | A (Arthur) |
Wynne Thomas | RAF | 108063 | P | - | F/L Thomas crew killed on first operational sortie. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtAWThomas/index.php |
KIA | 19/20 Oct 1944 |
NG192 |
Sgt | D |
Yardley | RAF | 1583633 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44 Injured in the crash. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POECPurney/index.php /documents/public/Rebecq-Memorial-Project/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-reunion-2012.php |
PoW | 27/28 May 1944 |
DV279 JA712 LL748 LL810 W5005 |
W/O | J O M |
Yardley | RAF | - | - | Station Warrent Officer "Yardley's Follies" which involved a change from normal duties and involved domestic chores and cleaning up the camp site. Yardley also had what became known as the "Burma Road" where defaulters were set to work laying a particularly difficult footpath. Mentioned in Despatches June 1944 |
- | - | - | - | ||
F/O | E |
Yaternick | RCAF | J.25760 | A/B | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44 Ordered to bale out (PoW) Posted to W.C.A.D (N.E) on being reported missing on 4.5.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOTALloyd/index.php /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0008.jpg /documents/public/North-Killingholme/StationNarratives/0009.jpg |
POW | 3 May 1944 |
LL836 LM392 ND733 |
F/O | H |
Yates | RAF | 52909 | MU/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 30.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLNBCann/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderTDMisselbrook/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 EE193 LL748 LL800 LM228 ME583 NF963 NG135 NN715 PA995 PD320 W5005 |
F/Sgt | D J (David Johnston) |
Yemen | RCAF | R.206017 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45 Inj. Incorrectly included in original Roll of Honour as KIA. SURVIVED Phforzeim on NF998 - SOURCE F/O D.J.Hicks RCAF See also the reports on the investigations into the loss of Harris crew in ME428 in the RCAF Archives, Ottawa Married 21 May 1945 (Douglas Hicks best man) A book published in 2020 includes photographs of David Yemen in the years 1945-1985. Died 30 May 1986 aged 71 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORDHarris/index.php /pages/st-denys-church.php |
POW | 7/8 Mar 1945 |
LM273 ME428 NF998 PA995 PB843 |
P/O | A D |
Young | DFC | RAF | 177158 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No, 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Vaughan (LL831, 26 Aug 44) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
Sgt | W A J (William Arthur John) |
Young | RAF | 1876460 | R/AG | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Conversion Unit w.e.f 4/2/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/DV309/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-westerlo-commemorations.php |
KIA | 21/22 May 1944 |
DV309 LM460 |
F/O | J C |
Young | RCAF | J.26656 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S Hemswell on 27.5.44 Posted to RCAF "R" Depot w.e.f 3.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOMLDubois/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderBJRedmond/index.php |
- | - |
LL747 LL831 LM134 LM182 ME583 PA995 PD221 |
Sgt | H R |
Young | RAF | 1673352 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 20/04/45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFLHern-Black/index.php |
- | - |
NG134 PA288 PA309 |
Sgt | Young | RAF | 1685537 | Nav | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1661 CU w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POFDowson/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Lt | G N |
Young | RAF | 119087 | P | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 base w.e.f. 30.9.44 First live op as 2nd pilot to P/O G B Smith, LL748, 11 Oct 1944 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtGNYoung/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtGBSmith/index.php |
- | - |
LL748 LL831 ME301 ME776 |
S/O | V (Vicky) |
Young | WAAF | - | - | neé Vickers Intelligence. Signals Officer 1/44 - 7/45 It is possible that this WAAF, "Vicky" Young (neé Vickers), is also listed as S/O Vickers (above) although the initials do not match. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOVAThygessen/index.php |
- | - | - |
The breakdown of service personnel across the participating Air Forces is as follows:
Royal Air Force | 1465 |
Royal Australian Air Force | 170 |
Royal Canadian Air Force | 249 |
Royal New Zealand Air Force | 25 |
US Army Air Force | 1 |
Women's Auxiliary Air Force | 23 |
Territorial Army Volunteer Reserve | 1 |
TOTAL | 1934 |
Statistics of servicemen across the various crew positions:
Crew Position | Total Number | Percentage |
P | 257 | 13.3 |
P/F/Eng | 18 | 0.9 |
F/Eng | 238 | 12.3 |
Nav | 262 | 13.5 |
A/B | 261 | 13.5 |
W/Op | 255 | 13.2 |
MU/AG | 238 | 12.3 |
R/AG | 231 | 11.9 |
A/G | 39 | 2 |
Other (Non-Air Force (TAVR), Non-air crew, Other/unknown) |
135 | 7 |
TOTAL (all) | 1934 | 100 |
As noted above the lists are not yet complete: so these numbers are likely to vary until such time as a more complete list is compiled.
The details were last updated: 27 March 2025
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