Squadron Personnel who Failed to Return

The lists on this page are of those servicemen who failed to return from an operation. Sadly the marjoity of these will have been men who lost their lives on active service, but some will have survived. In addition to those on who died ca. 85 members of No. 550 Squadron took to their parachutes over the continent. The great majority of these became Prisoners of War but a small number evaded capture and were helped back to England.

The extended version of the lists includes further information about each servicemen such as service number and grave number/location information and links to other sources where available.

Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.

Roll of Honour

The men who lost their lives on active service are listed in the Roll of Honour (or Roll of Honour (extended version)).

Survivors: Prisioners of War

The following were captured following the loss of their aircraft.

Rank Initials
(First Name)
Last Name Medals Service Service Number Other Information Date FTR Aircraft Other Details
Abrams - RCAF R.159941 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 28.7.44
Interned in Camp L3. PoW No.8493
Commissioned service number J87651
Crew photo in one of Patrick Otter's "Maximum Effort" books
14 Oct 1944 NG133 A Abrams
(Stephen Roy)
Angill - RAF 1614540 Injured.
(Also Service Number 162344?)
21/22 Feb 1945 NN715 S R Angill
(Stanley Christmas)
Beeson - RAF 175515 First live op as 2nd pilot to S/L Nicholas LL134, 3rd June 1944
Interned in Camp L1. PoW No.5275
28 Aug 1944 PA991 S C Beeson
W/Cdr B
Bell - RAF 37375 Commanding Officer: 18 Sep 44 - 22 Feb 45 (Missing).
Moved to No.1 Group Aircrew pool w.e.f. 24/12/43
Then posted back to 550 Sqdn as CO on the loss of W/Cdr Sisley
First President of Northumbria Branch of the Aircrew Association.
Died 1985
22 Feb 1945 NN715 B Bell
Sgt D B
(Dennis Bertin)
Boyce - RAF 3034274 Injured. 21/22 Feb 1945 NN715 D B Boyce
Sgt G E
(George Edward)
Brown - RAF 1013549 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up
May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943)
Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.1596
19/20 February 1944 LM461 G E Brown
Sgt J C
(John Christopher)
Cartwright - RAF 1587409 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44
Interned in Camps L6/357. PoW No.1268
30/31 January 1944 ND396 J C Cartwright
(Arthur Lawrence)
Coldwell - RCAF J.40002 Confined in Hospital due to injuries until Liberation. No PoW No.
A J listed in ORB but name of Arthur Lawrence obtained (TBC)
7/8 Jan 1945 NG363 A J Coldwell
Sgt A C
(Anthony Constantine)
Crilley - RAF 545827 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44
Ordered to bale out (PoW)
Posted to W.C.A.D (N.E) on being reported missing on 4.5.44
3 May 1944 A C Crilley
F/Sgt J A
(John Andrew)
Cromie - RAAF A.410635 Posted to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn
Interned in Camp 4B, PoW No.267499
Believed blown clear of the exploding Lancaster as he could not recall bailing out.
2/3 Dec. 1943 LM301 J A Cromie
Sgt R B
(Roy Barton)
Cumberlidge - RAF 633728 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44
Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.509
28/29 Jul 1944 NE164 R B Cumberlidge
Sgt D P
Dingle - RAF 1604425 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.2129
25/26 Feb. 1944 ED942 D P Dingle
Sgt J E
(James Edmund)
Donnan - RAF 1260412 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43
Interned in Camp 4B, PoW No.269835
1/2 Jan 1944 DV189 J E Donnan
Sgt J R
Drury - RAF 1817357 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44
Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.513
28/29 Jul 1944 NE164 J R Drury
F/Sgt P H
Evans - RCAF R.149303 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43
Was blown out of the exploding bomber.
PoW No.269842
1/2 Jan 1944 DV189 P H Evans
Sgt D V H
Evans - RAF 1395184 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up
May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943)
Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.1891
19/20 February 1944 LM461 D V H Evans
Sgt D F
(Donald Francis)
Fadden - RAF 1802535 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43
Detained for interrogation in Dulag Luft, no PoW No.
1/2 Jan 1944 DV189 D F Fadden
F/Sgt L F
Figg - RAF 1692400 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44
Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45

Inj 23/24 Feb. 1945
23/24 Feb. 1945 LM273 L F Figg
Sgt A
Finnigan - RAF Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45
Inj. 7/8 Mar. 1945.
Confined in hospital due injuries until repatriation to UK 3 Apr 1945.
Returned to squadron 7th Apr 1945
7/8 Mar 1945 ME503 A Finnigan
Sgt W C
Frost - RAF 1576570 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44
Interned in Camps L6/357. PoW No.1056
30/31 January 1944 ND396 W C Frost
Sgt C V
Gale - RAF 1608358 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44
Interned interned in Camps L6/357 PoW No.1057
30/31 January 1944 ND396 C V Gale
Sgt R L
(Raymond Leslie)
Gibbs - RAF 1436189 Injured. 21/22 Feb 1945 NN715 R L Gibbs
Sgt R
Gray - RAF 1892763 Injured. 21/22 Feb 1945 NN715 R Gray
Grundy - RCAF J.88124 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44
Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45

Inj. 23/24 Feb. 1945

On more than one operation (15th Dec, 7th Jan, 14th Jan, 16th Jan, 1st Feb, all in LM273 "O", listed as J.L. Grundy
According to 166 Sqdn web-page P/O D H Grundy (J88124) posted into 166 Sqdn - 25.9.1944, posted to 153 Sqdn. - 7.10.1944
23/24 Feb. 1945 LM273 D H Grundy
Sgt W C
Gundry - RAF 1654359 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43
No PoW no.
DV189 W C Gundry
F/Sgt J P
Harrison - RAF 1233248 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44
First live op as 2nd pilot to W/O Miller, LM461 19 Feb 44.
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.1734
19/20 February 1944 LM461 J P Harrison
Sgt K J R
Hewlett - RAF Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.783 28 Aug 1944 PA991 K J R Hewlett
Sgt D J
(Douglas James)
Hicks - RCAF R.285802 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
POW Inj.
A book published in 2020 includes photographs of Douglas Hicks in 1945-1966.
Died 16 August 2014 aged 89
7/8 Mar 1945 D J Hicks
Sgt G
Hunter - RAF 1337657 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44
Interned in Camps L6/L4, PoW No.1629
30/31 January 1944 ND396 G Hunter
Sgt D
Hunter - RAF 1479638 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base 14.6.44
Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.518
28/29 Jul 1944 NE164 D Hunter
Sgt P H
Hurst - RAF 1092315 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up
May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943)
Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.2113
19/20 February 1944 LM461 P H Hurst
Sgt J
Jackson - RAF 2206208 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 16/17 June 1944 LL747 J Jackson
F/Sgt D S
Jeffrey - RAF 1339840 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.3447
30/31 Mar 1944 LM425 D S Jeffrey
Sgt J S
Jenkins - RAF 1324768 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44
Initially evaded capture until captured in Antwerp 27Jul44 and interned in Camp L7, PoW No.593
16/17 June 1944 LL747 J S Jenkins
Sgt S A
Keirle - RAF 1335551 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.119, after a period of hospitalisation
30/31 Mar 1944 LM425 S A Keirle
Sgt G P
Kelleher - RAF 1836271 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
POW Inj.
Died 25 August 1973 aged 48
7/8 Mar 1945 G P Kelleher
King - RCAF 1860932 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44
Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45

Inj. 23/24 Feb. 1945 (broken ankle)
23/24 Feb. 1945 LM273 E W King
Sgt R H
Laney - RAF 1853772 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45
Confined in Hospital due injuries, until Liberation.
15/16 Mar 1945 NG287 R H Laney
Liefooghe - RAF 131067 Belgian national
b. Arques (FR) 26.6.1920, d. Sutton Colfield (U.K.) 5.7.1988
Posted to 550 Sqdn from 170 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44
Survived crash.
Interned in Camp 5A
The web-link given claims to be a photo of a fragment of F/L Liefooghe Lancaster
17 Mar 1945 NG336 R J Liefooghe
Lowe - RCAF J.23125 Posted to 550 Sqdn (w.e.f. 25/11/43) on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Interned in Camp L1, PoW No.1598
26/27 Nov. 1943 LM379 J W Lowe
MacAleavey DFC RAF 117149 Flight Commander A Flight: 20 Jul 44 - 28 Aug 44 (Missing)
Interned in Camp L1 PoW No.5294
28 Aug. 1944 PA991 K MacAleavey
Sgt F M
Main - RAF 1672385 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44
Confined in Hospital due injuries (broken leg)
7/8 Mar 1945 PA995 F M Main
Sgt J
Matthews - RAF 1518211 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 16/17 June 1944 LL747 J Matthews
McKeown - RCAF Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight

Interned in Camp L3, PoW No.3374
14/15 Jan 1944 DV306 J L McKeown
McLauchlan - RCAF R.192560 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 153 Sqdn w.e.f 8.11.44
Posted to R.C.A.D w.e.f 24.2.45

Inj. 23/24 Feb. 1945 (shot in right lung by 30calibre bullet)
23/24 Feb. 1945 LM273 R C McLauchlan
Sgt E J
Morgan - RAF 1835337 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 16/17 June 1944 LL747 E J Morgan
F/Sgt F
Neal - RAF Interned in Camp L7, PoW No.797 28 Aug 1944 PA991 F Neal
(Gordon James)
Nicol - RCAF J.41228 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
POW Inj.
A book published in 2020 includes numerous photographs of Gordon Nicol.
Died 6 June 1986 aged 63
7/8 Mar 1945 G J Nicol
(Geoffrey Howard)
Packham - RAF 161076 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44
2nd pilot to S/L Smith, 5 June 44

Died October 2017 (an obituary was published in The Daily Telegraph, 10/11/2017)
16/17 June 1944 LL747 G H Packham
Sgt S
Pelham - RAF 2210760 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44
Confined in Hospital due injuries
Originally listed on the Roll of Honour.
However, although he was shot down, he survived the war and went on to marry, have 2 sons, 2 grandsons and 4 granddaughters (2 after his death).
He died on 30th July 1987.
7/8 Mar 1945 PA995 S Pelham
Sgt C C C
Pettit - RAF 1800865 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 16/17 June 1944 LL747 C C C Pettit
Sgt H C
Petty - RAF 1075957 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con Unit w.e.f. 10/2/44
Posted to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f. 22/2/44 (as member of "headless crew" following loss of pilot F/Sgt J P Harrison)
Posted back to 550 Sqdn March
FTR (PoW) - Interned in Camp L1, PoW No.3651
15/16 Mar 1944 LL852 H C Petty
Pickavance - RCAF J.22587 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44
Interned in Camps 9C/L3, PoW No.1812.
30/31 January 1944 ND396 G Pickavance
Sgt J J
Sawkins - RAF 1171762 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight w.e.f 25.11.43
PoW No.269877
1/2 Jan 1944 DV189 J J Sawkins
Sgt L I
Smith - RAF 1529676 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44
Interned in Camps L6/L4, PoW No.1262
30/31 January 1944 ND396 L I Smith
Sgt M B
(Maurice Braham)
Smith - RAF 1710408 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 101 Sqdn 1.12.44
Confined in Hospital due injuries.
Escaped late March and returned to unit, 11 Apr 45.
7/8 Mar 1945 PA995 M B Smith
Sgt P W
Smith - RAF 1197286 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight (but does not appear to transfer in with any specific crew)
Confined in Hospital due injuries. No PoW No
26/27 Nov. 1943 LM379 P W Smith
Sgt R F
Stevens - RAF Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 17.2.45
Inj. 7/8 Mar. 1945
Confined in hospital due injuries until repatriation to UK 3 Apr 1945
Returned to squadron 7th Apr 1945
7/8 Mar 1945 ME503 R F Stevens
Sgt S
Sykes - RAF 1803081 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up (25/11/43) from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Interned in Camp 4B, PoW No.270085 (possibly 270885).
Died 2000
21/22 Jan 1944 EE107 S Sykes
Sgt W G
Upton - RAF 961931 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.3451
30/31 Mar 1944 LM425 W G Upton
Sgt T W
Vittle - RAF 1852658 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f. 10/1/44
Interned in Camp L1. No PoW No
30/31 January 1944 ND396 T W Vittle
Warren - RAF 137893 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Bailed out over Germany.
Interned in Camp L3, PoW No.3399
30/31 Jan 1944 DV305 R Warren
Sgt S J
Webb - RAF 1896964 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f 15.10.44
Confined in Hospital due injuries
7/8 Mar 1945 PA995 S J Webb
Sgt R E
White - RAF 568466 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up
May have transferred in from 103 Squadron (where the W/O Miller crew seems to have been posted sometime around the middle of September 1943)
Reported missing w.e.f. 20/2/1944
Interned in Camps L6/357, PoW No.2101
19/20 February 1944 LM461 R E White
Sgt F A
Willson - RAF 1612607 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. Hemswell on 24.5.44 16/17 June 1944 LL747 F A Willson
Sgt K D
(Kenneth Douglas)
Winstanley - RAF 634829 F/O Adams Crew posted from 11 base w.e.f. 27/09/1944.
Interned in Stalag Luft 1. No PoW No.
Was usually the MU/AG, but had swapped places with F/O Renton to be R/AG on this flight.
Father-in-law of Torin Douglas (BBC)
5/6 Jan 1945 NG331 K D Winstanley
Sgt D
Yardley - RAF 1583633 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44
Injured in the crash.
27/28 May 1944 JA712 D Yardley
Yaternick - RCAF J.25760 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44
Ordered to bale out (PoW)
Posted to W.C.A.D (N.E) on being reported missing on 4.5.44
3 May 1944 E Yaternick
F/Sgt D J
(David Johnston)
Yemen - RCAF R.206017 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
Inj. Incorrectly included in original Roll of Honour as KIA. SURVIVED Phforzeim on NF998 - SOURCE F/O D.J.Hicks RCAF

See also the reports on the investigations into the loss of Harris crew in ME428 in the RCAF Archives, Ottawa
Married 21 May 1945 (Douglas Hicks best man)
A book published in 2020 includes photographs of David Yemen in the years 1945-1985.
Died 30 May 1986 aged 71
7/8 Mar 1945 D J Yemen

Service Representation

The breakdown of servicemen across the participating Air Forces is:

Royal Air Force 55
Royal Australian Air Force 1
Royal Canadian Air Force 13
Royal New Zealand Air Force 0

Survivers: Evaded Capture

The following either evaded capture or, in one or two cases, were captured and then escaped.

Rank Initials
(First Name)
Last Name Medals Service Service Number Other Information Date FTR Aircraft Other Details
Sgt G B C
(Guy Claud)
Capon - RAF 1874898 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 28.2.45
Confined in Hospital due injuries, but succeeded in escaping.
15/16 Mar 1945 NG287 G B C Capon
(William ("Bill"))
Dinney RCAF J.22061 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1662 Con. Unit w.e.f 12/01/44
Evd: 28/29 Jul 1944 flying with H Jones crew NE164
Noted in the ORB entry for 28/29 Jul 44 as "... who has for several weeks been acting as the Squadron Navigation Leader".
28/29 Jul 1944 NE164 W Dinney
Kay - RAF 53358 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 27.5.44
Evaded capture
Aided by local Dutch people to return to England.
Post-war Roy Kay worked for Barclay's bank and later he had a grocery store, living in the Kingston-upon-Thames area. He died in March 2009
16/17 June 1944 ME840 R Kay
Sgt E J
(Eli Joseph)
Molnar - RCAF R.168366 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS Hemswell on 25.4.44
Evaded capture
27/28 May 1944 JA712 E J Molnar
Sgt J G
(John Goffin (Jack))
Pearce - RAF 1163899 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1. L.F.S. w.e.f. 27/2/44
Ordered to bale out (evaded captured and made his escape back to the UK via Gibraltar)
Posted to W.C.A.D (N.E) on being reported missing on 4.5.44
12th July entry ORB records Sgt Pearce had returned to the UK
After his return Sgt Pearce was posted to 228 Squadron at RAF Pembroke Dock flying Sunderlands.
Demobbed in January 1946.
b. 19/04/1914,d. 03/08/1992.
3 May 1944 J G Pearce

Service Representation

The breakdown of servicemen across the participating Air Forces is:

Royal Air Force 3
Royal Australian Air Force 0
Royal Canadian Air Force 2
Royal New Zealand Air Force 0

Survivers: Injured

The following survived crashes with injuries.

Rank Initials
(First Name)
Last Name Medals Service Service Number Other Information Date FTR Aircraft Other Details
Sgt C E G
(Cyril Ernest George)
Bream RAF 1871428 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45

Admitted to Pomigliano hospital 6th Oct 45 with serious injuries (one leg nearly severed at the thigh) when RF136 crashed on an Operation Dodge flight.
6th Oct. 1945 RF136 C E G Bream
F/Sgt C W
Graham RAF 1567576 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f 05/04/45 6th Oct. 1945 RF136 C W Graham
Vaughan - RAF 175077 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44
According to W/O Porter flight log flew as 2nd pilot to W/Cdr Connolly 11 Jul 44 (returning to base with engine trouble), 3 days before W/Cdr Connolly FTR.
Also flew with W/Cdr Sisley 1 month before he too FTR.
LM229 Orleans 4 Jul 1944 crashed on take-off (all survived,Vaughan injured).

Various ORB entries: HE, ES or R Vaughan(??)
4 Jul 1944 H S Vaughan

Service Representation

The breakdown of servicemen across the participating Air Forces is:

Royal Air Force 3
Royal Australian Air Force 0
Royal Canadian Air Force 0
Royal New Zealand Air Force 0

Survivers: Survived Crashes

The following survived crashes.

Rank Initials
(First Name)
Last Name Medals Service Service Number Other Information Date FTR Aircraft Other Details
F/Sgt W G
Anderson - RAF 1522859 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45
1/2 Feb 1945 RA502 W G Anderson
Sgt W
Aspinall - RAF 638124 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44
Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething)
Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44
Posted to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.02.45
18/19 July 1944 DV279 W Aspinall
(Frederick William)
Bennett - RAF 134689 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Survived emergency landing 30/31 Jan 1944
Posted to No. 11 Base on 12.6.44
No more information about F/O Bennett until October 1944, when he transfers from the General Duties branch of the R.A.F. to the Admin and Special Duties branch on 14/10/44 as reported in The London Gazette of 21/11/44
Died June 2017
30/31 Jan 1944 DV305 F W Bennett
Sgt P E
(Paul Edward)
Binder - RAF 1198527 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44
Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething)
Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44
18/19 July 1944 DV279 P E Binder
Sgt I V
(Ivor Victor)
Browse - RAF 1812005 LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries 7 July 1944 LL850 I V Browse
(William Kenneth)
Campbell - RAAF A.429447 Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945.
Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany.
18/19 March 1945 ME548 W K Campbell
F/Sgt S G
(Sidney George)
Card - RAF 1271977 LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries 7 July 1944 LL850 S G Card
F/Sgt V B
(Vincent Bernard)
Cassapi - RAF 1389507 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45
1/2 Feb 1945 RA502 V B Cassapi
Davies - RAF 162813 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44
4 July 1944 L C Davies
Sgt F E
(Frederick Edward)
Drawbridge - RAF 1897969 Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1654 CU w.e.f 13/03/45
NG132 crashed 17 Mar 1945 - was the only survivor
Died January 1992, aged 69
17 Mar 1945 NG132 F E Drawbridge
Sgt T
Elliott - RAF 646851 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44
4 July 1944 T Elliott
F/Sgt T
Fairclough RAF 1077120 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1667 Con. Unit w.e.f. 6.8.44
Not transferred in with a crew, rather he appears as a single transfer

ORB notes on 13.3.45 1077120 W/O Fairclough "Missing from 103 Sqdn"[Ed: lost on a mining operation over the Kattegat (source Patrick Otter). The only man from 550 Squadron ever lost on a mining operation.]

(W/O Fairclough) Posted from 550 Sqdn to 1668 CU w.e.f. 4.5.45

16 flights with F/O Hussey crew
2 flights with F/O Doward crew
13 Mar 194 T Fairclough
F/Sgt F G
Ferguson - RAAF A.419893 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44
26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 2-1-45
26 Aug 1944 W5005 F G Ferguson
Sgt H C
Gilbert - RAF 1320715 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Survived emergency landing 30/31 Jan 1944
Posted to R.A.F. Eastchurch 27/5/44
30/31 Jan 1944 DV305 H C Gilbert
Sgt R F J
(Ronald Frederick John)
Gorman - RAF 1893597 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945.
Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany.
18/19 March 1945 ME548 R F J Gorman
Sgt R H
Hoggard - RAF LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries 7 July 1944 LL850 R H Hoggard
Hopman UNUSED RAAF A.35127 F/Sgt later P/O
Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44
First operational flight: flew as 2nd Pilot with F/O Shaw 1 Aug 1944
2nd pilot to G/C McIntyre, DV200 (8 Aug 1944)
26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries
Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 27 O.T.U , w.e.f 25-1-45
26 Aug 1944 W5005 R Hopman
F/Sgt G W
James - RCAF R.169607 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44
Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething)
Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44
18/19 July 1944 DV279 G W James
F/Sgt A
Jarnell - RAF 2218984 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45
Posted to No. 13 Base N/E Sick 28.4.45
Posted to No. 7 A.C.H.U 17-7-45
1/2 Feb 1945 RA502 A Jarnell
Sgt W E
Johnson - RAF 1819790 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44
Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething)
Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44
18/19 July 1944 DV279 W E Johnson
Lohrey - RNZAF NZ.426051 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44
First live op as 2nd pilot to F/O G W Bell PD221, 4 Dec 1944
Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45
1/2 Feb 1945 RA502 A W L Lohrey
Sgt D L
(David Lesley)
Marks - RAF 1709204 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44
Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething)
Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44
Posted to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.02.45
18/19 July 1944 DV279 D L Marks
F/Sgt G R
Martin - RAF Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44
26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries
26 Aug 1944 W5005 G R Martin
F/Sgt R E
McKenzie - RAAF A.432851 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44
26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 19-3-45
26 Aug 1944 W5005 R E McKenzie
Sgt R W
Metcalfe - RAF 628002 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44
4 July 1944 R W Metcalfe
Sgt A J
Miles - RAF Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945.
Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany.
18/19 March 1945 ME548 A J Miles
F/Sgt D
Porter - RAF 1559393 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44
From Glasgow.
Flew with P/O Vaughan.
Survived to become a teacher and deputy Headmaster in Glasgow
4 July 1944 D Porter
Sgt L D
Purser - RAF 1880009 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Brackla on 31.10.44
4 July 1944 L D Purser
F/Sgt W E
Reed - RAF 1399233 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 5.6.44
Member of a headless crew from 19/07/44 (when pilot F/O Clark killed); survived aircraft loss (baled out Seething)
Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 11 Base for re-crewing w.e.f 5.8.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 2.10.44
Posted to A.C.A.C w.e.f 26.02.45
18/19 July 1944 DV279 W E Reed
Salte - RCAF R.166019 LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries 7 July 1944 LL850 E Salte
F/Sgt J K
Sharpe - RAAF A.437167 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44
26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 11-1-45
26 Aug 1944 W5005 J K Sharpe
F/Sgt R E
(Robert (Bob))
Sloan - RAAF A.434659 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44
26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries
Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 2-1-45

One of the founding members of 550 Squadron and North Killingholme Association.
26 Aug 1944 W5005 R E Sloan
Sgt R C
(Ronal Charles)
Smith - RAF 1877794 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945.
Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany.
18/19 March 1945 ME548 R C Smith
Sgt D A
Stanley - RAF LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries 7 July 1944 LL850 D A Stanley
Taylor - RAF Initially F/Sgt Taylor, later P/O
First Live op as 2nd pilot to P/O Bouchard, ND425, 22 Api 1944
LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries
7 Jul 1944 LL850 S B Taylor
Sgt A W E
(Albert William Edward)
Walters - RAF 649296 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f 3.6.44
26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries
Posted to A.C.A.C. Brackla w.e.f. 6.10.44
26 Aug 1944 W5005 A W E Walters
Sgt W J
Watson - RCAF R.212254 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f 16/06/44 4 July 1944 W J Watson
F/Sgt E C
Westhorpe - RAF 1803960 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f 24.11.44
Posted to 550 Sqdn from W.C.A.D 8.3.45
Posted to 13 Base N/E w.e.f. 1.3.45
1/2 Feb 1945 RA502 E C Westhorpe
Sgt A
Wilson - RAF 1569521 Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 71 Base w.e.f. 8-1-45
Aircraft lost 18/19 March 1945.
Gathered up by units of US X12th Corps, spent several exciting days advancing with these forces into Germany.
18/19 March 1945 ME548 A Wilson
Sgt P W
(Percy William)
Wise - RAF 1808389 Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight
Survived emergency landing 30/31 Jan 1944
Posted to R.A.F. Eastchurch 27.5.44

Died 13 May 2016
30/31 Jan 1944 DV305 P W Wise
Sgt R L
Wood - RAF LL850 was wrecked but no crew injuries 7 July 1944 LL850 R L Wood

Service Representation

The breakdown of servicemen across the participating Air Forces is:

Royal Air Force 31
Royal Australian Air Force 6
Royal Canadian Air Force 3
Royal New Zealand Air Force 1

The details were last updated: 20 June 2024


this list is still being built and will take some time to complete
what is currently displayed is believed accurate but much more is still to be added

This note describes other options currently available to produce a smaller, more manageable list and also describes planned future enhancements to the reporting facility.

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