Squadron Operations: Summary Information


There follows below a list of the all of the operations flown by 550 Squadron and the aircraft involved on each. The information used to build this page was taken in the first instance from the lists provided on the original Squadron Association web-site, but has been augmented by new information gathered since that time (squadron operations logs, individual aircrew log books, and other sources).

This information is not yet complete: it has been build from the a number of sources (documentary and people) and compilation of complete lists is an ongoing task that is expected to take quite some time to complete. So please don't shout just yet if you spot an omission - work continues to build a more complete, and accurate, list.
Do however shout if you spot an error! Please email any corrections or information to the contact details in the link at the bottom of the page.

Operation Summary: The column headers should be fairly self-explanatory. The term "aborted" as used here covers a number of possibilities:

Aircraft Deployed: When a link to a particular aircraft is given, this indicates aircraft known to have taken part in this raid (in the records currently available to the web-site author). A record of whether the aircraft returned or failed to return (FTR) is also logged.

Servicemen Deployed: Names of the crew in the operation.

Station Summary: This section is the information from the RAF North Killingholme Station Record Book for the operational date (if available).

Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.

Manageable Lists

The amount of data in the database is growing and this is resulting in the "all operations/targets" list getting rapidly bigger and thus slower to generate. There are options to display shorter, more quickly generated, reports if you want to home in on something specific. For example, there are options to generate reports on operations to a single target, or by single aircraft (to all targets) or by single aircraft to a single target. There is, on the database-reports summary page, a short user guide (PDF format) on how to do this.

Operation/Target: Berlin (02 Dec 1943 - 03 Dec 1943)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Berlin 02 Dec 1943 03 Dec 1943 N Twelve aircraft and crews were offered and accepted for operations. Crews were briefed to attack targets in BERLIN. Three aircraft abandoned their mission, one aircraft is missing with all of the crew, and eight aircraft successfully bombed the targets.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
JB673 Returned Primary 20,000 feet. at 2024hrs some explosions seen short of main concentrations W/O G K Peasgood (P)
Sgt S Sykes (F/Eng)
F/Sgt W P Morris (Nav)
F/Sgt G Walker (A/B)
F/Sgt S J Richards (W/Op)
Sgt S J L Jones (MU/AG)
Sgt P P Clarkin (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Leipzig (03 Dec 1943 - 04 Dec 1943)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Leipzig 03 Dec 1943 04 Dec 1943 Y Nine aircraft with crews were offered for operations. Crews were briefed for targets in LEIPZIG. All aircraft returned safely to base - GRIMSBY.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
JB673 Returned Primary 21,000 feet. At 04.06hrs. Bombed green TIs. Return route markers too scattered. W/O G K Peasgood (P)
Sgt S Sykes (F/Eng)
F/Sgt W P Morris (Nav)
F/Sgt G Walker (A/B)
F/Sgt S J Richards (W/Op)
Sgt S J L Jones (MU/AG)
Sgt P P Clarkin (R/AG)

Summary Statistics

Based on the data in the lists displayed above, and keeping in mind that data is still being updated and thus not yet complete, the following statistics are generated:

Aircraft Deployment Statistics

Aircraft deployments 2
MAX Aircraft deployed
in single operation
(Berlin, 02 Dec 1943)

These details were last updated: 29 March 2025


this list is still being built and will take some time to complete
what is currently displayed is believed accurate but much more is still to be added

This note describes the options currently available to produce a smaller, more manageable list and also describes planned future enhancements to the reporting facility.

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