The only campaign star awarded solely to the Royal Air Force was the Air Crew Europe Star. The requirement for this medal along with the Atlantic Star was quite arduous and complicated. The first two months on a squadron qualified you to the 1939 Campaign Star, the next two months completed qualified you for the Air Crew Europe, provided one operational sortie had been completed. This star was introduced on the 3rd September 1939 and ceased on the 5th June 1944. Those who having qualified for the Air Crew Europe and flew after the 5th June received a clasp or bar France and Germany to wear on the Air Crew Europe Star. Those that went over the 5th of June but had not completed 2 months or 60 days received the France and Germany Star. It means in this instance that having started flying on operation say in February 1944 one must complete the required 60 days before the 5th but if you went over this date by only a matter days you did not receive the coveted Air Crew Europe Star. This means in essence that you had flown something like 58 days of the required 60 but did not get the medal because you had flown after the 5th of June.